• Title/Summary/Keyword: 복합학문

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Creative Use of College Laboratory in Nursing Education (간호교육에 있어서 창의적인 대학 실습실의 이용에 관한 고찰)

  • Lee Miok
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.24 no.4 s.132
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    • pp.118-130
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    • 1985
  • 실행(practice)를 위주로 하는 전문직 교육은 실지 실습이나 임상교육등이 필수적이며 중요한 것은 주지의 사실이다. 그러나 전통적으로 대부분의 간호학교가 병원에 소속되어 있어서 간호 임상교육은 그 본 목적인 학생들의 학습보다는 오히려 병원 업무를 돕는 방향으로 잘못 전개되어왔다. 간호교육이 병원에 소속된 간호학교로 부터 학문의 전당인 대학안으로 옮겨지면서 많은 뜻있는 간호교육자들의 노력과 시도로 학생들이 고용인으로 이용되는 상황에서 탈피하여 임상교육이 학생들에게 이론적인 지식을 실지로 응용할 수 있는 복합적이고 통합적인 배움의 경험이 되도록 조금씩 발전해 가고는 있지만 아직도 바라는 만큼 이루어지지는 못하는 실정이다. 현재는 임상실습에 임하는 학생들이 기능적인 일을 반복하며 주어진 시간만을 채우는 경향이 많고 배운 이론을 대학 실습실에서 응용해 보지 못한채 직접 환자 간호에 적응하려면 지나친 불안과 긴장으로 오히려 학습에 장애가 오기도 한다. 또한 환자의 입장을 고려해 보면 그들은 안전하고 완벽한 간호를 받을 권리가 있음에도 불구하고 때로 서투른 학생들의 실습의 대상으로 노출되어 불안을 느끼고 바람직한 간호를 받지 못하는 경우가 많다. 따라서 몇 뜻있는 간호 교육자들은 임상들의 실습장소로 택하는 것은 학생에게는 부적절한 학습 환경이 될 뿐 아니라 환자에게는 도덕적, 윤리적으로 부당하다고 주장한다. 본 연구는 좀 더 잘 설비된 대학의 실습실이 급선무이고 또한 교화적이고 창의적인 실습실의 이용으로 반복적인 임상 실습의 양은 줄이는 한편 학생들의 실력이나 적용 능력의 토대를 탄탄히 하는 몇가지 교육방법을 제시하였다. 물론 제시된 시법이나 작은 그룹별 학습등은 기초 간호학실에서 많이 이용된 방법이기는 하지만 더욱 잘 응용되어야하겠고 역할 재현(role play)이나 유사 상황(simulation) 조성등의 학습 방법으로 기술적인면 뿐만 아니라 대인 관계나 면담기술 및 창의적이며 논리적인 사고의 발달등도 이루어 지리라 기대된다.학생들이 적정량의 기술과 지식을 익힌 후에 좀 더 복합적이고 통괄적인 지식의 응용 및 평가가 필요할 때 실지 임상 실습을 시도하는 것이 바람직한 것이다.

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The Effects of Mobile Smart-Work IT Resources of Resource Based View on the Work Efficiency : based on moderating effects of the perceived usefulness (자원기반관점(RBV)에서 모바일 스마트워크 IT자원이 업무효율성에 미치는 영향 - 지각된 유용성의 조절효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Min-Woo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the Mobile Smart-Work IT resources on the work efficiency based on moderating effects of the perceived usefulness in the Resource Based View. The study has academic meanings and practical implications that studied widely based on moderating effects of the perceived usefulness through the Hierarchical regression furthermore on the existing study on hypothesis by standard multiple regression. The results showed that IT Infrastructure in the Mobile Smart-work IT resources by moderating effects of the perceived usefulness was found to bring positive effect on individual work efficiency and teamwork efficiency. On the other hand Business Application was found to bring positive effect on teamwork efficiency. Therefore, we expect that business firm and employees actively use the effects of the perceived usefulness with the trust that Mobile Smart-work IT resources bring positive effects on the work efficiency. It can improve this work efficiency and lead to strengthening the firm competitiveness.

