1975년(年) 3월(月), 4년반(年半) 동안의 Chemical Abstracts 색인(索引)과 온-라인이 가능(可能)한 CA Condensates를 비교(比較)하였다. 두가지 데이터 베이스를 함께 이용(利用)하여 검색(檢索)하는 방법(方法)이 가장 효율적(效率的)이지만 실예(實例)에서 보는 바와 같이 CA Condensates를 검색(檢索)하는 것이 보다 실용적(實用的)이다. System Development Corp 사(社) (SDC)에 설치(設置)되어 있는 온-라인 형태(形態)인 CHEMCON과 CHEM7071을 Chemical Abstracts 색인(索引)과 비교(比較)하였다. 대부분(大部分)의 Chemical Abstracts 이용자(理容者)들은 Chemical Abstracts 책자나 우가색인(累加索引)에는 친숙(親熟)하지만 CA Condensates는 아마도 그리 친숙(親熟)하지 못할 것이다. CA Condensates는 서지적 사항을 기계(機械)로 읽을 수 있는 형태(形態)로 되어 있고 Chemical Abstracts에 따라서 색인(索引)되므로 매주 발행되는 Chemical Abstracts 책자의 뒷 부분이 있는 색인(索引)과 같이 우리에게 가장 친숙(親熟)한 형태(形態)로 되어 있다. Chemical Abstracts가 현재(現在) 사용(使用)하고 있는 데이터 데이스이지만 본고(本稿)에서는 Index와 Condensates를 둘 다 데이터 베이스로 정의(定義)한다. Condensates가 미국(美國)의 Chemical Abstracts Service 기관으로부터 상업적(商業的)으로 이용(利用)할 수 있게 되자 여러 정보(情報)센터에서는 이용자(利用者)들의 프로 파일을 뱃취방식(方式)으로 처리(處理)하여 매주 나오는 자기(磁氣)테이프에서 최신정보(最新情報)를 검색(檢索)하여 제공(提供)하는 서어비스 (SDI)를 시작하였다. 어떤 정보(情報)센터들은 지나간 자기(磁氣)테이프들을 모아서 역시 뱃취방식(方式)으로 소급(遡及) 문헌검색(文獻檢索) 서어비스를 한다. 자기(磁氣)테이프를 직접 취급(取扱)하는 사람들을 제외(除外)하고는 대부분(大部分) Condensates를 아직 잘 모르고 있다. 소급(遡及) 문헌검색(文獻檢索)은 비용이 다소 비싸고 두서없이 이것 저것 문헌(文獻)을 검색(檢索)하는 방법(方法)은 실용적(實用的)이 못된다. 매주 나오는 색인(索引)에 대해서 두 개나 그 이상의 개념(槪念)이나 물질(物質)을 조합(組合)하여 검색(檢索)하는 방법(方法)은 어렵고 실용적(實用的)이 못된다. 오히려 주어진 용어(用語) 아래에 있는 모든 인용어(引用語)들을 보고 초록(抄錄)과의 관련성(關連性)을 결정(決定)하는 것이 때때로 더 쉽다. 상호(相互) 작용(作用)하는 온-라인 검색(檢索)을 위한 Condensates의 유용성(有用性)은 많은 변화를 가져 왔다. 필요(必要)한 문헌(文獻)만을 검색(檢索)해 보는 것이 이제 가능(可能)하고 어떤 항목(項目)에 대해서도 완전(完全)히 색인(索引)할 수 있게 되었다. 뱃취 시스팀으로는 검색(檢索)을 시작해서 그 결과(結果)를 받아 볼 때 까지 수시간(數時間)에서 며칠까지 걸리는 번거로운 시간차(時間差)를 이제는 보통 단 몇 분으로 줄일 수 있다. 그리고 뱃취 시스팀과는 달리 부정확하거나 불충분한 검색방법(檢索方法)은 즉시 고칠 수가 있다. 연속적인 뱃취 형태의 검색방법(檢索方法)에 비해서 순서(順序)없이 온-라인으로 검색(檢索)하는 방법(方法)이 분명(分明)하고 정확(正確)한 장점(長點)이 있다. CA Condensates를 자주 이용(移用)하게 되자 그의 진정한 가치(價値)에, 대해 논의(論義)가 있었다. CA Condensates의 색인방법(索引方法)은 CA Abstract 책자나 우가색인(累加索引)의 방법(方法)보다 확실히 덜 체계적(體系的)이고 철저(徹底)하지 못하다. 더우기 두 데이터 베이스는 중복(重複)것이 많으므로, 중복(重複)해서 검색(檢索)할 가치(價値)가 없는지를 결정(決定)해야 한다. 다른 몇 개의 데이터 베이스와 CA Condensates를 비교(比較)한 논문(論文)들이 여러 번 발표(發表)되어 왔는데 일반적(一般的)으로 CA Condensates는 하위(下位)의 데이터 베이스로 나타났다. Buckley는 Chemical Abstracts의 색인(索引)이 CA Condensates 보다 더 좋은 문헌 (데라마이신의 제법에 관해서)을 제공(提供)한 실례(實例)를 인용(引用)하였다. 죠오지대학(大學)의 Search Center는 CA Condensates가 CA Integrated Subject File 보다 기능(機能)이 못하다는 것을 알았다. CA Condensates의 다른 여러 가지 형태(形態)들을 또한 비교(比較)하였다. Michaels은 CA Condensates를 온-라인으로 검색(檢索)한 것과 매주 나오는 Chemical Abstracts 책자의 색인(索引)은 수작업(手作業)으로 검색(檢索)한 것을 비교(比較)한 논문(論文)을 발표(發表)하였다. 그리고 Prewitt는 온-라인으로 축적(蓄積)한 두 개의 상업용(商業用) CA Condensates를 비교(比較)하였다. Amoco Research Center에서도 CA Condensates와 Chemical Abstracts 색인(索引)의 검색결과(檢索結果)를 비교(比較)하고 CA Condensates의 장점(長點)과 색인(索引)의 장점(長點), 그리고 사실상(事實上) 서로 동등(同等)하다는 실례(實例)를 발견(發見)하였다. 1975년(年) 3월(月), 적어도 4년분(年分)의 CA Condensates와 색인(索引)(Vols 72-79, 1970-1973)을 비교(比較)하였다. 