• Title/Summary/Keyword: 복합 웹 서비스

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Performance Evaluation of QoS-based Web Services Selection Models (QoS 기반 웹 서비스 선택 모형의 성능 평가)

  • Seo, Sang-Koo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2007
  • As the number of public Web Services increases, there will be many services with the same functionality. These services. however, will vary in their QoS properties, such as price, response time and availability, and it is very important to choose a best service while satisfying given QoS constraints. This paper brings parallel branching and response time constraint of business processes into focus and investigates several service selection plans based on multidimensional multiple choice Knapsack model. Specifically. proposed in the paper are a plan with response time constraints for each execution flow, a plan with a single constraint over the whole service types and a plan with a constraint on a particular execution path of a composite Web Services. Experiments are conducted to observe the performance of each plan with varying the number of services, the number of branches and the values of response time constraint. Experimental results show that reducing the number of candidate services using Pareto Dominance is very effective and the plan with a constraint over the whole service types is efficient in time and solution quality for small to medium size problems.

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Traveling Product Bundling on Web Service Composition in Ubiquitous Computing Environment (유비쿼터스 환경에서 복합 상품 구성을 위한 지능형 여행 정보 시스템에 대한 연구 - 의미론적 웹 서비스 중심)

  • Lee, Hyeon-Jeong;Son, Mi-Ae
    • Proceedings of the Korea Inteligent Information System Society Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.369-378
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    • 2005
  • 본 논문에서는 유비쿼터스 환경에서 유동 소비자가 서비스의 유동성을 보장받을 수 있는 지능형 여행정보서비스를 제안하고자 한다. 본 시스템은 유비쿼터스 환경에서 여행자가 필요로 하는 정보획득을 돕기 위해 다양한 상품제안, 그 상품들 간의 연계를 통한 맞춤제안을 목적으로 설계되었다 여행정보시스템에 연관된 상품들은 호텔, 비행사, 자동차, 여행지 정보, 음식점 및 Business Trip 등이다. 따라서 여행자의 요구 및 상황의 변화에 맞게 연관상품의 Schedule 맞춤을 위한 지능형 여행 최적정보시스템의 연구가 요구된다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 Traveling Service 지원을 위해 첫째 여행자의 요구에 따른 단일상품의 복합상품화(Product bundling)를 위한 방법론을 제안하였다. 둘째, 복합상품을 구성하기 위해 필수적인, 개별정보시스템에 이질적인 형태로 저장되어있는 단일상품에 대한 정보를 공유하기 위해, 여행상품과 온톨로지의 구축이 요구된다. 이에 본 논문에서는 OWL 기반의 온톨로지를 구축하였다. 온톨로지 기반의 여행정보시스템은 향후 시맨틱 웹서비 기반의 지능형 여행정보시스템 구축을 위한 초석으로 활요될 것이다.

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A Development Methodology of the Interactive Ubiquitous Service Model for a Mixed-Use Complex in u-City (u-City 활성화를 위한 복합단지의 인터액티브 u-서비스 모델 개발 방법)

  • Park, Kwang-Ho;Kim, Yun-Hyung
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.197-215
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    • 2009
  • As the ubiquitous technology has been widespread, the u-service development driven by the private sector is increasing these days. In this paper, a new development methodology of interactive u-services for a mixed-use complex in u-City is proposed. The current state-of-the-art IT, Web2.0, assumes that information must be communicated in both way, not only from service provides to users but also from users to service providers. Here the user-driven u-service will be utilized for service providers to customize user services. By this interactive u-service paradigm, the information users become the information providers so that the mixed-use complex will take advantage of massive information. Also, admitting that the mixed-use complex is limited in terms of the space size, the network effect of information and shared contents created through the interactive u-services can be maximized.

Research on Web standards compliance and professional level of domestic Web Developer (국내 웹 개발자의 웹표준 준수 및 전문성 수준에 대한 연구)

  • Shin, Moon-sun;Jeong, Kyeong-ja;Kim, Byung-chul
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 2016
  • Recently, non-standard techniques of web like Active-X caused not only user inconvenience but also barriers to the business of Internet. The government recognized that the serious environmental situation of using Internet is needed to be improved. Especially, HTML5 convergence technology is meant to be a specific platform over the devices, users, and systems. It also means web standards to support more creative business service model and emerging market. In this paper, we performed a survey on Web standards compliance and web development professional level of domestic web developers. In addition, we present the basic direction of government policy of software and software-positive human resources policy, that is based on the analysis of the survey results. Our study will be able to contribute to construct policies to support digital convergence industry and to strengthen technical assistance and expertise to build training programs for the spread of global Web standards (HTML5).

