• Title/Summary/Keyword: 선도형 기업

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Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics of Water Injection Pump (물 분사 펌프의 동특성 분석)

  • Lee, Jong Myeong;Lee, Jeong Hoon;Ha, Jeong Min;Ahn, Byung Hyun;Kim, Won Cheol;Choi, Byeong Keun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.37 no.12
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    • pp.1483-1487
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    • 2013
  • Water injection pump outputs oil with high pressure during this process, seawater is injected into the well to recover the well pressure and maintain high productivity. A water injection pump has high productivity, and therefore, it serves as a key piece of equipment in marine plants. In this light, water injection pumps are being studied widely in industry. In this study, the rotor dynamics is analyzed to determine the natural frequency according to the bearing stiffness and operation speed change. This study aims to establish the pump reliability through critical speed, stability, and unbalance response analysis.

Operational Strategy of Co-creation Platform: Comparative Analysis of Samsung Apps and Apple Appstore (Co-creation 플랫폼 운영 전략: 삼성 앱스와 애플 앱스토어 비교)

  • Kim, Na Rang;Hong, Soon Goo;Kim, Jong Weon
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 2014
  • This study illustrates and compares the platform strategy of Apple and Samsung, which have been operating their own App stores, by using the $IISI^n$ model. Apple, the first mover of the platform, has employed closed strategy for quality control of the platform and customer loyalty. On the other hand, Samsung has employed open strategy for increasing the platform network effects. The result of this study showed that the platform strategy "Openness", which is a free entry of participants, and "Sharing" of created value, are important along with the excellent platform environment. As a pioneering study of the platform strategy for the co-creation, this research contributes to both theory and practice.

IT 산업정책 성과와 2008년 추진방향

  • Seoul, Jeong-Sun
    • Information and Communications Magazine
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.5-11
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    • 2008
  • 우리 경제의 성장잠재력 저하에 대한 우려가 심화되는 상황에서 국민소득 2만불 시대 견인을 위해 2004년 수립한 IT 산업 발전전략이 IT839이다. 신성장동력 핵심기술 개발 등 IT839전략에 힘입어 세계 최초로 WiBro, DMB 기술개발과 국제표준화에 성공하는 등 IT분야 기술개발을 주도하여, 선진국과의 기술격차가 1년 이상 단축되었으며, 특히, 이동통신 DIV 분야는 미국, 일본 등 선진국 수준으로 경쟁력이 향상되는 성과를 보았다. 한편, 최근 IT를 둘러싸고 있는 환경은 IT를 기반으로한 융복합화 진전, 글로벌화 심화, 인터넷 확산과 웹의 진전이다. 2008년에는 이런 환경변화 속에서 IT산업의 지속적인 성장을 위한 전략을 수립.추진할 계획이다. 무선 융합환경에서 신시장 창출 및 선점, 고부가가치 IT산업의 집중 육성, IT중소기업, 핵심인력 양성 등 경쟁력 향상을 위한 기반 구축도 강화한다. IT R&D 정책은 기초 원천기술분야 R&D 투자비중을 확대하고, IT와 비IT융합 등 융합분야 기술개발 투자도 확대할 것이다. 혁신형 IT 중소기업 육성을 위해 민간 정책협력 네트워크인 IT전문협의회 운영을 개선하고, 중소기업의 원가절감을 위한 공통서비스 확대, 대 중소 기업의 상생협력을 제도화는 등 IT정책 인프라도 고도화한다. 또한, 반도체, 디스플레이 이후의 글로벌 주력품목군으로 IT SoC, u-센서, IT-BT-NT 융합분야 등 3대 핵심분야를 선정하여 집중 육성하고, 부품기업간 협업 활성화를 적극 유도할 것이다. 시장이 원하는 글로벌 수준의 인재양성을 목표로 공학교육인증 확산, IT 융합분야를 중심으로 대학의 R&D 지원도 강화하며, 전공역략을 갖춘 IT 전문인력, 석박사급 핵심 연구개발 인력, IT재직자 교육 등 시장이 원하는 맞춤형 인력양성도 병행 추진한다. 마지막으로 SW산업의 글로벌 경쟁력을 제고하고 신시장 창출을 위해 노력도 강화한다. 조선, 자동차 등 비 IT분야의 SW활용을 확산하기 위한 선도프로젝트를 추진하고, 틈새분야 중 세계적 시장점유율을 갖춘 중소기업 제품에 임베디드SW를 탑재하여 첨단기능을 구현하는 시범사업도 적극 추진할 계획이다.