저자(著者)와 일반(一般) 주제(主題) 대한 검색(檢索)은 Vol 80 (Jan-June, 1974)을 사용(使用)하여 비교(比較)하였다. CA Condensates는 보통 세분화(細分化)된 복합물(複合物)을 검색(檢索)하는 데 불편(不便)하다. Buckly가 제시(提示)한 실례(實例)가 그 대표적(代表的)인 예(例)이다. 그러나, 다른 형태(形態)의 검색실예(檢索實例)(단체저자(團?著者), 특허수탁저(特許受託著), 개인저자(個人著者), 일반적(一般的)인/세분화(細分化)된 화합물(化合物) 그리고 반응종류(反應種類)로 실제적(實際的)인 검색(檢索)을 위한 CA Condensates의 이점(利點)을 예시(例示)하였다. 다음 실례(實例)에서 CHEMCON과 CHEM7071은 CA Condensates를 온-라인으로 입력(入力)시킨 것이다.
The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
Objective : Purpose of this study is to discuss benefits and implications of the clinical reasoning process and re-evaluation in the OTIPM by introducing a single case that occupational therapy intervention is provided based on the OTIPM. Methods : The case subject is a boy aged 5 years and 10 month who had diagnosed as attachment disorder and anxiety disorder from a pediatric psychiatrist before. The boy is referred to sensory integration therapy clinic and underwent occupational therapy intervention service twice a week for four month. Therapeutic activities for the intervention were consisted of sensory integration activities for restorative model, care-giver education for educational model, and performance skill training for acquisitional model. Measurements used in the initial evaluation are JSI-R, DDST-2, Social Maturity Test, KPPS-R, and observation-based performance task analysis. For the performance task analysis, performance skill items were constructed based on the Occupational Therapy Process Framework (OTPF), and those were assessed by the evaluation system of Assessment of Motor and Process Skill (AMPS) and Evaluation of Social Participation (ESI). Results : The detail process of implementing of the OTIPM in this study is reported by following four phases; 1) establish client-centered performance context; 2) establish baseline and interpret cause (initial evaluation); 3) intervention planning and implementing; and 4) recognize intervention outcome (reevaluation). Conclusion : In this case, occupational therapist could provide the client an occupation-based intervention within comprehensive performance context based on the OTIPM. Therapist could clearly identify the cause of problematic performance skills and behaviors and so provide effective intervention to improve client's occupational performance. Additionally, it was found that client's satisfaction of the intervention can be raised when the concept of 'who is the client' is expanded based on the OTIPM. From this study, it is proposed that OTIPM may be a model educible 'comprehensive' enhancement of 'specific' occupational engagement, as it considers both improvement of occupational performance and satisfaction.
