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Vertebral Osteosarcoma Causing Compression of the Lumbar Spinal Cord in a Dog (개에서 요추부 척수를 압박하는 척추 골육종 발생례)

  • Kang, Byung-Jae;Ryu, Hak-Hyun;Park, Sung-Su;Rahman, Md. Mizanur;Sung, Gyu-Jin;Kim, Yong-Sun;Park, Jun-Won;Kim, Wan-Hee;Yoon, Jung-Hee;Kim, Dae-Yong;Kweon, Oh-Kyeong
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.588-592
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    • 2010
  • A 15-year-old neutered male Yorkshire terrier was presented with a gait disorder of the pelvic limbs. For differential diagnosis of neural disease, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scan were performed. CT showed bone defect in the 4th lumbar vertebra and adjacent soft tissue mass. MRI revealed a mass in left side of the 4th lumbar vertebra. The mass was uniformly enhanced on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted imaging (T1W1). Excision of the mass alleviated back pain. Vertebral osteosarcoma was identified by the histopathological examination. Therefore, CT and MRI were helpful to diagnose vertebral osteosarcoma in the dog and to plan surgical excision of the mass.

Sleep-Wake Cycles in Man (인간의 수면-각성 주기)

  • Kim, Leen
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 1997
  • To assess the reliability of chronobiological models of sleep/wake regulation, it is necerssary that the models predict the data which has been studied in sleep research, and they should be generalized across all ages. To date, many adult human data on such models have accumulated, yet it is evident that a comprehensive theory of the biorhythmic aspects of sleep/wake states has not established. Circadian rhythms such as the time going to bed, sleep onset, slow wave sleep pressure, periodicity of REM sleep, daytime performance, and early evening alertness are resumed everyday. Even in adult humans, sleep is inherently polyphasic. In both the disentrained and entrained states, naps when allowed tend to recur in a temporally lawful manner. The monophasic sleep pattern of most industrial societies therefore appears to be purely of social origin. The endogenous biorhythmic nature of circasemidian sleep tendency is supported by the ubiquity of the phenomenon across all ages. The NREM/REM sleep cycle within sleep with its inherent physiological, endocrine, and neurochemical fluctuations represents the best-documented ultradian sleep rhythms. Also, a daytime ultradian variation in sleepiness with a periodicity similar to nocturnal NREM/REM cycle(BRAC hypothesis) is suggested. This review article provides a brief synoptic review of the evidences for circadian, circasemidian, and ultradian sleep/wake rhythms, and then the authour will suggest the issues which expedite fuller modeling of sleep/wake system, to be further discussed.

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Preliminary Design of a Urban Transit Passenger Guidance System Using Congestion Management Model (혼잡관리 모형을 이용한 도시철도 이용객 동선유도시스템 기본설계)

  • Kim, Kwang-Mo;Park, Hee-Won;Kim, Jin-Ho;Park, Yong-Gul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.3610-3618
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    • 2015
  • The congestion of railway vehicle and station shows up to 220%. Especially, transfer resistance of passenger increase rapidly by the collision of circulation. So increment of travel time, occurrence of safety accidents act as a factor that inhibits the utilization of urban railway station. In this paper, to improve traveling speed and comfort of urban rail passengers, urban transit passenger guidance system using congestion management model is proposed. The congestion management model that can mitigate a recurring/non-recurring congestion is constructed and the preliminary design of the system (middleware system, control system, guidance drive system) is carried out. Passenger Guidance System is configured by step for changing the external data into a form usable by the algorithm, step to perform the congestion management algorithm using the real-time data and historical data, step to control device based on the value that is calculated by congestion management algorithm, step to drive the device based on the information in the control system and circulation guidance devices. In the future, detail design will be performed based on the preliminary design. A prototype of the various devices according to the station structures and locations will be made. The control module of guidance device will be developed.

A Patient Diagnosed with Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 5 associated with SPTBN2: Case Report (SPTBN2와 연관된 spinocerebellar ataxia type 5를 진단받은 환자)

  • Hur, Min woo;Ko, Ara;Lee, Hyun Joo;Lee, Jin Sung;Kang, Hoon-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.200-203
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    • 2017
  • Spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs) are autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorders which disrupt the afferent and efferent pathways of the cerebellum that cause cerebellar ataxia. Spectrin beta non-erythrocytic 2 (SPTBN2) gene encodes the βIII spectrin protein with high expression in Purkinje cells that is involved in excitatory glutamate signaling through stabilization of the glutamate transporter, and its mutation is known to cause spinocerebellar ataxia type 5. Three years and 5 months old boy with delayed development showed leukodystrophy and cerebellar atrophy in brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Diagnostic exome sequencing revealed that the patient has heterozygous mutation in SPTBN2 (p.Glu1251Gln) which is a causative genetic mutation for spinocerebellar ataxia type 5. With the patient's clinical findings, it seems reasonable to conclude that p.Glu1251Gln mutation of SPTBN2 gene caused spinocerebellar ataxia type 5 in this patient.

