• Title/Summary/Keyword: 발화 과제

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Effects of EAI and VAS on perceptual judgement and confidence rating by listeners for voice disorders (청지각적 평가 방식에 따른 음성장애 심한 정도 판단과 자가 신뢰도에 대한 차이)

  • Lee, Ok-Bun;Kim, Sun-Hee;Jeong, Hanjin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.3046-3050
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of 7-point interval scale(EAI) and visual analogue scale(VAS) on perceptual judgement and the reliability of severity on voice problems by dysphonic speakers. 30 undergraduate students studying communication disorder were enrolled in the perceptual evaluation. Those listeners judged overall voice severity within the anchored(condition 1) and non-anchored scales(condition 2) for vowel prolongation and reading tasks by 25 speakers with voice disorder. The results of this study showed that the scores by VAS was significantly higher than EAI in both condition 1 and condition 2 for vowel prolongation and reading task. However, the scores by EAI method was higher than by VAS method on voice severity of vowel prolongation (condition 1) and reading task(condition 2). These results suggest auditory-perceptual scaling procedures must be more studied in the aspects of clinical application of voice disorder.

Development and Application of the Scientific Inquiry Tasks for Small Group Argumentation (소집단의 논변활동을 위한 과학 탐구 과제의 개발과 적용)

  • Yun, Sun-Mi;Kim, Heui-Baik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.694-708
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    • 2011
  • In this study, we developed tasks including cognitive scaffolding for students to explain scientific phenomena using valid evidences in science classroom and sought to investigate how tasks influence the development of small group scientific argumentation. Heterogeneous small groups in gender and achievement were organized in one classroom and the tasks were applied to the class. Students were asked to write down their own ideas, share individual ideas, and then choose the most plausible opinion in a group. One group was chosen for investigating the effect of tasks on the development of small group argumentation through the analysis of discourse transcripts of the group in 10 lessons, students' semi-structured interview, field note, and students' pre- and post argument tests. The discrepant argument examples were included in the tasks for students to refute an argument presenting evidences. Moreover, comparing opinion within the group and persuading others were included in the tasks to prompt small group argumentation. As a result, students' post-argument test grades were increased than pre-test grades, and they argued involving evidences and reasoning. The high level of arguments has appeared with high ratio of advanced utterances and lengthening of reasoning chain as lessons went on. Students had elaborate claims involving valid evidences and reasoning by reflective and critical thinking while discussing about the tasks. In addition, tasks which could have various warrants based on the data led to students' spontaneous participation. Therefore, this study has significance in understanding the context of developing small group argumentation, providing information about teaching and learning context prompting students to construct arguments in science inquiry lessons in middle school.

Effects of Concurrent Linguistic or Cognitive Tasks on Speech Rate (언어 및 인지 과제 동시수행이 발화속도에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Ji-Yeon;Kim, Hyo-Jeong;Kim, Moon-Jeong
    • Proceedings of the KSPS conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.102-105
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    • 2007
  • This study was designed to examination effects of concurrent linguistic or cognitive tasks on speech rate. Eight normal speakers were repeated sentences either with or without simultaneous a linguistic task and a cognitive task. Linguistic task was conducted by generating verbs from nouns and cognitive task meaned performing mental arithmetic. Speech rate was measured from acoustic data. One-way ANOVA conducted to know speech rate difference among 3 different type of tasks. The results showed there was no significant difference between sentence repeat and linguistic tasks. But There was significant difference findings: sentence repeat and linguistic task, linguistic and cognitive task.

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A comparative study of prosodic features according to the syntactic diversities between children with reading disability and nondisabled children (읽기장애아동과 일반아동의 통사적 다양성에 따른 운율 특성 비교)

  • Park, Sungsook;Seong, Cheoljae
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2021
  • Proper prosody in reading allows the reader to naturally convey the meaning, which manifests as changes in pitch, loudness, and speech rate. Children with reading disability face difficulty in delivering information due to poor prosody. This study identified the difference in prosodic features between children with reading disabilities and nondisabled children through means of reading tasks. Reading tasks, according to sentence types (short sentences, assumptions/conditions, intentions, relative-clause), were recorded by 15 children studying in the 3rd to 6th grade in elementary school. Children with reading disability had a statistically significant wider range of pitch, slower speech rate, more frequent usage of pauses, longer total pause duration, and steeper pitch slope than nondisabled one in sentence-final and -medial words. Children with reading disability, therefore, exhibited a less natural and expressive reading than nondisabled children. Through this study, the characteristics of prosody observed in children with reading disability were identified and the need for an approach for effective intervention was also suggested.