Relation Analysis Among Academic Research Areas Using Subject Terms of Domestic Journal Papers (국내 학술지 논문의 주제어를 통한 학술연구분야 관계분석)

  • Lee, Hye-Young;Kwak, Seung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.353-371
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze the interrelation among research areas based on domestic journal papers, achievements of korea researchers. Generally, the content of papers is appeared through abstracts, subjects, full-text and so on. This paper is focused on subject terms of Domestic journal papers. The experimental data are 80 domestic journals, 7,616 papers and 58,143 subject terms and papers published in 2009. As the result, it was different to use subject terms on each research area: Engineering, Agriculture & Oceanography, Interdisciplinary Science, Social Science, Arts & Physical Education, Medicine & Pharmacology, Humanities and Natural Science. Subject terms of Engineering have used the most in the other research areas in aspect of term co-occurrence. The 8 research areas were grouped in 3 clusters: C1(Engineering, Natural Science, Social Science, Interdisciplinary Science, Humanities), C2(Medicine & Pharmacology, Arts & Physical Education), and C3(Agriculture & Oceanography).

Research Trend Analysis of Digital Divide in South Korea (디지털 정보격차 관련 국내 연구 동향 분석)

  • Ko, Jeonghyeun;Kang, Woojin;Lee, Jongwook
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.179-203
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to grasp the key issues and the direction for digital divide research in South Korea. Based on the 488 KCI journal articles published between 2003 and 2020, the authors analyzed the changes in the number of articles per year and the subject areas of journals. Furthermore, the topic modelling and keyword network anlaysis were applied to identify the subjects of research. The main findings can be summarized as follows: first, there was a stable trend for a while after the number of articles had increased by the year of 2007, and then there has been a sharp increase since 2019. Second, digital divide research has been conducted from diverse fields including social science, multidiscipline, and engineering. Third, the six subject areas were identified which are 'digital divide among regions', 'digital divide among people with disabilities', 'technical environment of digital divide', 'divide from information use and its consequence', 'legal and institutional environments of digital divide', and 'digital divide of the elderly'. Finally, it was shown that the areas of 'divide from information use and its consequence' and 'technical environment of digital divide' have attracted attention recently.

A Study on Analysis of Pilates-related Patent Information (필라테스 분야 특허 정보 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Chi, Dong-Cheol;Kim, Jong-Hyuck
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.513-519
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    • 2022
  • The 4th industrial revolution has made our life convenient, and the development of new technologies has brought affluent life. Considering that the 4th industrial revolution is a next-generation industrial revolution led by robot technology, life science, and artificial intelligence, the need for convergence research in sports field stimulated the continuous efforts for the academic foundation of sports. Recently, as interest in home training has increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Pilates has also attracted much attentions demand for related supplies has increased. This is an demonstration that COVID-19 has had an impact on the sports industry ecosystem. The purpose of this study was, accordingly, to identify current trends through accurate patent information related to Pilates and to provide basic data for future studies on sports convergence industry and sports intellectual property. For the purpose, based on the data from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2021 provided by KIPRIS (www.kipris.or.kr), the patent information search service provided by the Korean Intellectual Property Office, patent status analysis, international patent classification (IPC) patent analysis, and detailed patent analysis by classification were performed.

