• Title/Summary/Keyword: 문헌계량학

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Investigation of Topic Trends in Computer and Information Science by Text Mining Techniques: From the Perspective of Conferences in DBLP (텍스트 마이닝 기법을 이용한 컴퓨터공학 및 정보학 분야 연구동향 조사: DBLP의 학술회의 데이터를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Su Yeon;Song, Sung Jeon;Song, Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.135-152
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    • 2015
  • The goal of this paper is to explore the field of Computer and Information Science with the aid of text mining techniques by mining Computer and Information Science related conference data available in DBLP (Digital Bibliography & Library Project). Although studies based on bibliometric analysis are most prevalent in investigating dynamics of a research field, we attempt to understand dynamics of the field by utilizing Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)-based multinomial topic modeling. For this study, we collect 236,170 documents from 353 conferences related to Computer and Information Science in DBLP. We aim to include conferences in the field of Computer and Information Science as broad as possible. We analyze topic modeling results along with datasets collected over the period of 2000 to 2011 including top authors per topic and top conferences per topic. We identify the following four different patterns in topic trends in the field of computer and information science during this period: growing (network related topics), shrinking (AI and data mining related topics), continuing (web, text mining information retrieval and database related topics), and fluctuating pattern (HCI, information system and multimedia system related topics).

Comparative Analysis of Publication Patterns in Sciences and Humanities: Based on Bibliometric Data from Korea Citation Index (과학 및 인문학 분야 출판 패턴의 비교 분석 : 한국학술지인용색인의 서지 데이터를 기반으로)

  • Yang, Kiduk
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.23-47
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    • 2019
  • In order to ascertain disciplinary differences in publication patterns that can help improve assessment of research performance in Korea, we analyzed the bibliometric data of six disciplines from Korea Citation Index. Results showed differences in research size, competitiveness, productivity, impact, and collaboration among disciplines. Disciplines in science were the largest in terms of author and institution followed by humanities and social science, but humanities produced the most publications per author, followed by social science and science disciplines. Sociology publications received most citation per paper but humanities received most citations per author, which was greatly influenced by the number of co-authors per paper. Distribution of author counts per paper varied widely across disciplines. Humanities were dominated by single-author publications, whereas the majority of publications in sciences were co-authored. The study also highlighted differences in citation lag time and illustrated differences in distribution and impact of core authors and institutions across disciplines.

Introducing Keyword Bibliographic Coupling Analysis (KBCA) for Identifying the Intellectual Structure (지적구조 규명을 위한 키워드서지결합분석 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae Yun;Chung, EunKyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.309-330
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    • 2022
  • Intellectual structure analysis, which quantitatively identifies the structure, characteristics, and sub-domains of fields, has rapidly increased in recent years. Analysis techniques traditionally used to conduct intellectual structure analysis research include bibliographic coupling analysis, co-citation analysis, co-occurrence analysis, and author bibliographic coupling analysis. This study proposes a novel intellectual structure analysis method, Keyword Bibliographic Coupling Analysis (KBCA). The Keyword Bibliographic Coupling Analysis (KBCA) is a variation of the author bibliographic coupling analysis, which targets keywords instead of authors. It calculates the number of references shared by two keywords to the degree of coupling between the two keywords. A set of 1,366 articles in the field of 'Open Data' searched in the Web of Science were collected using the proposed KBCA technique. A total of 63 keywords that appeared more than 7 times, extracted from 1,366 article sets, were selected as core keywords in the open data field. The intellectual structure presented by the KBCA technique with 63 key keywords identified the main areas of open government and open science and 10 sub-areas. On the other hand, the intellectual structure network of co-occurrence word analysis was found to be insufficient in the overall structure and detailed domain structure. This result can be considered because the KBCA sufficiently measures the relationship between keywords using the degree of bibliographic coupling.