Developing an Instrument for Analysing Students' Behavioral Engagement in School Science Classroom (과학수업에서 나타나는 학생들의 행동적 참여 분석을 위한 영상 분석 도구의 개발)

  • Choi, Joonyoung;Na, Jiyeon;Song, Jinwoong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.247-258
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    • 2015
  • Students are engaged in classroom learning, and classroom learning occurs not only through conversation but also through nonverbal behavior. In science classrooms especially, there are meaningful nonverbal behaviors such as practical activities like observation and measurement. But these behaviors have not been properly investigated by existing instruments that try to measure students' engagement. This study aims to develop a new instrument for analyzing students' behavioral engagement especially in science classrooms. The method of developing the instrument was structured along three steps. First, student behaviors have been classified into fourteen categories through literature review and a series of observation of elementary science classroom. Second, based on these, a framework for analyzing student behavioral engagement has been developed. With the framework, every student moment could be labeled as Participatory Speech or Participatory Silence or Non-Participatory Speech or Non-Participatory Silence. Third, an instrument to which the framework is applied has been developed by using Microsoft Excel. As a trial, two fourth-grade students in elementary science class were analyzed with this instrument. The results of the trial analysis shows that the longest period of a science lesson was occupied by Participatory Silence (63% and 72%). Among the participatory silence, 'listening' was the most common (51% and 42% of the trial lesson) and 'observing' which is a specific behavior to science was the fourth position (17% and 17% of the trial lesson). It is expected that the developed instrument could be used in improving our understanding of the patterns of student engagement in science classrooms.

Development of the Heuristic Attention Model Based on Analysis of Eye Movement of Elementary School Students on Discrimination task (변별과제에서 초등학생의 안구운동 분석을 통한 발견적 주의 모델 개발)

  • Shin, Won-Sub;Shin, Dong-Hoon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.33 no.7
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    • pp.1471-1485
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a HAM (Heuristic Attention Model) by analyzing the difference between eye movements according to the science achievement of elementary school students on discrimination task. Science achievement was graded by the results of the Korea national achievement test conducted in 2012 for a random sampling of classes. As an assessment tool to check discrimination task, two discrimination measure problems from TSPS (Test of Science Process Skill, developed in 1994) which were suitable for an eye tracking system were adopted. The subjects of this study were 20 students from the sixth grade who agreed to participate in the research. SMI was used to collect EMD (eye movement data). Experiment 3.2 and BeGaze 3.2 programs were used to plan experiments and analyze EMD. As a result, eye movements of participants in discrimination tasks varied greatly in counts and duration of fixation, first fixation duration, and dwell time, according to students' science achievement and difficulty of the problems. By the analysis of EMD, strategies of the students' problem-solving could be found. During problem solving, subjects' eye movements were affected by visual attention; bottom-up attention, top-down attention and convert attention, and aflunter attention. In conclusion, HAM was developed, and it is believed to help in the development of a science learning program for underachievers.

The changes of Students through Technological problem solving Hands-on Activity in Technology Education of Middle School (중학교 기술교육에서 기술적 문제해결 체험활동을 통해 나타나는 학생들의 변화)

  • Kim, Ji-Sook;Yi, Sang-Bong
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.175-195
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    • 2015
  • This study is aimed at exploring the educational meaning of cooperative hands-on activity in the technology subject from the perspective of a student who is an education consumer. For this purpose, this study selected 12 first year student of a middle school located at G City of Gyeonggi-do Province as research participants through purposeful sampling, and conducted an in-depth interview and group discussion based on stimulated recall questionary techniques. This study utilized area analysis, classification analysis and component analysis as a data analysis method, and secured the verity of the research through the examination between research participants and triangulation. As a result of this research work, it was found that the cooperative hands-on class in the technology subject had the meaning of 'Space between a burden and excitement about the technical making', 'Clue and ignition point of technological problem solving', and 'Self-discovery through Technical capability'. To be more concrete, 'Space between a burden and excitement about the technical making' means that students, whose usual school record is excellent, felt great psychological burdens of performance assessment, but their pre-experience and interest in 'Making' induced them to feel exhilaration of hands-on activity. 'Clue and ignition point of technological problem solving' means that students get to make much of the understanding & formation of the relationship with teammates in the process of resolving an unfamiliar hands-on activity task and to have the continuous problem-solving ability. 'Self-discovery through Technical capability' means that students get to realize the importance of learning experience of one's own making through hands-on activity learning, which could be the opportunity to meet the operant demands of the inner side. This study hopes that such results could be utilized as the basic data needed for designing the hands-on activity education in the technology subject more meaningfully and systematically for the time to come.

