• Title/Summary/Keyword: 발생최성기간

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Discussions on the Efficacy, Phytotoxicity and Residue of Organo-Arsenic Fungicides (유기비소제의 약효 및 약해와 잔류에 관한 종합적 고찰)

  • Bai Daihan H.
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.18 no.1 s.38
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 1979
  • Since rice high yielding practices with blast resistant varieties induced severe and earlier infestation of sheath blight recently, it is strongly suggested to spray at least 10 days earlier than the present recommendation and more than 2 sprays from early July to early August seems to be essential for the efficient control of sheath blight in the future. Among organo-arsenic fungicides, MAFe (Neo Asozin) is known as the most effective and economic as well as with the advantages of free phytotoxicity and safe residure on rice, and applications of the mixed formulation with other fungicide and insecticide is suitable for the one-hit control of rice diseases and insect pests in connection with cooperative mass control system. Present level of arsenic $(As_2O_3)$ residue in .ice is summarized as 0.2ppm to 0.65 ppm in highest average, and there are more possibilities of extensive MAFe fungicide uses for the efficient and economic control of this disease. During the past few years, the acreage of sheath blight control has been extended several times while the increase of the fungicides used for sheath blight showing about 10 times in quantity and mort than 15 times in amount, and also the fungicide cost estimated for the control is differ from 1 to 12 billion 1on by the use of MAFe or antibiotic fungicide in a year.

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Growing Process of Tillers in Wheat and Barley and Its Contribution to Grain Production (맥류의 분벽별 생육상 및 생산능력의 변이에 관한 연구)

  • Nam, Y.I.;Ha, Y.W.;Takada, H.Y.
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.115-121
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    • 1983
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate the growing process, nitrogen content of leaves and grain weight of the tillers of three wheat and one barley cultivars under space planting condition. The rates of the ear-bearing tillers were highest in the main stem (MS) and followed by the Ist, 2nd, 3rd tiller of the first order tiller. The leaf emergencies on main stem and tillers of barley were found simmilar results to synchronously emerging leaf theory reported by katayama, however, one or more leaves were emerged from the tillers of wheat comparing to the theoretical numbers. The orders of the ear primordia development were MS 1st 2nd 3rd tiller. The differences of ear development between main stem and tillers were greatter in wheat than in barley. Total nitrogen content in leaf decreased accompanying with growth and the highest content were found on the higher ordered tillers. The order of the proportion of each stem grain weight to the grain yield per unit area was MS > 1st≒2nd > 3rd tiller.

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Seasonal Occurrence and Attraction of Egg Parasitoid of Bugs, Ooencyrtus nezarae, to Aggregation Pheromone of Bean Bug, Riptortus clavatus (톱다리개미허리노린재의 집합페로몬에 의한 노린재류의 난기생봉 Ooencyrtus nezarae의 유인과 발생소장)

  • Huh Wan;Park Chung-Gyoo
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.131-137
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    • 2005
  • Seasonal occurrence of the egg parasitoid of bugs, Ooencyrtus nezarae (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), was monitored at soybean fields and university campus using traps baited with aggregation pheromone of bean bug, Riptortus clavatus, in Jinju, Gyeongnam province, Korea. The female O. nezarae captured at university campus in 2003 and 2004 was 317.5 and 103.4 times as many as males, respectively, and it was 12.6 times at soybean field in 2004. The female began to occur from late August, showing its peak around September 20 at soybean field in 2004. At university campus in 2003 and 2004, the female began to occur from mid or late August, and showed its peak early or mid September. At the two monitoring sites the catches of female sharply declined after October The E2HZ3H only showed attractiveness to O. nezarae, among three components of the aggregation pheromone of bean bug, (E)-2-hexenyl (Z)-3-hexenoate (E2HZ3H), (E)-2-hexenyl (E)-2-hexenoate (E2HE2H), and myristyl isobutyrate (MI). A mixture in a ratio of 20:20:10 or 16.7:16.7:16.7 of E2HZ3H:E2HE2H:MI attracted significantly more females than the mixture of 7:36:7 ratio did. This higher attractiveness of the former two blends may be attributed to the higher amounts of E2HZ3H in the blends.

