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Design and Implementation of Network Self-Configuration Based on Bluetooth (Bluetooth 기반 네트워크 자동형성 설계 및 구현)

  • Kang, Seong-Ho;Choo, Young-Yeol
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.1376-1384
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    • 2008
  • Numerous researches on network self-configuration have been conducted on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and Ad Hoc network but the results have not been applied yet for factory automation. This paper presents development of intelligent process management systems conducting process monitoring and control irrelevant to physical position of a plant operator. The systems are indispensable for diagnosis of rotating machines which cannot exploit wired network. The system was implemented in a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) using Bluetooth communication protocol. When a mobile terminal reaches to communication range of the process management server, the server detects the mobile terminal to reconfigure plant network automatically. The server authenticates a user of the terminal to download and installs monitoring and control program considering authorized level of the user. If the terminal leaves communication range of the server, it deletes the node from the network and removes the program automatically to save resources and prevent security problems such as missing terminal. Operation of developed functions was verified in a testbed emulating steel-making plant.

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A Review of Human Element Issues of Remote Operators on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (자율운항선박의 개발 및 운용을 위한 육상 운항사의 인적요인 이슈 고찰)

  • Kim, Hong-Tae;Yang, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.395-402
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    • 2019
  • The development and operation of the MASS (Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship) is being actively discussed for more efficient and safer maritime transportation solutions. The autonomous navigation technology has positive aspects such as the prevention of marine accidents, improvement of fuel efficiency of ships and cost reduction, and negative aspects such as job loss, task change, and security problems. It is expected that there will be new human element issues such as the situation awareness of remote operators, because the shore-based control will be conducted when fully autonomous ships are in operation. In this paper, we consider major human element issues that should be factored in the development and operation of MASS, and suggest a method of HRA (Human Reliability Analysis) for P IFs (Performance Influencing Factors) of the remote operators that are expected according to the shore-based control.

A Study on Implementation of an Intelligent Video Surveillance System for Effective Education Method of Image Processing (효율적인 영상 처리 교육방법을 위한 지능형 영상 감시 시스템 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Ho-Sik
    • The Journal of Korean Institute for Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.84-88
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    • 2010
  • Recently, it is essential to have the system which can track down and identity the random object in the space in which security is a high priority. Due to the fact that we mentioned above, in this paper. We suggest the intelligent video surveillance system effective image-process-education in this paper. The experiment was conducted to check and track down the entering vehicle. And, Pan-Tilt-Zoom camera was used to obtain the enlarged image of the object while a vehicle was making stop in target area. As a result, the experiment has shown the data as following. When the object is in motion, success rate is 97.4%, while success rate is 91% when the object is motionless. By using the suggested system, effective image-process-education is should be achieved because the students who participate in the class can have simultaneous access to the system for real time image data and camera control.

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A Time Constraints Permission Based Delegation Model in RBAC (RBAC을 기반으로 하는 시간제한 권한 위임 모델)

  • Kim, Tae-Shik;Chang, Tae-Mu
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.163-171
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    • 2010
  • RBAC(Role-Based Access Control) has advantages in managing access controls, because it offers the role inheritance and separation of duty in role hierarchy structures. Delegation is a mechanism of assigning access rights to a user. RBDM0 and RDM2000 models deal with user-to-user delegation. The unit of delegation in them is a role. However, RBAC does not process delegation of Role or Permission effectively that occurs frequently in the real world. This paper proposes a Time Constraints Permission-Based Delegation Model(TCPBDM) that guarantees permanency of delegated permissions and does not violate security principle of least privilege and separation of duty. TCPBDM, based on the well-known RBAC96, supports both user-to-user and role-to-role delegation with time constraints. A delegator can give permission to a specific person, that is delegatee, and the permission can be withdrawn whenever the delegator wants. Our model is analyzed and shown to be effective in the present paper.

A Basic Study on Development of Orchestra Blasting Method - About the Application of Rhythm - (연주식 발파공법 개발에 대한 기초적 연구 - 리듬감 부여에 관하여 -)

  • Yoon, Ji-Sun;Choi, Sung-Hyun;Bae, Sang-Hun
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2008
  • Using Electronic Detonators which is well known for controlling vibration, we have been studying Orchestra Blasting Method, OBM, for many years to transform the unpleasant blasting sound to favorable sound in some job-sites such as tunneling and bench blasting which have to been taken place near some structures needed great care. In this study, we focus on rhythmical sense. First, we acquired individual wave from a shot. With the program named the Program Blasting Wave, PBW, it was analyzed and found that its best delay time was 34ms and 50ms was acceptable. Also, delay time was fitted into the music which was accepted after analyzing the rhythm. As a result, the blasting sound along with the music felt comfortable as if the music was played with base drum.

