• Title/Summary/Keyword: 상태 표현

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Double Threshold Method for EMG-based Human-Computer Interface (근전도 기반 휴먼-컴퓨터 인터페이스를 위한 이중 문턱치 기법)

  • Lee Myungjoon;Moon Inhyuk;Mun Museong
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.471-478
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    • 2004
  • Electromyogram (EMC) signal generated by voluntary contraction of muscles is often used in a rehabilitation devices such as an upper limb prosthesis because of its distinct output characteristics compared to other bio-signals. This paper proposes an EMG-based human-computer interface (HCI) for the control of the above-elbow prosthesis or the wheelchair. To control such rehabilitation devices, user generates four commands by combining voluntary contraction of two different muscles such as levator scapulae muscles and flexor-extensor carpi ulnaris muscles. The muscle contraction is detected by comparing the mean absolute value of the EMG signal with a preset threshold value. However. since the time difference in muscle firing can occur when the patient tries simultaneous co-contraction of two muscles, it is difficult to determine whether the patient's intention is co-contraction. Hence, the use of the comparison method using a single threshold value is not feasible for recognizing such co-contraction motion. Here, we propose a novel method using double threshold values composed of a primary threshold and an auxiliary threshold. Using the double threshold method, the co-contraction state is easily detected, and diverse interface commands can be used for the EMG-based HCI. The experimental results with real-time EMG processing showed that the double threshold method is feasible for the EMG-based HCI to control the myoelectric prosthetic hand and the powered wheelchair.

The Geomorphic Development of Angyae Basin (안계분지(安溪盆地)의 지형발달)

  • Bak, Byeong-Su;Son, Myoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 1997
  • In various places of drainage basins of major rivers in South Korea are distributed intermontane basins. Basin floor covered with fluvial deposits carried from the surrounding mountane area becomes alluvial plain. Its productivity is comparatively higher than anywhere else. Thus basin is a local administrative, economic, and cultural core area. Intermontane basin consists of backward mountane area, gentle hills, and alluvial lowland. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the morpogenetic processes and development age of Angae Basin located in the sedimentary rock region. Hills with the height of a.s.l. $80{\sim}100m$ distributed in Angae Basin are residual landforms, which are the remnants of dissection of the etchplain that results from the denudation of bedrock deeply weathered along tectolineaments under the warm and moist climate, and reflect lithological differentiation of bedrock. Those hills have been comparatively higher ridges since the initial stage of the original etchplain, and they have been immune from fluvial processes. The etchplain appeared as $80{\sim}100m$ hills. the high terrace distributed in upstream reach of Nakdong River drainage basin and the old meander-cut at Seoburi in Wicheon drainage basin, are formed at the same stage when riverbed of Wicheon Stream functioned as a local base level according as the fluvial system of Wichoen arrived at dynamic equilibrium.

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The Roles of Wind Shadow Aspect Ratio upon the Behaviors of Transverse Dunes : A Dynamics Analysis on the Behavior Space (바람그늘의 기울기가 횡사구의 지형발달에서 담당하는 역할 -거동 공간상의 동역학적 분석을 중심으로-)

  • RHEW, Hosahng
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.887-911
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    • 2016
  • The empirical law that transverse dunes migrate inversely with their heights leads logically to the prediction that multiple dune ridges will converse to a single huge dune by merging. This contradicts the existence of the steady state dune fields on the Earth. The recent studies have emphasized dune collisions as a key mechanism to the stability of dunefield. The roles of wind shadow aspect ratio, however, have yet to be fully explored. This research aims to investigate the potential roles of wind shadow aspect ratio in the dynamical behaviors of transverse dune field. The simplified model is established for this, based upon allometric properties of transverse dunes, wind speedup on the stoss slope and sand trapping efficiency. The derived governing equations can be transformed to the zoning criteria and vector field for dune evolution. The dynamics analysis indicates that wind shadow aspect ratios do not produce convergent areas on the behavior space; rather, they just act as one of the factors that affect the trajectories of dune evolution. Though the model cannot represent the stability of dune field, but seem to produce a reasonable exponent for dune spacing-height relations.

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Evaluation of Deformation Characteristics and Vulnerable Parts according to Loading on Compound Behavior Connector (복합거동연결체의 하중재하에 따른 변형 특성 및 취약부위 산정)

  • Kim, Ki-Sung;Kim, Dong-wook;Ahn, Jun-hyuk
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.524-530
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: In this paper, we construct a detailed three-dimensional interface element using a three-dimensional analysis program, and evaluate the composite behavior stability of the connector by applying physical properties such as the characteristics of general members and those of reinforced members Method: The analytical model uses solid elements, including non-linear material behavior, to complete the modeling of beam structures, circular flanges, bolting systems, etc. to the same dimensions as the design drawing, with each member assembled into one composite behavior linkage. In order to more effectively control the uniformity and mesh generation of other element type contact surfaces, the partitioning was performed. Modeled with 50 carbon steel materials. Results: It shows the displacement, deformation, and stress state of each load stage by the contact adjoining part, load loading part, fixed end part, and vulnerable anticipated part by member, and after displacement, deformation, The effect of the stress distribution was verified and the validity of the design was verified. Conclusion: Therefore, if the design support of the micro pile is determined based on this result, it is possible to identify the Vulnerable Parts of the composite behavior connector and the degree of reinforcement.

