• Title/Summary/Keyword: 비선형 지반

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Dynamic Analysis of Lateral Pile under Seismic Loading (지진하중을 받는 파일기초의 횡방향 동적 거동해석)

  • 이인모;이현종
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 1988
  • Dynamic analysis of lateral pile under seismic loading is performed in this paper. As an analytical model, the Bean-on-twinkler Foundation Model is used for this study because of its simplicity and acceptible accuracy . The method suggested by Kagawa and Kraft, which can account for non-linear effects, is used for the dynamic P-y relationship This relationship is found to be the most important factor in analysis . Group pile effects are also considered approximately The results of dynamic analysis show that a pile without supporting mass follows the soil movement ; in the case of a pile with supporting mass, the relative displacement between the soil and the pile occurs . When designing piles, it must be considered that piles have to resist the curvatures originated by the soil movement.

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A Study on the Failure Mechanisms of the Mixed-face Tunnels in Decomposed Granite (화강토지반내 복합막장터널의 파괴메카니즘 연구)

  • 신종호;이인근
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.317-329
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    • 2001
  • 서울지하철 터널의 상당 구간이 막장면이 풍화토에서 풍화암까지 변화하는 복합화강토지반에 건설되어 왔다. 화강암풍화지반은 심도에 따라 강도의 변화가 크며, 수위가 높고 투수성 지반인 특징을 갖는다. 터널은 주로 비원형 배수터널로 설계되고 NATM 공법으로 시공되었다. 이와 같은 여건의 터널현장에서 발생하였던 붕괴사례를 조사한 결과, 대부분의 붕괴가 터널 어깨 부근으로부터 시작되었고, 구조적으로 완전하지 않은 라이닝, 그리고 지하수와의 연관성 등의 공통적 특징이 확인되었다. 이러한 터널문제는 지반조건, 시공조건, 터널형상 등 경계조건이 복잡하여 한계평형 해석과 같은 종래의 해석적 방법으로 터널안정을 검토하기가 용이하지 않다. 그 가장 큰 이유중의 하나는 터널의 파괴메카니즘에 대한 분명한 정보를 알 수 없는데 있다. 파괴메카니즘의 조사에는 전통적으로 원심모형시험법이 많이 사용되어 왔다. 그러나 화강토지반내의 터널처럼 복잡한 경계조건을 갖는 터널문제에는 적용하기 어렵다. 따라서 이에 대한 하나의 대안으로서 본 논문에서는 지반거동의 비선형성을 고려하는 Coupled 수치해석법을 이용하여 파괴메카니즘을 조사하였다. 수치해석결과의 증분변위벡터, 누적소성편차변형률 그리고 속도특성치(velocity characteristics)의 분석을 통해 실제 붕괴사례와 잘 일치하는 명확한 파괴메카니즘을 파악할 수 있었다. 이로부터 복잡한 경계조건을 갖는 터널 문제의 안정해석을 위한 파괴메카니즘을 조사하는 수치해석적 접근방법을 제시하였다.

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Study on Determining Consolidation Parameters of Soft Clay Ground improved by Sand Pile (모래말뚝이 타설된 연약점토지반의 압밀정수결정에 관한 연구)

  • You Seung-Kyong
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2005
  • Sand pile method, such as sand drain method and sand compaction pile method, has been popularly used as an improved method for soft clay grounds. The effect of accelerating consolidation of soft clay grounds has been evaluated with Barren's solution. The consolidation behavior of soft clay ground with sand piles strongly depends on both the nonlinear mechanical interaction between sand piles and surrounding clays and the degradation permeability of clays. In this paper a method of determining consolidation parameters of soft clay ground with sand drains by using Barren's solution was proposed through a series of numerical simulations. Through the method, the change in both volume compressibility and permeability during consolidation was reasonably evaluated.

