• Title/Summary/Keyword: 부재유용도

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An Analysis on the Sports Ethics Awareness of University Student Athletes (대학 학생선수의 스포츠윤리 인식 분석)

  • Choi, You-Lee;Lee, Yong-Kuk
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.569-576
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the sports ethics awareness of college student athletes. To this end, data was collected from 312 college student athletes. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistic and chi-square analysis by the experience of college student athlete's intentional defeat, recognition of intentional defeat, cause of match-fixing, and necessity of sports ethics education. The conclusions are as follows. First, 7.1% of the college students had experienced losing intentionally. Second, 16.3% of the college student athletes did not perceive intentional losses irrelevant to gambling as match-fixing. Third, the college student athletes perceived that the causes of match-fixing included illegal pursuit of profits, environmental factors, human relationships, lack of education, etc. Fourth, 8.1% of the college student athletes viewed that sports ethics education is necessary. This study can be used as a basic data of sports ethics education for student athletes and it is expected to grow as a student player who can maintain moral character.

A Development of Automatic Extraction System for Welding Inspection Information based on Shipbuilding and Maritime CAD (조선해양 CAD 기반 용접검사 정보 자동 추출 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Bae-Sung;Hwang, Hun-Gyu;Song, Chang-Sub;Lee, Ki-Taek
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.28-36
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    • 2020
  • In shipbuilding industry, there is conducting most of works by welding at the shipyard, and the volume of welding is increasing with international trends of green ships. Welding joint is guaranteed quality through non-destructive testing (NDT). The manual welding inspection report is produced by identifying the drawings designed, which results in losses the many workforce and occurs human errors. To solve these problems, this paper covers a system that reports on inspection information is automatically generation by input data based on shipbuilding-specific CAD. The developed system analyzes the shape data from drawings of modeling. Also, the system determines welding joints through expansion of the part boundary and generates tag numbers. In addition, it provides the function to automatically extract the information needed for inspection such as weld length, thickness and etc. We conducted test to verify the usefulness of the developed system and confirmed that the welding inspection information extracted through system matches the information shown in drawings of modeling.

Cultivation of Pholiota adiposa by Use of Sawdusts and Agricultural By-product Substrates (톱밥과 농산부산물을 이용한 검은비늘버섯(Pholiota adiposa)의 재배)

  • Lee, Sang-Sun;Lee, Jeong-Woo;Cho, Nam-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 2002
  • Cultivation of Pholiota adiposa on sawdust media and its mixed substrates with various agricultural by-products was attempted. The composition of each substrates were compared from the viewpoint of cultivation possibilities with the production of Pholiota adiposa. Populus deltoides showed the best production of the mushroom with 795 g, followed by Robinia pseudo-acacia and Quercus acutissima. The mixed sawdust media with 70% of Robinia pseudo-acacia and 30% of Populus deltoides showed the best production of the mushroom with 265 g followed by the mixture of Robinia pseudo-acacia and Populus deltoides with 50% each with 228 g, while the addition of Quercus acutissima showed the negative effect for the production of Pholiota adiposa. Thus, Robinia pseudo-acacia was considered to be an effective amendment for the production of the mushroom. In addition, various kinds of agricultural by-products showed additive effect for the production of the mushroom, too. Therefore, we could concluded that the sawdust of Robinia pseudo-acacia and agricultural by-products can be used to cultivate Pholiota adiposa.

Improving streamflow predictability in a land surface model (지표수문모형의 하천유출 모의성능 개선)

  • Hyun Il Choi;Yung Kwon Kim
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.345-345
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    • 2023
  • 기후변화에 대응하기 위한 가뭄과 홍수 등의 수재해 관리체계 수립의 필요성이 높아지고 있어, 기후예측모형과 연계하여 수문 및 에너지 순환과정에서 하천유출에 대한 기후변화 영향예측이 가능한 지표수문모형(Land Surface Model, LSM)의 개발과 적용이 요구되고 있다. 또한, LSM은 연속적이고 장기적인 유출을 모의할 수 있어 수재해에 관한 예측과 정보 제공에 유용하므로, 최근 수재해 예측시스템 구축을 위한 주요한 도구로 관심을 받고 있다. 이에 따라, 본 연구에서는 기후모형 CWRF(Climate-Weather Research and Forecasting Model)와 연계되어 물-에너지 순환모의가 가능한 최신 LSM 중 하나인 Common Land Model(CoLM)을 우리나라 유역의 장기하천유출모의에 적용하고자 한다. 대부분의 LSM은 지상의 물과 에너지 순환과정이 각 단일 격자의 수직적인 모의과정으로 제한되고 있었지만, 현재 지속적인 개선을 통해 많은 LSM에서 보다 현실적인 물과 에너지 변화를 모의하고자 노력하고 있다. 그러나, 지속적인 모형의 개선에도 불구하고(또는 그로 인해) 정교한 수학적 프로세스를 통합하여 개선된 최신 LSM은 오히려 복잡한 매개변수 체계, 매개변수 추정, 입력자료, 초기 및 경계조건 등에서 비롯된 불확실성이 존재하고 있다. 따라서, 모형의 주요 매개변수값의 추정은 모의결과의 성능과 안정성을 확보하기 위한 LSM의 모의에서 필수적인 과정 중 하나이다. 유역의 특성에 따라 결정되는 모형 매개변수는 관련자료의 부재 또는 관측의 부정확성으로 인해 검보정 과정을 통해 결정되어야 하므로, 유역의 수문특성을 최대한 반영하고 모형의 성능과 안정성을 확보하기 위해 모의목적에 따라 적절한 검보정 목적함수의 선정도 요구된다. CoLM과 같이 다양한 매개변수가 사용되는 LSM에서는 모의결과에 대한 불확실성을 줄이고, 모의목적에 따른 모형의 예측도 향상을 위해서 모의결과에 민감한 주요 매개변수의 검보정이 과정이 중요하다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 격자기반 지표수문모형인 CoLM을 이용하여 우리나라 유역의 장기하천유출을 모의하는 과정에서 CoLM의 주요 매개변수 검보정에 필요한 적절한 목적함수의 적용을 통해 CoLM 장기하천유출 모의결과의 예측성능을 개선하고자 한다.