Phonological phrase boundary and word frequency that influence the phonological word recognition (음운구 경계와 단어빈도가 한국어 음운단어 재인에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jeahong;Shin, Hasun;Kim, Yeseul;Yun, Gwangyeol;Kim, Daseul;Shin, Jiyoung;Nam, Kichun
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.45-56
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    • 2019
  • This study investigated the interaction between phonological phrase boundary and word frequency variable in Korean speech processing. A word monitoring task was performed to examine the interference caused by the frequency effect of target word depending on whether a phonological phrase is formed within the target word. Frequency of target word (high vs low) and phonological phrase boundary (within target word vs between target words) were applied as between and within subject condition respectively. Our results showed the significant main effect of the phonological phrase boundary and the significant interaction. In the post-hoc analysis, the high-frequency target words were detected significantly faster than the low-frequency target words only in the within phonological phrase boundary condition. Frequency effect in the between phonological phrase boundary condition did not appear. The results indicated that the phonological phrase boundary and word frequency variable played an important role in Korean speech processing. In particular, we discussed the possibility of processing the word frequency at the very early sensory information processing stage based on the interaction of two experimental factors.

Perception of lenis and aspirated stops in Seoul Korean by younger and older male and female listeners (한국어 서울 방언의 평음과 격음 변별 지각에서 연령과 성별에 따른 차이)

  • Kim, Jeahong;Kim, Soan;Ahn, Joohee;Nam, Kichun;Choi, Jiyoun
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2020
  • Traditionally it has been understood that the aspirated and lenis stops in Seoul Korean are distinguished primarily by voice onset time (VOT) and secondarily by other cues such as the fundamental frequency (F0) of the following vowel. However, recent studies on stop production have shown that the aspirated and lenis stops are currently merging in VOT and that they are now differentiated primarily by F0. In the present study, we examined whether the currently reported change in the production domain would be also found in the perception domain. To this end, an auditory identification task was conducted using speech materials of varying VOT and F0 values with young and older male and female Seoul listeners. Results revealed that all listener groups used both VOT and F0 to distinguish the lenis vs. aspirated stops but they used the F0 cue more reliably than the VOT cue in discriminating the stop contrast. The effects of gender and age were found only in the VOT cue (i.e., not in the F0 cue), with the greatest VOT cue weight in older males and the smallest in young females, which is in line with recent production studies.

The Analysis of Children's Private Speech on Age and Characteristic of Task (연령 및 과제특성에 따른 유아들의 혼잣말 발화 분석)

  • Lee, Jeong-Hwa;Park, Jeong-Eon;Lee, Myeong-Hee
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.494-506
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to analyse 3, 4, 5-year-old children's private speech according to their age and task characteristics (structured task vs. unstructured task). In order to achieve the goal, the main effect of age, characteristic of tasks and interaction effect were considered among age and characteristic of tasks on preschool children's private speech. The subjects were each 30 3, 4, 5-year-olds from preschool in Busan, South Korea. The structured task was puzzle task and the unstructured task was drawing task from TCT-DP. The data was analyzed by repeated measurement two way ANOVA: 3(age) ${\times}$ 2((characteristic of task). As a result, firstly, total private speech of 4-year-old was higher than 3-year-old, 5-year-old in both tasks, and total private speech of 5-year-old was higher than 3-year-old in both tasks. Secondly, the task-irrelevant private speech was not affected by main effect of age and characteristic of task and interaction effect between age and characteristic of task. Thirdly, the task-relevant private speech was received both main effects and interaction effects between age and characteristic of task. Finally, the external manifestation of inner speech were not received effect of age but received effect of characteristic of task, and received interaction effect between age and characteristic of task. The results of this study imply that characteristic of task is an important factor inducing children's private speech.