• Title/Summary/Keyword: 버벡 지수

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A Comparative Study on Obesity Judgment Criteria in the Frequently used Obesity Indices (주요 비만 판정 지수의 비만 기준 비교)

  • Yi, Kyong-Hwa
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.93-108
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    • 2010
  • R¨o¨ohrer index, Vervaeck index and Body Mass Index(BMI) are frequently used in order to judge obese subjects in clothing & textiles field. However, there are no certain criteria of judging the degree of obesity. Each researcher utilized these obesity indices according to their own criteria so far. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to suggest a reliable obesity index and new criteria for judging the degree of obesity. The results are as follows; Utilizing frequency analysis, main percentiles, minimums, maximums and ranges were presented by 5 age groups from twenties to sixties. Obesity rates dramatically increased, the subject got older. Especially, obesity rate of the subjects in their fifties and sixties were much higher than other age groups. 1.6 & higher can be used in the R¨o¨ohrer index, 98 & higher can be used in the Vervaeck index, and 25 & higher can be used in the BMI as the Optimal criteria of the obesity. Total of 24 body measurements and 3 obesity indices were used for analyzing the correlation analysis. All heights measurements showed negative correlation with the 3 obesity indices. It is determined heights measurements have high correlation with R¨o¨ohrer index compare to other indices. Crotch height, interscye back, neck shoulder point to breast point, bust circumference, waist circumference, upper arm circumference and armscye circumference have high positive correlation with all obesity indices. According to the ANOVAs by each percentile group of the R¨o¨ohrer and Vervaeck indices, there are big significances in all measurements and obesity indices except arm length. In general, heights decreased significantly by getting bigger, while circumferences and lengths, widths and indices increased rapidly by getting bigger. The results of the analysis by each percentile group in the BMI, it showed the significant differences in the all measurements except cervical height and arm length. There were similar tendency of differences according to the degree of the obesity in BMI percentile groups. It was confirmed that the BMI is the most reliable index for judging the obesity owing to the high correlations and significant differences with other measurements.

An Analysis of Body Shapes in Aged Abdominal Obese Women for Apparel Pattern Design (복부비만 노년 여성의 의복패턴설계를 위한 체형연구)

  • Kim, Soo-A;Choi, Hei-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.12 s.159
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    • pp.1690-1696
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data useful in designing apparel patterns for aged abdominal obese women. The body measurements of 318 women were taken at random, whose ages were over 60 and fields of action were colleges, sports centers, or business sites in Seoul and the neighboring districts. A total of 33 features in the upper body and lower body were used fer the anthropometric measurement and analysis using anthropometry. The collected measurement data were processed statistically using the SPSS 12.0 program for technical statistical analysis, t-test, frequency analysis, correlation analysis. The results of the study are as follows. 1. Subjects were classified into two groups as a result of analysis for measurement data. It was revealed that 251(about 79 percent) women of total subjects(n=318) have a characteristic of abdominal obese body type and elderly women of these group usually had big abdomen rather than hip. The criteria of abdominal obesity based on waist-hip ratio, WHR(=0.85). 2. Aged abdominal obese women have shown much larger size in most body measurements except items of some vertical length, such as bust ponit-bust point, font interscye, back interscye with circumference and depth of armscye, bust, waist, abdomen and hip while showing no difference in height, biacrominal breadth, hip width, neck shoulder point to breast point, crotch length. 3. Vervaeck index(=100.1) and Rohrer index(=1.7) indicated that the abdominal obese women were fat in overall body. And aspect ratio of waist(=0.86), abdomen(=0.92) and hip(=0.75) also appeared high that the shape of cross sections in those regions was similar to a figure of circle 4. In view of the correlation coefficient between hip circumference and the rest measurement items, and between hip circumference inclusively of the abdomen protrusion and the rest measurement items, there were found some differences for each group. In case of Group (abdominal obese group), the former is smaller than the other. 5. In case of Abdominal obese women, hip circumference inclusively of the abdomen protrusion is more mutually related to the rest items related to make apparel pattern as waist circumference, depth of armscye and so on than what hip circumference is. This result indicated which must be considered hip circumference inclusively of the abdomen protrusion to make apparel patterns for abdominal obese women unlike women of common body types.