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Chronic Levator Ani Syndrome Treated with Traditional Korean Medicine: A Case Report (만성적인 항문거근증후군 치료 사례)

  • Chang-Gue Son
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2024
  • This case report highlights the efficacy of traditional Korean medicine in treating chronic levator ani syndrome. A 47-year-old male suffered from chronic anorectal pain for 14 years. Over the last 5 months, the severity and frequency of the pain increased, and he was unresponsive to Western medicine and acupuncture outside Korea. The patient reported moderate anorectal pain from early morning until midday, affecting daily efficiency and concentration. The pain was triggered by defecation and alleviated by lying down. He was diagnosed with levator ani syndrome related to "cold symptoms of the liver and kidney - Yin", for which modified Nangan-jeon was prescribed. Indirect moxibustion (CV4, Ki1), Aconitum ciliare Decaisne pharmacopuncture (GV1, BL33), and acupuncture (HT7, ST36, SP6, LR3, LI4) were also administered weekly. After 8 weeks, the anorectal pain decreased by 2 points on a numeric rating scale, leading to patient satisfaction and return to his home country.

Fundamental Study on the Design of Steel Tube Structures Based on the Qualitative Analysis (복합강구조물 설계에 정성분석기법을 적용하기 위한 기초연구)

  • Kang, Hyun-Sik;Lim, Seo-Hyung;Park, Yong-Gul
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2006
  • Steel hollow section members have been widely used as a major material in the construction market due largely to their efficiency, their aesthetic appeal and to the technical development. But it is true that the commercial Program for dealing with a joint problem using hollow section members is not firmly established due to its uncertain and variable design parameters. The qualitative analysis program developed by using computer is introduced in this study. The results of that analysis are shown in the two-dimensional space in variable ranges and diagrams, so it would be useful to whom have not many experiences and knowledges. It is represented that the differences between Canadian code and the Korean standard for the connections of hollow section members. And It is verified that the software is applicable to the Preliminary design in steel tubular structures.

Analysis on the Influence of Moment Distribution Shape on the Effective Moment of Inertia of Simply Supported Reinforced Concrete Beams (철근콘크리트 단순보의 유효 단면2차모멘트에 대한 모멘트 분포 형상의 영향 분석)

  • Park, Mi-Young;Kim, Sang-Sik;Lee, Seung-Bae;Kim, Chang-Hyuk;Kim, Kang-Su
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.93-103
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    • 2009
  • The concept of the effective moment of inertia has been generally used for the deflection estimation of reinforced concrete flexural members. The KCI design code adopted Branson's equation for simple calculation of deflection, in which a representative value of the effective moment of inertia is used for the whole length of a member. However, the code equation for the effective moment of inertia was formulated based on the results of beam tests subjected to uniformly distributed loads, which may not effectively account for those of members under different loading conditions. Therefore, this study aimed to verify the influences of moment shapes resulting from different loading patterns by experiments. Six beams were fabricated and tested in this study, where primary variables were concrete compressive strengths and loading distances from supports, and test results were compared to the code equation and other existing approaches. A method utilizing variational analysis for the deflection estimation has been also proposed, which accounts for the influences of moment shapes to the effective moment of inertia. The test results indicated that the effective moment of inertia was somewhat influenced by the moment shape, and that this influence of moment shape to the effective moment of inertia was not captured by the code equation. Compared to the code equation, the proposed method had smaller variation in the ratios of the test results to the estimated values of beam deflections. Therefore, the proposed method is considered to be a good approach to take into account the influence of moment shape for the estimation of beam deflection, however, the differences between test results and estimated deflections show that more researches are still required to improve its accuracy by modifying the shape function of deflection.

