• Title/Summary/Keyword: 복지 제도

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Critical Review on Social Welfare for the Elderly in Journal of the Korean Gerontological Society (한국노년학의 복지 분야 연구동향 - 1980년(창간호)부터 2008년(28권 제2호)까지의 논문을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Mee Hye
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.733-752
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    • 2008
  • This study aims to suggest the academic roles and direction of the social welfare for the elderly in Journal of the Korean Gerontological Society. For this purpose the trends of research on the social welfare for the elderly were analyzed by means of reviewing articles published from 1980 to 2008 in Journal of the Korean Gerontological Society. Out of all published articles, 215 articles were selected on the basis of unanimity among 3 reviewers including this author. First, in 1980s there were very limited numbers of articles. It had been mainly introduced foreign and domestic institutions of social welfare for the elderly and focused on the serious issues for the elderly in aging society. Secondly, in 1990s, there were explosive increases of research in elder welfare studies. The subjects of the articles were diversified and research methods were sophisticated in this period. Thirdly, it showed that the numbers, subjects, and research methods of the articles concerning social welfare for the elderly were enriched and differentiated during 2000-2004. Lastly, the research trends have focused on the issues of successful aging, quality of life, and psychological well-being in consideration of the quality of life for the elderly up to now since 2005. But the research trends have had some limitations in showing only application of theories and models or in simply introducing the knowledge in Western countries. It is necessary to have clear academic identity which can be faithful to Korean Gerontological studies.

A Study on The Determinants of Koreans' Welfare Consciousness: Focusing on State's Responsibilities upon Public Agenda (한국인의 복지의식 결정요인 연구: 국가의 공적책임에 대한 태도를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Shin-Young
    • Survey Research
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.87-105
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    • 2010
  • This study purports to empirically examine the potential effect of the level of social trust on their welfare consciousness level. Although previous studies in the field have focused on socio-economic or class-oriented variables, the accumulated results have shown that the effects were inconsistent at best in Korean context. In order to overcome the limits of theoretical assumptions from mainstream Marxists and institutionalists, this study suggests the relative autonomy of social consciousness and its independent effect on welfare consciousness. The analysis shows that both foundational variables, income levels and labor market participation, and the level of social trust have significant impacts upon the respondents' level of welfare consciousness.

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Analysis of Cognition Pattern of a College Student's Occupational View on Social Welfare Position (사회복지사직에 대한 사회복지학과 학생의 인식유형)

  • Oh, Yun-Sou;Jung, Hyun-Tae;Lee, Seong-Dae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.285-297
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    • 2014
  • This research is involved in looking into the cognition pattern of social worker position of a fourth-year student majoring in Social Welfare. The purpose of this research is to offer a basic data needed for education of the students who are preparing to get a job of a social worker. For this, applying Q methodology, this research made an objective analysis of their subjective response to social worker position targeting the 30 students in the department of social welfare at the four-year-course college located in Gyeongsangbuk-do and Gyeongsangnam-do. The research results showed that the cognition pattern of the college students' occupational view on social welfare position could be categorized into the three; The first pattern is a "job-skeptic & reality-evasive" type, who tends to perceive the position of a social worker as the one having a lot of job exhaustion and much workload, showing a pessimistic view on the meaning or a sense of mission of a social worker position. The second pattern is a "practice-centered & specialized-job-seeking type" who tends to think much of practical aspects of a social worker job and to seek after the position of a social worker as a specialized job, and at the same time to rely on the policy or system for a social worker position. The third pattern is a "value-oriented & self-achievement type", who tends to think much of the necessity of value or ethics in putting social welfare into practice and also to make much of self-achievement through the channel of a social welfare worker position. Taken together, it might be possibile to turn out professional human resources, but this research thinks it is more necessary to place the education of values of a social welfare worker.

