• Title/Summary/Keyword: 선천적

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  • Park, Sang-Hyun;Lee, Kwang-Hee;Kim, Dae-Eop;Lee, Jong-Seon
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.547-552
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    • 2001
  • Extracting mandibular incisors for orthodontic treatment may adversely affect the occlusion. However, when properly used, extraction of mandibular inciors is a selection for the correction of the malocclusion. Generally, treatment for crowding needs to select between nonextraction and four premolar extraction. Approaches for crowded mandibular incisors include distal movement of posterior teeth, lateral movement of canines, labial movement of incisors, interproximal enamel reduction, removal of premolars, removal of one or two incisors, and various combinations of the above. Extraction of incisors is used in case of crowding, anterior tooth size discrepancy, absent of maxillary lateral incisors, and ectopic eruption. But severe overjet. overbite, and space are the contraindication of it. A patient had severe crowding on upper anterior teeth, impacted upper left lateral incisor, palatal ectopic eruption of upper right incisor and severe crowding on lower anterior teeth. Lower lateral incisors are extracted for space availability and facial esthetics. We report the case of orthodontic treatment of upper and lower anterior crowding through extraction of lateral incisor.

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  • Yoon, Sang-Il;Kim, Sung-Oh;Lee, Jae-Ho;Son, Heung-Kyu;Choi, Hyung-Jun
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.701-704
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    • 2004
  • In this case, we would like to discuss about the single rooted deciduous mandibular first molar. The deciduous mandibular molar of a five years old boy was shown to have a single root, bilaterally. Ordinarily, the maxilary molars have three roots and the mandibular molars have two roots. However, when the hertwig's epithelial root sheath do not invaginate properly during tooth development, root fusion can occur from the absence of root separation. Molars with fused roots not only have unfavorable crown to root ratio, but also according to many reports, have higher probability of having multiple congenitally missing teeth or dens invaginatus in the maxillary incisors, consequently requiring preventive dental treatment In addition, disorders such as ectodermal dysplasia, syndactyly, clinodactyly, bluish sclera can also be related to this condition. Root fusion is known to be of autosomal recessive inheritance. Up to date, single rooted molars have been reported several times in permanent dentitions but hardly in deciduous dentition, which is the motive for this paper.

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Relationship of Riboflavin and Niacin with Cardiovascular Disease (심혈관 질환과 리보플라빈 및 나이아신과의 상관성 연구)

  • Ahn, Ji Yeong;Kim, In Sik;Lee, Ji-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.484-494
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    • 2019
  • Cardiovascular disease is caused by different factors. These factors include innateness factors such as aging, biological factors such as high blood pressure, and environmental factors such as stress. This study examined the factors associated with cardiovascular disease and the ways to reduce its prevalence by analyzing the data within the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Reports from 2013 to 2017, and particularly the survey and examination data for people over 50 years old. The study population was divided into two groups: members of the first group consumed riboflavin and niacin at the recommended rate while those in the second group did not. Riboflavin intake was correlated with hypertension, hyperglycemia, and a low HDL-cholesterol level, whereas niacin intake was correlated with hypertension, hyperglycemia, waist size, and a low HDL-cholesterol level. The combination of niacin and riboflavin intakes was correlated with hypertension, hyperglycemia, waist size, and a low HDL-cholesterol level (P<0.05). The combined intake of the recommended levels of riboflavin and niacin reduced the average physiological factor abnormality rate to 80%. Taken together, the beneficial effects of riboflavin and niacin can reduce the prevalence of cardiovascular disease.

Prosthetic rehabilitation of an oligodontia patient with atrophic maxilla (위축된 상악골을 가진 부분무치증 환자의 보철수복)