Studies on the Fruit-Piercing Moths in Korea(2) Host Distribution, Seasonal Occurence and Sugar Contents (과실 흡수나방에 관한 연구(2) 기주분포, 발생소장 및 당도)

  • Yoon Ju-Kyung;Kim Kwang-Soo
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.15 no.2 s.27
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    • pp.95-100
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    • 1976
  • A distribution status of host plants for fruit-piercing moths was surveyed in Kocksung fruit growing area of Chonnam province during June to October, 1975. The results were summarized as follows; Main host plants of fruit·piercing larvae Smilax china L., Allizzia zulibrissim Dura, Cocculus trilobus Dc., Thalictrum aquilegifolium L., and Pterocarya rhoifolia Sieb & Zucc. Pterocarya rhoifolia Sieb & Zucc. were found to be distributed at mountain regions over 500m above sea level, while the other host plants were found to be distributed with in loom to 300m above sea level The moths was found from June 25th to Oct. 4th. Maximum emergence of the moths on plum an8 peach were about July 18th and on the grapes tree about August 31th. The moths collected from June 25th to Oct.4th were 17 spcies. Dermaleipa zuno Dalman $(35.7\%)$, Oraesia emaginata Fabriciul$(17.7\%)$, Oraesia excavata Butler $(12.9\%)$, Adrias tyramus amurensis Staduinger$(9.1\%)$, were collected much more than any other species; They accounted for approximately$70\%$ of total moths collected. In regards to the sugar contents of peach and plum, it was observed that the more the sugar concentrated, the more the fruits damaged. but the acid value of fruits had not shown any significant relationship with their attractants.

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment in Acute CO Poisoning (일산화탄소중독치료(一酸化炭素中毒治療)에 있어 고압산소요법(高壓酸素療法)의 효과(效果)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Yun, Dork-Ro;Cho, Soo-Hun
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.153-156
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    • 1983
  • 1950년(年) 이후(以後) 무연탄(無煙炭)으로 만든 연탄(煉炭)을 취사(炊事), 난방용(煖房用)으로 가정(家庭)에서 광범위(廣範圍)하게 사용(使用)하게 되면서 연탄(煉炭)가스내(內)의 일산화탄소(一酸化炭素)로 인(因)한 중독사고(中毒事故)가 빈발(頻發)하여 심각(深刻)한 국민보건(國民保健)의 문제(問題)가 되어왔다. 저자(著者)들의 실태조사(實態調査)(1975년도(年度))에 의(依)하면 서울특별시일원(特別市一圓)에 있어 일산화탄소중독(一酸化炭素中毒)의 년간발생(年間發生)은 인구(人口), 10만당(萬當) 경증(輕症) 260명(名), 혼수상태(昏睡狀態)의 중증중독(重症中毒) 45명(名), 사망(死亡) 1명(名)으로 위험인구(危險人口)를 3,000만명(萬名)으로 하였을 때 전국적(全國的)으로 일산화탄소중독(一酸化炭素中毒)의 추정발생수(推定發生數)는 년간(年間) 경증(輕症) 78만명(萬名), 중증(重症) 13만(萬) 5천명(千名), 사망(死亡) 3,000명(名)으로 그 피해(被害)의 규모(規模)가 100만을 육박(肉薄)하는 가공(可恐)할 수자(數字)를 보여주고 있다. 저자(著者)들은 이러한 심각(深刻)한 국민보건(國民保健)의 문제(問題)를 우선(于先) 실천가능(實踐可能)한 제이차예방(第二次豫防)에 역점(力點)을 두어 고압산소요법(高壓酸素療法)을 보급(普及)할 목적(目的)으로 일인용고압산소장치(一人用高壓酸素裝置)를 개발(開發)하고 1969년(年) 1월(月)에 서울대학교병원(大學校病院)에 고압산소치료실(高壓酸素治療室)을 개설(開設)하여 급성일산화탄소(急性一酸化炭素) 중독환자(中毒患者)에 대(對)한 응급치료(應急治療)를 실시(實施)하여 1978년(年)까지 10년간(年間)의 치료결과(治療結果)를 요약(要約)한바 다음과 같다. 1. 총치료환자수(總治療患者數)는 2,242명(名)이고 회복(回復)된 수(數)는 2,202명(名)으로 98.2%의 회복률(回復率)을 보였다. 2. 계절적(季節的)으로 10월(月)에서 4월(月)까지가 연중최성기(年中最盛期)이나 5월(月)에서 9월(月)까지도 적지않은 환자(患者)의 발생(發生)을 볼 수 있었다. 3. 연령별분포(年齡別分布)를 보면 15세(歲)${\sim}29$세군(歲群)이 전체환자(全體患者)의 반이상(半以上)인 52.7%를 차지하고 있고 $0{\sim}14$세군(歲群)은 인구비(人口比)에 대해 발생(發生)이 훨씬 적은 결과(結果)를 보이고 있다. 4. 도착시간별(到着時間別) 입원율(入院率)은 오전(午前) 10시이후(時以後) 도착군(到着群)서부터는 입원율(入院率)이 급증(急增)하는데 이는 병원도착(病院到着)이 늦일수록 당일회복(當日回復)이 되지못하고 입원가료(入院加療)하게 됨을 나타내주는 결과(結果)라 할 수 있다. 5. 병발증(倂發症)으로는 급성욕창, 폐렴(肺炎) 및 신경학적(神經學的) 이상등(異常等)의 소견(所見)을 많이 볼 수 있었다.