The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
Objectives : The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of object size and reaching distance on kinematic factors of the upper limb while performing arm reaching for normal subjects. Methods : The subjects of this study were 30 university students who were in D university in Busan, and the measuring tool was CMS-70P(Zebris Medizintechnik Gmbh, Germany), a three-dimensional motion analyzer. The task had six conditions. The average velocity of motion, average acceleration, maximum velocity, and the velocity definite number of movements were measured according to changes in object size(2cm, 10cm) and reaching distance(15%, 37.5%, 60%) when they performed arm reaching. The general characteristics of the subject were technical statistics. One-way ANOVA measurement was used to compare variables when the arm reaching task was performed from two object sizes to three reaching distance, and the post-test was conducted with Tukey test. In addition, an independent t-test was used to analyze the kinematic differences according to the two object sizes at three reaching distances. A two-way ANOVA measurement (3×2 Two-way ANOVA measurement) was performed to identify the interaction of the reaching distance(15%, 37.5%, 60%) and the object size(2cm, 10cm). The statistical significance level α was set to .05. Results : When the size of the object increased, the velocity and maximum velocity also increased, but the definite number of velocity decreased. When the reaching distance increased, the velocity and maximum velocity increased, whereas the definite number of velocity decreased. Conclusion : The clinical significance of this study could be utilized as the baseline data for grading object size and reaching distances when the reaching training is implemented for patients whose central nervous system was damaged.
This study examines the regulatory issues and introduction problems of TV-betting data broadcasts in Korea by in-depth interview with a panel group. TV-betting data broadcast services of card games and horse racing games are widely in use in Europe and other parts of the world. In order to carry out the study, a demo program of TV-betting data broadcast in the OCAP(OpenCableTM Application Platform Specification) system environment, which is the data broadcasting standard for digital cable broadcasts in Korea was exposed to the panel group and then they were interviewed after watching and using the program. The results could be summarized as below. First of all, while TV-betting data broadcasts have many elements of entertainment, the respondents thought that it would be difficult to introduce TV-betting in data broadcasts as in overseas countries largely due to social factors. In addition, in order to introduce TV-betting data broadcasts, they suggested that excessive speculativeness must be suppressed through a series of regulatory system devices, such as by guaranteeing credibility of the media based on safe security systems for transactions, scheduling programs with effective time constraints to prevent the games from running too frequently, limiting the betting values, and by prohibiting access to games through set-top boxes of other data broadcast subscribers. The general consensus was that TV-betting could be considered for gradual introduction within the governmental laws and regulations that would minimize its ill effects. Therefore, the government should formulate long-term regulations and policies for data broadcasts. Once the groundwork is laid for safe introduction of TV-betting on data broadcasts within the boundary of laws and regulations, interactive TV games are expected to be introduced in Korea not only for added functionality of entertainment but also for far-ranging development of data broadcast and new media industries.
Contents of proline and chloride in halophytes were $80-1700\;{\mu}g/gfw$ and 0.13-0.45 mM/gfw respectively. The content of proline was inversely proportional to that of chloride. Rhizomes of Phargmites communis Trin, a halophyte, were grown in non-saline medium and then taken to saline treatment for one or two weeks. Growth of P. communis was inhibited when salinized with 0.25M NaCl. Total nitrogen decreased and alcohol soluble nitrogen and proline increased when growth was retarded. The quantity of Fraction 1 protein decreased at 0.25M NaCl treatment. The accumulation of proline at high concentration in P. communis suggested that it might play a role in osmotic adjustment.
