• Title/Summary/Keyword: 병리 영상

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Benign Endocervical Polyp with Coexisting Nabothian Cysts and Endocervical Hyperplasia Mimicking Malignancy: A Case Report (악성 병변처럼 보인 양성 자궁경부 용종 및 동반된 나보트 낭종과 자궁경부 비대증: 증례 보고)

  • Su Min Park;Jung Wook Seo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.85 no.4
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    • pp.820-824
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    • 2024
  • This report presents a unique case of an endocervical polyp-mimicking malignancy on pelvic MRI in a 45-year-old female. The MRI depicted a multilocular cystic lesion with an enhancing solid component, raising suspicion for malignancy. However, histopathological examination definitively revealed a benign endocervical polyp. This case highlights the limitations of diagnosing cervical lesions solely on MRI features, emphasizing the potential for benign conditions to mimic malignancy.

Image Analysis on Upper Gastrointestinal(UGI) Series of Gastric Cancer (위암환자의 위장조영검사 영상분석)

  • Ko, Ju-Young;Cho, Young-Ki;Choi, Ji-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.9
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    • pp.251-258
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    • 2010
  • Despite significant advance in laparoscopy, upper gastrointestinal (UGI) series is still generally carried out for preoperative localization of gastrectomy. The aim of the study was to compare the accuracy of UGI series and postoperative pathological findings in the diagnosis and localization of gastric cancer. A retrospective review was carried out for 102 patients who underwent gastrectomy between October 2007 and April 2009. Preoperative reports of UGI series were compared with postoperative pathology reports and the accuracy of the preoperative reports was calculated. Two radiographer retrospectively reviewed the analysis of UGI series. postoperative pathology reports of the surgical specimens, were compared with the preoperative reports of the location and extent of the tumor were correct in 81 case("sure", 79.4%) and incorrect in 21 case("failed, 20.6%). In 92 case UGI series revealed intestinal metaplasia (90.2%) at consensus review and these results demonstrate the limitation of the UGI series in the diagnosis of type IIb gastric cancer with size less than 1.0cm and the poor detection of gastric cancer is that the overlying mucous membrane often appears to be normal in these patients. In conclusion, UGI series is accurate the detection of the tumor localization and diagnosis of intestinal metaplasia. However, for the overcome with the limitation of UGI series should be used accurate technique for the region of the stomach. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to determine the changes of the mucus membrane of the stomach and UGI series is gaining acceptance as a standard method for preoperative gastric cancer screening.

Granulomatous Meningoencephalitis in an Old Dog ; magnetic resonance imaging and immunohistopathologic findings (노령견에서 병발한 육아종성 뇌수막염 증례 보고: 자기 공명 영상 및 면역조직병리학 소견)

  • Jung, Dong-In;Yoo, Jong-Hyun;Kang, Byeong-Teck;Park, Chul;Gu, Su-Hyun;Kim, Ju-Won;Jeon, Hyo-Won;Lee, So-Young;Woo, Eung-Je;Sur, Jung-Hyang;Park, Hee-Myung
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.406-409
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    • 2007
  • A 12-year-old female mixed Chihuahua dog was referred because of acute blindness and progressive tetraparesis. Mutifocal lesions in the cerebrum were noted on brain magnetic resonance images and cerebrospinal fluid analysis showed monocytic pleocytosis. Based on these results, granulomatous meningoencephalitis (GME) was strongly suspected. Cerebral lesions were definitely diagnosed as GME based on histopathological findings and positive results of immunohistological stains of brain with T-cell marker (CD3). This report describes the clinical findings, diagnostic imaging characteristics, and immunohistopathologic features of GME in an old dog. In addition, this case demonstrates that clinical signs of GME were mediated by perivascular infiltration of T lymphocytes and identification of causes in T cell-mediated inflammation should be further studied.

Gadolinium-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Atherosclerotic Plaques in Comparison with Histopathology: An In Vivo Study in Aorta of Rabbits (조직병리와 비교한 죽상경화반의 가돌리니움 조영증강 자기공명영상: 토끼 대동맥을 이용한 생체 실험)

  • Choi, Byoung-Wook;Hur, Jin;Lee, Hye-Jeong;Kim, Young-Jin;Kim, Tae-Hoon;Choe, Kyu-Ok
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : We sought to evaluate enhancement of plaque with gadolinium-based contrast agent by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in comparison with histopathology, namely lipid-rich and macrophage-rich components that were two representative characteristics of plaque vulnerability using atherosclerotic rabbit aorta in order to determine which histopathologic component is relevant to the enhancement. Materials and Methods : New Zealand white rabbit (n=4, weight 3.0 to 3.5 kg, all male) was used for animal model of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic aortic lesions were induced by high-cholesterol diet and double balloon injury. T1-weight axial images were acquired before and after gadolinium-based contrast agent using a 3-T MRI. MR images and the matched histopathological sections (n=35) were divided into 4 quadrants or 3 (n=130). Enhancement ratio (ER, ER=SIpost/SIpre) on MRI was calculated for each quadrant and compared with histopathology in regard to lipid-rich and macrophage-rich areas. Results : Lipid-rich quadrants were 72 and fibrous quadrants were 58. The number of quadrants which had macrophage-rich areas was 105 and that of quadrants which did not have macrophage-rich areas was 25. ER was significantly higher in lipid-rich quadrants than in fibrous quadrants (mean ER 2.25c$\pm$0.41 vs. 2.72$\pm$0.65, p=0.013). ER poorly correlated with macrophage-rich areas when lipid-component was controlled (correlation coefficient -0.203, p=0.236). Conclusion : Lipid-rich plaques showed stronger enhancement than fibrous plaques using a standard gadolinium-based extracellular contrast agent. Macrophage infiltration did not correlate with degree of enhancement. Further study is warranted that account for optimal time of imaging after contrast injection using various plaque models from early to advanced stages and all possible parameters associated with contrast enhancement.

