• Title/Summary/Keyword: 병상

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Feasibility study for the establishment of Oriental Medicine Hospital in W-city (W시에서의 한방병원 창업타당성 평가 - S 한방병원 분원 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Woo-Chun;Chao, Yun-Yeop
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2012
  • This study evaluated the economic feasibility for the Oriental Medicine Hospital is established in W-city. To analyze the demand and supply of Oriental Medicine Hospital status and population trends were analyzed inthe hospital service area. As a result, the Service Area of the demand for Oriental Medicine were met by the S-Oriental Hospital. Thus, On the demand side to assess the adequacy of Oriental Hospital established does not make sense. So, Oriental Hospital of 50 beds and 70 beds, separated by the economic feasibility was evaluated. As a result, the Oriental Hospital opened was found to be not economically feasible.

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Hospital Nurse Turnover Rate and Structural Characteristics of Hospital (병원의 간호사이직률과 병원의 구조적 특성)

  • Cho, Hye-Kyung;Lee, Tae-Yong;Kim, Chul-Woung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.453-461
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this study was to find out the relationship between hospital structural factors and nurses' turnover rate. Nurse turnover rate and the hospital's characteristics was using Statistics for Hospital Management Data of Korean Health Industry Development Institute. The data were reported 247 hospitals in 2008 all over the country. The turnover rate among nurses was 32.0% in Korea as of 2008; those factors actually affecting the rate included whether the hospital was managed publicly or privately, the hospital size, region, the average salary for nurses, and the number of nurses per 100 beds. While each hospital had the turnover rate correlated with the total number of beds (r=-.322), the average salary for nurses(r=-.186) and the number of nurses per 100 beds (r=-.390), variables explaining the turnover rate were whether the hospital was managed publicly or privately, the number of beds, and the number of nurses per 100 beds ($R^2=.257$). In conclusion, nurses working in a privately-managed hospital and hospitals which had a smaller number of beds and which had a smaller number of nurses per 100 beds showed a higher turnover rate. Further study is required to elucidate the factors of the nurses' turnover.

대어(對於)"소문.장기법시론(素問.藏氣法時論)"의 오장병(五藏病)의 일중(日中) 간심(間甚) 대한 고찰(考察)

  • Bang, Jeong-Gyun
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.18 no.3 s.30
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2005
  • ${\lceil}$소문(素問) 장기법시론(藏氣法時論)${\rfloor}$적오장병지일중간심적주석중(的五藏病的日中間甚的注釋中), 관어비병여폐병정적주석(關於脾病與肺病靜的注釋), 가분이하삼조(可分以下三條), 기일시(其一是), 비병정(脾病靜), 당작일중정(當作日中靜), 폐병정(肺病靜), 당작일질정, 기이시(其二是), 하포여야반(下哺與夜半), 제기적사(制其賊邪), 소이병정(所以病靜), 기삼시(其三是), 자어자기왕(資於子氣旺), 모기역왕(母氣亦旺). 논자이기지경향성해석본문(論者以氣之傾向性解釋本文), 기내용여하(其內容如下), 기일시(其一是), 평단여간유동양적기지경향성(平旦與肝有同樣的氣之傾向性), 소이병상(所以病爽). 하포여간유상반적기지경향성, 소이병심(所以病甚). 야반시보충간지기(夜半是補充肝之氣), 소이병정((所以病靜), 기이시(其二是), 일중여심(日中與心), 기기능유사(其機能有似), 소이병상(所以病爽). 야반여심(夜半與心), 유상반적기류(有相反的氣流), 소이병심((所以病甚). 평단보심적활동(平旦輔心的活動), 소이병정(所以病靜). 기삼시(其三是), 일질여비공유화적특성, 소이병상(所以病爽). 일출여화(日出與化), 유상반적기지특성(有相反的氣之特性), 소이병심((所以病甚). 하포시수렴적시기, 유관여화적작용(有關與化的作用), 소이병정(所以病靜). 기사시(其四是). 하포여폐, 공유수렴적특성(共有收斂的特性), 소이병상(所以病爽). 일중유상반적기류(日中有相反的氣流), 소이병심(所以病甚). 야반여금(夜半與金), 공유음적기류(共有陰的氣流), 소이병정(所以病靜). 기오시(其五是), 야반여신(夜半與 腎하), 공유장적기능(共有藏的 機能), 소이병상(所以病爽). 사계포용만물(四季包容萬物), 여장정미적신(與藏精微的腎), 유상반적특성(有相反的特性), 소이병심(所以病甚). 하포유수렴숙살기능, 보신지장적기능(補腎之藏的機能), 소이병정(所以病靜). 신병심적시기(腎病甚的時期), 작사계이불작일질, 저취설명료 신병적위중성(這就說明了 腎病的危重性).

