• Title/Summary/Keyword: 상징 표현

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A study on digital jewelry design through reinterpretation of symbolic element of Peony flower in Minwha with Linguistic analysis (민화 '모란' 의 언어학적 상징요소 재해석을 통한 디지털 주얼리 디자인 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Won;Nah, Ken
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.407-413
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    • 2016
  • This research is aimed to discuss for Korean cultural contents; symbol structure of Minwha painting which not only expresses openness, flexible expression and methods of communication of our ancestors but also possibly passes down as precious cultural heritage to modern society with new developed mediums. From this perspectives, as a method of research, modern jewelry design is created through digital process with linguistics analysis of its symbol structure that contains universal wishes of people. As a result, this research showed jewelry design and design process, titled "Blossom" and "Big Smile" grafting modern technology of 3D digital tool onto universal meaning symbolized by Peony flower, wealth and honor, and also grafted modern manufacturing methods of 3D printing and laser cut onto openness and flexible thinking in symbol structure in Minwha.

On the Application of Traditional Chinese Cultural Symbols and Modern Literary Symbols in Zhang Yimou's Film (장예모의 영화 ≪영≫의 중국문화상징과 현대문화상징의 응용에 관한 내용)

  • Tao, Duan
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 2019
  • Zhang yimou's film "the shadow" adopts a lot of modern literary symbolic content in the story structure. The novel has been greatly modified, abandoning the setting of the original work and making up the historical background of the story, thus completing the discourse practice of aerial literature rather than historical literature. The film expresses the historical story poetically and even writes the personal mind. In this way, the audience's sense of substitution is increased, and a large number of traditional Chinese cultural symbols are adopted visually. In terms of clothing, the most traditional is sought, which advocates loyalty to history, and adds cultural connotation and depth. The audience can feel the bold and unfettered artistic creation spirit of the main creator, as well as the novel and unique visual expression style, which makes his works have both traditional visual perception and modern story content. The combination of traditional vision and modern drama forms a new visual and cultural experience.

A Study on Design Characteristics of Korean War Memorials in the United States (한국전쟁 메모리얼의 설계요소에 나타난 기념성)

  • Lee, Sang-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.12-24
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze design characteristics of Korean War Memorials(KWM) in the United States(KWMUS). Through site survey and internet searching, the researcher selected 25 KWMUS and analyzed four analysis categories: design concept, spatial form, landscape details, and sculptures. The results are as follows: 1. The analysis revealed that main concepts of KWMUS were to cherish victims of the Korean War, show membership/locality/patriotism, express feelings and the meaning of war, and explain the Korean War realistically and symbolically. 2. Most KWMUS in memorial parks and plazas were designed to pursue the completion of each memorial assuming the form of typical and symmetrical circles and squares. Also, spatial order including spatial sequence was seen in some of KWMUS. 3. Stone walls, stone monument, flags, emblems and paving were used as main landscape details. The map of the Korean peninsula and Taegeuk were often introduced to symbolize Korea and the Korean War, and the symbolic phrase, 'Forgotten War' or 'Freedom is Not Free' were written on the stone to keep the Korean War in the minds of Americans. 4. Sculptures were used as important media to represent the Korean War in a variety of ways. Most of them were formed realistically, except for a few sculptures that aimed to represent the Korean War symbolically and narratively. In particular, the sculptures in Washington D.C. KWVM and Minnesota KWM were remarkable as symbolic media of war memorials in contemporary society. Further study will be required to analyze comparatively KWM in Korea and the U.S. and to understand characteristics of KWM in the point of design style.

Rothko's Painting-Image and the Expansion of the Real: Lacan, Zizek, and Wilber (로스코의 회화이미지와 실재의 확장 : 라깡, 지젝, 그리고 윌버)

  • Bae, Chul-young
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.117
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    • pp.85-111
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    • 2011
  • Topics with which chis paper deals are as following; (1)Zizek's interpretation of Rothko's painting, (2)Lacan's gaze and picture, (3)the real as object a, (4)primal jouissance and death-drive, (5)a new identity of man-emptiness in Zizek, (6) existential level and existential conflict, (7)a variety of meanings of emptiness, (8)transpecsonal drive and meditation, (9) the different Real-Emptiness, (10)Rochko's painting and transpersonal drive.

A Study on Material Expression and Symbolism of Carlo Scarpa's Garden Details (카를로 스카르파(Carlo Scarpa)의 정원 디테일에 나타난 재료 표현기법 및 상징성 연구)

  • Lee, Hyung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.54-60
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the garden details of Carla Scarpa in order to understand his selection and composition of materials, detailing style and symbolism of the spaces. Literature review and a field trip were conducted for the study and the results are as follows. First, Scarpa used vernacular materials such as Murano glass and Istrian limestone, and juxtaposed various materials using contrast of color and texture. His mixed uses of traditional and modern materials shows the passage of time. Second, he create his own detail style such as ziggurat and geometric motif, which make the garden space to look more interesting and rich. Scarpa respected local craftsmanship like glass design and used textile design style such as overlaying. Third, symbolic uses of water features help make narrative and poetic gardens. Scarpa's unique detail style and respects for traditional craftsmanship provide lessons on how to interpretate traditional design style in modern garden.

