• Title/Summary/Keyword: 산 회수

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Buffer Capacities of Forest Soils by the Treatment of Simulated Acid Rain (인공산성우 처리에 대한 삼림토양의 완충능)

  • 진현오;이계성;정동준
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to find out buffer capacities of forest soils by the treatment of simulated acid rain(SAR) of four forests(Q. spp., P. rigida, P. koraiensis, L. leptolepis) in Kyunghee university's practice forest. All soils of each forest stand were treated by simulated acid rain at the level of pH 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 respectively. The result obtained from this study can be summarized as follows: Soil pH was measured by soil depth of each forest stand. The deeper soil depth was, the higher soil pH was. Also it was appeared that base saturation of sample soils was the highest as 17.42% in P. rigida stand and cation exchange capacity(C.E.C) was the highest as 29.87 me/100 g in Q. spp. stand. for responses of soil leachates to acidification treatment with pH 3.0 simulated acid rain(SAR), as simulated acid rain(SAR)-input was increased, pH value of soil leachates appeared high temporarily, but soon pH value of soil leachates had been low gradually. At the rest of pH 4.0, pH 5.0 treatment, pH value of soil leachates was high proportionably. The amounts of TBC of primary stage had a difference as pH level of simulated acid rain and forest stands. But as simulated acid rain(SAR)-input was increased. Amount of TBC was diminished. Also the amounts of TBC of primary stage in acidification treatment with pH 3.0, 4.0 simulated acid rain(SAR) was higher that of acidification treatment with pH 5.0 simulated acid rain(SAR). These trend showed obvious difference at low soil acidity and high TBC. The amounts of activity Al of primary stage appeared high as increasing the input acidity of simulated acid rain(SAR). Also, by soil depth, the amounts of Activity Al was different between A layer(0-15 cm) and AB layer(0-30 cm). There was considerable the correlation between simulated acid rain-input and activity Al change. But this was oppositional trend in soil leachates of pH 4.0, 5.0 treatment and total base cations(TBC).

Sample pre-treatment for measurement of $^{129}$I in radwastes (방사성폐기물 중 $^{129}$I 측정을 위한 시료의 전처리)

  • Ke Chon Choi;Sun Ho Han;Jee Kwang Yong;Ki Seop Choi
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2005
  • Many different kinds of radwastes are discharged from the nuclear power plants, and $^{129}$I is included in these radwastes. Recovery test of $^{129}$I was evaluated for different radwastes(dry active waste, sludge, spent resin and simulated evaporator bottom). Recovery of $^{129}$I for dry active waste by acid leaching with $1.8\%$ NaClO was $74.3\%$$(RSD,\;2.2\%)$ and l291 for spent rein by alkali fusion method with KOH as a flux agent was $87.7\%$$(RSD,\;0.9\%$), respectively. iodide in simulated evaporator bottom containing a high concentration of borate was adsorbed with anion exchange resin at pH 7 phosphate buffer solution. Recovery of $^{129}$I for anion exchange resin was $92.5\%$ and not affected up to 1,200 $\mu$g/mL $H_3BO)3$(as a Boron). Recovery of $^{129}$I for the spent resin from nuclear power plant was $87.2\%$ $(RSD,\;1.2\%)$.

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Properties of Retard Type Stabilizing Agent for Reuse of Sludge Water of Ready Mixed Concrete (레미콘 회수수의 재활용을 위한 지연형 안정화제의 특성)

  • Lee Mun-Hwan;Lee Sea-Hyun;Park Young-Shin;Park Jae-Myung
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.17 no.1 s.85
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2005
  • Stabilizing and rousing sludge water generated from washing truck mixer and batcher plant can resolve inconsistency in quality and improve strength, therefore it is essential to review how to utilize it. This research conducted experiments and studied on solids of sludge water to find out the types of stabilizing agents available in conditions of producing ready mixed concretes in Korea. The result showed that oxy carboxylic acid retarder dedicated for stabilizing sludge water was most effective in decreasing solid. However, the setting time of cement paste was retarded due to surplus reactants, but it did not impede application of ready mixed concretes. When we left the sludge water mixed with stabilizing agent, it has been noted that initial retard effect recovered to the level using just service water in 7${\~}$8 days and that it is effective to use stabilized sludge water in 2${\~}$3 days. On the other hand, saccharic type super retarding agent was also outstanding in applicability by showing similar effect. The sludge water stabilizing agents currently marketed depend on imports, therefore it is necessary to locally manufacture usable stabilizing agents and to review its usability with multi-dimensional view.

Gold Recovery from Cyanide Solution through Biosorption, Desorption and Incineration with Waste Biomass of Corynebacterium glutamicum as Biosorbent (생체흡착, 탈착 및 회화를 이용한 시안 용액으로부터 금의 회수)

  • Bae, Min-A;Kwak, In-Seob;Won, Sung-Wook;Yun, Yeoung-Sang
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 2010
  • In this study, we propose two methods able to recover different type of gold from gold-cyanide solutions: biosorption and desorption process for mono-valent gold recovery and biosorption and incineration process for zero-valent gold recovery. The waste bacterial biomass of Corynebacterium glutamicum generated from amino acid fermentation industry was used as a biosorbent. The pH edge experiments indicated that the optimal pH range was pH 2 - 3. From isothermal experiment and its fitting with Langmuir equation, the maximum uptake capacity of Au(I) at pH 2.5 were determined to be 35.15 mg/g. Kinetic tests evidenced that the process is very fast so that biosorption equilibrium was completed within the 60 min. To recover Au(I), the gold ions were able to be successfully eluted from the Au-loaded biosorbent by changing the pH to pH 7 and the desorption efficiency was 91%. This indicates that the combined process of biosorption and desorption would be effective for the recovery of Au(I). In order to recover zero-valent gold, the Au-loaded biosorbents were incinerated. The content of zero-valent gold in the incineration ash was as high as 85%. Therefore, we claim on the basis of the results that two suggested combined processes could be useful to recover gold from cyanide solutions and chosen according to the type of gold to be recovered.

Simultaneous Determination of Biliary Free and Phospholipid Fatty Acids Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS를 이용한 담즙내 유리 지방산 및 인지질 지방산들의 동시 분석)

  • Yang, Yoon Jung;Lee, Seon Hwa;Chung, Bong Chul
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.592-600
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    • 2000
  • The concentration of free fatty acids and fatty acid composition as well as cholesterol supersaturation in bile may be an important factor in the gallstone formation. Therefore, we simultaneously determinded 23 fatty acids in bile by selected ion monitoring (SIM) method of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Biliary fatty acids were extracted by aminopropyl column and the extracts with (phospholipid fraction) or without (free fatty acid fraction) alkaline hydrolysis of phospholipid were derivatized with MSTFA/TMCS (N-methyl-N-trimethylsilyl-trifluoroacetamide/trimethylsilylchloride) mixture in order to be detected on the GC-MS. The recovery range of this method was 61.1-99.0% and the RSD value of within-a-day and day-to-day test were 3.1-25.6% and 3.8-27.0%, respectively. Using this method, biliary profile was investigated in the bile of normal controls and patients with gallstones. The amounts and their distribution of free and phospholipid fatty acids showed different pattern between normal subjects and patients.

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Effects of Parity and Season on Production of Embryos in Superovulated Hanwoo (과배란 처리된 한우의 수정란 생산에 미치는 산차와 계절의 효과)

  • Song, Sang-Hyun;Jang, Duk-II;Min, Chan-Sik;Park, Jyun-Kyu;Joo, Young-Kuk;Lee, Jyung-Gyu;Chung, Ki-Hwa
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.127-131
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    • 2012
  • This study was performed to investigate the effects of parity and season on the embryo production in superovulated Hanwoo cows. Superovulation was performed from 1 to 8 times by repeated superovulation treatment of Hanwoo cows (n = 22). Irrespective of estrous cycle, donor cows were received a CIDR, progesterone (50 mg) and estradiol benzoate (2.5 mg). After 4.5 days, the donor cows were superovulated with total 28AU FSH (Antorin R-10) administrated twice daily in a decreasing dose for 4 days. On $6^{th}$ and $7^{th}$ of FSH injection, 2.5 mg and 15 mg $PGF_2{\alpha}$ were injected i.m, respectively. CIDR was removed at the $7^{th}$ FSH injection. The donor cows received $200{\mu}g$GnRH at 48 hrs after $1^{st}$ $PGF_2{\alpha}$ injection. The donor cows were artificially inseminated three times after estrous detection at 12 hr intervals and embryos were recovered 7 days after estrous detection. The mean number of total ova, transferrable embryos, degenerated embryos and unfertilized oocytes were $11.6{\pm}7.9$, $5.5{\pm}4.4$, $3.0{\pm}3.3$ and $2.6{\pm}4.1$ per donor cows, respectively. A higher number of total ova were recovered in parity 3~5 ($14.3{\pm}1.3$) than 1~2 ($8.9{\pm}1.9$, P<0.05). The number of recovered normal embryos is significantly higher in parity 3~5 ($7.3{\pm}0.8$) than that of over 6 ($3.7{\pm}1.5$). Significantly higher number of total ova and normal embryos were recovered in summer ($16.4{\pm}2.3$, $8.1{\pm}1.4$) than in autumn ($10.1{\pm}1.8$, $4.5{\pm}1.1$) and winter ($6.3{\pm}1.8$, $3.3{\pm}1.1$), respectively (P<0.05). Transferable embryos were significantly higher in summer ($7.6{\pm}1.3$) than in winter ($3.0{\pm}1.0$, P< 0.05). The results were showed that parity and season affecting on the production of embryos in superovulated Hanwoo.

Cation Exchange Capacities, Swelling, and Solubility of Clay Minerals in Acidic Solutions : A Literature Review

  • Park, Won Choon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 1979
  • A literature review is made on the physical and chemical characteristics of clay minerals in acidic solutions from the mineralogical and hydrometallurgical viewpoints. Some of the important characteristics of clays are their ability to cation exchange, swelling, and incongruent dissolution in acidic solutions. Various clay minerals can take up metallic ions from solution via cation exchange mechanism. Generally, cation exchange capacity increases in the following order : kaolinite, halloysite, illite, vermiculite, and montmorillonite. In acidic solutions, the cation uptake such as copper by clay minerals is strongly inhibited by hydrogen and aluminum ions and thus is not economically significant factor for recovery of metals such as uranium and copper. In acidic solutions, the cation uptake is substial. Swelling is minimal at lower pH, possibly due to lattice collapse. Swelling may be controllable with montmorillonite type clays by exchanging interlayer sodium with lithium and/or hydroxylated aluminum species. The effect of add on clay minerals are : 1. Division of aggregates into smaller plates with increase in surface area and porosity. 2. Clay-acid reactions occur in the following order: (i) $H^+$ replacement of interlayer cations, (ii) removal of octahedral cations, such as Al, Fe, and Mg, and (iii) removal of tetrahedral Al ions. Acid attack initiates, around the edges of the clay particles and continued inward, leaving hydrated silica gel residue around the edges. 3. Reaction rates of (ii) and (iii) are pseudo-1st order and proportional to acid concentration. Rate doubles for every temperature increment of $10^{\circ}C$. Implications in in-situ leaching of copper or uranium with acid are : 1. Over the life span of the operation for a year or more, clays attacked by acid will leave silica gel. If such gel covers the surface of valuable mineral surfaces being leached, recovery could be substantially delayed. 2. For a copper deposit containing 0.5% each of clay minerals and recoverable copper, the added cost due to clay-acid reaction is about 1.5c/lb of copper (or 0.93 lbs of $H_2SO_4/1b$ of copper). This acid consumption by clay may be a factor for economic evaluation of in-situ leaching of an oxide copper deposit.

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Survey on the Effect of the Parity on Reproductive Traits of Korean Native Cows (산차가 한우번식에 미치는 영향에 대한 조사 연구)

  • 백광수;고응규;성환후;이명식;류일선;정진관;나승환
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.359-366
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    • 1998
  • A survey was carried out to investigate the effect of the parity on reproductive traits of Hanwoo(Korean native cows). Data on the reproductive traits of 670 Korean native cows were collected from January, 1996 to December, 1997 and analyzed by the parity. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. The average ages at first breeding, first conception and first calving were 443.0, 457.0 and 746.6 days, respectively. 2. The average days to first estrus after calving was 70.1 days and it was shortest in the cows with more than 5 parities (60.4 days) and longest in the cows at 4th parity (79.7 days). 3. The average number of services per conception was 1.53 and it was fewer in the cows at 2nd paity (1.43), but more in the cows with more than 5 parities (1.73). 4. The average days to first conception after calving was 91.2 days and there was a trend that it was longer as the parity of cows increased(p>0.05). 5. The average length of calving interval was 375.3 days and it was shortest in the cows at 2nd cows (370.8 days) and longest in the cows at 4th parity (395.2 days).

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Analytical Methods for Diethylstibestrol and Zeranol in Muscle Foods (근육 식품 중의 diethylstibestrol과 zeranol 분석법)

  • Ha, Jae-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.385-389
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    • 2002
  • Analytical method for diethylstibestrol (DES) and zeranol, which are growth promoters, in muscle foods was studied. Through selected ion monitoring analysis by GC-MSD for hormones, $M^+$ 412, 420, 416, and 433 for DES, $D_8DES$, ${\beta}-estradiol$, and zeranol, respectively, were selected for quantitative analysis. Removal of interferences in meat was done by passing the meat through 1 cc of strong anion exchanges resin, Dowex $2{\times}8$, 400 mesh, whereby the recoveries of DES and zeranol were achieved. Recoveries of DES and zeranol were ranged from 85 to 110%, and 75 to 110%, respectively, in meat using $D_8DES$ as an internal standard, while were 82 to 105%, and 65 to 120%, respectively, using ${\beta}-estradiol$ as an internal standard. These results show that both $D_8DES$ and ${\beta}-estradiol$ can be adopted as the internal standard for the analysis of DES and zeranol in muscle foods. Limits of detection of DES and zeranol were 0.05 and 1.0 ng/g, and limits of quantitation were 0.5 and 1.0 ng/g, respectively. The results of this study revealed no DES and zeranol were present in 14 samples of beefs, porks, ducks, chickens, mutiplicated flat fish, and trout.

The Characteristic Study on Bottom Ash Flotation of Vegetable Oil as a Collector (식물성 기름 포수제의 바텀애쉬 부유선별 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Min Sik;Cha, Jong Mun;Kang, Heon Chan
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to investigate the characteristics on bottom ash flotation using vegetable oils as a collector. The experiment of changing the kerosene dosage as a collector for the flotation of coal ashes, the recovery of unburned carbon and unburned carbon content were 80% and 63%, respectively, when the dosage of kerosene was 9 kg/ton. The experiment of using soybean oil as a collector to improve flotation efficiency, the recovery of unburned carbon and unburned carbon content increased to 95% and 68%, respectively, when the dosage of soybean oil was 9 kg/ton. The recovery of unburned carbon and unburned carbon content were 99% and 78%, respectively, when safflower oil containing more poly unsaturated fats with double bonds than soybean oil was 9 kg/ton. The calorific value of the unburned carbon was 5,803 cal/g, confirming that it was possible to be used as a fuel for thermal power plants. Lastly, using vegetable oil as a collector it showed higher recovery of unburned carbon and higher unburned carbon than kerosene, which was mineral oil. Moreover, oil containing a large amount of poly unsaturated fat with two or more double bonds was found to have higher unburned carbon than other vegetable oils; thus showing excellent adsorbability for unburned carbon.