Kim, Su-Yeon;Kim, Eun-Jeong;Lee, Dong-Won;Won, Ho-Young
Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
만성적이거나 반복적인 스트레스는 우울중이나 심신병 등의 발병 기전과 밀접한 관련이 있다. 전기적 자극(electric foot shock), 한랭 자극, 속박(immobilization), 투쟁(fighting), 에테르 노출 등과 같은 심한 스트레스 자극이 뇌 조직의 시상 및 시상하부, 편도체 등에서의 노르아드레날린(noradrenalin) 방출을 유의 하게 감소시키는 동시에 혈청 corticosterone을 증가시키는 것으로 알려져 있다. 한의학에서는 스트레스 인자에 대한 신체반응을 기(氣)의 변화로 인식하고 있고, 이러한 자극요인들은 신체에 대하여 병적 요인을 제공하여 제반 질환을 야기한다. 또한 질병 발생에 대한 근거로 정기(正氣)와 사기(邪氣)의 상호 관계 위주로 인식하는데, 내부의 기(氣)의 변조(變調)는 질병의 발생을 야기하는 기초가 된다. 실험에 사용된 연근(蓮根)은 연꽃과에 속한 수생초본인 연꽃의 뿌리부분으로 우(藕) 또는 우절(藕節)이라는 명칭으로 불리기도 한다. 성미(性味)는 감(甘) 삽(澁) 평(平) 무독(無毒)하고 폐(肺) 위(胃) 간경(肝經)으로 들어가며 수렴지혈(收斂止血) 화어(化瘀)의 효능이 있어 토혈(吐血) 객혈(喀血) 뇨혈(尿血) 편혈(便血) 등의 각종 출혈 증상에 사용되어져 왔다. 최근 연꽃의 부위별 추출물이 흰쥐의 지질 과산화 생성을 효과적으로 억제하는 것으로 보고되고 있어 연근(蓮根)에 대한 다양한 약리 효능의 검색이 필요할 것으로 생각되며 연꽃의 씨앗인 연자육(蓮子肉)이 양심안신(養心安神)의 효능이 있어 스트레스성 질환에 많이 응용되고 있는 것에 착안하여 본 연구를 착수하였다. 실험 동물은 ICR계 마우스를 이용하였으며, 사회 심리적 스트레스는 옆쪽 cage에서 다른 마우스의 신체에 가해지는 전기 충격을 하루 1시간 동안 지켜보게 하는 것으로 유발하였으며 이 상태에서 약물을 투여한 그룹을 실험군, 그렇지 않은 그룹을 대조군으로 하였다. 정상군은 아무런 자극 없이 하루 1시간 동안 일정 공간에 가두어 두는 것으로 하였다. 실험 결과 사회 심리적 스트레스를 받은 경우에 아무런 처치를 하지 않은 대조군에 비해 연근 추출물을 100mg/kg/day 용량으로 5 일간 투여한 실험군에서 혈청 중 corticosterone 함량이 유의하게 감소하였으므로 매우 효과적으로 스트레스를 해소하였음을 알 수 있다. 뇌세포 중에서 신경전달물질로 분비되는 노르아드레날린의 분비량은 전반적으로 증가되는 경향을 나타내었으나 유의성은 없었다. 신체적 또는 사회 심리적 스트레스가 간 조직 내 지질의 과산화를 유발하는 것으로 나타났으며 연근 추출물이 이 결과에는 영향을 주지 못하였다. 사회 심리적 스트레스로 인하여 간 조직 내 지질과산화 정도가 증가하였으므로 혈청 내 ALT 함량도 따라 증가할 것으로 추정되었으며 이에 대한 연근 추출물 경구 투여가 간 조직을 보호할 수 있는지를 확인하기 위해 분리한 혈청으로부터 ALT 함량을 측정한 결과 대조군에 비하여 유의한 감소를 나타내었다. 또한 연근 추출물이 혈청 내 지질 과산화물의 생성을 억제할 수 있다면 질병의 예방과 치료에 효과적일 것으로 추정할 수 있으므로 그 생성량을 측정하여 보았으나 대조군과의 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 이상의 결과들을 종합하여 보면 스트레스가 부하된 5일 동안 연근(蓮根) 추출물을 함께 투여한 결과 혈청 corticosterone 함량을 유의하게 감소시켰고 뇌 조직내 noradrenaline 함량을 증가시키는 경향을 나타내어 스트레스 해소에 도움이 될 수 있음을 시사하였다. 또한 혈청 내 ALT 함량을 유의하게 감소시켜 스트레스로 인해 발생하는 간 기능의 손상도 어느 정도 억제시키는 것을 확인할 수 있었는데 앞으로 연근(蓮根)의 이러한 작용에 대한 보다 자세한 연구들이 필요한 것으로 생각된다.