A Preliminary Study on the Promotion Strategy for IT Convergence: An Industrial Ecology Perspective (산업생태계 관점에서 바라본 IT융합 촉진전략)

  • Lee, Ji Eun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1327-1333
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    • 2014
  • IT convergence plays a key role in increasing the value of goods and services in other industry sectors. The government has enhanced the policy and institutional support for convergence technology development and technology commercialization. Some of the leading companies already achieve performance through the strategic IT convergence. However, in order to maximize the benefits and performance of IT convergence, policies should be established from the viewpoint of industrial ecology and many companies can participate in and share benefits of IT convergence business. From an industrial ecology perspective, this study suggests a role of the government, keystone enterprise, and other stakeholder for promoting the IT convergence using analytic hierarchy process(AHP).

대한민국 반세기 연구개발정책의 변천

  • 이공래
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 2023
  • 본 챕터는 과거 50년 연구개발정책의 역사를 돌이켜보면서 한국 산업과 경제의 성장과정에서 연구개발정책이 어떤 역할을 수행했는가를 조명한다. 1960년 초 경제개발 5개년계획을 추진하기 시작하던 때부터 1970년 대 말까지 연구기반 구축기, 1981년부터 2000년까지 연구역량 축적기, 2001년부터 2020년 현재까지 연구개발 도약기 등 3단계로 나눠서 살펴본다. 연구기반 구축기간 중에는 연구개발 투자의 증가와 함께 본격적인 연구와 우수 연구인력을 양성하기 위하여 여러 국책연구기관을 설립하였으며 연구 단지를 조성하는 등 연구기반을 구축하는 정책을 추진하였다. 다양한 분야의 전문 연구기관의 설립 필요성이 제기되자 주요 분야 연구조직을 KIST 부설 형태로 발족한 후 독립 연구기관으로 분리하는 것이 주요 정책이었다. 연구역량 축적기에는 정부가 연구개발 사업을 기획하여 추진하였고 1990년대에 이르러서는 대학의 연구 잠재력을 조직화함으로써 연구역량을 축적하였다. 수출 고도화와 수출시장에서의 경쟁력을 향상해야 하는 기업들의 절박한 기술혁신의 필요성에 기인하여 기업의 연구개발 투자가 급속도로 증가했다. 2000년대에 이르러서는 우리나라 연구개발투자가 절대규모에서도 세계 5위국으로 부상했고, GDP대비 연구개발투자 비중에서는 세계 최고 수준에 도달했다. 이렇듯 연구기반 구축기, 연구역량 축적기, 연구개발 도약기를 거치면서 우리나라는 매 20여년의 주기로 연구개발 시스템을 시대 상황에 맞도록 정책을 혁신하여 추진함으로써 오늘에 이르렀다. 과학기술의 혁신은 산업과 기업의 성장에 결정적인 기여를 하였다. 정부의 도전적인 연구개발 투자는 정밀한 정책 기획과 추진이 병행되면서 그 효과가 발휘되었고 산업과 기업의 성장을 견인할 수 있었다.

Patent Production and Technological Performance of Korean Firms: The Role of Corporate Innovation Strategies (특허생산과 기술성과: 기업 혁신전략의 역할)

  • Lee, Jukwan;Jung, Jin Hwa
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.149-175
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    • 2014
  • This study analyzed the effect of corporate innovation strategies on patent production and ultimately on technological change and new product development of firms in South Korea. The intent was to derive efficient strategies for enhancing technological performance of the firms. For the empirical analysis, three sources of data were combined: four waves of the Human Capital Corporate Panel Survey (HCCP) data collected by the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET), corporate financial data obtained from the Korea Information Service (KIS), and corporate patent data provided by the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO). The patent production function was estimated by zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) regression. The technological performance function was estimated by two-stage regression, taking into account the endogeneity of patent production. An ordered logit model was applied for the second stage regression. Empirical results confirmed the critical role of corporate innovation strategies in patent production and in facilitating technological change and new product development of the firms. In patent production, the firms' R&D investment and human resources were key determinants. Higher R&D intensity led to more patents, yet with decreasing marginal productivity. A larger stock of registered patents also led to a larger flow of new patent production. Firms were more prolific in patent production when they had high-quality personnel, intensely investing in human resource development, and adopting market-leading or fast-follower strategy as compared to stability strategy. In technological performance, the firms' human resources played a key role in accelerating technological change and new product development. R&D intensity expedited new product development of the firm. Firms adopting market-leading or fast-follower strategy were at an advantage than those with stability strategy in technological performance. Firms prolific in patent production were also advanced in terms of technological change and new product development. However, the nexus between patent production and technological performance measures was substantially reduced when controlling for the endogeneity of patent production. These results suggest that firms need to strengthen the linkage between patent production and technological performance, and take strategies that address each firm's capacities and needs.