Shape Scheme and Size Discrete Optimum Design of Plane Steel Trusses Using Improved Genetic Algorithm (개선된 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 평면 철골트러스의 형상계획 및 단면 이산화 최적설계)

  • Kim, Soo-Won;Yuh, Baeg-Youh;Park, Choon-Wok;Kang, Moon-Myung
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.4 no.2 s.12
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this study is the development of a scheme and discrete optimum design algorithm, which is based on the genetic algorithm. The algorithm can perform both scheme and size optimum designs of plane trusses. The developed Scheme genetic algorithm was implemented in a computer program. For the optimum design, the objective function is the weight of structures and the constraints are limits on loads and serviceability. The basic search method for the optimum design is the genetic algorithm. The algorithm is known to be very efficient for the discrete optimization. However, its application to the complicated structures has been limited because of the extreme time need for a number of structural analyses. This study solves the problem by introducing the size & scheme genetic algorithm operators into the genetic algorithm. The genetic process virtually takes no time. However, the evolutionary process requires a tremendous amount of time for a number of structural analyses. Therefore, the application of the genetic algorithm to the complicated structures is extremely difficult, if not impossible. The scheme genetic algorithm operators was introduced to overcome the problem and to complement the evolutionary process. It is very efficient in the approximate analyses and scheme and size optimization of plane trusses structures and considerably reduces structural analysis time. Scheme and size discrete optimum combined into the genetic algorithm is what makes the practical discrete optimum design of plane fusses structures possible. The efficiency and validity of the developed discrete optimum design algorithm was verified by applying the algorithm to various optimum design examples: plane pratt, howe and warren truss.

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Hydrological Drought Assessment and Monitoring Based on Remote Sensing for Ungauged Areas (미계측 유역의 수문학적 가뭄 평가 및 감시를 위한 원격탐사의 활용)

  • Rhee, Jinyoung;Im, Jungho;Kim, Jongpil
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.525-536
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    • 2014
  • In this study, a method to assess and monitor hydrological drought using remote sensing was investigated for use in regions with limited observation data, and was applied to the Upper Namhangang basin in South Korea, which was seriously affected by the 2008-2009 drought. Drought information may be obtained more easily from meteorological data based on water balance than hydrological data that are hard to estimate. Air temperature data at 2 m above ground level (AGL) were estimated using remotely sensed data, evapotranspiration was estimated from the air temperature, and the correlations between precipitation minus evapotranspiration (P-PET) and streamflow percentiles were examined. Land Surface Temperature data with $1{\times}1km$ spatial resolution as well as Atmospheric Profile data with $5{\times}5km$ spatial resolution from MODIS sensor on board Aqua satellite were used to estimate monthly maximum and minimum air temperature in South Korea. Evapotranspiration was estimated from the maximum and minimum air temperature using the Hargreaves method and the estimates were compared to existing data of the University of Montana based on Penman-Monteith method showing smaller coefficient of determination values but smaller error values. Precipitation was obtained from TRMM monthly rainfall data, and the correlations of 1-, 3-, 6-, and 12-month P-PET percentiles with streamflow percentiles were analyzed for the Upper Namhan-gang basin in South Korea. The 1-month P-PET percentile during JJA (r = 0.89, tau = 0.71) and SON (r = 0.63, tau = 0.47) in the Upper Namhan-gang basin are highly correlated with the streamflow percentile with 95% confidence level. Since the effect of precipitation in the basin is especially high, the correlation between evapotranspiration percentile and streamflow percentile is positive. These results indicate that remote sensing-based P-PET estimates can be used for the assessment and monitoring of hydrological drought. The high spatial resolution estimates can be used in the decision-making process to minimize the adverse impacts of hydrological drought and to establish differentiated measures coping with drought.

Exploring Science Teacher Agency as Agent of Change: The Case of Distance Learning Practice Due to COVID-19 (변화의 주체로서 과학 교사의 행위주체성 탐색 -COVID-19에 따른 원격 수업 실행 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Hyekeoung;Kim, Heui-Baik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.237-250
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    • 2021
  • Teachers play a key role in designing a students' learning experience. Teachers are asked to interpret the context in which they are located and to adjust their practice to fit circumstantial needs based on their teacher agency. In this study, we explore the emergence of teacher agency in distance learning caused by COVID-19 and we analyze factors shaping the teacher agency. For this purpose, we interviewed six secondary science teachers who practiced distance learning in 2020. Semi-constructed interviews and their artifacts were collected and analyzed. This study shows that teacher agency is captured when they respond to circumstantial change and modify their practice to achieve their professional purpose or adjust their practice in space for maneuvering or keep their practice consistent. This study also analyzes the factors that affect the emergence of teacher agency in two dimensions. One is individual and the other is contextual. In the individual dimension, educational values shaped by his/her experiences and short/long-term goals for the future support the emergence of teacher agency. In the contextual dimension, there are collaborative and flexible culture shared by the community, co-operation within the teacher community, and material support. On the other hand, in the individual dimension, the teachers' sense of their role, and no reflection for own practice constrain the emergence of teacher agency, and in the contextual dimension, performativity discourse and strong requirement without guidance constrain the emergence of teacher agency. We suggest an effective lens for establishing a strategy that support teachers' professional practice and the emergence of teacher agency.