Butterfly Motif Design in Contemporary Fashion Collection - Focusing on VOGUE from 2019 to 2023 - (현대 패션컬렉션에 표현된 나비모티브 디자인 분석 -2019년~2023년 VOGUE를 중심으로-)

  • Shin, Jaeyoung;Huh, Jungsun
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.379-386
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study was to pay attention to the increase in the frequency of expression of butterflies and insects, whose decrease in the number of individuals is symbolized as a measure of environmental pollution, among the various motifs of nature as we go through the COVID-19, when we realized the importance of nature. The scope of this study was limited to fashion collection fashion show photos and interview articles of online for fashion collections from 2019 to 2023. As a result of the study, 185 butterfly motivation fashion design appeared, and digital printing techniques were the most used as a type of plane expression method. Along with this, techniques such as quilting, embroidery, and beading have appeared a lot as techniques to express the planar motif of butterflies. As for the three-dimensional expression types, 3D printing, laser cutting, corsage techniques, and draping techniques showed similar proportion. It can be seen that the expressed butterfly motif had more realistic description the shape of the butterfly as it was than abstract expressions. In conclusion, it can be seen that the butterfly motif fashion design over the past five years contains a stronger message about the environment than the butterfly motif fashion in the past. It was confirmed that it is a motif with a great symbolic meaning that can convey an eco-friendly message beyond just the morphological beauty and colorful design elements of the butterfly.

Collecting and Analyzing Color Information for Constructing Semantic Information Model (의미정보모델 구축을 위한 색채정보의 수집과 정량적 분석)

  • Lyu, Ki-Gon;Sun, Dong-Eon;Kim, Hyeon-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2011.06c
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    • pp.232-235
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    • 2011
  • 지식표현은 일반적으로 논리, 규칙, 프레임 또는 의미망 형태로 표현되며, 최근에는 의미망을 이용한 온톨로지 형태로 표현되고 있다. 이러한 지식표현 방법은 개념을 설명하는 문맥적인 정보나 개념들 간의 구조적인 정보를 이용하여 개념에 대한 지식을 논리적으로 표현하는데 중점을 두었다. 하지만, 지식표현에 사용되는 의미정보는 사람에 의해 수집되고 정제되기 때문에 많은 시간, 비용 및 인력이 필요하다는 한계가 있고, 새로운 의미를 추가하거나 기존의 의미를 수정하는 것이 매우 어렵다는 한계가 있다. 색채는 특정 대상이나 개념에 대한 의미, 연상, 상징 등 객관적인 특징 뿐 아니라 시대, 나라, 문화와 같은 사회적 배경을 반영하기 때문에, 정보를 제공하고 감성을 전달하는 효과적인 수단으로 사용되고 있다. 이에 본 논문은, 색채를 이용한 의미정보모델 구축을 위해, 색채정보를 수집하고 정량적으로 분석하는 방법을 제안한다. 긍정/부정/불안/중립으로 구성된 감성어휘 273개를 이용하여 이미지를 수집한 결과 총 130,944개의 이미지를 수집하였다. 이미지에는 여러 가지 사물, 행동, 배경, 색채 등 다양한 정보가 혼재되어 있어 감성어휘와 연관된 색채를 구별하기 어렵기 때문에 이미지를 직관적으로 설명할 수 있는 사용자 태그를 별도로 수집하였다. 태그는 총 2,836,395개를 수집하였고 각 이미지와 그룹에서의 가중치를 구하였다. 태그의 가중치를 통해 이미지가 그룹 내에서 갖는 중요도를 판별하였고, 각 그룹 별로 상위 30%의 이미지를 추출하여 대표 색채를 분석하였다.

Study for Animation Symbol & Metaphor as Visual Culture (영상문화로서 애니메이션의 상징과 은유에 대한 연구)

  • Cho, Jung-Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.116-120
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    • 2004
  • As the first, about symbol and metaphor of visual culture animation, I research what is the de-centered reading focused on relationship between the semiotics text and the audience. Secondly, I will study about an animation text and their relationship within it's metaphor, animation work's analysis and art directed intension(and process) on aesthetic view as a visual representation.

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Implementation of Metaverse Virtual City Using 3D Modeling (3D 모델링을 활용한 메타버스 가상 도시 구현)

  • Chung, Esther;Seo, Yongduek
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2022.11a
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    • pp.149-150
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    • 2022
  • 본 연구는 현실과는 다른 공간, 시대 및 문화적 배경 등을 디자인하고 그 속에서 살아가는 메타버스 가상 세계를 작품으로 제시한다. 제시된 작품인 언플래닛 시티(Unplanet City)는 상징적 의미가 담긴 조형 언어를 통해 새롭게 창조된 도시를 의미하며, 기존 도시와 대칭점에 있는 상상 속 세상이다. 현재 우리가 사는 플래닛과 대칭되는 언플래닛 시티에는 상징적인 건축물로 가득하며, 이 건축물들은 3D로 표현되었다. 언플래닛 시티는 작품 전체가 전시 공간이 되는 새로운 전시 공간의 활용과 확장 가능성에 목적을 둔다.

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Interesting visual element analysis of 3D character design - Based on the animated Disney - (3D캐릭터 디자인의 시각적 재미 요소 분석 -디즈니 애니메이션을 중심으로-)

  • Jin, Hui;Lee, Jong Han
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.44
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    • pp.163-181
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    • 2016
  • The 3D animation is the trend of more and more as the years go by. 2016 works "red soil" of the works through the analysis of the new changes, and also in the interest of those factors, which play an important role, how to performance in the appropriate way of expression. according to the focus of work in the process of modeling design of meaning and symbol and character, action and expression of the meaning of understanding and appreciation of the works, the meaning of double the fun.