• Title/Summary/Keyword: 비행 고도

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Correction of UAV's Position/Altitude through Aerial Triangulation (Aerial Triangulation을 이용한 UAV의 위치/자세 보정)

  • Choi, Kyoung-Ah;Lee, Im-Pyeong
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2009.03a
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    • pp.61-65
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    • 2009
  • 매년 재난/재해의 발생 빈도와 피해 규모가 증가하고 있다. 그 피해를 최소화하기 위해 주기적인 모니터링을 수행하여 위기 상황을 사전에 대비하고 긴급 대응 체계를 구축하여 상황 발생 시 피해 상황을 신속하게 파악할 수시스템에 있어야 한다. 모니터링의 용이성과 신속성을 확보하기 위해 UAV에 기반한 긴급 매핑 대한 관심이 증가하고 있다. 그러나 이러한 시스템으로부터 획득된 센서 데이터가 Georeferencing되었을 때 이로부터 다양한 공간 정보를 도출할 수 있다 본 논문에서는 UAV 기반의 매핑 시스템으로부터 획득된 센서 데이터를 시뮬레이션 해보고 시뮬레이션 데이터에 대하여 Aerial Triangulation을 수행하여 영상을 Georeferncing하고 위치/자세 정보를 보정하고자 한다. 실험은 (1) 시뮬레이션 데이터 생성, (2) 초기값 생성, (3) AT 수행을 통한 위치/자세 조정의 3단계로 구성된다. 800m 길이의 1개 스트립, 500m 길이의 2개 스트립으로 나눠 비행경로를 정하고 200m, 400m, 600m의 비행고도에 대하여 다양한 실험을 수행하였다. 실험 결과 위치/자세의 초기값 RMSE에서 90% 이상 개선된 RMSE를 얻을 수 있었으며, 비행고도가 높아질수록 RMSE의 향상도는 반비례하였다. 향후에는 Sequential 알고리즘을 적용하여 연산 속도를 향상시킬 수 있고 궁극적으로 실시간 영상 Georeferencing을 가능하게 할 것으로 기대된다.

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The Performance Analysis of an Airborne Radar Altimeter based on Simultaneously Acquired LiDAR Data (비행 시험을 통한 레이더 전파고도계 특성 분석)

  • Yoon, Jongsuk;Kwak, Hee Jun;Kim, Yoon Hyoung;Shin, Young Jong;Yoo, Ki Jeong;Yu, Myeong Jong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.81-94
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    • 2013
  • The Radar altimeter transmits radio signals to the surface, receives the backscattered signals and measures the distance between the airplane and the nadir surface. The measurements of radar altimeter are affected by various factors on the surface below the aircraft. This study performed flight campaigns in June 2012 and acquired raw data from radar altimeter, LiDAR and other sensors. Based on the LiDAR DSM (Digital Surface Model) as a reference data, the characteristics of radar altimeter were analyzed in the respect of range and surface area affecting on the receiving power of the radar altimeter. Consequently, the radar altimeter was strongly affected by the surface area within beam width and reflectivity related to RCS (Radar Cross Section) rather than range.

Pixhawk Application Method Suggestion for Flight Control of QuadRotor (QuadRotor 비행제어를 위한 Pixhawk 적용방안 제시)

  • Park, Dae-Jin;Kim, Bong-Gyun;Lee, Sang-Cheol
    • 한국항공운항학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.23-25
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    • 2016
  • 최근 드론이 비전문가라도 누구나 쉽게 사용할 수 있게 되면서, 드론의 관심 집중이 급격히 증가하고 있다. 특히, Pixhawk는 다른 비행제어컴퓨터들보다 고성능을 가진 독립된 모듈 기반 방식이고, 오픈 소스로 공개되어 쉽게 접근할 수 있는 편리성을 가지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 고급 프로세서 CortexM4를 장착한 Pixhawk를 이용하여 QuadRotor 비행제어를 위한 적용방안을 제시하고자 한다.

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A Study on the Safe Separation of En-route Airway under altitude of 500 ft for the Flight Safety of Small UAVs (소형무인기 저고도 안전 비행을 위한 순항 경로 분리 간격 고찰)

  • Bae, Jung-Won;Lee, Sang-Jeong
    • 한국항공운항학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2016
  • 150미터(500피트) 이하의 공역에서 무인기 택배 등의 활용을 목적으로 고속 비행이 요구되는 소형무인기(드론)의 순항을 가정하여 안전 분리 간격을 고려한 고속 비행 공역을 제안하고, 해당 경로에서 무인기간의 충돌방지를 위한 항법시스템의 성능요구조건과 안전한 분리 간격에 대한 선행 연구 분석과 고찰 결과를 제시한다.

