• Title/Summary/Keyword: 설비배치

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A Development of Methodology for NOVEC Gas Fire Extinguishing System (NOVEC 가스 소화 설비 설계방법론 개발)

  • Yun, Jeong-In;Choi, Jae-Hyuk
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.206-210
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    • 2015
  • The most important thing for NOVEC gas fire extinguishing equipment is to release NOVEC gas, which contained in the extinguishing container, to the safety section by the time appointed. For this matter, it is significant to decide arrangement and size of the proper piping equipment. This study has developed the design methodology of NOVEC gas fire extinguishing equipment in use of pipe network analysis techniques. Based on the design methodology, each design coefficient is chosen. It is found that the calculated result, which is 6.498 seconds, has been counted within the 10 seconds limit, which is fairly satisfied with extinguishing releasing time based on the developed methodology. At that time, the pressure loss is 21.09bar.

Simulation-based Production Analysis of Food Processing Plant Considering Scenario Expansion (시나리오 확장을 고려한 식품 가공공장의 시뮬레이션 기반 생산량 분석)

  • Yeong-Hyun Lim ;Hak-Jong, Joo ;Tae-Kyung Kim ;Kyung-Min Seo
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.93-108
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    • 2023
  • In manufacturing productivity analysis, understanding the intricate interplay among factors like facility performance, layout design, and workforce allocation within the production line is imperative. This paper introduces a simulation-based methodology tailored to food manufacturing, progressively expanding scenarios to analyze production enhancement. The target system is a food processing plant, encompassing production processes, including warehousing, processing, subdivision, packaging, inspection, loading, and storage. First, we analyze the target system and design a simulation model according to the actual layout arrangement of equipment and workers. Then, we validate the developed model reflecting the real data obtained from the target system, such as the workers' working time and the equipment's processing time. The proposed model aims to identify optimal factor values for productivity gains through incremental scenario comparisons. To this end, three stages of simulation experiments were conducted by extending the equipment and worker models of the subdivision and packaging processes. The simulation experiments have shown that productivity depends on the placement of skilled workers and the performance of the packaging machine. The proposed method in this study will offer combinations of factors for the specific production requirements and support optimal decision-making in the real-world field.

Effects of Ac Mutual Coupling According to Location of Auxiliary Electrodes In Measuring the Ground Impedance of Vertically or Horizontally Buried Ground Electrode (수직 또는 수평으로 매설된 접지전극의 접지임피던스 측정시 보조전극 위치에 따른 전자유도의 영향)

  • Choi, Young-Chul;Choi, Jong-Hyuk;Lee, Bok-Hee;Jeon, Duk-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.23 no.8
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    • pp.86-92
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    • 2009
  • In order to minimize ac mutual coupling, the auxiliary electrode are located at a right angle in measuring ground impedance. In case that the measurement space is limited, the alternative method is employed. At that time, it is necessary to investigate the measurement errors due to ac mutual coupling and earth mutual resistance in measuring the ground impedances. 'This paper presents the measurement accuracy according to the location of the current and potential auxiliary electrodes in measuring ground impedance of vertically or horizontally buried ground electrode. The measurement errors due to ac mutual coupling were evaluated Consequently, the effect of ac mutual coupling on the measurement accuracy for horizontally buried ground electrode is greater than that for vertically buried ground electrode. Measurement errors due to ac mutual coupling is the largest when the current and potential auxiliary electrodes are located in parallel. The 61.8[%] rule is inappropriate in measuring ground measurement. Theoretically, in case that the angle between the current and potential auxiliary electrodes is 90$[^{\circ}]$, there is no ac mutual coupling. If it is not possible to route the current and potential auxiliary electrodes at a right angle with limitation of measurement space, the location of these electrodes with an obtuse angle is preferred to that with an acute angle in reducing the measurement errors due to ac mutual coupling.

The Manpower Assignment Design of the Train Paint Process with the Simulation and DEA Methods (시뮬레이션과 DEA를 이용한 열차도장시설의 인력배치방안 연구)

  • Jo, Hyun-Sub;Kim, Youn-Jin;Lee, Hong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.1389-1398
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    • 2009
  • This research suggests the calculation and analytic method of determining the proper numbers of manual workers with simulation and DEA methods. For this, first of all we designed and analysed the simulation model of real facility being built in Dea-Jun. Secondly, we find the solution with DEA among various alternatives built based on the results of the simulation analysis. In the simulation process, the waiting time, the number of painted trains, and utilization of main equipment are considered as main response variables. After simulation, we built DMUs(Decision Making Unit) consisting of combined results with the manpower assignment policies, the numbers of workers, and the rate of skilled operators, and calculated the efficiency of DMUs with the DEA method. Among 27 DMUs, 4 DMUs turned out efficient technically and on scale. In conclusion, through the suggested procedure, this research shows the way that decision makers can solve the problems with various factors they should concern, along the scientific process, when building a new facility.

