• Title/Summary/Keyword: 민경진

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Determination of Bioconcentration Factor on Phosphamidon and Profenofos by Flow-through Fish Test (Flow-through fish test를 이용한 Phosphamidon과 Profenofos의 생물농축계수의 측정)

  • Min, Kyung-Jin;Cha, Chun-Geun;Seo, Seol
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 2000
  • The present study was performed to investigate the bioconcentration of phosphamidon and profenofos. The BCFs(bioconcentration factors), depuration rate constants and LC$_{50}$ for two pesticides in zebrafish(Brachydanio rerio) were measured by the flow-through system(OECD guideline 305). The results obtained are summarized as follows: The 24-hrs LC$_{50}$, 48-hrs LC$_{50}$, 72-hrs LC.n and 96-hrs LC$_{50}$ were more than 100 mg/l for phosphamidon. The concentration of phosphamidon in zebrafish reached an equilibrium in 12 hrs at low and high concentrations(0.2 mg/l and 1 mg/1). The average BCF values of phosphamidon were less than 1 at low(0.96, n=7) and high concentrations (0.89, n=7) after 12~168 hrs. Depuration rate constants of phosphamidon were 0.18 hr-1 and 0.21 hr-1, half-life of phosphamidon were 3.85 and 3.30 at low and high concentrations(0.2 mg/l and 1 mg/l), respectively, The concentrations of phosphamidon in zebrafish at low and high concentrations were rapidly decreased after 8(0.04 $\mu\textrm{g}$/g) and 12 hrs(0.07 $\mu\textrm{g}$/g). The 24-hrs LC$_{50}$, 48-hrs LC$_{50}$, 72-hrs LC$_{50}$ and 96-hrs LC$_{50}$ were 2.9, 2.6, 2.2 and 2.0 mg/1 for profenofos. The concentration of profenofos in zebrafish reached an equilibrium in 12 hrs at five-hundredth and one-hundredth concentration of 96-hrs LC$_{50}$(0.004 mgA and 0.02 mg/1). The average BCF values of profenofos were 141.9(n=7) and 111.3(n=7) at five-hundredth and one-hundredth concentration of 96-hrs LC$_{50}$(0.004 mg/l and 0.02 mg/1) after 12~168 hrs. Depuration rate constants of profenofos were 0.09 hr$^{-1}$ and 0.10 hr$^{-1}$, half-life of profenofos were 7.70 and 6.93 at five-hundredth and one-hundredth concentration of 96-hrs LC50(0.004 mg/l and 0.02 mg/1), respectively. The concentrations of profenofos in zebrafish at five-hundredth and one-hundredth concentration of 96-hrs LC$_{50}$ decreased agter 8(0.18 $\mu\textrm{g}$/g) and 12 hrs (0.19 $\mu\textrm{g}$/g). The LC$_{50}$ value in zebrafish showed that acute toxicity of profenofos was higher than that of phosphamidon. The BCF values of profenofos were 100 times higher than those of phosphamidon, and depuration rate of phosphamidon was two times faster than that of profenofos.

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Determination of Hydrolysis Rate Constants on Phosphamidon and Profenofos (Phosphamidon과 Profenofos의 가수분해속도 상수의 측정)

  • Min, Kyung-Jin;Ha, Young-Duck;Seo, Seol;Cha, Chun-Geun;Park, Jang-Woo;Lee, Seung-Gon
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.144-150
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    • 2000
  • The present study was peformed to determine the hydrolysis rate constants and degradation products of phosphamidon and proffnofos by the OECD method. Hydrolysis rate constants of phosphamidon in pH 4, pH 7, and pH 9 buffer solutions at 25 and 40$^{\circ}$C were 0.0020, 0.0022, 0.0049 and 0.0040, 0.0050, 0.0150, respectively. Hydrolysis rate of phosphamidon was accelerated by temprerature change under same pH conditions, and half-life of phosphamidon in pH 9 at 40。C was 3 times faster than that at 25。C. Hydrolysis rate of phosphamidon in alkaline solution(pH 9) was 2~4 times faster than that in acidic solution(pH 4) and neutral solution(pH 7) under same temperature. Hydrolysis rate constants of profenofos in pH 4, pH 7, and pH 9 buffer solutions at 25 and 40。C were 0.0022, 0.0047, 0.0860 and 0.0035, 0.0086, 0.1245, respectively. Hydrolysis rate of profenofos was accelerated by temprerature change under same pH conditions. Hydrolysis rate of profenofos in alkaline solution(pH 9) was 15~40 times faster than in acidic solution(pH 4) and neutral solution(pH 7) under same temperature condition, and half-life of profenofos was very fast within 8 hours. The hydrolysis rate of profenofos was faster than that of phosphamidon. In order to identify hydrolysis products, the extracts of degradation products were analyzed by GC/MS. The mass spectra of hydrolysis products of phosphamidon were at m/z 153 and 149, those of the profenofos were at m/z 208 and 240, respectively. The hydrolysis products of phosphamidon were O, O-dimethyl phosphate(DMP) and N, N-diethylchloroacetamide, and those of profenofos were 4-bromo-2-chlorophenol and O-ethyl-S-propyl phosphate.