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과학리포트 - 미확인비행체 UFO는 존재하는가

  • Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies
    • The Science & Technology
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    • v.29 no.1 s.320
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    • pp.14-15
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    • 1996
  • UFO 목격사례가 서울 상공에서만도 90년 이후 잇달아 14건에 이르어 미확인비행체의 관심이 최근 다시 고개를 들고 있다. 미국의 콘돈위원회는 18개월의 조사 끝에 "연구가치가 없다"고 결론냈고 대부분 인간의 착각에서 오는 것이라고 설명하고 있지만 세계 도처에서 목격사례가 계속되고 있는 것이다.

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Development of an FMCW Radar Altimeter Simulator Using Optical Delay Lines (광 지연선을 이용한 FMCW 전파고도계 시뮬레이터 개발)

  • Lee, Jae-Hwan
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.208-216
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    • 2017
  • This paper presents the design method of an FMCW(frequency-modulated continuous-wave) altitude simulator which generates propagation delay signals according to target distances to test the radar altimeter. To improve the conventional RF method for creating delay signals, the simulator is designed by the RF-optics-RF method using optical delay lines. In addition, it is designed to simulate the Doppler shift and jamming that may occur in actual flight environment. In order to evaluate the performance of the developed simulator, the integration tests have been conducted with the radar altimeter. Through the test, we successfully verified the performance of the simulator.

Analysis of Steady and Unsteady Performance for 3-D Surface Effect Wing (3차원 표면효과익의 정상 및 비정상 성능해석)

  • Il-Ryong Park;Ho-Hwan Chun
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.14-25
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    • 1998
  • This paper describes the numerical modelling for the steady and unsteady forces of 3-D wings flying near the free surface based on a potential based panel method. For the steady problem where a wing flies over the fixed float surface, steady lift and drag forces are calculated for wings with and without end-plates having different sections, angle of attacks, aspect patios and flying heights. These numerical results are compared with the wind tunnel test results. The unsteady problem is treated as a boundary value one where a wing flies over the described wavy surface. The unsteady lift force variations of a wing due to different wave lengths and heights are calculated at different flying heights.

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Introduction to the Propulsion Systems for the Next Generation Flight Vehicles (차세대 비행체 추진기관 시스템 소개)

  • 이대성;양수석;차봉준;한영민;김춘택
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.74-82
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    • 2000
  • The concept and characteristics of the propulsion systems for the next generation flight vehicles are described in this paper, where Hey are grouped into air breathing engine, rocket engine and combined cycle engine according to the feeding system of oxidizer. Air breathing engine has its good reusability and superior performance at low altitude, but its usage is limited at high altitude due to the decreased air density. Rocket engine can be used over the wide range of altitude, but it has disadvantages in low specific impulse and high cost. The several types of combined cycle engine, which are being developed by the leading countries in the aerospace, are highlighted as a remarkable candidate for the next generation propulsion system.

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A Study on the Low Elevation Target Tracking under Multipath Conditions Using Laser Tracking System (레이저 추적기를 이용한 저고도 비행체 추적 기법 연구)

  • Yoo, Seung-Oh
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.572-580
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    • 2015
  • RF skin tracking of instrumentation RADAR cannot acquire stable track data, because of effect of multipath interference especially elevation direction. In this paper, low altitude target tracking method using laser tracking system is suggested to overcome this restriction. The effect of multipath can be reduced by increasing angle resolution with laser characteristics of very short pulse and narrow beamwidth. RF skin track, beacon track and laser track data for the integrated calibration target on the ground and target ship on the sea are gathered. And they are compared and analyzed to confirm the performance of laser tracking system. As a result, it shows that the suggested laser track method has better performance than RF skin track under multipath conditions.

The Analysis of the Robustness of the Autopilot for the UAV (무인비행체 자동조종장치의 강건성 해석에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Ho;Park, Chong-Kug
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TE
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.350-354
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we designed an autopilot of the unmanned piloted vehicle to guide to the specific position, and analyzed robustness of the designed autopilot. We divide an aircraft velocity into the three case which are low, cruising and high speed, and designed autopilot gains are gain scheduled. We generated the turbulence for the operational altitudes and proved robustness of the designed autopilot for the turbulence using simulation.