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Studies on Integrated Control of Citrus Pests (2) Control of ruby states (Ceroplastes rubens) on citrus by introduction of a parasitic natural enemy, Anicetus beneficus (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) (감귤해충의 종합적방제에 관한 연구(2) 루비붉은좀벌(Anicetus beneficus)도입에 의한 루비깍지벌레 (Ceroplastes rubens)의 방제효과)

  • Kim H.S.;Moon D.Y.;Lee S.C.;Kim H.S.;Lippold P. C.;Kim H.S.
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.18 no.2 s.39
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    • pp.107-110
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    • 1979
  • An parasite, Anicetus beneficus was introduced from Japan to Jeju-do, Korea in 1975, and evaluated as a biological agent for control of the ruby scale, Ceroplastes rubens MASKELL. The results were as follows: 1. A major pest of citrus, ruby scale had one generation a year and hatched from late June to early August with the peak hatching in the middle of July. 2. A. beneficus was widely distributed in 16 citrus growing areas since released in 1975. 3. The pnupulation of ruby scales was considerably decreased by increasing of the parasites. Mean percent parasitism of A. beneficus was 1.7 in 1975, 14.1 in 1976, 31.0 in 1977 and 37.0 in 1978.

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Life History of Locastra muscosalis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and Its Natural Enemies (벼슬집명나방의 생활사 및 천적 종류)

  • 박철하;이범영;이세표
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.101-104
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    • 1993
  • The life history and host plants of Locastra muscosalis (Walker) which is a defoliating pest of walnut trees were studied mainly in Chungchongbuk-do province. Juglans nigra Linne, J. mandshurica Mixim., Carya illinoensis koch and Pterocarya stenoptera DC. were found to be new host plants. Locasta muscosalis (Walker) had one generation per year and the adults emerged form late June to late July with a peak emergence around July 10th. Females oviposited a mean of 560 eggs on the top surfaces of leaves. The duration of the egg stage was from 7 to 12 days. Young larvae fed on the leaves within webs that bound the leaves beginning in the middle of July. In the middle of September the fully matured larvae entered the soil -a cm below the soil surface, and the pupal period lasted 16 days on average. The natural enemies observed and/or reared from larvae of pupae were 3 species of parasitoids, 6 species of predators and an unidentified virus.