Analysis of the Changes in Urban Vitality Before and After the COVID-19 Outbreak: the Case of Commercial Districts in Seoul (COVID-19 발생 전·후의 사회적·경제적 활력 변화 연구 -서울시 상권을 대상으로-)

  • Park, Sunghee;Song, Jaemin
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 2022
  • COVID-19 has had a detrimental effect on urban vibrancy, particularly in urban commercial districts. Against this backdrop, the goal of this study is to examine the changes in social and economic vitality in Seoul's commercial area before and after the COVID-19 outbreak, and to identify influential factors for the changes in vitality using multinomial logistic analysis. The following are the key findings derived from the study. First, an examination of the changes in the vitality of commercial districts by type revealed that the decline in economic vitality was greater than the decline in social vitality. Second, the greater the residential ratio, the less harmful the impact of COVID-19 on urban vibrancy. Third, unlike other types of commercial districts, traditional markets had a minor increase in credit card sales even though the floating population fell during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fourth, the accessibility of the subway did not play a positive role in reversing the decline in social and economic vitality caused by the pandemic in the commercial district of Seoul; rather, the accessibility of private automobiles contributed to the increase in social and economic vitality. These results imply that the development and activation of commercial areas accessible by non-motorized modes in the residential neighborhood are becoming crucial in the post pandemic era.

A Study on Driving Safety Evaluation Criteria of Personal Mobility (퍼스널 모빌리티(Personal Mobility)의 주행안전성 평가지표 연구)

  • Park, Bumjin;Roh, Chang-gyun;Kim, Jisoo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2018
  • Divers types of Personal Mobility(PM) are appeared on the market after the Segway is introduced. PMs have propagated very rapidly with their ease of use, and accidents related with PM show a sudden increase. Many studies on the PM are performed as its trend, but dring safety of passengers are excluded. In this study, criteria which can be adopted for PM's driving safety evaluation are reviewed. Also result of driving safety evaluation on 3 types of PM(wheel chair, kickboard, scooter(seating/standing) and walking using deducted criteria is given. COG(Center of the gravity) and SM(Stability Metric) are finally selected two criteria among many of them used in other fields. COG indicates how the center of mass deviates from the direction of the gravity. SM is a normalized value of generated force when PM moves as internal force, angular momentum, and ground reaction force. 0 means stop, and negative value means rollover, so it can be used for safety evaluation of PM. Average and standard deviation of measurement are standard of safety on the COG analysis. Wheel chair is the most safe and kickboard is the most unstable on the COG analysis. Wheel chair is also ranked as top safe on the SM analysis. Among two riding types(seating and standing) on the scooter, seating type is evaluated more safer than standing type. It is proposed that more various type of PMs are need to get safety evaluation for drivers and devices themselves together.

A Study on Contents Activism Analysis using Social Media - Focusing on Cases Related to Tom Moore's 100 Laps Challenge and the Exhibition of the Statue of Peace - (소셜미디어를 활용한 콘텐츠 액티비즘 분석 연구 - 톰 무어의 '100바퀴 챌린지'와 '평화의 소녀상' 전시를 중심으로-)

  • Shin, Jung-Ah
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.91-106
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to define the process of leading to self-realization and social solidarity through the process of contents planning, production, and distribution as Contents Activism, and to categorize specific execution steps. Based on this, we try to analyze concrete cases to find out the social meaning and effect of the practice of Contents Activism. As for the research method, after examining the differences between traditional activism and Contents Activism through a review of previous studies, the implementation process of Contents Activism was categorized into 7 steps. By applying this model, this study analyzed two cases of Contents Activism. The first case is the 100 laps challenge in the backyard planned by an elderly man ahead of his 100th birthday in early 2020, when the fear of COVID-19 spread. Sir Tom Moore, who lives in the UK, challenged to walk 100 laps in the backyard to help medical staff from the National Health Service as COVID-19 infections and deaths increased due to a lack of protective equipment. His challenge, which is difficult to walk without assistive devices due to cancer surgery and fall aftereffects, drew sympathy and participation from many people, leading to global solidarity. The second case analyzes the case of 'The Unfreedom of Expression, Afterwards' by Kim Seo-kyung and Kim Woon-seong, who were invited to the 2019 Aichi Triennale special exhibition in Japan. The 'Unfreedom of Expression, After' exhibition was a project to display the Statue of Peace and the lives of comfort women in the Japanese military, but it was withdrawn after three days of war due to threats and attacks from the far-right forces. Overseas artists who heard this news resisted the Triennale's decision, took and shared photos in the same pose as the Statue of Peace on social media such as Twitter and Instagram, empathizing with the historical significance of the Statue of Peace. Activism, which began with artists, has expanded through social media to the homes, workplaces, and streets of ordinary citizens living in various regions. The two cases can be said to be Contents Activism that led to social practice while solidifying and communicating with someone through contents.