• Title/Summary/Keyword: 생명존중의식

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Ethical Dilemma and Professionalism of Long-term Care Hospital Nurses (요양병원 간호사의 윤리적 딜레마와 전문직업성)

  • Choi, Eun-Young
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.153-163
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate nurses' ethical dilemma and professionalism in long-term care hospitals. Participants in this study were 210 nurses working in 14 long-term care hospitals. Data analysis was done using SPSS / WIN 24.0 program. As a result of this study, the ethical dilemma of the nurse was moderate. The highest sub-area was 'nurse-patient relationship' and 'respect of life and human rights' was the lowest sub-area. The professionalism of the subjects was moderate, and the score of 'sense of mission' area was the lowest. Nursing ethics guidelines should be developed that reflect the ethical dilemma of nurses in long-term care hospitals, and will provide the right values for the ethical dilemma that nurses face in their workplace. When planning the nurses' professionalism education, it is necessary to have a strategy to enhance the sense of mission by emphasizing beliefs and values about nursing care.

The Effects of a Life-Respect Education Program on Middle School Students' Values on Life-Respect (생명존중교육프로그램이 중학생의 생명존중의식과 생명존중태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, Mi-Kyeong;Kim, Kyung-Ran;Park, Chun-Man
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.105-119
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: This study investigates the factors influencing values on life-respect among middle school students. Methods: The participants in this study were 126 students from S middle school and Y middle school, both located in Gyeongnam province. The experimental group consisted of 40 students from S middle school, Control group-Iconsisted of 39 students from S middle school, and Control group-II consisted of 47 students from Y middle school. The experimental group was provided with 12 incidences of the life-respect education program from April 1st to June 29th. One period took 45 minutes and proceeded according to a structure of introduction, development, and consolidation. The experimental group received a life-respect education program, Control group-I received health teaching, but Control group-II didn't receive any special education except what was regularly part of their curriculum. The content of the life-respect education program included the following topics: value of life-respect, respect for human life and ethics, life-respect campaign, having a healthy mind, suicide prevention, dealing with crisis, prevention of school violence, abortion and life-respect, social weak minority consideration, death, brain death, euthanasia, life cycle and task, and forest activities. Questionnaires were administered as pre and post-tests which consisted of questions regarding death anxiety, suicide risk, and values on life-respect. The pre and post-tests were analyzed with t-tests, paired t-tests, ANOVAs, and factor analyses using SPSS 18.0. Results: 1. There was a statistically significant increase in the experimental group(p<.0001) and control group-I(p<0.05) in value and attitude about life-respect. On the other hand, it was shown that there was no difference between pre and post-test in control group-II. 2. The result of examining the differences between pre and post-tests after education on values and attitudes toward life-respect using ANCOVA showed, there was a statistically significant difference (p<0.001) among the three groups. Conclusion: the life-respect education program which was conducted over 12 meeting with middle school students had an positive effect, which can be used as basic data for fostering values on life-respect. These findings indicate that the life-respect education program this study used is effective for fostering value of life-respect and decreasing suicide risk.

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Convergence Factors Influencing Attitude Toward Advance Directive in Healthcare Workers (의료종사자의 사전의료의향서에 대한 태도에 미치는 융합적 영향요인)

  • Jeong, Eun;Jung, Mi-Ra
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.244-253
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    • 2019
  • This study was a descriptive study to investigate the effects of healthcare workers' consciousness of biomedical ethics, recognition of good death, and self-esteem on attitude toward advance directive. Participants in this study were 292 healthcare workers in the three general hospitals located Y city. The data were collected from April 2 to April 23, 2019 and analyzed descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regression using the SPSS Win. 22.0 program. The result of the multiple regression indicates the intention to awareness regarding advance directives, intention to execute advance directives, time to complete advance directives and recognition of good death predict 23.5% (F=12.39, P=.000) of attitudes toward advance directives. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a program to establish attitudes toward advance directives by providing education on recognition of good death of healthcare workers.

The antiwar consciousness in Korean poems based on the Iraq War (이라크 전쟁을 소재로 한 한국 시의 반전의식 양상)

  • Mun, Hye-won
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.51
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2018
  • The real purpose of the Iraq War was to ensure that the United States took control of Iraq's oil and retained its hegemony in the Middle East. Afterward, anti-American and anti-war movements spread around the world. The Iraq war is an important event. Korean poetry goes beyond the specificity of 'Korean War and division' and puts 'anti-war' and 'peace' at the universal level on the subject. It means joining the global and contemporary issues of 'anti-war' and 'peace'. Korean poetry based on the Iraq War is divided into three categories: poetry that accuses and testifies to the devastation, poetry that identifies the cause of the war, and poetry that presents alternatives and solutions. The poetry is linked to the idea of respect for life, and appears in the form of peace and nonviolence.