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Effects of Nurses' Practice Environment and Job Embeddedness on Turnover Intention in Medium-small sized Hospital (중소병원 간호사의 병상규모별 간호업무환경과 직무배태성이 이직의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Moonja;Lee, Ji-Won;Park, Jeong-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.222-230
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of turnover intention of nursing according to the nurses' practice environments and job embeddedness in medium-to-small sized hospitals. A total of 131 nurses working in a hospital with less than 200 beds, and 145 nurses in a hospital with 200 to 400 beds were included in this study. Data were collected from 10th to 24th of August, 2015 and analyzed using the SPSS/WIN 18.0 program. The results were as follows: (a) Nurses' practice environment and job embeddedness showed no significant differences between the two groups, but there were significant differences of turnover intention between the two groups; (b) turnover intention was negatively correlated with nurses' practice environment and job embeddedness in each group; and (c) in hospital of less than 200beds, the factors of influencing turnover intention were job embeddedness, age and nurses' practice environment. Conversely, in a hospital with 200 to 400 beds, the factors of influencing turnover intention were job embeddedness, pay, and nurses' practice environment. This study suggests that to reduce turnover intention, we have to improve the practice environment of nurses and to enhance job embeddedness for nurses in medium-to-small sized hospitals.

Regional Analysis on the Incidence of Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infant and the Current Situation on the Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Korea, 2009 (2009년 한국 시도별 미숙아, 저체중출생아의 빈도 및 신생아중환자실의 현황)

  • Kang, Byung-Ho;Jung, Kyung-A;Hahn, Won-Ho;Shim, Kye-Shik;Chang, Ji-Young;Bae, Chong-Woo
    • Neonatal Medicine
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.70-75
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: Recently, the incidence of preterm and low birth weight infants (LBWI) is increasing, even though the birth rate is continuously low in Korea. Despite that change, there continues to be a deficit of beds in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). This study is based on the 2009 Korean Statistical Information Service that examined the development of a Korean NICU service and the survival rate of preterm infants by regionally analyzing the rate of total live births, preterm infants, LBWI, and NICU beds in Korea. Methods: Data were obtained from the Korean Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service and Korean Statistical Information Service. We confirmed the regional total live birth rate, number of LBWI, and preterm infants and NICU numbers, and all of the results were compared to the average value to determine deficient areas of NICU beds. Results: There were 25,374 (5.7%) preterm infants and 21,954 (4.9%) LBWI in the total number of live births (444,849) in 2009, and regions of high proportion compared to the mean value were Busan, Daegu, and Ulsan. Total NICU beds totaled 1,284, and regions of high rates preterm infants and LBWI per 1 NICU bed compared to the mean value were Incheon, Daegu, Ulsan, etc. The NICU holding rate was 87.5% (1,284/1,468), which was increased from 2005. However, there were still shortages of 184 NICU beds (12.5%), especially in Gyeonggi-do, which lacked 157 beds. Conclusion: High risk neonates difficult to transfer, and they need immediate and continuous treatment. As a result, a foundation of well-balanced, national NICU regionalization is necessary. This study suggested that more NICU facilities must be implemented, and clinicians should realize the continuing deficiency of NICU beds in cities and provinces.

국립여수구호병원의 집단 난투사건 - 60년대 결핵자활촌의 일그러진 자화상 -

  • 김대규
    • 보건세계
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    • v.43 no.10 s.482
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    • pp.14-17
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    • 1996
  • 6$\cdot$25동란 후 결핵환자는 급증하였고, 가난한 국가재정과 한정된 결핵병상으로는 이들을 감당할 수 없어 장기간 병상을 점유한 환자를 강제 퇴원시켜 여수로 집단이주시켰다. 이름하여 결핵자활촌-오갈데 없는 난치환자들의 처절한 몸부림과 우리 모두가 어려웠던 시절의 가슴아픈 사연들.