A Study on the Microstructure Properties of $SnO_2$ Gas Sensors Fabricated by Sol-Gel Method (졸-겔법으로 제작된 $SnO_2$ 가스센서의 미세구조 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, K.U.;Kim, M.H.;Lee, W.J.;Lee, H.S.;Kim, T.W.;Chung, D.H.;Ahn, J.H.;Lee, S.I.;Kim, S.K.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2005.05b
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    • pp.102-105
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    • 2005
  • 가스센서는 응용 분야와 기능 및 종류가 다양하고 최첨단 분야로서 학문적으로는 물리, 화학, 전기, 전자 및 기계 등의 배경을 필요로 하며 산업적으로는 공업 전 분야와 농림, 축산, 사무기기에서 뿐만 아니라 공해 방진용(자동차 연소제어 및 배출가스 제어, 대기오염 감시등), 민생용(조리, 환기, 공조 등), 교통 보안용(음주운전측정 및 음주운전 방지장치 등), 방재용(가스 누설 탐지기, 불완전 연소 방지, 산소 결핍, 화재 등), 의료용(호기, 마취가스의 분석 등) 매우 광범위하며 점점 더 확대되어 가고 있다. 본 연구에서는 검출 가스 종류에 따라 졸-겔법으로 감응막을 최적 설계하고, 최적으로 설계된 감응막을 디핑법으로 코팅처리한 후 최적으로 열처리하여 센서를 제작하였다. 또한, 자체 제작한 가스검출 시스템에 제작된 센서를 장착하여 센서의 가스 검출 특성을 측정하고, 측정 데이터를 이용하여 휴대용 가스 검출 시스템을 설계 제작하였다.

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An Implementation of the Dual Packet Seamless Transfer Protocol for Safety-related Railway Signaling System Network (철도 신호시스템의 Fail-Safe 네트워크를 위한 DPST(Dual Packet Seamless Transfer) 프로토콜의 구현)

  • Kim, Kyung-Shik;Ryu, Shin-Hyung;Kwon, Cheol;Lee, Jong-Seong
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.396-405
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    • 2009
  • An interlocking equipment of railway signalling systems should have very high functional safety and reliability properties because of its vital railway protection functionality. In order to achieve the required safety and reliability level, an engineer, in general, designs and implements the interlocking equipment to operate under RTOS(Realtime Operating System) environment, and the control hardware architecture redundant to cope with the random failures of system or subsystem. In such an architecture, it's very difficult to implement the interlocking equipment to communicate with various interface systems including the signal operator's terminal. In this paper, we propose a dual ethernet network topology and dual packet seamless transfer protocol algorithm for railway signaling system such as the interlocking equipment. We verify in this paper that the proposed DPST protocol algorithm has the evidence of its robust properties against the random hardware faults and communication errors. The proposed communication structure and algorithm is implemented in the electronic interlocking equipment for the private railway system of Hyundai Steel Company and its performance and properties are validated on the guideline of European Railway Standard EN50159.

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Design of Data Exchange Technique for Power Facilities Monitoring using Augmented Reality (증강현실을 이용한 전력 설비 모니터링 시스템의 데이터 교환 기법 설계)

  • Kim, Donghyun;Kim, Seoksoo
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 2020
  • Since it is difficult for individual power producers and non-professionals who lack basic knowledge to control, manage, and operate facilities through EMS (Energy Management System), augmented reality and virtual reality monitoring systems are applied. However, in the existing systems, data access efficiency is inferior due to the process of analyzing column values for analog signal values collected from sensors and converting data after combining the columns. In addition, high-speed operation processing is difficult due to a large number of indexes for accommodating access patterns for various analog signal waveforms. Therefore, in this paper, a bitmap generator is inserted into a non-tree structure to convert the data collected from power facilities into physical property information, and the converted information is encrypted with a common key, so that the resources for the resources shared between each device are We propose a method of exchanging data for an augmented reality-based power system that is controlled by measurement.

Design and Implementation of Real-Time Indirect Health Monitoring System for the Availability of Physical Systems and Minimizing Cyber Attack Damage (사이버 공격 대비 가동 물리장치에 대한 실시간 간접 상태감시시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Hongjun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.1403-1412
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    • 2019
  • Effect of damage and loss cost for downtime is huge, if physical devices such as turbines, pipe, and storage tanks are in the abnormal state originated from not only aging, but also cyber attacks on the control and monitoring system like PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). To improve availability and dependability of the physical devices, we design and implement an indirect health monitoring system which sense temperature, acceleration, current, etc. indirectly, and put sensor data into Influx DB in real-time. Then, the actual performance of detecting abnormal state is shown using the indirect health monitoring system. Analyzing data are acquired using the real-time indirect health monitoring system, abnormal state and security threats can be double-monitored and lower maintenance cost utilizing prognostics and health management.

An Access Control using SPKI Certificate in Peer-to-Peer Environment (P2P 환경에서 SPKI 인증서를 이용한 접근 제어)

  • Shin, Jung-Hwa;Lee, Young-Kyung;Lee, Kyung-Hyune
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.10C no.6
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    • pp.793-798
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    • 2003
  • The P2P service is a technology that can share their information with each other who is able to be connected ith a relating program without passing by a server. Since all personal compiters that linked to the internet under the P2P service can opetate as server or a client, they can provide and share both their information and services through the direct connection. Currently, the P2P service is giving an equal privilege to all users for sharing their resources,.Under this situation, a lot of vulnerability against the various sttacks through the Unternet is possoble, more sophisticated security services are necessary. In this paper, We propose and access control schemae using SPKI(Simple Public Key Infrastructure). The scheme designates and access and acces control by providing the certificate to users who request a connection for resource sharing and limits the resource usage of information provider according to the access right that is given to their own rights.