• 제목/요약/키워드: 삼첨판

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새로운 Duromedics 인공판막 치환의 임상고찰 (The Clinical Experiences of "New Duromedics Valve" Replacement)

  • 강면식;유경종;윤치순;박한기
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제30권10호
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    • pp.979-985
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    • 1997
  • Edwards-Duromedics valve(Mcdel 3160 & 9120) 는 1982년 처음 상품화된 후 disc escape 현상이 발견되어 생산이 중지되었다가 1990년부터 새로이 개발된 Model 3160R & 9120R이 사용되고 있으며, 현재는 구조적인 변화없이 이름만 Enwuns-nUh Bileaflet valveuodel 3200 & 9200)로 바커어 사용되고 있다. 연세대학교 심장혈관 센터에서는 1991년 10월부터 1995년 5월까지 208명에게 New Duromedics 판막치환을 시술하여 이들을 연구대상으로 의무기록의 조사 및 추적조사를 통하여 판막과 관련된 합병증을 연구하였다 연령은 18세에서 70세 사이로 평균 48.2$\pm$11.6세 였으며, 남자가 95명, 여자가 113명이었다. New York Heart Association Functional Class는 수술전 Class II가 45명, III가 131명, IV가 32명이었으며, 추적조사 기간중에는 Class I이 153명, II가 46명, III가 2명이었다. 판막치환은 단일판막 치환이 160례(승모판막:123례, 대동맥판 막:35례, 삼첨판막:2례), 이중판막치환이 48례(승모판막 및 대동맥판막:47례, 승모판막 및 삼첨판막:1례)였다. 동반수술은 좌심방내의 혈전제거술이 22례, 삼첨판막 판막륜 성형술이 33례 및 기타 3례가 있었다 수술후 합병증은 25례(12.2%)에서 발생하였으며 이중 출혈로 인한 재수술이 9례, 창상감염 8례, 신기능 부전 3례,뇌 경색증 2례, 호흡부전 1례,급성 심내막염 1례, 심근경색증 1례였다. 수술사망은 3명에서 발생하여 1.4%의 사망률을 보였으며, 사망원인은 저심박출증 1례, 패혈증 1례, multiorgan failure 1례였다. 추적조사는 99%가 가능하였고, 추적기간은 2개월에서 46개월로서 평균 20.9$\pm$11.7개월이었다. 이 기간중에 5명의 만기사망이 있었 으나 판막과 관련된 사망은 1례였다. 만기사망 원인은 인공판막의 심내막염 1례, 심부전증 1례, 뇌좌상에 의한 뇌출혈 1례, Cushing's syndroms 1례 및 원인을 알 수 없는 예가 1례였다 전체 생존환자에 대한 40개월 생 존률은 95.5%였으며, 승모판막 치환시 95.5%, 대동맥판막 치환시 96.8%,삼첨판막 치환시 100% 및 이중판막 치환시 92.0%였다. 이 기간중 6명(2.9%),에서 만기 합병증이 발생하였는데 상부위장관 출혈 2례, 뇌경색증 2 례, 판막혈전 1례 및 인공판막 심내막염 1례였다. 심내막염 1례는 수술 21개월후에 발생하여 사망하였다. 40 개월 동안 중요 만기 합병증이 발생하지 않을 가능성은 89.9%였다. 대상환자중 판막의 구조적 장애나 심각한 용혈증을 보인 예는 없었으며, 판막과 관련된 재수술도 없었다. 저자들의 New Duromedics 인공판막치환의 경험으로 볼 때 이 판막의 초기제품에서 문제가 되었던 구조적 결함은 발견되지 않았을 뿐만 아니라, 수술성적이나 판막과 관련된 합병증도 다른 판막과 비교하여 우수하 거나 비슷한 것으로 나타났으며, 합병증 중에서 가장 많은 항응고제 사용과 관련된 수술후 합병증을 예방하기 위해서는 적절한 12m의 유지가 필요할 것으로 생각된다.