  • Chi, Seung-Seok;Kim, Ye-Jin;Kang, Hyeon-Goo;Ko, Kyung-Ho;Huh, Yoon-Hyuk;Park, Chan-Jin;Cho, Lee-Ra
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.59 no.2
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    • pp.238-247
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    • 2021
  • Congenital tooth agenesis is the most common developmental dental anomaly, of which oligodontia is defined as the absence of six or more permanent teeth, except the third molars. Tooth agenesis causes malocclusion, alveolar atrophy, aesthetic and psychosocial problems. This clinical report describes a multidisciplinary treatment for a patient diagnosed as oligodontia, who exhibited absence of 14 permanent teeth, atrophy of maxillary alveolar bone, and mandibular protrusion. Restoration space was secured and tooth axis was improved by the extraction of deciduous teeth and orthodontic treatment. However, edge-to-edge bite of posterior teeth and arch dimension discrepancy due to atrophic maxilla was remained. To restore the aesthetics and functionality, implant retained prosthesis was planned. Considering minimal bone grafts, location and number of dental implants and prostheses design were determined. Through the gradual adjustment of provisional restoration, the appropriate centric and eccentric occlusion was reflected into a definitive prosthesis. Currently, stable functional results were attained, however, regular follow up and maintenance care over lifetimes should be performed.

Genetic Background of Congenital Hearing Loss (선천성 난청의 유전적 배경)

  • Oh, Seung-Ha;Song, Jae-Jin
    • Journal of Genetic Medicine
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.8-24
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    • 2009
  • Understanding the genetic background of hearing loss is important since almost 50% of the cases of profound hearing loss are caused by genetic factors. Until now, more than 150 causative genes have been identified. In this review, classification of genetic hearing loss (syndromic versus non-syndromic, recessive versus dominant, X-linked and mitochondrial), pitfalls in elucidating causative genes, anatomy of the inner ear, introduction of the most common syndromic hearing loss, introduction of the most common non-syndromic hearing loss-causing genes, mitochondrial and multifactorial hearing losses were discussed. Moreover, clinical approaches to the patients with hereditary hearing loss and genetic counseling were also explained briefly. Finally, future directions of the hereditary hearing loss research in Korean population were presented.

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A Case of Unusual Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome (비전형 Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome 1예)

  • Lee, Sun-Sook;Kim, Kyung-Sook;Han, Young-Jin;Choe, Huhn
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.198-202
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    • 1989
  • The Tolosa-Hunt syndrome is one of the rare disease with facial, especially peri-orbital pain, and ophthalomoplegia associated mostly with granulomatous lesions in cavernous sinus or superior orbital fissure. In addition to ophthalmoplegia by multiple cranial nerve involvement, the sympathetic nervous system may also be involved leading to Horner's syndrome. A typical Tolosa-Hunt syndrome has a neuro-radiologic finding of an increased density in the involved region, and a laboratory finding of an elevated ESR, as well as a dramatic response to systemic corticosteroid therapy. An unusual case of the Tolosa-Hunt syndrome with normal radiologic and laboratory findings, unresponsive to systemic corticosteroid, and some response of pain relief to a stellate ganglion block, is presented.

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  • 정무권;조진생;안회영;차창일;유세영;박주철
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1987.05a
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    • pp.13.1-13
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    • 1987
  • 저자들은 1984년 12월 17일부터 1987년 2월 26일까지 경희대학교 의과대학 부속병원 이비인후과 및 흉부외과에서 경험한 9례의 기관협착증환자를 대상으로 임상적 고찰을 하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 연령 및 성별분포는 여자 3례, 남자 6례이었고, 10세이하 3례, 10대 2례, 20대 2례, 40대 이상이 2례 이었다. 2) 원인은 지속적 기관내삽입관에 의한 경우가 4례이었고 1례는 선천성 혈관기형인 double aortic arch에 의해 기관이 눌리어 기도협착증상이 있었던 경우이었다. 상기관절개술에 의한 경우가 2례, 경부외상 1례, 기관내 종양 2례이었다. 3) 협착부위의 길이는 1.5cm에서 2cm까지가 4례로 가장 많았고 3cm이내가 2례, 4cm이내 1례, 6cm이내 1례이었다. 4) 치료는 보존적인 방법으로 내시경하에서 육아조직 및 반흔조직을 laser를 이용하여 제거한 후 silastic stent 혹은 Montgomery T-tube 삽입후 4주에서 6주후 제거하여 치료한 경우가 2례이었고 협착부위절제 및 단단문합술을 시행한 경우가 6례이었다. 1례에서는 aortic arch division을 시행하였다. 5) 예후는 9례중 단단문합술을 시행한 6례 그리고 보존적 방법으로 laser를 이용한 육아조직의 제거 및 지지물삽입을 시행한 3례에서 모두 현재까지 재발은 보이지 않고 있다. 6) 기관협착의 길이가 1.5cm에서 4cm까지의 경우에는 supralaryngeal release procedure없이 단단문합술을 시행하였고 협착길이가 6cm인 1례에서는 supralaryngeal release를 하여 tension없이 문합술을 시행할 수 있었다.