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A study on the Improvement of the Collection Traps of the Adult Pine Gall Midge (Thecodiplosis japonensis Uchida et Inouye) I. Comparison on the Efficiency of Adult Pine Gall Midge Collection with Newly Devised raps (솔잎혹파리 발생예찰을 위한 우화기구개발에 관한 연구 I. 우화기구별 솔잎혹파리 보호효과)

  • Woo K. S.;Shim J. W.
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.17 no.2 s.35
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 1978
  • The experiments were carried out both at $#160$, Anyang Ri, Anyang, Kyung-gi Do, as a field plot and at college of Agriculture, Seoul National University, Suweon as laboratory plot, in order to unnorive the types of traps for collection of adult pine gall midge (Thecodiplosis japonensis Uchida) And the conclusions of the experimental results were as follows. (1) The seasonal fluctuation of the adult emergence of the PGM continued from middle pa.1 of the May to late part of the August. And the peak of the adult emergence showed variation in the number of PGM captured, according to the types of traps used, such as May 2g-june 2, by standard Cage, June 3-June7 by Funnel-A t.sp and June 8-June 12 by Suction-Trap. (2) The Percentage of the emergence in the laboratory experimental Plot were $41.06\%$ of Funnel-A traps used. f 3) The Suction-Trap was considered as effective instrument of. collection of adult PGM especially in the seasons of both earlier and later parts of the adult emergence, which is the population density is extremelty low. (4) It is considered that the recommendable instruments were Funnel-A type of trap and suction-Trap according to the experimental results obtained.

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An Array Beampattern Synthesis Using Adaptive Array Method and Partial Constrained Adaptation (최소 자승 평균오차와 부분 적응을 사용한 배열 빔 형성기법)

  • Lim Jun-Seok;Choi Nakjin;Sung Koeng-Mo;Kim Hyun-Seok
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.8
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    • pp.570-575
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    • 2004
  • In the underwater acoustic systems. we can receive signals and retrieve information about a target by using a beamforming method. The most important thing in the beamforming is finding the way to optimize the mainlobe beamwidth and the sidelobe level to the desired value. One of the prominent results of beamforming method. which has been studied. is Philip's weighting function method(1) . Philip's method adaptively adjusts its weights of array to meet the desired mainlobe beamwidth and sidelobe level. It is very similar to the design method in adaptive filter. However. this method cannot easily bring us to the desired sidelobe level due to complementary relation between mainlobe beamwidth and sidelobe level. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm using partial constrained adaptation. This method makes us circumvent the above problem and meet the specification of design easily. The proposed algorithm presents a Pattern synthesis that designer can easily control the mainlobe beamwidth and the sidelobe level to the desired value while calculation time to converge is decreasing.

Studies on the Bionomics of the Gray Tiger Longicorn, Xylotrechus rusticus (L.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) (피나무호랑하늘소의 생태에 관한 연구)

  • Kang Jun Yoo
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.11-14
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    • 1972
  • Xylotrechus rusticus (L.) is an important pest of poplars in Korea. The bionomics of the insect were studied to give some scientific bases for a development of the sound control measures. This study was carried out in the field and laboratory during the period from 1968 to 1969. The results ostained are as follows; The gray tiger longicorn has one generation in a year and overwinters as a larva. The adult appears during periods from the middle May to the early July, with peak in the early June and the eggs were laid in a trunk from the early June to the middle July. The mean body length of the adult was 17mm for the male, 21mm for the female and about 20mm for the pupa. The average number of eggs in an ovary were about 172 and about 2mm in length. The larva of the insect feed on the cambium under neath the bark, the diameter of the adult exit hole was about 5-6mm and 5cm in depth.

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