• Title/Summary/Keyword: 분화식물

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Varietal Difference and Inheritance of Plant Regenerability in Anther Culture of Rice (벼 악배양 효율의 품종간 차이와 식물체 재분화 능력의 유전)

  • 권용삼;손재근
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.163-167
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    • 2000
  • This study was carried out to identify varietal difference and the inheritance of the ability of plant regeneration in anther culture of rice. The anthers of 33 Japonica, 11 Indica/Japonica, and 3 Indica rice cultivars were culture on $N_6-Y$_1$$ medium with 1 mg/L NAA and 2 mg/L kinetin. The remarkable variability in plant regeneration were observed among the genotypes, ranging from 0.0% to 19.4% Most of Japonica rices were resulted to have better culturability than that of Indica/Japonica and Indica type cultivars. Newly developed Japonica rices, 'Ilmibyeo' and 'Hangnambyeo' showed to have regenerability with the frequency of 19.4% and 18.1% respectively. The segregation mode for callus formation and plant regenerationin anther culture of F$_2$ population of 'Milyang 23/Chucheongbyeo' showed a continuous variation. The variation of plant regeneration frequency in anther culture of F$_2$ plants ranged from 0% to 33.3% with a mean of 6.3% The broad-sense heritability estimated from the ability of plant regeneration was considerably high (82.7%).

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Effects of Gelling Agents and Growth Regulation on Rice Anther Culture (배지 응고제와 생장조절제가 벼 약배양에 미치는 영향)

  • 이중호;이승엽
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.35-39
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    • 1995
  • In order to investigate the effects of gelling agent on rice anther culture, anthers of rice (Japonica cv Daecheongbyeo) were cultured on N$_{6}$ media supplemented with 0.8, 1.2 or 1.6% Junsei agar and 05, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 or 1.0% Gelrite (Phytagel, Sigma). On Junsei agar media, the frequency of callus induction was decreased in proportion to agar concentration. The frequency of callus induction was more increased as 67.6% and 54.8% in media containing 0.4 and 0.6% Gelrite than in agar media. The frequency of plant regeneration and spontaneous doubled-diploid was directly proportional to Junsei agar and Gelrite concentration. The number of green and spontaneous doubled diploid plant was highest on 0.6% Gelrite medium. In order to optimize the concentration of growth regulators for the callus induction medium containing 0.6% Gelrite, anthers were cultured on N$_{6}$ media supplemented with 2mg/L NAA, 2 mg/L 2,4-D, 1mg/L NAA and 1mg/L 2, 4-D, or 1mg/L NAA, 1mg/L 2,4-D and 0.5mg/L kinetin. The maximum frequency of callus induction and plant regeneration was obtained from the medium supplemented with 2 mg/L NAA and 0.6% Gelrite. In conclusion the induction of embryogenic callus, the frequency of plant regeneration and in vivo chromosome doubling was more effective in Gelrite media than in Junsei agar media.dia.

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Ontogeny of Haustorial Xylem in Parasitic Angiosperm Cuscuta austrailis R. Brown (기생피자식물 실새삼(Cuscuta australis R. Brown)의 흡기내 목부의 개체발생)

  • 이규배
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 1991
  • 기주식물 (토끼풀, Trifolium repens L.)에 기생하는 실새삼(Cuscuta australis R. Brown)의 흡기내 목부의 개체발생 과정을 광학현미경으로 조사하였다. 흡기의 목부 분화를 암시하는 최초의 해부학적 특징이, 흡기 자체내에서가 아니라, 그 흡기가 형성되어 있는 실새삼 줄기에서 나타났다. 즉 실새삼 줄기의 중심주의 유관속 내부 및 유관속 사이에서 세포분열 활성이 관찰되었다. 이 분열로부터 유도된 세포들은 짙게 염색된 세포질과 뚜렷한 핵을 갖고 있었다. 흡기가 기주조직에 침입하여 생장함에 따라, 실새삼 줄기의 중심주에서 시작된 세포분열 활성은 유관속 사이를 거쳐서 흡기의 기부를 향하여 구정적으로 확장되었다. 이와 동시에, 실새삼 줄기의 목부에 인접해 있던, 짙은 세포질 밀도를 갖는 세포들이 목부요소로 분화하기 시작하였다. 결국, 이미 형성되었던 짙게 염색된 세포들을 따라서 흡기의 목부는 구정적으로 분화하였다. 실새삼 줄기의 중심주에서 일어나는 유조직 세포들의 분열활성 및 이로부터 흡기의 목부 분화를 구정적으로 유도할 수 있는 가능성에 대하여 논의하였다.

