• Title/Summary/Keyword: 문화 연구

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A Study on the introduction & expansion Strategy of New Maritime Culture in Korea (우리나라 새로운 해양문화의 도입과 확장 전략에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hong-Seop
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.269-288
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    • 2010
  • 21 C is called the age of Culture and it is underlined in all the Areas of Human lifes. Among all activities, Culture oriented Thinking and activities and strategies through and for Culture establishing are emphasized. As Sea may appear as a image of longing and challenge for the unknown world, Port is understood as a link which connect Sea and Land. Sea, Island and Port are the basis of human lifes, economic working areas and communication spaces with nature. Sea and Port have been changed in accordance with human History as the space of Life, Work, Play and Imagination. The Maritime activities has been developed as the type of a Culture, including various diversities according to the time and space. This Paper suggested a definition of Maritime Culture and Theoretical review and groped introduction and strategies and countermeasures for expansion of systematic Maritime Culture. Maritime Culture not only enhance the quality of Citizen life but also contribute the progress of National economy increasing the quality of Culture, Turism and Environment and the expectation of it has been enlarged. It is needed to introduce and expand Maritime Culture systematically through theoretical framework suggested by this paper, and additional research may be necessary for the detailed solutions and countermeasures.

The Effects of Information Culture and Organizational Culture on Knowledge Utilization (정보문화와 조직문화 유형이 지식활용에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Seo, Eun-Gyoung;Park, Heejin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.285-308
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    • 2018
  • Knowledge utilization is an activity directly linked to organizational capacity and is the most essential activity in knowledge management that is to produce new values. Thus, systematic and comprehensive understanding of factors and the environment that affect knowledge utilization are needed. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of information culture and organizational culture on knowledge utilization. For this, data were collected from 300 workers from 6 institutions including government-funded research institutes, libraries, and cooperation research institutes. This study analyzes the effects of six aspects of information cultures and four organizational culture types on knowledge utilization. The results show that information cultures(control, transparency, proactiveness) and organizational culture (The Clan Culture, The Adhocracy Culture, The Market Culture, The Hierarchy Culture) are significantly influential factors for the knowledge utilization. Based on results, this study provides the implication of knowledge sharing in the organizations and suggests further studies.

The Factors Affecting Librarian's Multicultural Acceptance (사서의 다문화수용성에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Lee, Yeon-Ok;Chang, Durk-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.241-264
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    • 2016
  • This study aimed to examine multicultural acceptance of librarians and to investigate the factors affecting librarians' multicultural acceptance. For this, this study collected its data through a questionnaire conducted for the public librarians. The total 319 questionnaires were collected and 292 were finally analyzed. The results showed that the factors affecting the multicultural acceptance of the librarians were the experience of overseas residence, of multicultural service and of multicultural education. Based on the results, the ways to cultivate librarians' multicultural acceptance were discussed.

Suggestions for improvement of domestic Digital Cultural Heritage from the analysis of EPOCH project (EPOCH 프로젝트를 바탕으로 한 국내 디지털 문화유산 발전방향의 제안)

  • Park, Min-Seo;Choi, Yeon-Hwa;Lim, Soon-Bum
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.225-231
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    • 2009
  • As digital cultural heritages have been applied to various fields, more systematic research on the domestic digital cultural heritage need to be improved. The EPOCH project by European Union contributed to standardization of ICT+CH domain, creation of network between different organization, and study of socio-economic impact of digital cultural heritage. We can find a way to improve domestic digital cultural heritage projects by analyzing EPOCH project in each management technique culture view. Based on these analysis this paper suggests the necessity to establish an independent research domain for digital cultural heritage, investment in heritage sites by private companies, and research to fit better with the user's need, and study on business administration in digital cultural heritages.

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A Study on the Application and the Effect of Business Culture Class Using Keller's ARCS Motivational Model (Keller의 ARCS 동기모델을 적용한 비즈니스문화 수업과정 설계 및 효과에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Bu-Ja
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to apply Keller's ARCS motivational model to the business culture lessons and to examine the effects on cultural knowledge, interest, awareness and attitude of university students. To accomplish this purpose, the teaching-learning method applying ARCS model for business culture was designed, aiming to improve all elements of learning motivation such as attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction. The experiment was conducted with two groups as follows; one experimental group that received instruction using ARCS model and the other comparison group that received traditional lecture instruction. Both the instruction using the ARCS model and the traditional lecture instruction was effective in increasing knowledge of culture. The instruction using the ARCS model was verified to improve interest in culture, understanding of others from other cultures, motivation to create culture, perception of importance of culture, and perception of necessity of culture education. But the traditional lecture instruction did not show statistically meaningful effects on cultural interest, awareness and attitude.

