• Title/Summary/Keyword: 모형사면

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Soil Moisture Monitoring at a Hillslope Scale Considering Spatial-Temporal Characteristics (봄, 가을철 시공간적 특성을 고려한 사면에서의 토양수분 거동파악)

  • Oh Kyoung-Joon;Lee Hye-Sun;Kim Do-Hoon;Kim Hyun-Jun;Kim Nam-Won;Kim Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.39 no.7 s.168
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    • pp.605-615
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    • 2006
  • In order to analyze movement of soil moisture, Time Domain Reflectometry(TDR) with multiplex system has been installed at the Bumreunsa hillslope of Sulmachun Watershed to configure spatial-temporal variation pattern considering seasonal characteristic. An intensive surveying was performed to build a refined digital elevation model(DEM) and flow determination algorithms with inverse surveying have been applied to establish an efficient soil moisture monitoring system. Soil moisture data were collected through an intensive and long term monitoring 380 hrs in November of 2003 and 1037 hrs in May and June of 2004. Soil moisture data shows corresponding variation characteristics of soil moisture on the up slope, buffer, main channel zones of the hillslope which were classified from terrain analysis. Measured soil moisture data were discussed in conjunction with flow characteristic through terrain analysis. Regardless season, immediate responses of soil moisture about rainfall looks similar but recession and recharge are primary characteristics of intermediate soil moisture variation for spring to summer and fall to winter season, respectively.

GIS-based Subsidence Hazard Map in Urban Area (GIS 기반의 도심지 지반침하지도 작성 사례)

  • Choi, Eun-Kyeong;Kim, Sung-Wook;Cho, Jin-Woo;Lee, Ju-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.33 no.10
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2017
  • The hazard maps for predicting collapse on natural slopes consist of a combination of topographic, hydrological, and geological factors. Topographic factors are extracted from DEM, including aspect, slope, curvature, and topographic index. Hydrological factors, such as soil drainage, stream-power index, and wetness index are most important factors for slope instability. However, most of the urban areas are located on the plains and it is difficult to apply the hazard map using the topography and hydrological factors. In order to evaluate the risk of subsidence of flat and low slope areas, soil depth and groundwater level data were collected and used as a factor for interpretation. In addition, the reliability of the hazard map was compared with the disaster history of the study area (Gangnam-gu and Yeouido district). In the disaster map of the disaster prevention agency, the urban area was mostly classified as the stable area and did not reflect the collapse history. Soil depth, drainage conditions and groundwater level obtained from boreholes were added as input data of hazard map, and disaster vulnerability increased at the location where the actual subsidence points. In the study area where damage occurred, the moderate and low grades of the vulnerability of previous hazard map were 12% and 88%, respectively. While, the improved map showed 2% high grade, moderate grade 29%, low grade 66% and very low grade 2%. These results were similar to actual damage.

An Experimental Study on Behavior Characteristics of the Pretension Soil Nailing Systems (프리텐션 쏘일네일링 시스템의 거동특성에 관한 실험적 고찰)

  • Choi, Young-Geun;Shin, Bang-Woong;Park, Si-Sam;Kim, Hong-Taek
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2004
  • Application of the soil nailing method is continuously extending in maintaining stable excavations and slopes. However, ground anchor support system occasionally may not be used because of space limitations in urban excavation sites nearby the existing structures. In this case, soil nailing system with relatively short length of nails could be efficiently adopted as an alternative method. The general soil nailing support system, however, may result in excessive deformations particularly in an excavation zone of the existing weak subsoils. Pretensioning the soil nails then could play important roles to reduce deformations mainly in an upper part of the nailed-soil excavation system as well as to improve local stability. In this study, a newly modified soil nailing technology named as the PSN (Pretension Soil Nailing) is developed to reduce both facing displacements and ground surface settlements in top-down excavation process as well as to increase the global stability. Up to now, the PSN system has been investigated mainly focusing on an establishment of the design procedure. In the present study, laboratory model tests are carried out to investigate the failure mechanism and behavior characteristics of the PSN system. Various results of model tests are also analyzed to provide a fundamental basis for the efficient design.

Crystal Structure and Thermal Stability Study on Tetrabutylammonium Hexamolybdate [n-Bu4N]2[Mo6O19](TBAM)

  • Zhao, Pu Su;Zhao, Zhan Ru;Jian, Fang Fang;Lu, Lu De
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.553-558
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    • 2003
  • The crystal structure of $[n-Bu_4N]_2[Mo_6O_{19}]$(TBAM) (n-Bu4N=tetrabutylammonium) has been determined by X-ray crystallography. It crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group C2/c, with lattice parameters ${\alpha}$=16.314(5), b=17.288(5), c=17.776(4)${\AA}$ ${\beta}$=101.47(3), and Z=4. In $[Mo_6O{19}]^{2-}$ anion, Mo atoms occupy six vertices of octahedron and each Mo atom is coordinated by six oxygen atoms to adopt distorted octahedral coordination geometry. The average bond distance of Mo-Ot (terminal), Mo-Ob (bridged) and Mo-Oc (central) are 1.680 ${\AA}$, 1.931 ${\AA}$ and 2.325 ${\AA}$ respectively. In $[n-Bu_4N]^+$ cation, the N atom possesses a slightly distorted tetrahedral geometry. There are some potential extensive C-H ${\cdots}$ O hydrogen bonds in the lattice, by which connecte molecules and stabilize the crystal structure. Thermogravimetric analysis suggests that thermal decomposition of the title compound includes two transitions and it loses weight at 356.0 and 803.5 $^{\circ}$, respectively, and the residue presumable be $Mo_2O_2$. Accordingly, the title compound has high thermal stability.

