• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사전 예방

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A Study on the Spatial Determination of Red Tide Occurrence Area Using GSIS (GSIS 이용한 적조발생지의 공간결정 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Gi
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.15 no.2 s.40
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2007
  • Few researches related to the spatial determination of areas where red tide occurs have been performed, so accurately determining the area where red tide occurs and disappears poses difficulties. Therefore, a more objective and scientific method is necessary to analyze the occurrence and movement of red tide based on a geo-spatial information system. In this study, the coastline was extracted using a digital topographic map in order to examine areas where red tide occurs each year. An analysis of red tide occurrence areas, which were determined based on red tide data for the last several years, showed that only Yeoja bay had almost a zero case of red tide of the areas studied, whereas Dolsando in the South Sea and NamHaedo Aenggang bay areas exhibited the highest frequency of red tide occurrences. Based on these results, by using a system that determines the geo-spatial distribution status of areas repeatedly hit by red tide every year, it would be possible to predict the course of red tide and prevent consequent damages.

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Effects of Respiration and Oral Motor Training based on Musical Elements and Singing on Voice of Healthy Elderly (음악요소와 노래 부르기를 활용한 호흡 및 구강훈련이 정상노인의 음성에 미치는 영향)

  • Jun, Hee-Un;Kim, Soo-Ji
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.380-387
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    • 2011
  • This study was to investigate the effects of music-combined respiration and oral motor training on the voice of healthy elderly. 27 women attending a senior center in Seoul participated and were randomly assigned to the experimental (n = 16) and the control group (n = 11). Subjects attended music program(25 minutes per session) once a week for 4 weeks. For both groups, Fundamental Frequency (F0), Maximum Phonation Time (MPT) and Sequential Motion Rates (SMR) were measured using the Praat speech analysis program before and after the training. The results showed statistical significance in scores of intensity, F0, MPT, and SMR in the experimental group while only intensity was statistically significant in the control group. Considering that, the increasing life expectancy and growing number of older adults, their quality of life has been important. So this study suggests that the respiration and oral motor training would be effectively incorporated into training and services for this population.

Effects of Social Support on Job Stress and Job Burnout : Focus on Luxury Hotel in Seoul (호텔구성원의 사회적지지에 대한 인식이 직무스트레스와 직무소진에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sang-Woo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.423-432
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    • 2013
  • It is very important to prevent and management negative sides in advance can occur in service transaction as an employee' attitude during service encounter has a decisive effect on customers' service evaluation. Work stress has become one of the most widely studied topics in research, mainly because of its importance to employees' psychological health, which in turn affects service quality and organizational effectiveness. This study aims to explore how social support that hotel employees perceive influence on job stress and job burnout. Data were collected from 355 hotel employees at Deluxe Hotel in Seoul, analyzed using structural equation modeling techniques. The findings are as follows Firstly, social support had a significant influence on job stress. Secondly, social support had a significant influence on job burnout. Thirdly, job stress had a significant influence on job burnout. To reduce job stress and job burnout recognition, self-esteem and motivation, the hotel need to deliver a stronger coaching program. In addition, for an organization to respond flexibly. Finally, the results were discussed in the context of providing the job burnout management for employee.

Privacy Model based on RBAC for U-Healthcare Service Environment (u-헬스케어 환경에서 환자의 무결성을 보장하는 RFID 보안 프로토콜)

  • Rhee, Bong-Keun;Jeong, Yoon-Su;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.605-614
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    • 2012
  • Nowadays u-healthcare which is very sensitive to the character of user's information among other ubiquitous computing field is popular in medical field. u-healthcare deals extremely personal information including personal health/medical information so it is exposed to various weaknees and threats in the part of security and privacy. In this paper, RFID based patient's information protecting protocol that prevents to damage the information using his or her mobile unit illegally by others is proposed. The protocol separates the authority of hospital(doctor, nurse, pharmacy) to access to patient's information by level of access authority of hospital which is registered to management server and makes the hospital do the minimum task. Specially, the management server which plays the role of gateway makes access permission key periodically not to be accessed by others about unauthorized information except authorized information and improves patient's certification and management.

Estimation of Hydraulic Effects Inside of Riverbank with Experimental Information Modeling (EIM을 이용한 제외지 수리모형 내 수리영향 분석)

  • Oh, Hee-Chang;Kim, Soo-Young;Joo, Sung-Sik;Lee, Seung-Oh
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.147-147
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    • 2011
  • 이상기후 및 극한 홍수 발생빈도의 증가 등으로 인해 많은 수공 구조물이 붕괴 위험에 노출되어 있다. 사전 피해 예방 및 경감을 위해 다양한 수공구조물의 붕괴 현상에 대하여 수리실험적 접근방법을 통한 현상이해 및 예상결과 비교 검증이 필요하다. 그 중에서 제방붕괴에 대한 수리실험은 수치모의를 통한 분석의 어려움 때문에 대부분 모형실험을 통해서 이루어지고 있는 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 실제규모의 제방붕괴 선행실험의 측정결과를 활용하여 실험설계에 이용 하였다. 모형은 실험공간의 규모를 고려하여 축척을 1:10 으로하고, 하도내 흐름 안정을 위해 수로의 길이 는 16, 저폭은 $b\geq10h$를 만족하는 하천으로 설계하여 b를 3m로 설정 하였다. Fr수는 0.29로 원형과 동일하게 하고, 그에 따른 유량 ( )는 0.538m/s로 하였다. 실제 모형 제작에서는 현장 실험실의 펌프용량에 따른 가용유량 ($Q__{max}$)의 제약에 따라 수로가 직선이고 좌우가 대칭인 점을 감안하여 폭을 1/2로 절단 하고 유량은 $0.269m^3/s$(Q/2)를 공급하였다. 위와 같이 모형제작을 위한 실험 설계시 현장 여건을 고려하여 모형을 변형할 경우 EIM(Experimental Information Modeling)을 이용한 수리영향에 대한 분석을 통한 설계검증이 필요하다. FLOW-3D를 이용한 3차원 수치모의를 통하여 동일 지점에서의 유속과 수심을 분석하여 흐름양상을 비교 하였으며, 유속과 수심의 측정위치는 그림 1에 도시하였다. 수치모의 결과 측정지점에서의 수위가 하도 바닥을 기준으로 0.25m로 동일할 경우 수로 단면에 대한 유속 분포가 제방을 기준으로 2b/3까지는 유사한 경향을 보였다. 그 결과, $b\geq10h$인 수로에서 제방붕괴를 위한 모형 설계시 하도 폭을 1/2만 만들 경우에도 실험의 신뢰성이 확보된다는 것을 확인하였다.

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A Study of Crack Shape Analysis based on Properties of Member in Apartment Exterior Wall (부재속성에 따른 균열 형상 분석에 관한 연구 - 공동주택 외벽 균열을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Man-Jang
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.143-151
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    • 2015
  • The Crack, occurred in the concrete structure, is a major cause of function deterioration such as strength, durability and waterproof. Therefore the need for crack reduction will continue as long as there is concrete structure. But, it is not easy to reduce or prevent crack cause of impact factor of it. There are so many factors of crack such as material, construction and maintenance environment, and structure, and these are acting in combination. So, this study derives a correlation between the cracks and members through reviewing member crack occurred. And member's attribute, related crack, is analyzed by it. It consider that the basic attribute of member is similar when its requirements are similar. Through this study, therefore, foundation of countermeasure of crack will be provided by prediction of crack shape through member's attribute.

The Technique of GIS Application for Transportation Impact Assessment (교통영향평가를 위한 GIS의 적용기법)

  • Yang, In-Tae;Kim, Dong-Moon;Kim, Yeon-Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.4 no.2 s.8
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 1996
  • Transportation impact assessment which can take precaution for the traffic problem to control a plan on to expand traffic facilities through these results analyzed with the business for making a big problem of traffic is a very important course on the traffic management system as well as the traffic plan and it is necessary to collect and to edit and to analyze a great deal of data fully in object zone. So it is worth while to treat the collected data on to computer. Therefore Geographic Information System will give a remarkable result to Traffic Influence Evaluation everywhere. GIS not only can join the graphic or attribute data correctly and fast, but can achieve it prominent function for intention decision means. Then total system for Landuse of surrounding district, development-plan state, traffic-facility state, traffic-development public plan state and traffic demand is animated on Traffic Influence Evolution.

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소규모 업소용 HACCP 표준 관리 기준

  • 식품의약품안전청
    • Food Industry
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    • s.218
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    • pp.24-49
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    • 2010
  • ${\bigcirc}$ 본 업소는 어묵류(튀김어묵, 찐어묵, 구운어묵)을 생산하는 식품제조 가공업소로서 총 5명의 인원이 어묵류 15개 제품을 생산하여 매출액은(약 00원)이며 주도 대형 유통판매업소에 판매하고 있다. ${\bigcirc}$ 본 업소의 어묵은 연육, 농산물 등과 식품첨가물을 배합 성형 후 가열 등의 공정을 거쳐 생산된 제품으로, 원료 취급과정에서의 오염이나 불충분한 가열, 교차오염 등으로 식중독균(병원성대장균, 황색포도상구균 등)과 원료 및 제조과정에서 이물(금속 등)이 혼입될 수 있으며, ${\bigcirc}$ 이로 인한 주요클레임 발생사례는 최근 3년간 관계당국으로부터 대장균군 검출 3건, 소비자클레임 2건이 있었다. - 연도별 주요 클레임내용은 '08년도에는 대장균군 검출 3건, '09년도 튀김어묵에서 날벌레 이물 검출 1건, '10년도에는 찐어묵에서 철수세미 1건 이었다. ${\bigcirc}$이러한 위해발생을 사전에 예방하기 위해 중점관리해야 하는 공정은 가열공정으로 판단되며, 금속등의 이물혼입 또한 중점적으로 관리할 필요성이 있다. ${\bigcirc}$ 본 업소에서 생산하는 어묵류(튀김어묵, 찐어묵, 구운어묵)는 가열공정에서의 가열온도와 시간을 각각 설정하여 CCP 1로 관리하고 있으며, 품온이 $85^{\circ}C$이상으로 유지될 수 있도록 2시간마다 모니터링하고 한계기준 이탈여부를 기록하도록 하고 있다. ${\bigcirc}$또한 금속검출공정을 CCP 2로 관리하여 2mm${\varphi}$ 이상의 금속이물 혼입여부를 상시 확인하고 있으며, 금속검출기의 정상 작동여부를 4시간마다 모니터링하고 기록하도록 하고 있다. ${\bigcirc}$종합적인 공정 및 일반위생관리를 위해 개인위생 상태 냉동, 냉장고 온도 확인 등 총 29개 항목에 대하여 정기적 점검(매일 17, 주간 4, 월간 4, 분기 1, 연간 3)을 실시하고 있으며, ${\bigcirc}$따라서 지속적인 모니터링을 통해 미흡사항의 원인으로 파악하고 문제점 제거를 위해 체계적이고 지속적인 관리가 필요하다.

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Management System of Invasive Alien Species Threating Biodiversity in Korea and Suggestions for the Improvement (국내 생물다양성 위협 외래생물의 관리제도 및 개선방향)

  • Kim, Dong Eon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.33-55
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    • 2018
  • It has been noted that the main cause of biodiversity loss is influx of alien species. Specifically, habitats destruction, economic loss, and human injury are increasing due to invasive alien species. There were 2,167 alien species in Korea. 21 alien species of extraterrestrials including Lycorma delicatula, Solenopsis invicta, Myocastor coypus, and Spartina alterniflora at high risk through ecological risk assessment, are designated as invasive alien species. Alert species, which may have negative impact on ecosystems when they are introduced into the country, are assigned to 127 species through the ecosystem risk evaluation. To list such alien species to prevent invasion of alien species in advance, and to minimize damage caused by imported alien species, a national level management system called the Conservation and Use of Biological deversity Act was established, but there is a lack of a systematic management system in accordance with degree of risk. There is also a risk assessment chart should be developed thatreflects ecological characteristics of each taxon and evaluation criteria in predicting the risk.

Influence on Driver Behavior According to Providing Collision Avoidance Information on Highway (고속도로의 전방 장해물 충돌방지정보 제공이 운전행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeon, Yong-Uk;Dae, Mun-Su
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 2009
  • It is necessary to develop driving assistant information in order to prevent a rear-end collision with a crashed car which is at the blind curve on highway. Laboratory experiments were performed using a driving simulator to keep the traffic environment constant. This research was evaluated the effect of driver behavior according to providing collision avoidance information which was consisted of advisory, caution, and warning information by the dangerous degree of traffic situation. Driver behavior was evaluated to analyze the collision avoidance with a crashed car, and glance behavior was examined to measure the eye movements to the display on which provided the collision avoidance information. After experiment, the significance was evaluated on provided collision avoidance information. As the result of this research, the number of collision accident is reduced when the phased information was provided. In addition, it is clear that auditory information is more important than visual information in the case of providing the second information.