A prototype model of entrepreneur: Historical context and anthropological approach (기업가(起業家)의 20가지 모습: 역사적 맥락과 문화인류학적 관점)

  • Lee, Choonwoo
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.139-177
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    • 2020
  • The concepts of entrepreneurship are very various. So many researchers are confused or not sure of the concepts of entrepreneurship. Likewise, the concept of entrepreneur are very various, and confused of the concepts of entrepreneur. This study try to set a comprehensive conceptual model of concepts of entrepreneurs. This model suggest a prototype model of entrepreneur with historical context and anthropological approach.

A Study on the Cooperation for the activation-type curriculum development site close (산학협력 활성화를 위한 현장밀착형 교과과정 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Heung-Su
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 2013
  • 20s country employment rate to 57% in the last four years, is staying low. College graduates in the 25-29 year old crowd real unemployment rate is over 20% youth unemployment, the analysis problem is serious enough. Accordingly, activation of Cooperation, which addresses the issues of these countries now being recognized as the primary means, and in the future, government policy and national indicators to be given more attention and support seems clear. Government from 2012 'Cooperation Development Project leading universities' (LINC: Leaders in INdustry-university Cooperation) by promoting companies that require manpower, actual research and development and technology transfer to enable the University - Industry - between research institutions based on organic correlated with local universities and industrial growth model for the creation of a variety of leading industry cooperation. has to diffuse. This background, the aim of this study at the University of excavation site close-type talent. Fostering curriculum development are essential to the field on the form will close. In this study, major department (Department) conducted by major research based on the results of the curriculum needs to spread the field for Cooperation closely analyze the curriculum and Annual type, domain-specific promotion measures proposed.

A Study on the Impact Factors of Open Innovation Performance According to the First-mover Companies and the Follower Companies (선도기업과 후발기업에 따른 개방형 혁신활동이 기업성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Yo Han;Lee, Dae Chul;Lim, Gyoo Gun
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.39-56
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    • 2013
  • There have been many studies that open innovation activities have positive effects on firm performance. However, the previous studies have shown conflicting results, depending on the characteristics of companies or the timing of the product launch. This study empirically compares open innovation performance of first-mover companies and follower companies. The analyses are performed on the samples of the Korean Innovation Survey 2010 companies that explored external information and performed R&D cooperation. The results indicate that open innovation activities can have different effects depending on a company's status in the market. For the first-mover companies, the intensity of utilizing external information has greater impact on the firm's performance than the diversity of it. By contrast, for the follower companies, the diversity of utilizing external information has greater impact on the firm's performance than the intensity of it. In terms of R&D cooperation, the external cooperation is found not to have significant effects on a first-mover company's performance. However, external R&D cooperation of a follower company is showing positive impact on the firm's performance. The implication of the study is to analyze the firm's Open-Innovation performance by comparing first-mover companies with follower companies. Therefore, companies need to execute the Open-Innovation strategy by considering firm characteristics or the timing of the product launch.

A Comparative Study on Business Ecosystem of Samsung and Xiaomi: Focus on CPND Value Chain of IoT Industry (삼성과 샤오미의 기업생태계 비교 연구: IoT 산업의 CPND 가치사슬을 중심으로)

  • Sawng, Yeong-Wha;Cho, Yeong-Eun;Park, Sun-Young
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2016
  • In response to changes in the global market environment, companies in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry have begun to pursue cooperation and competition on a business ecosystem level. In particular, to become a leader in the new growth engine industry of Internet of Things (IoT), companies around the globe aim to consolidate vertically up the value chain through a solid establishment of their platforms. This paper looks at Samsung and Xiaomi, whose strategies for creating an ecosystem based on their own platforms differ in accordance to the ecosystem in which they compete. An analysis of these two companies indicate that Samsung pursues a strategy to become the market standard by openly sharing its platform with complementary companies, whereas Xiaomi pursues a strategy that achieves value as a channel owner through the restriction on which companies may become partners. This paper concludes that as Samsung and Xiaomi strive to become IoT industry leaders, each company pursues a variant of a platform-based value chain integration strategy based on the specific nature of the ecosystems in which they compete, thereby creating value through a symbiotic relationship with their partner companies.