특집: 농장동물복지 국제동향 및 국내정책 방향

  • Han, Jong-Hyeon
    • Journal of the korean veterinary medical association
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    • v.46 no.10
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    • pp.914-924
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    • 2010
  • 우리나라는 1991년 동물에 대한 학대행위 방지 등 동물을 적정하게 보호 관리하기 위하여 필요한 규정을 만들어 동물의 생명과 그 안전을 보호하고, 생명의 존중 등 국민의 정서 함양에 이바지하게 함을 목적으로 '동물보호법'을 제정하였다. 그러나 당시 법에서는 반려동물과 실험동물을 대상으로 한 동물학대 금지 및 유기동물 등에 대한 조치와 동물을 교육 학술연구 및 기타 과학적 목적으로 이용시 고통을 주지 않토록 하는 내용을 규정하고 있다. 그 후 우리 국민의 동물보호 복지에 대한 관심과 의식수준이 점차적으로 향상되면서 국민들의 요구에 따라 그 간 수차례 법령을 개정하였고, 2008년에 전면 개정된 법령에는 반려동물과 실험동물뿐아니라 농장동물에 대하여도 동물학대 금지 및 해당 동물을 적정하게 보호 관리토록하는 동물보호 복지 개념을 도입하게 되었다. 우리가 이처럼 농장동물복지에 대해 초보단계에 있는 것과 달리, 이미 세계동물보건기구(OIE) 및 동물복지 선진국은 농장동물복지 정책에 대해 많은 기준을 만들고 다양한 연구를 수행하고 있다. 또한 한-EU FTA 협상과정에서 EU측이 농장동물복지를 의제화 할 것을 요구하는 등 국가간 통상에서도 농장동물 복지가 중요한 이슈로 작용하고 있어 이 분야에 대한 깊은 관심과 정책개발이 필요하다고 하겠다. 따라서 일반 국민뿐아니라 축산업계에서도 '과연 농장동물복지란 무엇인가'에 대한 궁금증과 더불어 '국내 소비자 및 축산농가에 큰 부담을 주지 않을까'하는 우려를 하고 있는 것이 현실이다. 이에 동물복지란 무엇인가에 대하여 간략히 알아보고, 농장동물 복지에 대한 국제동향 및 국내정책의 방향에 대해서도 논의하고자 한다.

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기술과 자유로운 상상의 연결 패러다임

  • Lee, Ho-Yeong
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2006
  • 의사는 인간의 생명을 구하는 권한이 있으니까 마치 생명을 죽이는 권한도 포함된 것 같은 생각에 그야말로 막강한 권한을 가진 것 같이 보인다. 오늘의 한국에서는 과거와 달리 의사의 사회적 위상에 많이 떨어져 있지만 아직도 미국이나 독일 같은 선진 사회에서 의사의 위상은 준신에 가깝게 높고 그의 말과 판단이라면 비록 건강에 관한 이슈뿐만 아니라 삶에 대한 지혜로도 존중되고 수용된다. 의사의 사회적 위상이 높아진 것은 의학이라는 특수한 학문과 이와 연결된 의술의 그동안의 엄청난 발달과 무관하지 않다. 역사적으로 보면 고대 희랍시대부터 의학은 인간의 질병을 고치고 생명을 건강하게 보존하는 특별한 지식 그리고 이 지식을 기반으로 응용되는 치료기법으로 기예 (techne)라는 존칭으로 불리었다. 즉, 건강의 회복이라는 실질적인 목적을 가진 지식과 테크닉을 합친 이른바 귀중한 실천 (praxis)이다. 의학에 대한 낙관적인 전망은 시대와 문화가 바뀌면서 또한 의학 자체가 좀 더 발달하면서 도전을 받는다. 20세기에 들어서서 인간의 생명을 위협하고 또 고통을 주는 질병의 종류와 양상이 변하고, 의 과학이 앞으로 인류의 병들을 퇴치시킬 수 있다는 기대에 차질이 생기게 되었다. 미국 같은 선진국에서는 일찍이 1960년도 말부터 의학교과목 개혁의 일환으로 인문학의 과목들을 같이 가르치기 시작했다. 대표적인 과목들이 윤리학, 철학, 역사, 문학 등이다. 인문학의 보강은 의학과 기술과 인간성의 연결을 위해 의사들이 쓸 수 있는 인지적 도구 (cognitive tools)를 갖추게 하는 목적에서이다. 인문학의 도입으로 의사들이 인간의 삶을 좀 더 깊게 이해하고 풍부한 인간성으로 지식과 기술을 환자에게 적용할 수 있기 위해 각자의 마음과 머리 속에 포용통합능력을 발달시키자는 데 있다. 즉 의사들의 의식과 자유로운 상상력이 확장되면서 새로운 정체성을 갖게 되는 것을 바라는 것이다. 선진국의 의학교육에서 이 같은 교육이 좋은 의사를 만든다는 신념을 굳혀가고 있다. 성과를 증명하는 연구결과가 없어 아직도 회의적인 반응도 있으나 이와 같은 교육이 윤리적 상황에 대한 예민도를 높이는 것은 확실하다. 연세대학교 의과대학은 기독교 이념이 기본 교육철학이다. 인간성을 강조하고 의사들이 자신의 인간성을 개발 강화하는 교육이 하나님의 사랑을 의사 지신의 인간성과 그의 인간애로 내재화 시킬 수 있다면 그리스도의 정신을 의학과 의술에 연결시키는 고귀한 목적을 이룰 수 있는 길이라고 생각한다.