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Ebstein 심기형의 개심술 4례 (삼첨판막 대치이식술 및 우심실 Plication) (The Surgical management of Ebstein's anomaly: A Report of 4 cases of tricuspid valve replacement and plication of the atrialized right ventricle)

  • 임승평;양기민;이영균
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.435-441
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    • 1980
  • Ebstein`s anomaly had been amenable to reparative surgery since 1962. However, neither the role of surgery in Ebstein`s anomaly nor the surgical procedure of choice for its correction are clearly defined. Whether or not the atrialized right ventricle, which plays a major role in the functional abnormalities, should be obliterated in all cases remains unsolved. Four cases of Ebstein`s anomaly treated surgically at Seoul National University Hospital were reported. All had closure of the atrial septal defect, obliteration of the atrialized right ventricle by plication, and insertion of a tricuspid bioprosthesis and an epicardial ventricular pacemaker. One patient had a pulmonic valvotomy due to stenotic bicuspid pulmonic valve also. All but one had discharged with a good result.

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외상성 심실중격결손 및 삼첨판 역류증 치험 1례 (Non-penetrating Thoracic Traumatic Ventricular Septal Defect & Tricuspid Regurgitation - One Case Report -)

  • 박종호;박표원
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제24권6호
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    • pp.616-624
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    • 1991
  • Recently, cardiac injury due to blunt thoracic trauma appears to be increasing in frequency. The rising incidence of this mishap may relate to the absolute increase in automobile accidents as well as to more universal recognition that cardiac damage may have been sustained. We have experienced a rare case of ventricular septal defect caused by non-penetrating thoracic trauma. Of further interest is the history of chest trauma, clearly resulting in rupture of the chordae tendineae of the tricuspid valve successfully treated by operation-re-placement with two, 6 - 0, double-armed, expanded polytetrafluoroethylene sutures-2 months later. The unique combination of ventricular septal defect and rupture of the chordae tendineae of the tricuspid valve secondary to non-penetrating thoracic trauma is presented below to emphasize another variety of cardiac injury.

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대동맥과 우심실사이의 누루를 동반한 대동맥판막 및 삼첨판막의 감염성 심내막염 치험 1례 (Infective Endocarditis of Aortic Valve and Tricuspid Valve Associated with a Fistula between Aorta and Right Ventricle - One Case Report -)

  • 서필원;안혁
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제21권5호
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    • pp.889-893
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    • 1988
  • We experienced a case of infective endocarditis of aortic valve and tricuspid valve associated with a fistula between aorta and right ventricle. The patient was 35 years old woman and showed severe congestive heart failure. Large and multiple vagetations were found on the valvular surfaces and a fistula was present between aorta and right ventricle. Probably infective endocarditis of aortic valve resulted in annular abscess and as it healed, a fistula was formed and tricuspid valve endocarditis followed. We replaced the aortic valve and tricuspid valve with St. Jude mechanical prostheses, and closed the fistula opening with suture. The postoperative course was smooth and the patient has no problems till now 4 months after operation.

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기능적 삼첨판 폐쇄부전증 환자에서 판막륜 성형술의 효과 (The Effects of Tricuspid Annuloplasty on Funcional Tricuspid Regurgitation)

  • 유경종
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제28권9호
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    • pp.829-836
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    • 1995
  • Ninety-one adult patients underwent three different methods of annuloplasty and compared them by the amount of tricuspid regurgitation. Group I [n=17 is Kay method, Group II [n=46 is modified Kay method and Group III [n=28 is De Vega and modified De Vega method. Preoperative and postopeative size of the liver and its function, the cardiothoracic ratio, EKG and echocardiogram were analyzed. The follow up was done for all the patients [mean 20.0$\pm$ 8.5 months . The postoperative size of the liver, the postoperative cardiothoracic ratio and the postoperative systolic pressure of the right ventricle decreased significantly compared to preoperative size, ratio and pressure [p=0.0001, p=0.0001, p=0.0001 . But there were no differences between the groups. The results of annuloplasty revealed that tricuspid regurgitation improved postoperatively [p=0.0001 even though there was no statistically significant differences in relation to the methods of annuloplasty. The right ventricular systolic pressure and the amount of regurgitation decreased significantly during the postoperative period by performing 3 different methods of annuloplasty, although we could not find the differences between the three different methods.