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National hospital discharge survey for the hospitals with fewer than 100 beds: A pilot project and evaluation (100병상미만 의료기관대상 퇴원환자조사 시범운영 및 평가)

  • Kim, Kwang-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2010.05b
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    • pp.579-581
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    • 2010
  • 2007년1월1일부터 12월 31일까지 퇴원환자조사에서 제외되었던, 100병상미만 의료기관을 조사대상으로 선정하였다. 퇴원환자조사를 위해 조사 기반자료인 의무기록을 토대로 손상퇴원환자의 일반적 특성, 진료비지불방법, 질병 및 수술 양상과 의료이용 실태를 파악하였다. 2007년 한 해동안 전국 100병상미만의 급성기 의료기관을 퇴원한 추정 환자수는 총 4,697,095명으로 이는 전체 인구의 9.7%에 해당 한다. 인구 10만명당 퇴원율은 9,693명이며 평균재원일수는 9.8일이었다. 퇴원후 귀가한 퇴원환자수는 전체 4,538,861명이었고 이중 남성은 1,784,041명, 여성은 2,754,821명이었다. 타병원으로 이송된 환자는 119,378명이었으며 의뢰병원으로 회송된 환자도 8,970명 이었다.

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A study on the standardization for outpatient management and adminstration process of some regional hospitals (일부지역 의료기관의 외래원무관리 표준화에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-A;Lee, Moo-Sik;Hwang, Hye-Jung;Kim, Kwang-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.357-366
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    • 2016
  • This study evaluated the standardization of the outpatient management process in several regions of South Korea. The hospital workers in the administration department of the different medical institutions that are registered with the Korean Hospital Association were surveyed. These institutions can be standard hospitals or hospitals greater in size. A summary of the research results are as follows. There was no significant correlation in their registration procedures in relation to the institution's founder, number of sickbeds, number of staff employed in the administration department, and average number of outpatients per day. On the other hand, the prepayment of medical fees occurred more frequently when the number of sickbeds was larger. In addition, there was no large difference in their appointment procedures in relation to those features. Nevertheless, the prepayment of medical fees accounted for 11.8 % of the entire payment in institutions with less than five hundred beds, while fifty percent of the payment was made in advance in larger institutions with five hundred or more beds. From this research, there was only a small difference among the institutions' outpatient management, but a notable difference was observed in their electronic data processing systems and facilities. Therefore, more financial support should be generated for the implementation of a more integrated process. As a follow-up study, to provide patients with quality medical services, it will be necessary to apply the standardized procedure to an actual medical institution and analyze the expected effect.

The Effects of Supplementary Education Awareness on Interpersonal Communication for Health Care Providers (종합병원 의료인의 교육훈련 인식이 의료인 상호간 커뮤니케이션에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Sang-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.411-420
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to identify the effects of interpersonal communication between health care providers after receiving supplementary education. The participants of this study were 433 health care providers who work at 29 general hospitals in Gwangju Metropolitan City and Jeollanamdo Province. Data were collected from June 8 to June 25, 2018 and evaluated by t-tests, dispersion analysis, correlation analysis and stepwise regression. The results were produced by investigating interpersonal communications according to socio-demographic and health-related characteristics including age, education level, bed size of the hospital at which the participant worked, job satisfaction, hospital location, personal health status, experience with health care management and experience with depression. There were significant differences in communication observed according to supplemental education awareness regarding age, bed size of hospital, occupation, wage, type of medical institution of employment, job satisfaction, work location, health status, health care education experience and chronic disease. There were positive correlations between supplemental education awareness in health workers and their interpersonal communication. The factors that had positive effects on interpersonal communication were level of education and health-related education experience, while age, hospital bed size and job dissatisfaction had negative effects. Finally, support environment, learning transfer and results were identified as sub-factors of supplemental education. Based on the results above, it was proposed that educational training to enhance results, provide a supportive environment and foster learning transfer be developed to increase communication between health workers and provide a safe health service for patients.