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Infiltrating Intramuscular Lipoma (침윤성 근육내 지방종)

  • Suh, Jeung-Tak;Kim, Jeung-Il;Cheon, Sang-Jin;Lee, Choon-Key;Ku, Ja-Gyung;Kim, Young-Goun
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.40-45
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: To suggest an accurate diagnosis and treatment of infiltrating intramuscular lipoma by analysis of the clinical, biological, radiological and pathological features. Materials & Methods: 20 patients who treated at our hospital for infiltrating intramuscular lipoma from 1998. to 2001 were selected for this study. Mean age was 45.8 years old. Four were male and eight female. All cases were checked preoperative radiographs, MRI and diagnosed by biopsy. The methods of surgical treatment included excision of tumor and peripheral tissue. We assessed the recurrence by follow up. Results: Tumors located in upper limbs 5 cases, lower limbs 3 cases, abdomen 3 cases, gluteal region 1 case. In preoperative radiographs, infiltrating intramuscular type were 7 cases. In 11 cases, tumors were completely excied with peripheral tissue. 1 cases was incompletely excised because it was very huge mass and infiltrated lung. Encapsulated tumors were 3cases and uncapsulated tumors 9 cases. There were no recurrence excepts 1 case that was infiltrated lung. Conclusion: Infiltrating intramuscular lipoma was wrongly diagnosed as well differentiated liposarcoma. To increase the rate of correct diagnosis, preoperative radiographs, MRI and pathologic diagnosis were performed. Careful wide excision is necessary to prevent the recurrence.

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In Vitro imaging of MRI and Ultrasound for Colorectal Carcinoma (직결장암 조직의 자기공명영상과 초음파 소견에 대한 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Hwang Kyu;Jee, Keum Nahn;Hong, Sujin;Koh, Jae Hyang
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.133-143
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    • 2013
  • Purpose : To evaluate and compare the accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound (US) for detection and estimation of invasion depth of colorectal carcinoma (CRC) by correlation with histopathologic findings in vitro, and to find out the best MR pulse sequence for accurate delineation of tumor from surrounding normal tissue. Materials and Methods: Resected specimens of CRC from 45 patients were examined about tumor detectability and invasion depth of US using high frequency (5-17 MHz) linear transducer in a tube filled with normal saline and MRI in a 8-channel quadrate head coil. The institutional review board approved this study and informed consent was waived. MRI with seven pulse sequences of in- and out-of-phases gradient echo T1 weighted images, fast spin echo T2 weighted image and its fat suppression image, fast imaging employing steady-state acquisition (FIESTA) and its fat suppression image, and diffusion weighted image (DWI) were performed. In each case, both imaging findings of MRI and US were evaluated independently for detection and estimation of invasion depth of tumor by consensus of two radiologists and were compared about diagnostic accuracy according to the histopathologic findings as reference standard. Seven MR pulse sequences were evaluated on the point of accurate delineation of tumor from surrounding normal tissue in each specimen. Results: In specimens of CRC, both imaging modalities of MRI (91.1%) and US (86.7%) showed relatively high diagnostic accuracy to detect tumor and evaluate invasion depth of tumor. In early CRC, diagnostic accuracy of US was 87.5% and that of MRI was 75.0%. There was no statistically significant difference between two imaging modalities (p > 0.05). The best pulse sequence among seven MR sequences for accurate delineation of tumor from surrounding normal tissue in each specimen of CRC was fast spin echo T2 weighted image. Conclusion: MRI and US show relatively high diagnostic accuracy to detect tumor and evaluate invasion depth of resected specimen of CRC. The most excellent pulse sequence of MRI for accurate delineation of tumor from surrounding normal tissue in CRC is fast spin echo T2 weighted image.

A Case of Pedunculated Localized Nodular Synovitis of the Knee: MR Imaging Findings (유경성 국소성 소결절성 활막염: 자기공명영상소견의 증례 보고)

  • Lee, Jae-Hwan;Lee, Jee-Young;Suh, Kyung-Jin
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.54-57
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    • 2007
  • Localized nodular synovitis of the knee joint is a rare benign tumorous condition, and should be differentially diagnosed with pigmented villonodular synovitis. We report a case of localized nodular synovitis in the knee that was noted to have a pedicle and characteristic findings on MR image.

