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Development of test for Korean functional health literacy in dentistry (국내거주 외국인을 위한 한국형 치과정보 이해능력 평가도구의 개발)

  • Kim, Hyun-Kyung;Noh, Hie-Jin;Jung, Im-Hee;Chung, Won-Gyun;Lee, Yun;Mun, So-Jung;Jeon, Hyun-Sun;Han, Sun-Young;Choi, Eun-Hee;Ki, Jun-Sung;Koo, Min-Ji;Jeong, Ju-Hui
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.355-362
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: This study aimed to develop a tool for assessing foreigners' understanding of oral health information in Korea called the Test of Korean Functional Health Literacy in Dentistry(TOKFHLiD) and examined validity and reliability of the tool. The TOKFHLiD consists of two literacy assessment parts: Dental Information Sentence(DIS) aims to assess one's literacy of sentences containing oral health information. Dental Information Document(DID) aims to assess one's numeracy and literacy of documents containing oral health information. Methods: Twenty eight preliminary questions were developed based on various medical care literature such as the agreement to diagnosis and treatment and the treatment precautions. DID using 14 preliminary questions was developed based on the appointment card, the treatment schedule, and labels on oral care products. The 42 preliminary questions in the DIS and the DID were subsequently put through four separate expert reviews, in which questions with content validity score of less than 0.8(13/15 points) were corrected and modified by five dental experts and then were corrected for language errors by two Korean language experts. The preliminary assessment tool was tested on 153 Koreans, and χ2 test was performed on the ratio of respondents who comprehended each question, the ratio of respondents who chose the correct answer for each question with a significance level of 0.05. Results: Of the 42 preliminary questions, 1 question in DIS and 1 question in DID, for which the ratio of Korean respondents who chose the correct answers did not exceed the acceptable level of 80%, were excluded and a final assessment tool was completed with 40 questions. Conclusions: Following the development and application of the tool, examination of the TOKHLiD for validity and reliability revealed that this assessment tool is adequate for assessing oral health information literacy of foreigners who are using oral hygiene medical services in Korea.

An Analysis of Validity and Satisfaction for Objectives of Small and Medium Business(SMB) Administration Subsidy the Human Resource Development Program(HRDP) and the Customized Employment Program(CEP) in Specialized High Schools (중소기업 특성화고 인력양성사업과 취업맞춤반의 성과 목표에 대한 타당도 및 만족도 분석 연구)

  • Lee, Byung Wook;Ahn, Jae Yeong;Kang, Chol Min
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.68-87
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    • 2016
  • This research conducted a survey for total 166 teachers of schools so as to analyze validity and satisfaction for performance objectives of SMB administration subsidy the HRDP and the CEP in Specialized High School. The results of research are as follows. First, teachers recognize that purpose of HRDP is to expand employment of specialized high school and provide human resource of SMB. And, they recognize that HRDP is important to improve school outcomes and makes a positive effect on the improvement of school outcomes. Second, teachers recognize that objectives of HRDP are improvement of student's understanding for SMB, improvement of teacher's understanding for SMB, improvement of SMB's understanding of school, cultivation of student's occupational view, systematization of career guiding program based on employment process, strengthening of industry-academia cooperation education, improvement of the level of student's skill, fulfillment of workplace experience and practice focusing workplace learning, training of customized human resource for SMB, improvement of student's adaptation to the workplace, improvement of employment rate for SMB, expansion of job opportunities for students with SMB, preparation of the base of connection between school and SMB, publicity of school, expansion of opportunities to cooperate between SMB and school, establishment of cooperative system among industrial association and school, introduction and operation of the employment connective model for joint education and employment, strengthening of field professionalism of teachers. However, satisfaction for the achievement of objectives of HRDP except for strengthening of industry-academia cooperation education and improvement of employment rate for SMB is relatively lower than the validity. Third, teachers in charge of human resource training business of middle and small sized company's specialized high school recognize that objectives of CEP are expansion of job opportunities for students with SMB, excavation of good-quality SMB, expansion of opportunities to cooperate between SMB and school, fulfillment of workplace learning, improvement of student's major foundation and in-depth skill, improvement of literacy, math, teamwork and communication abilities for students' job performance, improvement of student's working attitude and student's proper career exploration decision. However, satisfaction for achievement of objectives of CEP is relatively lower than the validity.

Strategies for Increasing the Value and Sustainability of Archaeological Education in the Post-COVID-19 Era (포스트 코로나 시대 고고유산 교육의 가치와 지속가능성을 위한 전략)

  • KIM, Eunkyung
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.82-100
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    • 2022
  • With the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic and the era of the 4th industrial revolution, archaeological heritage education has entered a new phase. This article responds to the trends in the post-COVID-19 era, seeking ways to develop archaeological heritage education and sustainable strategies necessary in the era of the 4th industrial revolution. The program of archaeological heritage education required in the era of the 4th industrial revolution must cultivate creative talent, solve problems, and improve self-efficacy. It should also draw attention to archaeological heritage maker education. Such maker education should be delivered based on constructivism and be designed by setting specific learning goals in consideration of various age-specific characteristics. Moreover, various ICT-based contents applying VR, AR, cloud, and drone imaging technologies should be developed and expanded, and, above all, ontact digital education(real-time virtual learning) should seek ways to revitalize communities capable of interactive communication in non-face-to-face situations. The development of such ancient heritage content needs to add AI functions that consider learners' interests, learning abilities, and learning purposes while producing various convergent contents from the standpoint of "cultural collage." Online archaeological heritage content education should be delivered following prior learning or with supplementary learning in consideration of motivation or field learning to access the real thing in the future. Ultimately, archaeological ontact education will be delivered using cutting-edge technologies that reflect the current trends. In conjunction with this, continuous efforts are needed for constructive learning that enables discovery and question-exploration.