• Title/Summary/Keyword: 설함요

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Analysis of the Slit type Coastal Structures to the Field Application (슬릿형 해안구조물의 현장 적용성 분석)

  • Park, Sang-Gil;Lee, Joong-Woo;Kang, Sug-Jin;Kim, Suk-Moon;Gil, Moon-Mo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.231-233
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    • 2010
  • 최근 어항에도 친환경항만을 건설하기 위한 노력이 국제적으로 확산되고 있으며, 우리나라에서도 어항의 정비 및 재개발부분에서 적극적으로 수질개선을 위한 기술 적용이 본격화 되고 있다. 본 연구는 우리나라 남해의 소규모 어항 및 해수욕장에 슬릿형 해안 구조물이 시공된 실해역의 실측자료와 수치해석을 통해 현장적용성의 분석을 수행하였다. 수치실험으로는 파랑작용 평형방정식을 이용하는 SWAN 모델을 구성하고 수리모형실험에서 분석된 실린더 슬릿형 방파제의 반사와 투과계수를 모텔에 도입하였다. 수치실험은 한국해양연구원의 전해역 심해설계파 추정 보고서 II (2005)중의 심해설계파 제원을 사용하였으며, 대상해역의 1970년~2006년 (37년간) 관측된 연최대 풍속자료를 이용하여 모델에 반영하였다. 설리항에서 S, SSE, SE계열의 파랑의 내습에 대한 분석을 수행하였으며, 그 결과 구조물이 항내에서 정온도가 유지되며 해수순환에도 이점이 있음을 현장관측 자료분석과 수치실험결과를 통하여 확인할 수 있었다.

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Effects of Visual Transformations on the Processing of Korean Letters (한글 낱자의 정보처리에 있어서 시각 변형의 효과)

  • 이영애
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.221-259
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    • 1990
  • Four experiments explored how the size ratio of two letter patterns affects jundgment times in a same-different matching task.Size, continuity of strokes,positions of the two vowel letters were systematically varied in order to test predictions,derved from the following hypotheses:Analogue transformation,position,use of diagnostic information,and decision sriteria.Size ratio influenced only reaction times for same responses and,more importantly,changes in the length of a horizintal line in a letter affected same responses more than the other feature.Taken together,the present experiments provide support for the diagnostic information hypothesis, while casting in doubt the other hypotheses on the nature of size transformations.

진사탁(陳士鐸) 명문설(命門說)의 특징(特徵)에 대한 연구(硏究)

  • Choe, Jong-Pil;Yun, Chang-Yeol
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.18 no.3 s.30
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    • pp.207-212
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    • 2005
  • 통과대진사탁명문지설특징적연구득출이하결론(通過對陳士鐸命門之說特徵的硏究得出以下結論): 1. 명문위선천지화(命門爲先天之火), 차종개념상역가위선천지수화(且從槪念上亦可爲先天之水火). 2. 명문지화가칭지위선천지화(命門之火可稱之爲先天之火), 신화(腎火), 신중지화(腎中之火), 무형지화(無形之火), 진화(眞火), 건화(乾火), 원기(原氣), 음중지화(陰中之火), 수중유양등(水中有陽等); 이명문지수가칭지위선천지수(而命門之水可稱之爲先天之水), 신수(腎水), 신중지수(腎中之水), 무형지수(無形之水), 진수(眞水), 원정(原精), 음중지수(陰中之水), 화중유음등(火中有陰等). 3. 진수가생진화(眞水可生眞火), 진화역가생진수(眞火亦可生眞水), 양자위호생적관계(兩者爲互生的關係). 강조료유형지화(强調了有形之火), 수극화(水克火), 단무형지화(但無形之火), 수생화(水生火). 4. 명문지화시일양함어이음지간적감괘상(命門之火是一陽陷於二陰之間的坎卦象). 5. 인적생명활동고수화이생, 이신중적진화진수지명문시기본원(而腎中的眞火眞水之命門是其本源). 6. 명문시운행십이경맥적주체(命門是運行十二經脈的主體), 시십이경지주(是十二經之主), 차위촉사생성십이관공능적십이관지화원(且爲促使生成十二官功能的十二官之化源), 고위십이관지주(故爲十二官之主). 7. 명문적작용가영향정개십이관(命門的作用可影響整個十二官), 우기시인화생토적관계(尤其是因火生土的關係), 대비적공능적영향갱대(對脾的功能的影響更大). 8. 인적생명지성쇠의고명문지화, 고명문지화고갈즉인적생명장종결(故命門之火枯竭則人的生命將終結). 9. 오곤(吳崑), 장개빈등계승료류하간적주장(張介賓等稽承了劉河間的主張), 기인위자하향상수지제칠절처위시명문(旣認爲自下向上數至第七節處爲是命門), 차처기위소심(此處旣爲小心). 10. 진사탁계승상술학설화조헌가지설(陣士鐸繼承上述學說和趙獻可之說), 주장칠절지방시소심(主張七節之芳是小心), 차인위차처기위명문소재(且認爲此處旣爲命門所在).