The Effects of Profit-Sharing Schemes on Productivity through Firm's Contribution to the Employee Welfare Fund (사내근로복지기금제도를 통한 이윤공유참여의 생산성효과)

  • Cin, Beom Cheol
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.115-147
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    • 2003
  • This paper scrutinizes the robustness of the profit-sharing findings first employing an original panel data on the Employee Welfare Fund over the period from 1992 to 2000. In examining the effects of profit-sharing schemes on labor productivity, it controls for simultaneity among profit-sharing, production factors, and productivity using both the two-stage least squares procedure and the lagged variable method. The empirical results show that an increase in firm's contribution to the Employee Welfare Fund is associated with capital-embodied and disembodied productivity enhancement, which is both statistically and economically highly significant. The empirical results are in contrast with predictions of both agency and transaction cost theories, and they imply that more tax benefits and financial incentives for expansion of the Employee Welfare Fund should be required to get productivity gains.

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Convergence Models of Evaluation Systems for Social Welfare Facilities (사회복지시설 평가제도의 융합모형)

  • Song, Min-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2015
  • The social welfare facilities are trusted by the government for the development of appropriate welfare services and their delivery systems. They aim to provide people with professional social welfare services and, for this purpose, they develop ways to effectively operate facilities and to deliver the services efficiently. So far, the five consecutive evaluations based on the Social Services Act have suggested the effective and systematic ways of operating social welfare facilities. Through these efforts, they established an important basis for the balanced development and further advancement of social welfare facilities. Nevertheless, people have continually pointed out problems concerning the evaluation system of social welfare facilities. Accordingly, these problems have the necessity of investigation for reformed directions by means of effective control and evaluation system for the operation of social welfare facilities. Therefore, this study aims to suggest convergence models for improving the social welfare facilities evaluation system.

Current Management Status of Welfare Medical Device Center (복지용구사업소 운영 현황)

  • Chin, Young Ran;Lee, Hyo Young
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.803-814
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to understand current management status of welfare medical device centers and to suggest complementary point. Method: We surveyed 194 welfare medical device centers through the mail. The survey was done in three domains, i. e. management of service, assuring the health resources, offering the service. Results & Conclusions: According to the result of our study, several problems, which should be improved in the near future, were suggested. That were improving facilities(especially in sanitization of the devices), operating an education or training program for the personnel, and making up for the current management. It was very important for soft landing of long-term care insurance and improving quality of the elderly's life that 'Ministry of Health and Welfare' and 'National Health Insurance corporation' must support welfare medical device centers for discharging their roles

How Did labor Flexibility Affect Occupational Welfare Provision in Korea? (외환위기 전.후 노동력 유연화와 한국 기업복지제도의 변화)

  • Lee, Su-Yun;Rho, Yeon-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.143-166
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to empirically test whether occupational welfare in Korea would have grown since the mid 1990s. The result of this study showed that after the IMF fiscal crisis, the policies of labor flexibility in labor market initiated flexible forms of employer-provided benefits, including cafeteria plan or profit-based funds, which finally led to a decline of occupational welfare rather than a growth. Existing studies haven't agreed on trade-off of statutory and voluntary social provisions since the crisis of welfare state. However, based on the case of Korea, this study suggested archetypal development of welfare system experiencing a decline of occupational welfare paralleled with a growth of state welfare provision.

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지역복지협의체, 제대로 가고 있나?

  • Kim, Tae-Hyeon
    • Social Workers
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    • no.3 s.47
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    • pp.10-13
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    • 2006
  • 지난해는 본격적인 지역사회 중심의 사회복지서비스 시대의 원년이라는 수식어가 따라다닐 만큼 사회복지서비스 영역에 중대 변화를 예고했던 몇 가지 일들이 있었다. 사회복지서비스 관련 사업의 지방이양과 그에 따른 재정분권, 사회복지사업법 개정에 따른 지역사회복지체계의 구축, 지역복지계획의 수립, 사회복지사무소의 설치 등이 바로 그것이다. 이미 2001-2002년에 전국 15개 지역을 대상으로 지역사회복지협의체 시범사업이 실시되었고, 2003년 6월 사회복지사업법을 개정하여 2005년8월부터 전국234개 기초자치단체를 대상으로 지역사회복지협의체(이하 협의체)를 구성, 운영하도록 하였다.

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