Hierarchical Visualization of the Space of Facial Expressions (얼굴 표정공간의 계층적 가시화)

  • Kim Sung-Ho;Jung Moon-Ryul
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.31 no.12
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    • pp.726-734
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    • 2004
  • This paper presents a facial animation method that enables the user to select a sequence of facial frames from the facial expression space, whose level of details the user can select hierarchically Our system creates the facial expression space from about 2400 captured facial frames. To represent the state of each expression, we use the distance matrix that represents the distance between pairs of feature points on the face. The shortest trajectories are found by dynamic programming. The space of facial expressions is multidimensional. To navigate this space, we visualize the space of expressions in 2D space by using the multidimensional scaling(MDS). But because there are too many facial expressions to select from, the user faces difficulty in navigating the space. So, we visualize the space hierarchically. To partition the space into a hierarchy of subspaces, we use fuzzy clustering. In the beginning, the system creates about 10 clusters from the space of 2400 facial expressions. Every tine the level increases, the system doubles the number of clusters. The cluster centers are displayed on 2D screen and are used as candidate key frames for key frame animation. The user selects new key frames along the navigation path of the previous level. At the maximum level, the user completes key frame specification. We let animators use the system to create example animations, and evaluate the system based on the results.

Automatic Detection of Usability Issues on Mobile Applications (모바일 앱에서의 사용자 행동 모델 기반 GUI 사용성 저해요소 검출 기법)

  • Ma, Kyeong Wook;Park, Sooyong;Park, Soojin
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.5 no.7
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    • pp.319-326
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    • 2016
  • Given the attributes of mobile apps that shorten the time to make purchase decisions while enabling easy purchase cancellations, usability can be regarded to be a highly prioritized quality attribute among the diverse quality attributes that must be provided by mobile apps. With that backdrop, mobile app developers have been making great effort to minimize usability hampering elements that degrade the merchantability of apps in many ways. Most elements that hamper the convenience in use of mobile apps stem from those potential errors that occur when GUIs are designed. In our previous study, we have proposed a technique to analyze the usability of mobile apps using user behavior logs. We proposes a technique to detect usability hampering elements lying dormant in mobile apps' GUI models by expressing user behavior logs with finite state models, combining user behavior models extracted from multiple users, and comparing the combined user behavior model with the expected behavior model on which the designer's intention is reflected. In addition, to reduce the burden of the repeated test operations that have been conducted by existing developers to detect usability errors, the present paper also proposes a mobile usability error detection automation tool that enables automatic application of the proposed technique. The utility of the proposed technique and tool is being discussed through comparison between the GUI issue reports presented by actual open source app developers and the symptoms detected by the proposed technique.

Analysis and Recognition of Behavioral Response of Selected Insects in Toxic Chemicals for Water Quality Monitoring (수질 모니터링을 위한 유해 물질 유입에 따른 생물체의 행동 반응 분석 및 인식)

  • Kim, Cheol-Ki;Cha, Eui-Young
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.9B no.5
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    • pp.663-672
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, Using an automatic tracking system, behavior of an aquatic insect, Chironomus sp. (Chironomidae), was observed in semi-natural conditions in response to sub-lethal treament of a carbamate insecticide, carbofuran. The fourth instar larvae were placed in an observation cage $(6cm\times{7cm}\times{2.5cm)}$ at temperature of $18^\circ{C}$ and the light condition of 10 time (light) : 14 time (dark). The tracking system was devised to detect the instant, partial movement of the insect body. Individual movement was traced after the treatment of carbofuran (0.1ppm) for four days 2days : before treatment, 2 days : after treatment). Along with the other irregular behaviors, "ventilation activity", appearing as a shape of "compressed zig-zag", was more frequently observed after the treatment of the insecticide. The activity of the test individuals was also generally depressed after the chemical treatment. In order to detect behavioral changes of the treated specimens, wavelet analysis was implemented to characterize different movement patterns. The extracted parameters based on Discrete Wavelet Transforms (DWT) were subsequently provided to artificial neural networks to be trained to represent different patterns of the movement tracks before and after treatments of the insecticide. This combined model of wavelets and artificial neural networks was able to point out the occurrence of characteristic movement patterns, and could be an alternative tool for automatically detecting presences of toxic chemicals for water quality monitoring. quality monitoring.