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설기(薛己)의 외과의적(外科醫籍)과 그 내용(內容)에 관한 연구(硏究)

  • Bae, Seong-Ryong;Yun, Chang-Yeol
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.18 no.3 s.30
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2005
  • 통과대설기적외과의적급기내용적연구(通過對薛己的外科醫籍及其內容的硏究), 득출이하결론(得出以下結論): 1. 설기소저외과의적중최조편찬적시(薛己所著外科醫籍中最早編纂的時)${\lceil}$외과심법(外科心法)${\lrcorner}$(1528년(年)), 지후편찬적차서시(之後編纂的次序是)${\ulcorner}$외과발휘(外科發揮)${\lrcorner}$(1528년(年)), ${\ulcorner}$외과경험방(外科經驗方)${\lrcorner}$(1528년(年)), ${\ulcorner}$외과추요(外科樞要)${\lrcorner}$(1545년(年)), ${\ulcorner}$여양기요${\lrcorner}$(1554년(年)). 2. 설기개변이왕양의수증처방적악습(薛己改變以往瘍醫隨症處方的惡習), 파변증론치인용도료외과임상상(把辨證論治引用到了外科臨床上). 3. 재망진방면불근중시료국부적진찰(在望診方面不僅重視了局部的診察), 이차중시관찰전신적상태(而且重視觀察全身的狀態); 환중시료사진합참(還重視了四診合參), 우기중시료망진화절진(尤其重視了望診和切診). 4. 재치료방면령활지운용료소통(在治療方面靈活地運用了疏通), 발산(發散). 화해(和解), 보탁(補托), 온보등방법(溫補等方法), 이차환사용료침(而且還使用了針), 폄, 구(灸), 위등외치법(慰等外治法). 5. 설기소저적(薛己所著的)${\ulcorner}$여양기요${\lrcorner}$시일부조기간행적미풍병전저(是一部早期刊行的麻風病專著).

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  • Hong, Kang-E.M.
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.3-26
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    • 1993
  • Leo Kanner (1943)의 자폐증에 관한 획기적 논문발표 50주년을 맞아, 자폐증의 개념변천, 분류, 의학, 원인설 및 자폐증의 본질을 문헌고찰을 통해 살펴 보았다. 초기에 자폐증을 정신병의 아형으로 보다가 1980년 (DMS-III)을 기점으로 전반적 발달장애로의 개념 변천이 일어났다 원인설도, 초기의 심리${\cdot}$환경설은 지지 받지 못하고 1960년대에는 신경${\cdot}$생물학적 이상이 자폐병리의 기저를 이룸이 분명해 졌고 1970년대에는 지각과 운동, 감각과 인지 통합의 결함, 심각한 언어, 인지의 장해가 일차적인 결함으로 생각 되었다 최근 1980년 후반기 부터 상징적${\cdot}$표상적 인지의 결함, 타인의 감정과 생각의 이해 결함, 사회적${\cdot}$정감적 표현의 결함등 사회${\cdot}$정서발달의 이상이 자폐의 근본적 결함이라는 비교 관찰 연구가 많이 보고되어, 자폐증의 근본적이고 일차적인 결함이 정감적 접촉의 선천적 장애라는 Kanner의 놀라운 임상적 통찰을 증명해 주고 있다. 저자는 이상의 광범위한 문헌 고찰을 통해 자폐장애를 일차성 애착장애로 개념화하고 앞으로 치료, 교육의 방향도 일차적으로 사회${\cdot}$정서발달에 촛점을 두어야 하며, 특히 어머니와의 애착증진 치료가 필요함을 제안하고 있다.

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19th Century Chemistry Book of Korean Mathematician Sang-Seol LEE (한국 근대수학교육의 아버지 이상설(李相卨)이 쓴 19세기 근대화학 강의록 『화학계몽초(化學啓蒙抄)』)

  • Son, Yongkeun;Kim, Chae Sik;Lee, Sang-Gu;Lee, Jae Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Mathematics
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.541-563
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    • 2012
  • Sang-Seol LEE wrote a manuscript HwaHakGyeMongCho(化學啓蒙抄) in the late 19th century. HwaHakGyeMongCho was transcribed from Science Primers: Chemistry (written by H. E. Roscoe), which is translated into Chinese by Joseph Edkins in 1886. LEE did not copy original writing exactly, but he understood the contents of each chapter and sections, then summarized and edited them in his caligraphic writing. In this paper, we introduce the contents for the first time and discuss the significance of this book.

NATE터널의 갱문 가시설 배후 균열에 따른 조치 및 보강사례

  • Kil, Ho-Un;Kim, Jin-Hong;Yoo, Jai-Sung;Cha, Bok-Nam
    • 기술발표회
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    • s.2006
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    • pp.342-355
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    • 2006
  • The Tunnel portal is designed on temporary support system which is composed by 28m height H-Pile method and Ground Anchor method. The tunnel has excavated about 30m from the portal, but some deformation is found on the surface ground just above the tunnel face. It was investigated very carefully to find out the causes of deformation. By the observation and study, two main causes of deformation are found out. The one is earth pressure increase compared with classical earth pressure theory. That was due to the direction of ground rock mass's discontinuities. It causes the increase of earth pressure that are activated by the direction of discontinuity. The other one is that present design method neglect the transferred force by removal of temporary support members and ground anchor within the tunnel contour line as the tunnel excavation proceeds As the result of removals of the member and anchor, some force transferred from removed systems to remaining supporting systems. In designing the portal support systems, lt must be considered the discontiunity of ground mass and the transfered force due to excation.

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A Case of Neurofibroma on the Tongue (설첨부에 발생한 Neurofibroma의 1례)

  • 김영복;김성숙;김홍권;박수만;김정희;이기성
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1981.05a
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    • pp.14.1-14
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    • 1981
  • Neurofibroma are slow growing benign tumors arising from the neurilemal sheath (Schwann cells) and fibroblasts of the peripheral nerve. This benign tumor may occur as a solitary lesion or as a part of the syndrome of neurofibromatosis. The neurofibroma of oral tissues is rare in otolaryngologic field and usually presents as a firm, elevated, nonpainful lesion that shows the usual histologic findings of a neurofibroma or neurilemmoma. Recently, we have experienced a neurofibroma arising from the tongue in a 54 year old female and removed successfully under local anesthesia. No evidence of recurrence has been observed up to date.

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A Case of Huge Ostoma Originated at Frontal Sinus (거대한 전두동골종의 1례)

  • 이준희;김백순;전병권
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1981.05a
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    • pp.13.3-13
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    • 1981
  • Osteoma is the most common benign tumor originating in the paranasal sinuses and the frontal sinus is the most frequent site of osteoma of paranasal sinuses. Osteoma may occur at any age but the most frequent incidence is the third decade and those are histologically classified as compact, cancellous and mixed type. Recently, the authors have seen a patient with exophthalmos and downward displacement of eyeball due to a huge osteoma in the left frontal sinus which was removed by osteoplastic operation of the frontal sinus and the frontal sinus defect was implanted with adipose tissue from the patient own left abdomen. We report this case with review of the literature.

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Discursive Politics of the Media and Economic Crisis: A Case Study about "Korea's September Crisis in 2008" (위기 경고하기 혹은 위기 초대하기: 언론이 재구성한 2008년 9월 위기설을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sung-Hae;Kim, Chun-Sik;Kim, Hwa-Nyeon
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.50
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    • pp.164-186
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    • 2010
  • Korean society, suffered from a severe currency crisis in 1997, had scarcely missed another market meltdown in 2008. However, neither economic fundamentals nor has political stability little to do with the recent crises. This paper thus projects the possibility of 'self-fulfilling crisis' in which the media took a critical part in amplifying 'crisis discourses.' For the purpose of understanding of media's impact on such a crisis, at first, this paper chose 'September Crisis in 2008' as a case study. While collecting news articles about the crisis, then, total 118 news articles collected from mainstream newspapers such as DongA-ilbo and Money Today have been analyzed in terms of media frame and discourse strategies. Research results showed that not only has the crisis discourse been shifted by economic situations, but the media re-constructed economic realities in way of justifying their political ideology and loyal readership. Taking those findings into consideration, in final, the authors urged the media to improve their performance by embracing more responsible and professional manners.

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