Topographic and Meteorological Characteristics of Pinus densiflora Dieback Areas in Sogwang-Ri, Uljin (울진 소광리 산림유전자원보호구역 내 금강소나무 고사지역의 지형 환경 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Jaebeom;Kim, Eun-Sook;Lim, Jong-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.10-18
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    • 2017
  • Korean Red Pine (Pinus densiflora) has been protected and used as the most ecologically and socio-culturally important tree species in Korea. However, as dieback of Korean red pines has occurred in the protected area of the forest genetic resources. The aims of this study is to identify causes for dieback of pine tree by investigating topographical characteristics of pine tree dieback and its correlation to meteorological factors. We extracted the dead trees from the time series aerial images and analyzed geomorphological characteristics of dead tree concentration area. As a result, 1,956 dead pine trees were extracted in the study region of 2,600 ha. Dieback of pine trees was found mostly in the areas with high altitude, high solar radiation, low topographic wetness index, south and south-west slopes, ridgelines, and high wind exposure compared to other living pine forest area. These areas are classified as high temperature and high drought stress regions due to micro-climatic characteristics affected by topographic factors. As high temperature and drought stress are generally increasing with climate change, we can evaluated that a risk of pine tree dieback is also increasing. Based on these geomorphological characteristics, we developed a pine tree dieback risk map using Maximum Entropy Model (MaxEnt), and it can be useful for establishing Korean red pine protection and management strategies.

The Roles of Wind Shadow Aspect Ratio upon the Behaviors of Transverse Dunes : A Dynamics Analysis on the Behavior Space (바람그늘의 기울기가 횡사구의 지형발달에서 담당하는 역할 -거동 공간상의 동역학적 분석을 중심으로-)

  • RHEW, Hosahng
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.887-911
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    • 2016
  • The empirical law that transverse dunes migrate inversely with their heights leads logically to the prediction that multiple dune ridges will converse to a single huge dune by merging. This contradicts the existence of the steady state dune fields on the Earth. The recent studies have emphasized dune collisions as a key mechanism to the stability of dunefield. The roles of wind shadow aspect ratio, however, have yet to be fully explored. This research aims to investigate the potential roles of wind shadow aspect ratio in the dynamical behaviors of transverse dune field. The simplified model is established for this, based upon allometric properties of transverse dunes, wind speedup on the stoss slope and sand trapping efficiency. The derived governing equations can be transformed to the zoning criteria and vector field for dune evolution. The dynamics analysis indicates that wind shadow aspect ratios do not produce convergent areas on the behavior space; rather, they just act as one of the factors that affect the trajectories of dune evolution. Though the model cannot represent the stability of dune field, but seem to produce a reasonable exponent for dune spacing-height relations.

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Development of Hydraulic Jet Dredge ( 1 ) - Water tank Experiment for the Excavating Performance of Water-Jet Nozzle on the Sand - (분사식 행망의 개발에 관한 연구 ( I ) - 분사노즐의 사면 굴삭성능에 관한 수조실험 -)

  • Jo, Bong-Gon;Go, Gwan-Seo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.255-265
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    • 1991
  • In order to find the excavating performance of water-jet nozzle on the sand, the authors were carried out the excavating experiment with the model nozzles which were semi circular sectioned nozzles and rectangular nozzle in water tank. The results were as follows. 1) Excavating maximum depth and width on the sand by the water jet were straightly increased in proportion to the velocity of water jet and the section area of nozzle, and that, by the nozzle distance from the excavating point on the sand, the depth was decreased, while the width was increased straightly. 2) Rectangular nozzle which the thick of hole is 1mm, was a little bit better than the circular nozzle of the same sectioned area on the excavating performance. 3) Empirical equations between the velocity of water jet, the distance of nozzle, and the maximum excavating depth and width by angle of nozzle were expressed as linear, they were as follows on the 45$^{\circ}$ angle of the rectangular nozzle(1$\times$12mm); D=0.0093V sub(0)-0.23H+5.7. W=0.0147V sub(0)+1.06H+10.2. where, D is the maximum excavating depth(cm), W is the maximum excavation width(cm), V sub(0) is the velocity of water jet(cm/s); 926$\leq$V sub(0)$\leq$1504, H is the distance(cm) from nozzle tip to water-jetted point on the surface of sand.

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A Study on the Deposition Characteristics of Debris Flow Using Small-scaled Laboratory Test (실내 모형실험을 통한 토석류 퇴적 특성 연구)

  • Chang, