• 제목/요약/키워드: 방사선 육종

검색결과 186건 처리시간 0.03초

Studies on the Mutation Breeding in Castanea SP. (방사선(放射線)에 의(依)한 밤나무의 돌연변이(突然變異) 육종(育種)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Chi Moon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.80-84
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    • 1975
  • The seeds, scions and plants of chestnut tree (Castanea. crenata) and Chinese chestnut tree (C. bungeana) were irradiated by gamma ray in order to know their biological effects on germination, plant growth and mutation at several accumulative doses and dose rates. The results of this study could be summarized as follows: 1. In general, the radio-sensitivity of scions was more sensitive to irradiation, showing 50% reduction dose of the control for grafting percentage at 3.1 kR as compared with 4.6 kR for the above reduction dose in germination rates of seeds. 2. The seeds treated by 5 kR dose resulted in some albino mutants at a rate of 0.84%. There was a general tendency that the seedling height reduced significantly as the irradiation dose increased. 3. The scions treated by an acute irradiation showed their 50% reduction dose in grafting at 3.2 kR for Chinese chestnut and at 3.1 kR for chestnut, respectively, while their irradiation doses increased three times, having 10.2 kR for the 50% reduction dose in the case of semi-acute irradiation. 4. When Chinese chestnut trees were irradiated during their dormant period with a total dose of 7.5 kR to 4.9 kR at a dose rate of 150 R to 98 R per day, there were induced giant leaf bud-sports at a frequency of 16.6%. The averag leaf area of the giant leaf bud-sports were measured at 96.36 square centimeters, while the area of normal leaf was only 26.28 square centimeters.

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Development of Mask-RCNN Model for Detecting Greenhouses Based on Satellite Image (위성이미지 기반 시설하우스 판별 Mask-RCNN 모델 개발)

  • Kim, Yun Seok;Heo, Seong;Yoon, Seong Uk;Ahn, Jinhyun;Choi, Inchan;Chang, Sungyul;Lee, Seung-Jae;Chung, Yong Suk
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.156-162
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    • 2021
  • The number of smart farms has increased to save labor in agricultural production as the subsidy become available from central and local governments. The number of illegal greenhouses has also increased, which causes serious issues for the local governments. In the present study, we developed Mask-RCNN model to detect greenhouses based on satellite images. Greenhouses in the satellite images were labeled for training and validation of the model. The Mask-RC NN model had the average precision (AP) of 75.6%. The average precision values for 50% and 75% of overlapping area were 91.1% and 81.8%, respectively. This results indicated that the Mask-RC NN model would be useful to detect the greenhouses recently built without proper permission using a periodical screening procedure based on satellite images. Furthermore, the model can be connected with GIS to establish unified management system for greenhouses. It can also be applied to the statistical analysis of the number and total area of greenhouses.

Comparative Study on the Committed Dose Equivalent for Adults and Infants (예탁선양치(預託線量値)에서 본 성인(成人)과 유아(幼兒)와의 비교연구(比較硏究))

  • Sung, Kye-Yong;Yook, Chong-Chul;Ha, Chung-Woo
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.76-89
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    • 1984
  • Weighted committed dose equivalents($W_T\;H_{50}$) per intake of unit activity of four nuclides-I-131, I-133, Cs-134 and Cs-137-, which was based on the concepts of ICRP Pub. 30, are calculated for adult who is 70 kg and 25 years old and, for infant who is 10 kg and 1 year old. Metabolism of iodine taken through oral or inhalation pathway is described by using the three-compartment model which consists of inorganic, thyroid and organic compartment. After intake, the amount of iodine in every compartment is calculated by solving the transfer equations among the these compartments. As soon as caesium is taken into the body, it is distributed uniformly in the body through the transfer compartment. In this case, the amount of caesium in total body is calculated by using the total body compartment model which is divided into two tissue compartments because of their different biological half-lifes of caesium in body. As a result of calculations, whether oral or inhalation pathway, the values of ($W_T\;H_{50}$) per intake of unit activity of I-131 for infants are about ten times as much as those of adults. On the other hand, for Cs-134 and Cs-137, the values of $W_T\;H_{50}$ per intake of unit activity show that, whether adults of infants, they have almost the same values.

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Establishment of optimal conditions for micropropagation by node culture and multiple shoots formation from sucker explants of thornless Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus L. cv. BB21) (가시없는 블랙베리(Rubus fruticosus L. cv. BB21)의 근맹아를 이용한 다경유도와 절간배양을 통한 식물체 증식조건의 확립)

  • Lee, Kang Seop;Kim, Hyo Jin;Park, Dae Hyun;Oh, Seung Cheol;Cho, Han Jig;Kim, Ee Youb
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • 제45권2호
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    • pp.110-116
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to develop a simple, rapid, and reliable method for in vitro propagation of disease-free and true-to-type clones from sucker explants of thornless blackberry (Rubus fruticosus L. ${\times}$ R. parvifolius L.). To induce multiple shoots, the sucker explants were sterilized in 1% NaOCl solution, and then were aseptically cultured on the full and 1/2 MS solid medium supplemented with BAP (0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 mg/L). After six weeks of culture, the highest frequency (85.4%) of shoot formation from sucker explants was obtained on the full-strength MS medium with 1.0 mg/L BAP. Node explants obtained from multiple shoots were cultured on the various media of full- or half-strength of AD, B5, MS, SH, QL, WPM media, respectively. After 30 days of culture, plant growth was good on the half-AD, half-QL medium. After 90 days of culture, plant growth was good on the full MS and full SH medium. The survival rate of the plantlets after transfer to plastic pots containing soil mixture (sand: soil: vermiculite was 1:1:1, vol.) in the greenhouse was 98%. The results indicate that a multiple-shoot procedure can be applied for an efficient mass propagation of Rubus fruticosus L. ${\times}$ R. parvifolius L.

Effects of 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose on Metabolic Status, Proliferative Capacity and Growth Rate of FSall Tumor: Observations made by In Vivo $^{31}P$-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Flow Cytometry (2-DDG가 FSa II 종양의 성장속도와 증식 능력, 신진대사에 미치는 영향 ; $^{31}P$-자기공명 분광기와 유세포 분석기를 이용한 연구)

  • Chang Hyesook;Choi Eun Kyung;Cho Jeong Gill;Lim Tee-Hwon;Lee Tae-Keun;Yi Yun;Cho Young Joo;Kim Gon Sup
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1991
  • The effect of 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2-DDG) on $C_3H$ mouse fibrosarcoma(FSall) was studied. Metabolic status, especially for energy metabolism, was studied using in vivo $^{31}P$-MRS, proliferative capacity was observed on flow cytometry(FC) and growth rate was measured after transplantation of $10^6$ viable tumor cells in the dorsum of foot of $C_3Hf/Sed$ mice. One gram of 2-DDG Per kg of body weight was injected intraperitoneally on 12th day of implantation. Average tumor size on 12th day of implantion was $250mm^3$. Growth rate of Fsall tumor was measured by tumor doubling time and slope on semilog plot. After 2-DDG injection, growth rate slowed down. Tumor doubling time between tumor age 5-12 days was 0.84 days with slope 0.828 and tumor doubling time between tumor age 13-28 days was 3.2 days with slope 0.218 in control group. After 2-DDG injection, tumor doubling time was elongated to 5.1 days with slope 0.136. The effect of 2-DDG studied in vivo $^{31}P$-MRS suggested that the increase of phosphomonoester (PME) and inorganic phosphate (Pi) by increasing size of tumor, slowed down after 2-DDG injection. Flow cytometry showed significantly increased S-phase and $G_2+M$ phase fraction suggesting increased proliferative capacity of tumor cells in the presence of 2-DDG. Authors observed an interesting effect of 2-DDG on FSall tumor and attempt to utilize as an adjunct for radiotherapy.

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Surgical Treatment of Metastatic Tumor in Pelvis (골반부 전이성 종양의 수술적 치료)

  • Kim, Jae-Do;Park, Woong;Jo, Myung-Rae;Son, Jung-Whan;Lee, Young-Gu
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: We studied to decide the operative indication of the metastatic tumor in pelvis according to the oncologic results, the Eastern Cooperative Oncologic Group (ECOG) performance status and complication. Materials and methods: From May 1994 to May 2003, 9 patients who were performed on palliative treatment and 10 paitents on operative treatment due to metastatic tumor of pelvic bone were investigated. On palliative/operative group, the mean age of patients was 57.6/48.0 years old and the ratio of male to female was 5:4/7:3. Primary origins were 3 cases from kidney, 3 from cervix and 2 of lung, 2 of myeloma, 2 of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, and 1 from breast, bladder, testis, prostate, stomach, liver and retroperitoneal leimyosarcoma respectively. The palliative treatment was performed in 5 cases with radiotherapy, 1 with chemotherapy, 2 with combined chemo-radiotherapy and 1 with percutaneous cementation. The operative methods were 1 case of bone cement insertion after curettage, 2 of Girdlestone with internal hemipelvectomy and 7 of reconstruction after wide excision. Reconstructions were done.: 1 case of bone cementation, 5 of autograft prosthesis composite with irradiation or pastuerization and 1 of saddle prosthesis. We have observed the oncologic results, the ECOG performance status and complication. Results: The oncologic results of palliative/operative groups are NED 0/1, AWD 2/6, DOC 1/2 and DOD 6/1. The ECOG performance status was changed from 1.5 into 4.3 in palliative group and from 2.6 into 2.2 in operative group. The complications were 3 cases of the prosthesis failure and 2 of infection. Conclusion: The indication of operation of metastatic pelvic tumor is decided in consideration of the patient's condition, the grade of malignancy in primary tumor and the life expectancy.

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Expanded Uses and Trend of Domestic and International Research of Rose of Sharon(Hibiscus syriacus L.) as Korean National Flower since the Protection of New Plant Variety (식물신품종보호제도 이후 나라꽃 무궁화의 국내외 연구동향 및 확대 이용 방안)

  • Kang, Ho Chul;Kim, Dong Yeob;Wang, Yae Ga;Ha, Yoo Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • 제47권5호
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    • pp.49-65
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    • 2019
  • This study was carried out to investigate the domestic and international development of a new cultivar of the Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus L.), the Korean national flower, and the protection of the new plant variety. In addition, it will be used as basic data for the expansion of domestic distribution, promoting oversea export, and expanding the range of landscape architectural use. A total of 97 varieties received plant variety protection rights from the Korea Seed & Variety Service from 2004 to 2018. The selection criteria were plants having unique flowers, growth habits, and variegated leaves. Some cultivars with unique features, such as flower size, shape, and red eyes were available for focus planting. Plant varieties with tall and strong growth patterns have been highly valuable for street and focus planting. Cultivars with dwarf stems and compact branches are utilized for pot planting and bonsai. The protected cultivars were mostly single flower varieties, with two semi-double flowers. There were 57 cultivars of pink flowers with red eyes and 21 cultivars of white flowers with red eyes. There were 61 cultivars developed by crossing, 23 cultivars through interspecific hybridization and 7 cultivars developed through radiation treatment and mutation. The Hibiscus cultivars registered to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) consisted of seven cultivars each from the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands, four from South Korea, and three from Belgium. The Hibiscus cultivars registered to the European Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) consisted of 16 cultivars from France, 9 from the Netherlands, 5 from the UK and 1 from Belgium. The cultivars that received both plant patent and plant breeder rights in the United States and Canada were 'America Irene Scott', 'Antong Two', 'CARPA', 'DVPazurri', 'Gandini Santiago', 'Gandini van Aart', 'ILVO347', 'ILVOPS', 'JWNWOOD 4', 'Notwood3', 'RWOODS5', 'SHIMCR1', 'SHIMRR38', 'SHIMRV24', and 'THEISSHSSTL'. 'SHIMCR1' and 'SHIMRV24' acquired both domestic plant protection rights and overseas plant patents. The 14 cultivars that received both US plant patents and European protection rights were 'America Irene Scott', 'Bricutts', 'DVPAZURRI', 'Gandini Santiago', 'Gandini van Aart', 'JWNWOOD4', 'MINDOUB1', 'MINDOUR1', 'MINDOUV5', 'NOTWOOD3', 'RWOODS5', 'RWOODS6', 'Summer Holiday', and 'Summer Night'. The cultivars that obtained US patents consisted of 18 cultivars (52.9%) with double flowers, 4 cultivars (11.8%) with semi-double flowers, and 12 cultivars (35.3%) with single flowers. The cultivars that obtained European new variety protection rights, consisted of 11 cultivars (34.3%) with double flowers, 12 cultivars (21.9%) with semi-double flowers, and 14 cultivars (43.8%) with single flowers. In the future, new cultivars of H. syriacus need to be developed in order to expand domestic distribution and export abroad. In addition, when developing new cultivars, it is required to develop cultivars with shorter branches for use in flower beds, borders, hedges, and pot planting.

Diffuse Nodular Interstitial Infiltrations with Bilateral Hilar Lymphadenopathy (양측 폐문 림프절 종대를 동반한 간질성 결절성 폐침윤)

  • Yoon, Jae Ho;Yeo, Chang Dong;Shin, Eun Joong;Song, So Hyang;Kim, Chi Hong;Moon, Hwa Sik;Song, Jeong Sup;Park, Sung Hak
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제61권3호
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    • pp.294-298
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    • 2006
  • Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia(LIP) is an uncommon condition in which the alveolar septa and extra-alveolar interstitial space are markedly expanded by small lymphocytes, plasma cells and histiocytes. Chest radiographs generally show nonspecific patterns with the most common pattern showing bibasilar reticular or reticulonodular infiltrates. Hilar or mediastinal lymphadenopathy and pleural effusions are usually absent. We encountered a 42-year-old female patient who was admitted to hospital because of exertional dyspnea and palpitation. The chest X-ray showed an enlarged bilateral hilar shadow and diffusely increased bronchovascular markings in both lung fields. The chest CT showed diffuse nodular infiltrations with mild septal thickening and combined patchy ground glass opacity in both lungs, and conglomerated mediastinal and bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy. A diagnosis of LIP was made from the tissue pathology taken by a thoracoscopic lung biopsy. The patient showed clinical and radiographic improvement after 3 months of treatment with prednisolone. We report a case of LIP presenting as diffuse nodular interstitial infiltrations with multiple mediastinal and bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy.

Hibiscus syriacus 'Dasom', A New Flower-Color Mutant Variety Developed by Radiation Breeding (방사선 육종에 의한 화색변이 무궁화 신품종 '다솜' 육성)

  • Kim, Sang Hoon;Kim, Dong Sub;Kim, Jin-Baek;Ha, Bo-Keun;Lee, Duk Man;Song, Hi Sup;Kang, Si-Yong
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.298-301
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    • 2015
  • A new Hibiscus syriacus variety, 'Dasom', was developed by radiation breeding using gamma ray exposure at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). Seeds of the original variety, 'Hongsun', were collected in 1993. These seeds were irradiated at 100 Gy dose and $M_1$ seeds were planted in a field of the KAERI in 1994. Lines with preferred flower color that were going to be used for street trees were initially selected in 1998. Analyses of characteristics were conducted from 2005 to 2010. The 5-year-old 'Dasom' plants were approximately 106 cm in height and averaged 19 branches, and thus were suitable for street trees. The flowers of 'Dasom' were semi-double type with medium red color and red eye spots. Petal length and width were about 4.0 cm and 3.3 cm, respectively. Flower diameter was slightly small, at about 5.8 cm, because of highly overlapping petals. The flowering period of 'Dasom' was about 105 days, which was 6 days shorter than that of the original variety, 'Hongsun'. However, the main charactersistics of 'Dasom' including leaf shape were similar to those of the original variety, 'Hongsun'.

Surgical Treatment of Malignant Tumors in Shoulder Girdle (견갑관절 주위 악성종양의 치료경험)

  • Song, Seok-Whan;Chang, Ju-Hai;Kang, Yong-Koo;Kim, Jung-Man;Kim, Hyoung-Min;Rhee, Seung-Koo;Woo, Young-Kyun;Bahk, Won-Jong;Moon, Myung-Sang;Kim, Yang-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.68-76
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    • 1995
  • To evaluate the clinical result of surgical treatment of malignant tumors in shoulder girdle, nine patients who were treated in Department of Orthopedics, Catholic University Medical College between January 1991 and December 1993, were evaluated. There were 5 men, 4 women. The mean age at operation was 47 years(range from 22 to 64 years). Of 9 patiens, 2 were soft tissue tumors(1 MFH, 1 dermatofibrosarcoma protuberance); one was treated with forequarter amputation, and the other with wide excision, Seven were bone tumor(2 chondrosarcoma, 1 osteosarcoma, 1 MFH, 1 plasmacytoma, 1 thyroid carcinoma metastasis, 1 malignant schwannoma); one patient was treated with segmental excision of proximal humerus, 4 with Malawer type I-A resection and arthroplasty or arthrodesis, 1 with Malawer type V-B resection and arthrodesis. Five patients received adjuvant chemotherapy, with or without local radiation therapy, and one patient received radiation therapy alone. All patients have survived now, but I had local recurrence. Functional results of arthrodesis and arthroplasty were similar.

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