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유용 2차 대사산물의 생산을 위한 약용식물의 증진과 형질전환 I. 기내배양을 통한 병풀 엽병의 식물체 재분화

  • Kim, Kwang-Su;Paek, Yun-Woong;Ko, Kyung-Min;Hwang, Sung-Jin;Im, Hyung-Tag;Hwang, Baik
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.211-215
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    • 1995
  • 병풀(Centella asiatica)의 엽병 조직절편에서 유도된 배발생 캘러스로부터 체세포배 발생에 의하여 소식물체의 재분화를 이루었다. 엽병 조직절편을 1mg/L 2,4-D와 1mg/L kinetin이 조합 처리된 MS 기본배지에 치상하여 85%의 효율로 배발생 캘러스를 유도할 수 있었으며 이와 같은 배발생 캘러스를 5mg/L NAA와 1mg/L kinetin이 첨가된 배지로 옮겼을 때 체세포배의 형성은 87%까지 이루어졌다. 체세포배는 기본배지의 농도를 절반으로 줄이고 0.2 mg/L NAA와 0.2 mg/L kinetin이 첨가된 배지조건에서 기관분화를 거쳐 소식물체로 재분화되었다.

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Comparative Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration in Glehnia littoralis Schmidt et Miquiel (갯방풍(Glehnia littoralis Schmidt et Miquiel)에서 캘러스 유도 및 식물체 재분화에 미치는 생장조절제의 효과)

  • 이병국;한미숙;정양균;나의식;윤성중;유남희
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2004
  • Glehnia littoralis is known as an edible and medicinal plant using green loaves and mature roots of plant. In the present paper, the influence of plant growth regulators on callus induction and plant regeneration was investigated. Callus induction and regeneration occurred from leaf and petiole explants in Glehnia littoralis. Optimal condition of plant growth regulators for callus induction from leaf and petiole explants was MS basal medium supplemented with 2mg/L 2,4-D and 2mg/L BA. The frequency of callus induction was higher in petiole explant than leaf. When the callus was cultured on MS basal medium supplemented with 0∼1 mg/L IAA, 0∼1mg/L NAA and 0∼2mg/L BA for about 65 days, the most effective plant growth regulators on plant regeneration from callus were 1mg/L NAA and 2mg/L BA. The plantlets acclimatized successfully and grown in vermiculite matrix.

Effect of Growth Regulators and Antioxidant Mixture on the Anther Floating Cultures of Rice (벼의 약 부유배양에서 캘러스 유도 및 식물체 분화에 미치는 생장조절제와 항산화제의 영향)

  • 이승엽;이재길;권태오
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.83-87
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    • 2000
  • To investigate the effect of growth regulators and antioxidant in anther floating cultures of rice, anthers were cultured in liquid media supplemented with different growth regulators, and the effect of antioxidant mixture : (Sigma Chemical Co.) on callus induction and plant regeneration were investigated. N6 medium with 1 mg/L 2,4-D and 1 mg/L kinetin was the best for rice anther floating cultures, which showed 48.5% of callus induction and 6.8% of green plant regeneration. The callus induction was not affected by antioxidant mixture in liquid medium, and antioxidant mixture (250 mg/L) was effective for the reduction of brownish callus and improvement of plant regeneration Antioxidant mixture showed better effectiveness when it was supplemented to both media for callus induction and plant regeneration.

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Embryogenic Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration in Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) Native to Korea (자생 왕포아풀(Poa pratensis L.)의 배발생 캘러스 유도 및 식물체 재분화)

  • 이재신;심상렬;안병준
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.277-281
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    • 2001
  • Embryogenic callus induction and plant regeneration methods were developed for native Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratenes L.) ecotypes. Mature caryopses and immature inflorescences (20 mm in length) of 4 native ecotypes and 5 foreign cultivars were plated on MS medium (30 g/L sucrose, 3 g/L Phytagel) supplemented with 1 mg/L 2,4-D, and cultured in the dark at 24$^{\circ}C$. Most explants formed calli, but more embryogenic calli were induced from the explants of immature inflorescences than caryopses which produced mostly non-embryogenic rooty calli. In P77 ecotypes, immature inflorescence explants formed embryogenic calli with the rate of 62~95%, and those of field-grown plants were more efficient than greenhouse-grown ones in embryogenic callus induction. Plantlets were regenerated from the embryogenic calli when they were transferred to hormone-free MS medium, and grew to maturity without morphological variations in greenhouse.

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