Kim, Yeong Sik;Park, Shang Ho;An, Ik Tae;Choo, Yeon Moon
Journal of Wetlands Research
Unlike in the past, the world is facing water shortages due to climate change and difficulties in simultaneously managing the risks of flooding. The Four Major Rivers project was carried out with the aim of realizing a powerful nation of water by managing water resources and fostering the water industry, and the construction period was relatively short compared to the unprecedented scale. Therefore, the prediction and analysis of how the river environment changes after the Four Major Rivers Project is insufficient. Currently, part of the construction section of the Four Major Rivers Project is caused by repeated erosion and sedimentation due to the effects of sandification caused by large dredging and flood-time reservoirs, and the head erosion of the tributaries occurs. In order to solve these problems, the riverbed maintenance work was installed, but it resulted in erosion of both sides of the river and the development of new approaches and techniques to keep the river bed stable, such as erosion and excessive sedimentation, is required. The water agent plays a role of securing a certain depth of water for the main stream by concentrating the flow so much in the center and preventing levee erosion by controlling the flow direction and flow velocity. In addition, Groyne products provide various ecological environments by forming a natural form of riverbeds by inducing local erosion and deposition in addition to the protection functions of the river bank and embankment. Therefore, after reviewing the method of determining the shape of the Groyne structure currently in use by utilizing the mobile limit flow rate and marginal reflux force, a new Critical Movement Velocity(${\bar{U}}_d$) and a new resistance coefficient formula considering the mathematical factors applicable to the actual domestic stream were developed and the measures applicable to Groyne installation were proposed.
Proceedings of The Korean Society of Health Promotion Conference
The Korean Government has produced the Health Plan 2010 aimed at setting up healthy Korea objectives, policies on preventing chronic diseases, reshaping the country's health and medical infrastructure. The policy goal targets the people's healthy life expectancy at 75 by 2010, and includes healthy life practice measures including health education, health improvement services, and disease management measures, in achieving the objectives. Also, the plan provides life cycle-based health improvement and disease prevention services, as well as pushes ahead with projects with greater ripple effects in each area. To this end, the government is simultaneously pushing to operate an experts-centered health promotion committee and establishing the infrastructure including the augmentation of national health improvement funds. Through its Health Plan 20 I 0, the Korean Government will exert efforts to achieve its policy objectives as addressed in the measures by enhancing the national potential health and providing systematic disease prevention services.
Mucosal epithelia sense external stress signals and transmit them to the intracellular cascade responses. Ribotoxic stress-producing chemicals such as deoxynivalenol (DON) or other trichothecene mycotoxins have been linked with gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases by Fusarium-contamination. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that DON evokes the epithelial sentinel signals of RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR) and early growth response gene 1 (EGR-1), which together contribute to the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin 8 (IL-8) in human intestinal epithelial cells. PKR suppression by the dominant negative PKR expression attenuated DON-stimulated interleukin-8 production. Moreover, 1L-8 transcriptional activation by DON was also reduced by PKR inhibition in the human intestinal epithelial cells. Treatment with the PKR inhibitor also suppressed EGR-1 promoter activity, mRNA and protein induction, although mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases such as extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases (ERK) 1/2, p38, c-Jun N-terminal Kinase (INK) were little affected or even enhanced in presence of a PKR inhibitor. These patterns were also compared in the EGR-1-suppressed cells, which showed much more suppressed production of 1L-8. All things taken into consideration, DON-activated sentinel signals of EGR-1 via PKR mediated interleukin-8 production in human intestinal epithelial cells, which provide insight into the possible general mechanism associated with mucosal inflammation as an intestinal toxic insult by ribotoxic trichothecene mycotoxins.
Demographic and socio-structural information is useful to identify potential welfare recipients who are in need of disease-prevention and intervention services. Thus, the present study aims to explore the differences in grip strength among middle and old-aged adults by living conditions and by living area. The 5th wave data of Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging was utilized. The dependent variable was grip strength, and the independent variables were living alone (living alone or not) and living area (city or non-city). Covariates were age, education, log-transformed household income, spouse existence, body mass index, self-rated health conditions, depressive symptoms, cognitive function, smoking, regular exercise, frequency of meeting with friends, and the number of social participation. Regression analysis was performed for middle-aged men, middle-aged women, old-aged men, and old-aged women, respectively. ANOVA and Chi-test were additionally used to specifically discuss significant results. Cross-sectional weight was applied to all analyses. According to the results, living alone and living area did not have significant effects on grip strength among middle-aged men, old-aged men, and old-aged women. In middle-aged women, however, living alone and living area were significantly associated with grip strength. To be specific, middle-aged women who lived alone in rural areas had the lowest grip strength compared to other middle-aged women. Additional analysis showed that middle-aged women who lived alone in rural areas had risk factors, such as low education level, low income, or high depressive symptoms. It implies that middle-aged women living alone in rural areas may have physical health risks, so they might be in need of disease prevention. This study is meaningful in that it can provide reliable information on the latent welfare recipients by using representative panel data and applying weight values.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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