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Yield characteristics and medium composition of winter mushroom in cultivation farms in Korea (국내 팽이버섯 재배농가의 배지조성 및 수량 특성)

  • Lee, Chan-jung;Lee, Eun-ji;Park, Hye-sung;Lim, Ji-hoon;Min, Gyeong-Jin;Kong, Won-Sik
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.120-124
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to provide basic data for setting a standard medium for winter mushroom cultivation. Investigation of medium composition in winter mushroom farms in Korea revealed that the types of medium used for each farm were slightly different and that the mixing ratio of the medium also varied. All farmers used corncob, rice bran, and beet pulp as the main media, and calcium carbonate and ground oyster shells were used at 1.0~3.8% to adjust the pH of the medium. Analysis of the physicochemical properties of the mixed media showed nitrogen content of 1.28~1.52%, carbon content of 45.7~48.5%, and C/N ratio of 30.7~37.9. The content of inorganic components was significantly different in each farm, depending on the type and amount of minerals in the mixed medium. Mycelial growth was the fastest at Farm 2, reaching 6.5 cm within 34 days of culture, followed by Farm 4 at 5.7 cm, whereas Farm 1, 3, and 5 showed similar growth. Mycelial density was high without any significant difference between farms. Survey of yield according to medium composition in each farm showed the highest yield in Farm 2 at 173.4 g/bottle, followed by Farm 1 at 168.4 g/bottle, whereas Farm 3 and 4 showed similar yield. However, Farm 4 had the lowest yield at 145.4 g/bottle. Therefore, mushroom yield was different depending on the medium composition in the farm, and thus selection of a medium that can be used universally in multiple mushroom farms was considered possible.

Changes in the characteristics of the fruiting body of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) according to the nitrogen content in sawdust media (느타리버섯 톱밥배지 질소함량에 따른 자실체 특성변화)

  • Park, Hye-Sung;Min, Gyong-Jin;Lee, Eun-Ji;Lee, Chan-Jung;Kong, Won-Sik
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.205-210
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to elucidate the optimal nitrogen content for each variety of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) by investigating the change in the characteristics of fruiting body according to the nitrogen content of the sawdust media, and to use the results as the basic data for cultivation of high quality oyster mushroom. The nitrogen content was adjusted to 1.3%, 1.6%, 1.8% and 2.3%, and at each condition, mycelial growth was observed, which showed that the nitrogen content did not affect the rate of mycelial growth and density substantially. In the investigation of the characteristics of fruiting body, at the 1.8% nitrogen content, Chunchu No.2 showed the pileus diameter of 27 mm, and the stipe diameter and length of 11 mm and 61 mm, respectively, and the measurement of its color values revealed that the brightness of the pileus and the stipe was 31 and 80, respectively, offering the best commercial value, and yielding 25 valid stipes, which was the largest number. Likewise, at the 1.8% nitrogen content, Heuktari also showed the excellent growth characteristics including the pileus diameter of 29 mm and the stipe diameter and length of 10 mm and 68 mm, respectively, and the superb color values of the brightness of 37 at the pileus and 78 at the stipe. Moreover, the number of valid stipes was also found to be the highest with 19. In terms of morphological characteristics such as the pileus diameter and color, Soltari also produced the best mushrooms at the 1.8% nitrogen content and the number of valid stipes was high with 22. In summary, irrespective of varieties of oyster mushroom, high quality products could be cultivated at the nitrogen content of 1.8%.

The Antioxidant and Antitumor Effects of the Extract of Bulnesia sarmientia (Bulnesia sarmienti 추출물의 항산화 및 항암효과)