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Congenital Cardiac Anomaly Combined with the VATER Association - A case report - (VATER 증후군에 동반된 선천성 심장기형 치험 1례)

  • Ban, Dong-Gyu;Kim, Hyuck;Jee, Heng-Ok;Chung, Won-Sang;Kang, Jung-Ho;Kim, Young-Hak;Lee, Chul-Bum;Ham, Shi-Young;Kim, Nam-Su
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.34 no.11
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    • pp.858-860
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    • 2001
  • VATER is a complex anomaly of multiple organs and often combined with cardiac anomalies. However, it can be cured with active surgical intervention. We achieved successful result with aggressive surgery in the patient with VATER and report it with references.

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A Study on Information Design for the Disabled (지체장애인을 위한 정보디자인에 관한 연구 - 지하철역 사인시스템을 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Hyuk-Ran;Bahn, Kyoung-Jin;Lee, Joo-Youp
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02b
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    • pp.245-250
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    • 2008
  • 기술이 발전함에 따라 사람이 해야 했던 상당 부분을 기계가 대신하거나 보조하게 되면서 사람들은 편리해지고 안전해졌다. 그러나 한편으로는 자연적인 위험을 줄이고, 생활의 편이를 돕기 위해 만들어진 기술에 의해서 인위적인 위험이 생겨나고 이는 돌이킬 수 없는 신체의 장애를 초래하기도 하였다. 지체장애인의 약 70%가 선천성 장애가 아닌 후천적인 이유라는 사실이 이를 뒷받침 한다. 점차 자애인의 수는 증가하고 있으며, 장애인의 권익을 최대한 보호하고 그들이 장애를 겪지 않는 사람들과 동등한 혜택을 누리면서 살 수 있도록 하기 위해 각 단체에서 지속적인 관심을 갖고 개선하기 위해 노력하고 있다. 특히 장애인의 절반을 차지하는 지체장애인이 대중교통을 이용의 편의를 위한 이동에 관한 부분은 많이 개선되었으나 여러 부분에서 개선과 보완이 필요하며 정보디자인 부분도 예외는 아니다. 특정 정보를 필요로 하는 사용자가 그 정보를 정확하게 쉽게 찾아 이해할 수 있도록 하는 것은 실제 환경에서 사람들의 편의를 돕기 위해 존재하는 매체들을 충분히 활용하기 위해서도 매우 중요하다. 이 연구에서는 공공물 디자인에 많이 적용되고 있는 유니버설디자인 관점에서 지체징인들의 대중교통의 대표적인 수단의 하나인 지하철 이용 편의를 위한 정보 전달 시스템의 중심인 사인시스템의 현황을 분석하고 개선 방안에 대해 연구해 보았다.

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Comparison of Different Anatomic, Hemodynamic, and Pathophysiological Types of Atrial Septal Defect in Three Small Dogs (세 마리의 소형견에서 발생한 다양한 해부학적, 혈역학적, 병태생리학적 타입의 심방중격결손 비교 고찰 사례)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;Moon, So-Jeung;Kang, Min-Hee;Kim, Seung-Gon;Park, Hee-Myung
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.586-590
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    • 2011
  • Three small breed dogs weighing less 5 kg were admitted with dyspnea and cardiac murmurs. One dog had primum type ASD and chylothorax was concurrently noted. Two dogs had secundum type ASD with and without concomitant pulmonic stenosis. Although medical treatment was attempted, two dogs with secundum type ASD died and a dog with primum type ASD was successfully managed with medication. Defects were confirmed by the postmortem examination in two cases. We first describe the comparison of clinical and diagnostic features in different anatomic, hemodynamic, and pathophysiological types of ASD in small breed dogs and they show some differences with ASD in large breed dogs.