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Added Value of the Sliding Sign on Right Down Decubitus CT for Determining Adjacent Organ Invasion in Patients with Advanced Gastric Cancer (진행성 위암 환자에서 인접 장기 침범을 결정하기 위한 우측와위 CT에서의 미끄러짐 징후의 추가적 가치)

  • Kyutae Jeon;Se Hyung Kim;Jeongin Yoo;Se Woo Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.83 no.6
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    • pp.1312-1326
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    • 2022
  • Purpose To investigate the added value of right down decubitus (RDD) CT when determining adjacent organ invasion in cases of advanced gastric cancer (AGC). Materials and Methods A total of 728 patients with pathologically confirmed T4a (pT4a), surgically confirmed T4b (sT4b), or pathologically confirmed T4b (pT4b) AGCs who underwent dedicated stomach-protocol CT, including imaging of the left posterior oblique (LPO) and RDD positions, were included in this study. Two radiologists scored the T stage of AGCs using a 5-point scale on LPO CT with and without RDD CT at 2-week intervals and recorded the presence of "sliding sign" in the tumors and adjacent organs and compared its incidence of appearance. Results A total of 564 patients (77.4%) were diagnosed with pT4a, whereas 65 (8.9%) and 99 (13.6%) patients were diagnosed with pT4b and sT4b, respectively. When RDD CT was performed additionally, both reviewers deemed that the area under the curve (AUC) for differentiating T4b from T4a increased (p < 0.001). According to both reviewers, the AUC for differentiating T4b with pancreatic invasion from T4a increased in the subgroup analysis (p < 0.050). Interobserver agreement improved from fair to moderate (weighted kappa value, 0.296-0.444). Conclusion RDD CT provides additional value compared to LPO CT images alone for determining adjacent organ invasion in patients with AGC due to their increased AUC values and improved interobserver agreement.

Sarcoid-Like Reaction after Complete Remission of Malignancy: CT and 18F-FDG PET/CT Features for the Differential Diagnosis from Lymph Node Metastasis (악성종양의 완전관해 후 발생한 사르코이드증 유사 반응: 림프절 전이와의 감별진단에 유용한 CT와 18F-FDG PET/CT 소견)

  • Hyun Ji Kang;Yookyung Kim;June Young Bae;Jung Hyun Chang;Soo-Hyun Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.82 no.4
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    • pp.903-913
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    • 2021
  • Purpose To identify the imaging features indicative of sarcoid-like reactions in patients with intrathoracic lymphadenopathy after complete remission of malignancies. Materials and Methods This study enrolled five patients with histopathologically confirmed sarcoid-like reactions that developed after cancer remission. The clinical features and findings of CT and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT were assessed. Results The underlying malignancies included breast, nasopharyngeal, colon, and endometrial cancer and lymphoma. The time intervals between complete remission of malignancy and the diagnosis of sarcoid-like reaction ranged from 6 to 78 months. CT findings of sarcoid-like reaction included bilateral hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathies (n = 5), pulmonary nodules (1-15 mm) with peribronchovascular, fissural, or subpleural distribution, and interlobular interstitial thickening in the lungs (n = 4). 18F-FDG PET/CT revealed hypermetabolic uptake in the mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes and both lungs in the absence of extrathoracic uptake (n = 3). The sarcoid-like reactions resolved in all patients after corticosteroid treatment. Conclusion In patients with complete remission of malignancies, newly developed bilateral hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathies with or without pulmonary nodules of perilymphatic distribution, in the absence of recurrence at the primary tumor site and extrathoracic metastasis, may suggest a sarcoid-like reaction. Such cases warrant histologic evaluation of the lymph nodes to prevent unnecessary systemic chemotherapy.

Bilateral Triple Negative Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma in a BRCA1 Mutation Carrier with Discrepant Pathologic Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (BRCA 유전자 변형 환자의 양측 삼중음성 유방암의 선행화학요법에 대한 상이한 반응)

  • Gi Won Shin;Young Mi Park;Tae Hyun Kim;Anbok Lee;Ha Young Park;Hye Kyoung Yoon;Young Jin Heo;Jin Wook Baek;Yoo Jin Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.81 no.2
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    • pp.428-435
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    • 2020
  • Herein, we report a case of synchronous bilateral triple negative invasive ductal breast carcinoma in a patient with discrepant pathologic response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Right and left breast cancer stages at the initial diagnosis were T1cN0M0 and T4dN3aM0, respectively. The patient was identified as a BRCA1 mutation carrier and treated with four cycles of adriamycin and cyclophosphamide, followed by four cycles of docetaxel. Bilateral breast cancer stages decreased with the first regimen. However, the bilateral breast cancers showed discrepant responses to chemotherapy with docetaxel. The right breast cancer showed a continuous tumor volume reduction while the left breast cancer showed marked progression. Finally, the tumor size was 0.3 cm and 12 cm in the right and left mastectomy specimens, respectively. As bilateral breast cancers of the same subtype may show discrepant responses to neoadjuvant chemotherapy, close monitoring and follow-up imaging are required to avoid delayed surgery.