Effects of IT Resources on the Work Efficiency and Corporate Performance in The Mobile Smart-Work Environment (모바일 스마트워크 환경에서 IT자원이 업무효율성과 기업성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Min-Woo;Oh, Min-Jeong;Kim, Seung-Chul
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.165-176
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the IT resources on the work efficiency and corporate performance in Mobile Smart-Work Environment with IT convergence Technology by applying the Resource-Based View. The study has an academic meaning by empirically analyzing the effects of factors identified based on the existing study on the IT resources in Mobile Smart-Work, and practical implications to identify how the significance of the Mobile Smart-Work used as a platform of variety industries in manufacturing, logistics, service, distribution, finance, public institutions, and so on positively affects improvement of corporate efficiency and performance. The results showed that IT Infrastructure and IT skills in the Mobile Smart-work environment were found to bring positive effects on individual work efficiency, and IT skills had positive influence on team work efficiency. Also, we confirmed the individual and team work efficiency positively affect financial and market performance of business firms. Finally, we expect that business firm equipped with IT resources in the Mobile Smart-Work environment with IT convergence Technology. It can improve this work efficiency and the performance, which leads to strengthening the core competency.

The moderating effects of converging smart work and supervisor's support in the study of turnover on job satisfaction in call centers (콜 센터에서 이직요인이 직무만족에 미치는 영향에 있어 스마트워크와 상사지원 융복합 서비스의 조절효과에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kye-Chul;Cheong, Ki-Ju
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.101-114
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is first to understand agent's turnover from both academic and perspectives. Then we suggest convergence of smart work paradigm and supervisor's support as the relieving factors of turnover, The research model of this study is based upon reviews of turnover literature, the smart work and supervisor's support as moderating variables from which research hypotheses were derived. The data came from the survey from financial sector agents such as banking, insurance, and others. The analyses has been done by SPSS 20.0, We used multiple regressions to test the effects of the tested variables on the dependent variable, job satisfaction. The results of this study find significant relations of smart work and supervisor's supports in relations to personal and job-related turnover. The implication is smart work and supervisor's supports play significant role in increasing job satisfactions. Major finding is too much supervisor's supports ignoring agent's situations may bring reverse effects on relieving turnover.

The Game's Remediation (게임의 재매개성)

  • Sohn, Jong-Nam
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.305-310
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    • 2012
  • As the era of change that has developed a variety of media. But no matter how hi-tech media it, even though several of the previous circular forms of media have evolved from. Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin them academically for "old media remediation will use," he explains. The middle of media, especially games remediation nature of the game, the game plan, game content, game machines, etc. in various parts of the outward form, there is remediation characteristics. The use of these remediation allows users to facilitate access to the media, and more importantly are able to adapt quickly to the game controls. And Increase the fun of the game, given the immersion for the game that enhance the role is. Remediation of the game against a variety of elements in the game if they utilize in-depth research on the development of the game has been suggested that the role is a lot.

Comparative analysis Gundam contents(Animation and Figure) and elements of a culture theory (건담 컨텐츠(애니메이션 및 건담 피규어)의 문화 성립 요소분석)

  • Sohn, Jong-Nam
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.299-304
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    • 2012
  • First broadcasted in 1979's and until today very popular in the Original title video content Mobil Suit GUNDAM, it has difference to existing other two-way race other robot animation. According to director Tomino Yoshiyuki animation Gundam has an elements of drama. It's explain imply all untruth reality contents. The content of Japanese animation, GUNDAM beyond its wide range of industries around the world, further developed and expanded, and further is referred to as GUNDAM culture. Academic culture in terms of the five elements that make up culture (technology, values, social relations, language, and material) around the content analysis of GUNDAM. As a result, the five cultures of each of the elements that conflict with sufficient information and are believed to be worth.

Application authoring tool for the use of the efficiency of a literature class (문학수업의 효율성을 위한 애플리케이션 저작도구의 활용)

  • Nam, Sukhee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.423-428
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    • 2013
  • This paper is to suggest how to apply smartphone application making for literature class as a learning tool. New specialists in literature are not satisfied with the traditional learning methods for the acquisition of theoretical knowledge any more. They try to learn the making process of smartphone application using app writing tools to meet their attention and needs. As a result, they can experience "deterritoriatization" of their major. Such a new learning method not only makes the learners build up their literary knowledge, but also plays a part to meet their needs to make it reality as a practical method that satisfies their learning needs. On this basis, there can be a possibility for literature to be the important resource of the contents development for mobile application.