A bibliogrphical study of Sun (선(膳)의 문헌적 고찰)

  • Kim, Eun-Sil;Chun, Hee-Jung;Lee, Hyo-Gee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.277-286
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    • 1990
  • Sun is the one of steaming cook and mainly boiled the main material of vegetables and etc. In this thesis, according to the kinds of sun was to analysis reference frequency to them the materials measuring unit of materials, the terms of working and the kitchen utensil by books published in korea from 1420 to 1987. 1. It was 18 kinds of sun in our traditional documents. 2. Materials were classified into the main-material, submaterials and seasionings. 3. There were 20 kinds of measuring units, of them 9 kinds were for volume, 6 kinds were for quantity and the rest measuring units were 5 kinds. 4. There were 12 kinds of kitchen utensil for cooking, they were mainly used a chaeban, chae, castle. 5. There were 18 kinds of cooking terms. The terms of them, 6 kinds were for heating methods, 12 kinds were for the cutting process.

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A Bibliographical Study of Tzeam Using the Fish, Vegetable and Etc (찜의 문헌적 고찰( II ) - 어패류.채소류 및 기타를 이용한 찜을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Eun-Sil;Chun, Hee-Jung;Lee, Hyo-Gee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.77-99
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    • 1990
  • In this thesis, according to the kinds of tzeam in the main materials of fish, vegetable and etc was to analysis reference frequency to them the materials, the measuring unit of materials, the terms of cooking by 49 books published in Korea from 1670 to 1987. 1. It was 69 kinds of tzeam in the main materials of fish vegetables and etc. 2. Materials were classified into the main-materials, sub-materials, seasioning and decorations. 3. There were 42 kinds of measuring units, of them 16 kinds were for volume, 16 kinds were for quantity, 2 kinds were for length and the rest measuring units were 8 kinds. 4. There were 22 kinds of cooking terms. The terms of them, 15 kinds were for heating methods, 7 terms of them were for the cutting process.

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A Study on the Evaluation of Service Quality Index for International Airport Using MCJ (MCJ를 이용한 공항서비스 품질지수 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Chang;Lee, Gang-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2005
  • The main purpose of this study is located at developing Ominibus Monitoring System(OMS) for the purpose of the internal management, which enable to establish job standards, find out matters to be improved, and appreciate for its treatment in a systematic way. It is through developing subjective or objective estimation tool with use of importance, perceived level, and complex index at international airport by each principal service items, The direction of this study came towards for the purpose of developing a metric analysis tool, utilizing the Quantitative Secondary Data, Analysing Perceived Data through airport user surveys, systemizing the data collection-input-analysis process, making data image according to the graph of results, planning service encounter and endowing control attribution, and ensuring competitiveness at the minimal international standards. It is much important to set up a pre-investigation plan on the base of existent foreign literature and actual inspection to international airport. Two tasks have been executed together on the base of this pre-investigation; one is developing subjective estimation standards for departing party, entering party, and airport residence and the other is developing objective standards as complementary methods. The study has processed for the monitoring services at airports regularly and irregularly through developing software system for operating standards after ensuring credibility and feasibility of estimation standards with substantial and statistical way.

Identification of Employee Experience Factors and Their Influence on Job Satisfaction (직원경험 요인 파악 및 직무 만족도에 끼치는 영향력 분석)

  • Juhyeon Lee;So-Hyun Lee;Hee-Woong Kim
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.181-203
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    • 2023
  • With the fierce competition of companies for the attraction of outstanding individuals, job satisfaction of employees has been of importance. In this circumstance, many companies try to invest in job satisfaction improvement by finding employees' everyday experiences and difficulties. However, due to a lack of understanding of the employee experience, their investments are not paying off. This study examined the relationship between employee experience and job satisfaction using employee reviews and company ratings from Glassdoor, one of the largest employee communities worldwide. We use text mining techniques such as K-means clustering and LDA topic-based sentiment analysis to extract key experience factors by job level, and DistilBERT sentiment analysis to measure the sentiment score of each employee experience factor. The drawn employee experience factors and each sentiment score were analyzed quantitatively, and thereby relations between each employee experience factor and job satisfaction were analyzed. As a result, this study found that there is a significant difference between the workplace experiences of managers and general employees. In addition, employee experiences that affect job satisfaction also differed between positions, such as customer relationship and autonomy, which did not affect the satisfaction of managers. This study used text mining and quantitative modeling method based on theory of work adjustment so as to find and verify main factors of employee experience, and thus expanded research literature. In addition, the results of this study are applicable to the personnel management strategy for improving employees' job satisfaction, and are expected to improve corporate productivity ultimately.