Neuronal Phenotypes and Gene Expression Profiles of the Human Adipose Tissue-Derived Stromal Cells in the Neuronal Induction (신경 분화 유도한 인체 지방조직 유래 간질세포의 신경 표현형과 유전자 발현)

  • Shim, Su Kyung;Oh, Deuk Young;Jun, Young Joon;Lee, Paik Kwon;Ahn, Sang Tae;Rhie, Jong Won
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Human adipose tissue-derived stromal cells(hADSCs) can be expanded in vitro and induced to differentiate into multiple mesenchymal cell types. In this study we have examined various neuronal phenotypes and gene expression profiles of the hADSCs in the neuronal induction. Methods: The hADSCs were isolated from human adipose tissue and they were characterized by the flow cytometry analysis using CD13, CD29, CD34, CD45, CD49d, CD90, CD105 and HLA-DR cell surface markers. We differentiated the hADSCs into the neuronal lineage by using chemical induction medium and observed the cells with contrast microscopy. The immunocytochemistry and western blotting were performed using the NSE, NeuN, Trk-A, Vimentin, N-CAM, S-100 and ${\beta}$-Tubulin III antibodies. Results: The hADSCs were positive for CD13($90.3{\pm}4%$), CD29($98.9{\pm}0.7%$), CD49d($13.6{\pm}6%$), CD90 ($99.4{\pm}0.1%$), CD105($96%{\pm}2.8%$) but negative for CD34, CD45 and HLA-DR. The untreated cultures of hADSCs predominately consisted of spindle shaped cells and a few large, flat cells. Three hours after the addition of induction medium, the hADSCs had changed morphology and adopted neuronal-like phenotypes. The result of immunocytochemistry and western blotting showed that NSE, NeuN, Trk-A, Vimentin, N-CAM, S-100 and ${\beta}$-Tubulin III were expressed. However, NSE, NeuN, Vimentin were weakly expressed in the control. Conclusion: Theses results indicate that hADSCs have the capabillity of differentiating into neuronal lineage in a specialized culture medium. hADSCs may be useful in the treatment of a wide variety of neurological disorders.

Numerical Investigation of Ion and Radical Density Dependence on Electron Density and Temperature in Etching Gas Discharges (식각공정용 가스방전에서 이온 및 활성종 밀도의 전자밀도 및 온도 의존성에 대한 수치해석적 분석)

  • An, Choong-Gi;Park, Min-Hae;Son, Hyung-Min;Shin, Woo-Hyung;Kwon, Deuk-Chul;You, Shin-Jae;Kim, Jung-Hyung;Yoon, Nam-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.422-429
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    • 2011
  • Dependence of radical and ion density on electron density and temperature is numerically investigated for $Cl_2$/Ar, $CF_4$, $CF_4/O_2$, $CF_4/H_2$, $C_2F_6$, $C_4F_8$ and $SF_6$ discharges which are widely used for etching process. We derived a governing equation set for radical and ion densities as functions of the electron density and temperature, which are easier to measure relatively, from continuity equations by assuming steady state condition. Used rate coefficients of reactions in numerical calculations are directly produced from collisional cross sections or collected from various papers. If the rate coefficients have different values for a same reaction, calculation results were compared with experimental results. Then, we selected rate coefficients which show better agreement with the experimental results.

Somatic Symptoms after Psychological Trauma (심리외상 이후의 신체증상)

  • Park, Joo Eon;Ahn, Hyun-Nie;Kim, Won-Hyoung
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : Somatic symptoms after the exposure of psychological trauma frequently developed. However, the somatic symptoms are not covered under the diagnostic criteria of posttraumatic stress disorder(PTSD) in detail, although they are often associated with social and occupational functioning and patient-doctor relationships. The aim of this article is to highlight the potential mechanisms, the common manifestations, and the treatment of the somatic symptoms. Methods : This article studied the somatic symptoms searched using academic search engines like PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, KoreaMed and KISS from the earliest available date of indexing to March 31, 2016. Results : The mechanism of somatic symptoms after the exposure was described as psychological and physiological aspects. Psychological mechanism consisted of psychodynamic theory, cognitive behavioral theory, and others. Physiological mechanism involved changes in neuroendocrine and immune system, autonomic nervous system and central nervous system. Somatization associated with psychological trauma manifested various health conditions on head and neck, chest, abdominal, musculoskeletal, and dermatological and immune system. Few studies described the standardization of treatment for the somatic symptoms. Conclusions : Clinicians and disaster behavioral health providers should think of the accompanying somatic symptoms during intervention of psychological trauma and PTSD. Further studies are needed on the somatic symptoms seen in psychological trauma and PTSD.