  • Jo, Dae-Hyoun;Min, Kyung-Jin;Cha, Chun-Geun
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.120-126
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    • 2007
  • Present study have been performed to develop Bulnesia sarmienti as a functional food. Methanol, n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and butanol extracts of Bulnesia sarmienti contained total phenol by 5.81 to 7.47%. It is high content than fruits which were known as high contests of total phenol. The electron donating ability of the extract of Bulnesia sarmienti were increased along with increasing concentrations of extracts. At $500{\mu}g/mL\;and\;1000{\mu}g/mL$, the all extracts showde more than 80% of scavenging abilities, which means the equal effect of the antioxidant, BHT. Nitrite scavenging abilities were measured as follows: methanol, butanol, 5.53, 5.77% at $100{\mu}g/mL$, respectively. The ethyl acetate extract was 73.29% at $1000{\mu}g/mL$ which showed the highest activity and methanol, butanol, n-hexane, chloroform and water extract were 65.65, 65.02, 47.49, 52.51, 45.54% which also showed relatively high activities. The growth inhibitory effects of each solvent extract on tumor cell were as follows: test against SUN-1, the gastric carcinoma cell, exhibited the highest inhibitory effects at $100{\mu}g/mL$ where the n-hexane extract was 61.6%. The ethyl acetate and water extracts did not revealed any inhibitory effects. Hela, the uterine carcinoma cell, exhibited the highest inhibitory effects at $100{\mu}g/mL$ where the n-hexane extract was 75.1%. The water extracts did not revealed any inhibitory effects. HT-29, the colon carcinoma cell, also exhibited the highest inhibitory effects at $100{\mu}g/mL$ where n-hexane extract was 57.4%. In conclusion, Bulnesia sarmienti have been shown the antioxidant and antitumor effects, and that it is expected to be developed as functional foods.

Determination of Urinary Metabolites of Methidathion after Oral Administration and Dermal Application to Rats (흰쥐를 이용한 Methidathion의 경구투여 및 피부도포 후 뇨 중 대사물질 측정)

  • Min, Kyung-Jin;Kim, Hwa-Sun;Cha, Chun-Geun
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2003
  • This study was performed to determine the urinary metabolites of methidathion in rats. Urine samples were collected for 24 hours in metabolic cages following after oral administration and dermal application of methidation to rats. The urinary metabolites were identified by GC/MS and the excretion time courses of urinary dialkyl phosphate metabolites were analyzed by CG/FPD. The results obtained are summarized as follows: Three dialkyl phosphate metabolites, DMP, DMTP. and DMDTP, were detected in the rat urine. Urinary dialkyl phosphate metabolites were identified on the basis of their mass spectra by GC/MS. The molecular ions of DMP, DMTP,and DMDTP, were identified at m/z 198, and m/z 158, respectively. A comparison of excretion time courses of urinary dialkyl phosphate metabolites between the orally administrated and dermally applicated rats were also established, After oral administration, 79.2% of DMP, 93.9% of DMTP, and 83.0% of DMDTP were excreted into the urine by 12, 24, and 12 hours, respectively. After dermal application, 71.1% of DMP, 82.8% of DMTP 87.7% of DMDTP were excreted into the urine by 24, 48, 48 hours, respectively. Consequently, almost all of the dialkyl phosphates in oral administration were excreted within 48 hours. However, the metabolites in dermal application were excreted up to 168 hours. In the study, three urinary metabolites of methidation, DMP, DMTP and DMDTP, were detected in the rat both after oral administraion and dermal application with methidathion. And the urinary excretion in dermal application was more delayed than that in oral administration. Based on the results, it tis suggested that three urinary dealkyl phosphates, DMP, DMTP, and DMDTP, could be used as the biomarkers of exposure for methidathion.

Microbiological Hazard Analysis and Verification of Critical Control Point (CCP) in a Fresh-Cut Produce Processing Plant -Case Study of a Fresh-Cut Leaf Processing Plant- (신선편이 농산물 가공업체의 미생물학적 위해 요소 분석 및 중점 관리 지점(CCP)의 검증 -신선편이 엽채류 가공업체를 대상으로-)

  • Kim, Su-Jin;Sun, Shih-Hui;Min, Kyung-Jin;Yoon, Ki-Sun
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.392-400
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    • 2011
  • The objectives of this study were to analyze environmental microbial contamination levels by sampling the surfaces of processing lines and equipment and to verify CCPs of the HACCP plan in a fresh-cut produce processing plant The level of airborne microorganisms in the processing plant was $10^1$ log CFU/plate/15min. Total plate counts and coliform groups of the processing facilities were 1~2 log CFU/100 $cm^2$. No E. coli or S. aureus were detected in the processing plant. However, total plate counts on the cutting board for raw materials and on the spin-dryer were $4.20{\pm}2.12$ log CFU/$cm^2$ and $4.57{\pm}0.92$ log CFU/$cm^2$, respectively. These levels were higher than the safe microbial level, and therefore, the chance of cross-contamination during processing was increased. According to the results of microbiological analyses, total aerobic bacteria and coliform groups of the samples were increased after the second washing and spin-drying steps, due to cross-contamination from the spin-dryer. Thus, an effective method that can be used for microbial control during the washing and drying steps is needed for microbial control in fresh-cut produce processing plants. The results of a verification study also suggest that modification of the HACCP plan is needed along with additional CPs, which were identified as a second washing, spin drying, and the cold storage of final products.