Mobile Regional Information Retrieval System of Convergence of GIS and Web (GIS와 Web을 통합한 모바일 지역정보 검색 시스템)

  • Kang Yongjin;Kidawara Yutaka;Kwon Yong-Jin;Tanakat Katusmi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2005.07a
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    • pp.301-303
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    • 2005
  • 인터넷 기술의 발전과 웹 사용자의 증가로 웹에는 매우 않은 정보들이 축적되고 있으며, 여기에는 또한 매우 많은 지역정보가 존재한다. 일반적으로 웹 정보라고 하는 것은 웹의 컨텐츠, 사용이력, 구조를 중심으로 한 정보이며, 이러한 정보를 하나의 중요한 공간 정보원으로 취급하여 웹으로부터 특정 지역에 관한 컨텐츠를 수집하고 이를 분석하여 사용자의 공간 정보원으로서 사용할 수 있다. 또한 인터넷, 무선통신, 지리정보시스템(GIS), 위치기반서비스(LBS) 등의 기술들이 모바일기기에 복합적으로 접목되면서 모바일기기에서의 새로운 형태의 정보에 대한 응용이 요구되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 웹 환경을 활용하고, 모바일 환경을 고려하여 GIS와 Web을 통합한 모바일 지역정보 검색 시스템을 제안한다.

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Estimation of maximum object size satisfying mean response time constraint in web service environment (웹 서비스 환경에서 평균 응답 시간의 제약조건을 만족하는 최대 객체 크기의 추정)

  • Yong-Jin Lee
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2023
  • One of the economical ways to satisfy the quality of service desired by the user in a web service environment is to adjust the size of the object. To this end, this study finds the maximum size of objects that satisfy this constraint when the mean response time is given below an arbitrary threshold for quality of service. It can be inferred that in the steady state of system, the mean response time in the deterministic model by using the round-robin will be the same as that of the queueing model following the general distribution. Based on this, analytical formulas and procedures for finding the maximum object size are obtained. As a service distribution of web traffic, the Pareto distribution is appropriate, so the maximum object size is computed by applying the M/G(Pareto)/1 model and the M/G/1/PS model using exponential distribution as computational experience. Performance evaluation through numerical calculation shows that as the shape parameter in the Pareto distribution increases, the M/G(Pareto)/1 model and M/G/1/PS model have the same maximum object size. The results of this study can be used to environments where objects can be sized for economical web service control.

A Study on the Pattern Analysis Method using the User Log on the CMS (CMS의 사용자 로그를 이용한 패턴 분석 방법 연구)

  • Moon, Dong-Yeol;Park, Koo-Rack;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Jung, Jin-Young
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.275-281
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    • 2016
  • In modern society, which boomed it became easier to obtain the necessary information to the emergence of a variety of smart devices. Due to this, the frequency of using the content based on the Web is growing rapidly. In addition, companies are turning into a production and modify the content using the CMS under the web-based. It can be a very important part to provide users with the content. Currently web services are designing a UI to the device and provided. To improve the ease of use, they are enhancing services only by survey and analysis of the patterns of all users. Most are designed without considering the UX only in the technical aspects. In this paper, to break the limits that apply to all users of the Web service pattern analysis, we propose a visualization system via the animation based on the individual user's movement patterns and usage patterns. Through this convergence is expected to be able to transform the web from the central manager to the user UX and the planning aspects researchers.

A Model-Driven Approach for Converting UML Model to OWL-S Ontology (UML 모델을 OWL-S 온톨로지로 변환하기 위한 모델지향접근방식)

  • Kim, Il-Woong;Lee, Kyong-Ho
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.179-192
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    • 2007
  • Based on ontologies, semantic Web services enable the discovery, selection, and composition. OWL-S is a do facto standard ontology for describing semantics of Web services. Due to the difficulty of the OWL-S grammar, the teaming curve for constructing OWL-S description manually can be steep. This paper presents an efficient method for generating OWL-S descriptions from UML diagrams, which are widely used for software design and development. The proposed method is based on UML profiles to generate an OWL-S ontology from sequence or activity diagrams, which represent the behavior of a business process. Specifically, an XMI file extracted from UML diagrams is transformed into an OWL-S description via an XSLT script. Experimental results with a large volume of UML diagrams show that the proposed method deals with the control flow of complex processes and is superior to previous methods.

U-health Bike Web Services for Reducing Carbon and Health Information (탄소 저감 및 건강 정보를 위한 U-health Bike 웹 서비스)

  • Kim, Changjin;Kim, Wuwoan;Jang, Sangdong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.249-256
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    • 2013
  • Recent days, the global warming problem due to excessive use of fossil fuels has been the world wide issue so that Korea government and developed countries make an alternative plan for eco-friendly and transportations by utilizing bicycles for health promotion. Existing Public Bicycle Rental Service Systems provide simple service such as bicycle rental management and tracking the location. However there is no user-side service for the information of the measure of carbon reduction, or use of bicycles. The proposed system in this paper provides users' health information, environmental information, personal information, counseling services and the measures of carbon reduction. The new system has been developed to carry out reducing carbon and growing green in terms of using bicycles by adopting Web 2.0 technology.

An Exploratory Study on Paradigms, Policies in the Digital Convergence Era (디지털 컨버전스 시대의 특징 : 그 패러다임과 정책 방향)

  • Han, Hak-Soo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.455-461
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    • 2012
  • The paper explores the relationship among paradigms, ecosystem which need to establish broadcasting, information and communications industry as the core of national competitiveness in the digital convergence era, and proposes the future progressing strategies and policies directions that consider environmental factors which all mass media converged on Internet. This paper makes an attempt to contribute innovative & integrated perspectives in the industry.