Domain Analysis on the Field of Open Access by Co-Word Analysis: Based on Published Journals of Library and Information Science during 2013 to 2018 (동시출현단어 분석을 활용한 오픈액세스 분야의 지적구조 분석: 2013년부터 2018년까지 출판된 문헌정보학 저널을 기반으로)

  • Kim, Sun-Kyum;Kim, Wan-Jong;Seo, Tae-Sul;Choi, Hyun-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.333-356
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    • 2019
  • Open access has emerged as an alternative to overcome the crisis brought by scholarly communication on commercial publishers. The purpose of this study is to suggest the intellectual structure that reflects the newest research trend in the field of open access, to identify how the subject area is structured by using co-word analysis, and compare and analyze with the existing study. In order to do this, the total number of dataset was 761 papers collected from Web of Science during the period from January 2012 to November 2018 using information science and 2,321 keywords as a noun phase are extracted from titles and abstracts. To analyze the intellectual structure of open access, 13 topic clusters are extracted by network analysis and the keywords with higher centrallity are drawn by visualizing the intellectual relationship. In addition, after clustering analysis, the relationship was analyzed by plotting the result on the multidimensional scaling map. As a result, it is expected that our research helps the research direction of open access for the future.

Trends in Article Published in the Journal of Trauma and Injury: Bibliometric and Citation Analysis (대한외상학회지에 게재된 문헌들의 추세: 계량서지학과 인용을 이용한 분석)

  • Hutchison, Yejin L.;Cha, Hyun Min;Oh, Jae Hoon;Kang, Hyung Goo;Lim, Tae Ho;Lee, Yoon Je;Kang, Bo Seung;Kim, Chang Sun;Choi, Hyuk Joong
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.182-189
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: We performed a quantitative and qualitative analysis in the Journal of the Korean Society of Traumatology (JKST) by Bibliometrics to know the trends of articles. Methods: We reviewed articles in the JKST retrospectively through 1988 to 2014. Articles were classified into original articles, case reports, review articles, and also it is further classified as topics and the information related to the Department of Medicine of corresponding author. Original article was classified prospective and retrospective studies. Results: 753 studies and average of 27.9 studies per year were posted on JKST. 576 original articles (76.5%) were posted. Retrospective studies around 449 studies (78%) were posted and there were about 35 descript studies and 541 analytic studies. The most common themes were related to abdominal trauma, 144 pieces, 95 pieces following damage to the chest and the 84 pieces of special order of trauma. Emergency department had the highest case whereas general surgery came to the second place. Conclusion: Recently, there has been reduced proportion of original article in JKST. It was not possible to evaluate the Korea Citation index journals due to the fact that it does not correspond to listed register Journal of National Foundation of Korea. There will be the need for the effort to improve the maintenance of the posted article number, as well as the qualitative development of the posted articles.

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A Study on the Customer Shopping Behavior based on the Store Image (점포이미지가 소비자 쇼핑행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Sung-Joo
    • The Journal of Information Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.89-101
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    • 2004
  • This study, Based on the study theories of up to the present was to a consumer's shopping motive, the process of choice and the theory of a consumer's store choice by his or her preference. It investigates the components of store image referring many thesis from documents of domestic and foreign countries. The major findings of from study an as follows: First, as general characteristics of samples, the component ratio of women is much higher than that of men. As for marital status, married consumers are large in numbers, and for educational back ground, high educated young couples go shopping frequently at department stores. As for ages, consumers under the 30s take great part in, for the occupation, many are housewives and for the average income of a month, under one million won income earners are major consumers. Second, about shopping motive, married ones do it for refreshing themselves, but for singles, they do shopping for the pleasure of bargain sales. The most important reason which influences on the shopping motive is 'pleasure of bargain sales' regardless of all ages. Third, according to the analysis of shopping motive and the characteristics of 15 store images, there are noteworthy differences statistically in shopping motive, attraction and reliance on advertisement, an atmosphere of a store and the degree of crowdedness.

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