Estimation on the Consumption Patterns of Potentially Hazardous Foods with High Consumer Risk Perception (식중독 위험성 인식이 높은 잠재적 위해식품 섭취실태조사)

  • Park, Hee Jin;Min, Kyung Jin;Park, Na Yoon;Cho, Joon Il;Lee, Soon Ho;Hwang, In Gyun;Heo, Jin Jae;Yoon, Ki Sun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated the frequency, amount and consumption patterns of 50 potentially hazardous foods (PHF) along with consumers' risk perceptions towards PHF in Korea. A quantitative survey was performed from May through August by trained interviewers, surveying 1,000 adults aged over 18 who were randomly selected from six major provinces in Korea. Consumers perceived seafood, including shellfish, mussel, sashimi and sushi, as the top foods with the highest risk, followed by raw sliced beef. The food with the highest frequency intake per month was leafy vegetables, which is used to wrap other foods, followed by blanched vegetables, fried chicken, etc. The group of middle aged individuals with economic stability had the highest frequency intake of sashimi and sushi. Respondents living in small regions consume greater PHF portions at once. Food safety education with regard to the risk of PHF is essential for consumers, with high frequent intake of PHF.

Changes in microbial phase by period after hepa filter replacement in King oyster(Pleurotus eryngii) mushroom cultivation (큰느타리 재배사에서 헤파필터 교체 이후 기간에 따른 미생물상 변화)

  • Park, Hye-Sung;Min, Gyong-Jin;Lee, Eun-Ji;Lee, Chan-Jung
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.398-402
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to set up a proper replacement cycle of High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters by observing the microbial populations in the air of the cultivation house of Pleurotus eryngii, before and after HEPA filter replacement at different periods. The density of bacteria and fungi in the air during each cultivation stage was measured using a sampler before the replacement of the HEPA filter. The results showed that airborne microorganisms had the highest density in the mushroom medium preparation room, with 169.7 CFU/㎥ of bacteria and 570 CFU/㎥ of fungi, and the removed old spaun had 126.3 CFU/㎥ of bacteria and 560 CFU/㎥ of fungi. The density of bacteria and fungi in the air at each cultivation stage before the replacement of the HEPA filter was 169.7 CFU/㎥ and 570 CFU/㎥, and 126.3 CFU/㎥ and 560 CFU/㎥, during the medium production and harvesting processes, respectively. After the replacement of the HEPA filter, the bacterial density was the lowest in the incubation room and the fungal density was the lowest in the cooling room. The microbial populations isolated at each period consisted of seven genera and seven species before the replacement, including Cladosporium sp., six genera and six species after 1 month of replacement, including Penicillium sp., 5 genera and 7 species after 3 months of replacement, including Mucor plumbeus, and 5 genera and 12 species, 5 genera and 10 species, and 5 genera and 10 species, 4, 5, and 6 months after the replacement, respectively, including Penicillium brevicompactum. During the period after replacement, the species were diversified and their number increased. The density of airborne microorganisms decreased drastically after the replacement of the HEPA filter. Its lowest value was recorded after 2 months of replacement, and it increased gradually afterwards, reaching a level similar to or higher than that of the pre-replacement period. Therefore, it was concluded that replacing the HEPA filter every 6 months is effective for reducing contamination.

Changes in Ear and Kernel Characteristics of Colored Waxy Corn Hybrids During Ripening with Different Sowing Dates (파종시기에 따른 유색찰옥수수 품종의 등숙 중 이삭 및 종실 특성 변화)

  • Kim, Mi-Jung;Lee, Jae-Eun;Kim, Jung-Tae;Jung, Gun-Ho;Lee, Jin-Seok;Kim, Sun-Lim;Youn, Kyoung-Jin;Kim, Wook-Han;Chung, Ill-Min
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.308-317
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    • 2015
  • The aim of the present study was to investigate the ear and kernel characteristics of colored waxy corn hybrids during ripening according to different sowing dates. Heukjinjuchal and Eolrukchal 1 were sown at April 20 (first cropping) and July 20 (second cropping) in 2011~2012. The accumulated temperature from silking to harvesting was about $590{\sim}610^{\circ}C$. It takes 23~24 days when Heukjinjuchal and Eolrukchal 1 were sown in April 20, but July 20 sowing takes 32~35 days. Ear weight, ear diameter, 100-kernel weight and starch content of colored waxy corn were increased as ears matured (p<0.05). Growth temperature was getting decreased during the ripening stage of second cropping, the rate of ear and kernel development had slowed. Starch granules started to accumulate in the cells around the pericarp, then developed in the cells around the embryo. In the second cropping, starch granules in the kernel of colored waxy corn were less compact than the first cropping. The contents of total anthocyanins, cyanidin-3-glucoside and pelargonidin-3-glucoside were increased according to ripening (p<0.05). These results will be helpful to farmers for double cropping of colored waxy corn cultivation and management.