The Comparative Study on the Cosmic Life as the Inter-Relational Metaphor of the Ultimate Reality in East and West (서양의 영(Spirit)과 동양의 기철학과의 대화 : 내적 관계성의 메타포와 우주적 생명을 중심으로)

  • Shin, Eun Hee
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.32
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    • pp.245-278
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this paper is to create an inter-religious dialogue between the Western Christian concept of the spirit and Eastern ch'i philosophy within the category of panentheism. The Hebrew term ruah means 'moving air' and 'wind' which derive from the particular experience of the ancient Hebrew people living in the desert. The Greek pnuema also means 'life' and 'wind' which denote the natural power. Both ruah and pneuma consist of the main idea of the spirit exploring the symbol of relationality of the divine in Western tradition. Eastern ch'i philosophy indicates a vital force for keeping the body and soul alive, which is unconscious and spontaneous. Ch'i as a vital force constitutes cosmogony and cosmology with the constant movement of yin and yang. Yin and Yang as representing earth and heaven are dynamic breaths, blending harmoniously to become all existence. The ethical implication of the inter-religious dialogue between the spirit and ch'i would be the integration and interconnection of heaven, earth, and human beings. The dialogue suggests becoming one body with nature and human community through embodying the non-dualistic spirit of life. The inter-relationality means that since all modalities of existence are made of the cosmic life, human beings are part of the divine cosmic process. This is related to degree of spirituality in the entire chain of being: rocks, trees, animals, humans, and goods represent different levels of spirituality based on the varying composition of the spirit and ch'i. All beings that internally embody with the spirit and ch'i are organically inter-connected, and they are integral part of a continuous process of transformation of life towards holistic liberation of human and nature community.

A Research of Convergence Art Education Program for Creativity Manifestation Utilizing Waste (폐품을 활용한 창의성 발현 융복합 미술교육 프로그램 연구 - 미술활동에서의 창의성 발현을 중심으로)

  • Park, Gun-Kyu
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.551-556
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    • 2017
  • Creation by human starts from ascribed situation. That means creating new relationships among seemingly unrelated things. The art production process requires creativity which materializes the inspiration emerging as an image. The production of sculpture utilizing waste is creative in regard of its advantage of being easy to recognize since it de-categorizes ascribed things and needs an overall view of considering decomposed sculpture elements syntagmatically according to the new image. Students have different point of view and develop creativity and originality in their curiosity of seeking something new, observing things of their vision, the standard of using material and in the process of selecting the materials, etc. This research suggests an extensive creativity education of producing sculpture, which implies the environmental consciousness and life respect, by means of change their recognition about seemingly meaningless waste.

Problem Analysis and Improvement Strategy for the Suicide Prevention Act (자살예방법의 문제점과 개선방안)

  • Shin, Kwon-Chul
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.44
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    • pp.689-723
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    • 2013
  • Suicide is Korea's first leading cause of death in their twenties and thirties. at a rate of 31.2 per 100,000 in 2010. The Korea suicide rate is over twice higher than OECD's average rate. Because of this reality the suicide prevention act(full title, the Act on Prevention of Suicide and Creation of Culture that Respects Life) was enacted in 2011. In 2008, the Korean government planned the suicide prevention programs to decrease the incidence of suicide to approximately 20 per 100,000 by the end of 2013. Despite the plan the suicide rate in Korea has increased to over 30 per 100,000 since 2009 and the plan was proved to be failed. Consequently, the government was unable to lower the suicide rate in last decade. It has shown that the reduction of suicide rate is a difficult and complex problem. This study shows that the root cause of suicide is based on social and legal exclusion and proposes that suicide prevention measures should be aimed at social cohesion and legal protection.

Effect of Education of Natural Disaster on Eco-friendly Attitude of Children in Integrated Class in the Lower Grades in Elementary School (자연재해 교육이 초등학교 저학년 통합학급 아동의 환경친화적 태도에 미치는 효과)

  • Oh, Sook-Hyun;Kim, Hai-Gyoung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.1004-1013
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of education of natural disaster on eco-friendly attitude of children in integrated class in the lower grades in elementary school. For the above mentioned purpose, 2 children with developmental delay and 45 general children enrolled in two integrated classes in the first grade in C Elementary School located in G City. The class that wanted to participate in this program was designated as an experimental group and the other class as a comparative group. Total 18 times of session of experimental treatment were performed during the second semester of the first grade. The effect of education of natural disaster was measured by using the tool revised and adapted by Heoh, Yun Jeong on the basis of CATES-PV designed by Musser and Diamond. As results, it was appeared that education of natural disaster was effective to increase eco-friendly attitude of children in integrated class in the lower grades in elementary school. The results that ability and attitude which were goals of the current education related to environment such as love and concern for animals and plants, life respect consciousness, preference for natural environment rather than artificial environment, conservation of nature and resources saving etc of children who received education of natural disaster suggest necessity to rethink the meaning and scope about education of natural disaster for Korean children in the preset.