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Pannus 형성으로 인한 삼첨판막 재치환술 (Reoperation of Failed Tricuspid Mechanical Prosthetic Valve Due to Pannus Formation)

  • 최강주;김병훈;조광현
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제32권11호
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    • pp.1049-1051
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    • 1999
  • We performed a reoperation of failed tricuspid mechanical valve in a 63-year-old female patient because the overgrown endothelial pannus had entrapped the prosthetic leaflets. Four years ago, the patient underwent mitral and tricuspid valve replacements with 31 and 33 mm Carbomedics, respectively. The patient showed symptoms of neck vein distention, abdominal distention and peripheral edema. The chest film, echocardiography and cineangiography confirmed the diagnosis of tricuspid valve. During the operation, we found the entrapped leaflets of the tricuspid valve in a partially closed state and the endothelial pannus had overgrown into the leaflets. Carpentier-Edward bovine pericardial valve was inserted and the patient was discharged with no significant events.

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삼첨판막 이식: 57례 보고 (Tricuspid valve replacement with bioprosthesis)

  • 염욱;이영균
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 1983
  • Fifty-Seven Cases of tricuspid valve replacement were done from April 1976 to January 1983. Fourteen congenital and 43 acquired cases were found. In 13 cases tricuspid valve alone was replaced with 2 operative deaths and one late deaths. In 35 cases TVR and MVR were done with 6 operative deaths and 6 late deaths. In 9 cases TVR, MVR, and AVR were done with one operative deaths. Over all operative mortality was 15.8% and late mortality 12.3% among the 48 survivors. Over all Survival rate was 71.9% during follow-up period ranging from 8 months to 6 years and 9 months. In every case TVR was done with bioprosthetic xenograft valves.

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삼첨판균열과 다발성 심방중격결손을 합병한 Incomplete Atrioventricular Canal 의 치험 (Incomplete atrioventricular canal associated with tricuspid valve cleft and multiple ASD: report of one case)

  • 오상준;김삼현;김근호
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.614-619
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    • 1984
  • Atrioventricular canal is divided into incomplete, intermediate and complete types. In ostium primum ASD [incomplete type] mitral valve cleft is almost always present, but ostium primum ASD with tricuspid valve cleft is a rare congenital anomaly. The patient was a 7 year old female whose complains were palpitation, exertional dyspnea and growth retardation. The chest films showed moderate cardiomegaly [C-T ratio, 61%]. EKG, Echocardiography, cardiac catheterization and left ventriculography were performed. Open heart surgery was done under the impression of incomplete atrioventricular canal. At the time of operation, ostium primum ASD [2x2.5 cm in diameter], secundum type ASD [lxl.5 cm in diameter] and cleft in the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve were noted. But mitral valve was normal without cleft and VSD was not noted. Each anomalous portion was repaired. The patient made an uneventful recovery and we report this case, review and discuss the literatures.

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폐절제술과 이중판막재치환술 동시수술 -1예 보고- (Concomitant Operation of Pulmonary Resection and Redo Double Valve Replacement -1 case report-)

  • 조중구;김공수;서연호
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제37권10호
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    • pp.876-879
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    • 2004
  • 일반적으로 폐질환과 심장 질환이 동시에 발견되었을 때 동시 수술은 술자가 고려해야 되는 사항이 많다. 59세 여자 환자가 우중엽절제술과 이중판막 재치환술과 삼첨판막륜성형술을 동시에 시행 받았다. 동시 수술은 폐와 심장의 병변을 일거에 해소하면서 2차적으로 시행해야 하는 폐절제술 또는 심장수술에 따르는 위험성을 피할 수 있는 장점이 있으며 안전하게 시행할 수 있는 술식이다.

흉부 둔상에 의한 삼첨판 역류를 동반한 심실 중격 결손증 (Ventricular Septal Defect with Tricuspid Regurgitation due to Blunt Chest Trauma -A Case of Report-)

  • 이장훈;류한영
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제29권5호
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    • pp.559-563
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    • 1996
  • We have experienced a patient, 16 year-old male, with ventricular septal defect with tricuspid recur- gitation due to blunt chest trauma. He suffered from congestive heart failure after the trauma. Echocardiogram and cardiac catheterization revealed left to right shunt at the ventricular level (muscu- far portion of interventricular septum) and tricuspid regurgitation. At the time of the operation, marked systolic thrill was palpable over the rlght ventricle near the apex and a chorda tendina was seen sharply ruptured just near the medial papillary muscle. We repaired the ventricular septal defect with a Dacron patch and chordal reconstruction with autologous pericardium. The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged in good condition.

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