Characteristics of Material Function Related to Permeability and Compressibility for Soft Clay Ground (투수 및 압축에 대한 연약 점토지반의 물질함수 특성)

  • Lee, Song;Jeon, Je-Sung;Yi, Chang-Tok
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.183-194
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    • 2004
  • It's essential process to study non-linear material function related to characteristics of compressibility and permeability when we predict the consolidation behavior of soft clay ground. In this study, laboratory tests were conducted to find out the material function using marine clay. Standard oedometer test and Rowe cell test were performed with conditions, which were classified into vertical drainage only, radial drainage only and vertical-radial drainage case. Modified oedometer test equipment was developed to find out the material function and special extrusion device was originated to minimize the sample disturbance effect. Reliability of the results in modified oedometer test could be confirmed by comparing with the Rowe cell's one. Effective stress - void ratio - permeability relations were analyzed using all testing results. As a result, void ratio with effective stress level could be expressed by the power function and permeability with void ratio could be expressed by exponential function. In soft clay with high initial water content and low shear strength, non-linear characteristics related to compressibility and permeability varied with wide range by the effective stress levels. It's important to note that non-linearity of the material function should be considered at prediction of the consolidation behavior.

A Study on Seismic Performance Evaluation of Tunnel to Considering Material Nonlinearity (재료의 비선형성을 고려한 터널의 내진성능평가에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Byoungil;Ha, Myungho;Noh, Euncheol;Park, Sihyun;Kang, Gichun
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.92-102
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    • 2022
  • Various numerical analysis models can be used to evaluate the behavior characteristics of tunnel facilities which are representative underground structures. In general, the Mohr-Coulomb model, which is most often used for numerical analysis, is an elastic-perfect plastic behavior model. And the deformation characteristics are the same during the load increase-load reduction phase. So there is a problem that the displacement may appear different from the field situation in the case of excavation analysis. In contrast, the HS-small strain stability model has a wide range of applications for each ground. And it is known that soil deformation characteristics can be analyzed according to field conditions by enabling input of initial elastic modulus and nonlinear curve parameter and so on. However, civil engineers are having difficulty using nonlinear models that can apply material nonlinear properties due to difficulties in estimating ground property coefficients. In this study, the necessity of rational model selection was reviewed by comparing the results of seismic performance evaluation using the Mohr-Coulomb model, which civil engineers generally apply for numerical analysis of tunnels, and the HS Small strain Stiffness model, which can consider ground nonlinearity.

Estimation of Nonlinear Adsorption Isotherms and Advection-Dispersion Model Parameters Using Genetic Algorithm (유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 비선형 흡착 식 및 이류-확산 모델 파라미터 추정)

  • Do, Nam-Young;Lee, Seung-Rae;Park, Hyun-Il
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.41-53
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    • 2006
  • In this study, estimation of nonlinear adsorption isotherms(Langmuir & Freundlich adsorption isotherm) and advection-dispersion model parameters was conducted using genetic algorithm(GA) for Zn and Cd adsorption. Estimated parameters of nonlinear adsorption isotherms, which were obtained from the optimization process using genetic algorithm(GA), are nearly same with the parameters obtained from a linearization process of the nonlinear isotherms. Estimated effective diffusion coefficients, which were obtained from a finite element analysis of the advection-dispersion model and an optimization procedure using the genetic algorithm, for the metals were approximately in the order of $10^{-7}cm^2/s$ which could be obtained based on the linear distribution coefficient. The effective diffusion coefficients based on the nonlinear retardation factors were in the range of $10^{-6}{\sim}10^{-5}cm^2/s$. As a result, the correlation coefficient obtained between the measured and calculated concentration was over 0.9 which means that the genetic algorithm should be successfully applied to estimate the unknown parameters of the nonlinear adsorption isotherms and advection-dispersion model.

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A Study on the Lateral Behavior of Pile-Bent Structures with $P-{\Delta}$ Effect ($P-{\Delta}$ 효과를 고려한 Pile-Bent 구조물의 수평거동 연구)

  • Jeong, Sang-Seom;Kwak, Dong-Ok;Ahn, Sang-Yong;Lee, Joon-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2006
  • In this study, the lateral behavior of Pile-Bent structures subjected to lateral loading was evaluated by a load-transfer approach. An analytical method based on the Beam-Column model and nonlinear load transfer curve method was proposed to consider material non-linearity (elastic and yielding) and $P-{\Delta}$ effect. Special attention was given to the lateral deflection of Pile-Bent structures depending on different soil properties, lateral load, slenderness ratio based on pier length and reinforcing effect of casing. From the results of the parametric study, it is shown that the increase of lateral displacement in a pile is much less favorable for an inelastic analysis than for an elastic analysis. It is found that for inelastic analysis, the maximum bending moment is located within a depth approximately 3.5D(D: pile diameter) below ground surface, but within 1.5D when $P-{\Delta}$ effect is considered. It is also found that the magnitude and distribution of the lateral deflections and bending moments on a pile are highly influenced by the inelastic analysis and $P-{\Delta}$ effect, let alone soil properties around an embedded pile.