A Cultural Dimension of Sustainability -Focusing on Cultural Policy and Arts Management in Germany- (지속가능성의 문화적 차원 - 독일의 문화정책과 문화예술경영을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hwa-Im
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.41
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    • pp.141-161
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    • 2015
  • A fundamental understanding of "sustainable development" is generally related to a triptych of social justice, ecological integrity, and economic well-being. It aims at a development of human societies that would achieve the reconciliation of social justice, ecological integrity, and the well-being of all living systems an the planet. Furthermore, the quest for "sustainable development" focuses on economic, ecological, and social dimensions. interdependence of culture and sustainable development. The original syntax was not quite standard English, i.e., it was also unclear and vague. Ergo, this is a hypothetical edit. If you demur, then please rectify it. In Germany, th "Tutzinger Manifest" also includes the cultural dimension as a major dimension of sustainability, thereby arguing for the integration of culture in strategies for sustainability; and furthermore for the building of networks in order to overcome this gap. The cultural dimension of sustainability in Germany involves not only cultural policy, but also culture management.

Abduction as Methodology of Cultural Studies (문화연구의 방법론으로서 가추법이 갖는 유용성)

  • Lee, Hee-Eun
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.54
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    • pp.76-97
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    • 2011
  • What are the meanings of abduction as a methodology of Cultural Studies? By contextualizing Charles Sanders Peirce's logic of abduction in the discipline of Cultural Studies, I explore the epistemological discussion on the modern scientific research methodology of social sciences. Abduction is a kind of logical inference, which is often associated with guessing or intuition. Peirce's method of abduction and Cultural Studies' contextual formation in effect address an alternative methodology to positivism. Criticizing the modern Eurocentric structure of knowledge construction, I suggest that the virtue of abduction, as a logic of discovery, should be re-discovered in the context of Cultural Studies. Abduction holds important lessons for Cultural Studies as well as social sciences in general because of its focus on intuition, empathy, and intellectual collaboration. Through its elaboration of the logic of abduction, Cultural Studies is able to maintain not only its epistemological ground but also its methodological communicability.

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Global Market Segmentation for Global Design -Based on Movement of Global Consumer Culture Meaning- (글로벌 디자인을 위한 글로벌 시장세분화 -글로벌 소비자문화 의미 이동을 기반으로-)

  • 양종열
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 2004
  • Market globalization rapidly has changed market environment. So, in this study, we suggest global design process for many global companies which try to get global competitive advantages over through design. We create a new frame of study for global design as examining the circulative causal sequence structure of global consumer culture, global design, and global segment consumers in the meaning structure of global consumer culture and movement. And, with the new frame of study, the purpose of this study is to propose global consumer culture-based global design process for preference design. For the purpose, we reviewed global segmentation market, global consumer, global consumer culture and global design. And to search the circulative causal sequence structure, we applied to the theory of cultural movement structure by McCraken to constitute the frame of this study. For the empirical research, we focused on global teens consumer culture as the second data. Finally, we suggested global consumer culture-based global design strategy and discussed our future study.

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A Study on the Influence of Satisfaction of Galley Culture and Art Cooperative Society Users on Re-use Intention according to Organizational Capabilities (문화예술협동조합 이용자 관람만족이 조직역량에 따른 재이용의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Sook
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.191-198
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of viewing satisfaction on the reuse intention according to organizational competence. The results of the empirical analysis were as follows. First, satisfaction of visitors to culture and arts cooperative was found to affect re - use intention. Second, the organizational capacity of culture and arts co - operative association was found to affect re - use intention. Third, it was found that the satisfaction of audience of culture - arts co - operative association influenced re - use intention according to organizational capacity. Therefore, this study confirms the influence on the audience satisfaction and re - use intention of the culture - art cooperative association, and it is meaningful to provide the theoretical implication by confirming that the organizational capacity also has an influence on the re - use intention.