Automatic Fire Detector Spacing Calculation for Performance Based Design (성능위주설계를 위한 화재감지기배치의 공학적연구)

  • Park, Dong-Ha
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2010
  • Placement method for fire detectors prescribed in current fire safety regulation is just about placing a prescribed number of detectors according to the areas. However, this regulation has no scientific basis and standards from foreign countries are just introduced and fire detectors are installed complying with them. There are two standards in designing fire protection systems; Prescriptive-Based Design that follows stipulated regulations like fire safety standards and Performance-Based Design based on engineering knowledge such as fire dynamics, structural dynamics, mechanics of materials, fluid mechanics, and thermo dynamics. Recently, Fire Protection System Construction Business Act was revised so that fire protection systems can be designed using Performance-Based Design method ('05. 8. 4), though the method has not activated until now. In addition, the enforcement decree defines the range for specific objects of fire protection to which Performance-Based Design is applied ('07, 1. 24). At the moment, by manufacturing simulator so that formulas can be introduced and calculated with software in order to install fire detector of automatic fire detection systems keeping optimized distance, comparing the results with the state of fire detector placed according to Performance-Based Design and analyzing them, this study was intended to settle Performance-Based Design method in the future.

A study on operation-characteristics of internal reforming molten carbonate fuel cell (내부개질형 용융탄산염형 연료전지의 운전특성 연구)

  • 하흥용;임태훈;홍성안;문형대;이호인
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Energy Engineering kosee Conference
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    • 1998.05a
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    • pp.243-251
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    • 1998
  • 내부개질형 용융탄산염 연료전지는 일반적인 연료전지가 갖는 고효율, 저공해, 모듈화 가능성 등의 장점 이외에도, 스택의 반응열을 열교환 없이 직접 개질반응에 이용하는 내부개질 특성 때문에 발전 설비의 단순화에 따른 추가 열효율의 상승이라는 장점을 갖는다. 또한 외부개질 용융탄산염 연료전지가 중앙집중식 대형 발전에 적합한 것과는 달리 내부개질형은 수십 MW 이하의 분산배치형 혹은 현장설치형에 더욱 적합하다는 특징이 있다. (중략)

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A Model and Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the Multi-factor Plant Layout Problem (다수요인을 가진 설비배치문제를 위한 모형과 simulated annealing 알고리즘)

  • 홍관수
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.63-81
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    • 1995
  • This paper presents a model and algorithm for solving the multi-factor plant layout problem. The model can incorporate more than two factors that may be either quantitative or qualitative. The algorithm is based on simulated annealing, which has been successfully applied for the solution of combinatorial problems. A set of problems previously used by various authors is solved to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. The results indicate that the proposed methods can yield good quality for each of eleven test problems.

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아파트, 사무소 공사용 리프트운용 안전교육이 근로자 사고에 미치는 영향

  • 최용호;손기상
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Industrial Safety Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.218-222
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    • 2003
  • 아파트, 사무소 고층건물 공사시 리프트는 공사진척에 획기적 기여를 해왔다. 당연히, 이로 인한 년간사고가 적지 않았다. 한국산업안전공단 분기별 발행되는 중대재해 사고사례집에서 제시하고 있는 최근 5년간 리프트 사고통계에 의하면, 97년도 22건, 98년 15건, 99년 8건, 2000년 12건, 2001년 14건으로 조사되었다. 사고 기인별 내용으로는 물 자체의 결함, 안전방호장치결함, 복장·보호구의 결함, 물의배치 및 작업장의 불량, 작업환경의 결함, 생산공정의 결함, 경계표시 및 설비결함으로 나타났다.(중략)

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홍보 - 2011 한국국제축산박람회 -KISTOCK 2011 참가업체 설명회

  • 대한양계협회
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    • v.43 no.8
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    • pp.134-138
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    • 2011
  • 국내 축산업의 기술 발전과 설비 현대화 유도 및 국내외 축산기자재, 사료, 동물약품 비교 전시를 통해 상호 기술 및 정보교환을 통한 우리나라 축산 발전에 기여하고자 오는 9월 21일~24일 동안 대구에서 2011 한국국제축산박람회가 개최된다. 이에 앞서 2011 한국국제축산박람회 추진위원회는 지난 13일 서울 강남구 소재 SETEC에서 참가 경영체 사전설명회를 통해 이번 박람회 추진상황을 비롯한 부스 규모 및 부스 배치, 부스 설치 및 전시 준비 안내에 대한 설명이 있었다. 이에 따라 본고를 통해 간략한 내용을 소개하고자 한다.

Control of Quality and Equipment of Re-Mi-Con using Recycling Water (회수수를 사용한 레미콘의 품질 및 설비 관리)

  • 한천구
    • Magazine of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.40-48
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    • 2002
  • 콘크리트는 시멘트의 수화반응으로 시간이 경과하면 굳어지게 되는 물질이다 따라서 레미콘 생산시 기기 및 장비 등에 고착된 콘크리트는 가수 혼합 등으로 분해가 불가능하므로 일단 콘크리트의 제조 및 운반작업이 종료된 후에는 즉시 세척하여야만 한다. 특히 레미콘 생산 현장에서와 같이 대량의 콘크리트를 제조할 경우에 있어, 일단의 콘크리트가 생산완료된 후 레미콘 트럭의 드럼내ㆍ외부 및 배치플랜트의 믹서ㆍ호퍼 등의 세척은 후속콘크리트 제조시 배합비의 정밀을 기하거나, 장비의 보존을 위하여 반드시 필요하게 되는데, 이때 발생하는 세척배수에서 골재를 제거한 것을 회수수라 한다.(중략)