Displacement Characteristics of Soft Ground by Embankment Construction (제방축조에 의한 연약지반의 변위특성)

  • Ahn, Kwangkuk;Bae, Wooseok
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 2007
  • In this study, the centrifugal tests were fulfilled to analyze the displacement characteristics caused by the embankment construction on soft ground. Embankment of height, undrained shear strength and with or without geotextile were selected to evaluate the displacement characteristics of soft ground by embankment. As a result, the replacement section without geotextile showed the parabola shape. The replacement section with geotextile showed the trapezoidal shape which represents the uniform settlements. The replacement angle is increasing nearly lineally with increasing the height of embankment and G-level. The position, where the maximum horizontal displacement occurred, was between $0.24H_0$ and $0.35H_0$ and was at $0.3H_0$ on the average. In the case of with and without geotextile, the relationship between the maximum settlement of ground(S) and maximum horizontal displacement(${\delta}_m$) was ${\delta}_m$ = 0.60S, ${\delta}_m$ = 0.54S, respectively.

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Free Vibration Analysis of Thick Plate Subjected to In-plane Force on Inhomogeneous Pasternak Foundation (비균질 Pasternak지반 위에 놓인 면내력을 받는 후판의 진동해석)

  • Lee, Yong Soo;Kim, Il Jung;Oh, Soog Kyoung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.291-298
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    • 2003
  • Recently, as the size of buildings structure becomes large increases, their mat area of building structure is supported or by an inhomogeneous foundation. This paper presents a vibration analysis on thick plates subjected to in-plane force is presented in this paper. The rectangular plate is isotropic, homogeneous, and composed of a linearly elastic material. A vibration analysis of the rectangular thick plate iwas done by useing ofarectangular finite element with 8 nodes and 9 nodes. In this study, the foundation was idealized as a Pasternak foundation model. A Pasternak foundation haves a shear layer on Winkler's model, which idealizes the foundation as a vertical spring. In order tTo analysze the vibration of a plate supported on by an inhomogeneous Pasternak foundation, the value of the Winkler foundation parameter of the central and border zones of the plate awere chosen as WFP1 and WFP2. (fFigure 4.). The Winkler foundation parameter of WFP1 and WFP2 is varied from 0 to 10, $10^2$, and $10^3$ and the shear foundation parameters is were 0, 5, and 10. The ratio of the in-plane force to the critical load iwas applied as 0.4 to 0.8

Evaluation of the Dynamic P-Y Curves of Soil-Pile System in Liquefiable Ground (액상화 가능성이 있는 지반에 놓인 지반-말뚝 시스템의 동적 p-y 곡선 연구)

  • Han, Jin-Tae;Kim, Sung-Ryul;Kim, Myoung-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.141-147
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    • 2007
  • Various approaches have been developed for the dynamic response analysis of piles. In one of the approaches, the soil-pile interaction is approximated by using parallel nonlinear springs, namely the p-y curves. Currently available p-y curve recommendations are based on static and cyclic lateral load tests. Other researchers have attempted to extend the p-y curves by incorporating the effects of liquefaction on soil-pile interaction and derived scaling factors of p-y curves to account fur the liquefaction. However, opinions on the scaling factors vary. In this study, the sealing factors, which reflect the variation of the elastic moduli of surrounding soils, were established combining the relationship between excess pore pressures and the natural frequencies of a soil-pile system obtained from Ig shaking table tests and the relationship between the elastic moduli of surrounding soils and the natural frequencies of a soil-pile system obtained from numerical analyses. As a result, the scaling factors were presented in an exponential function.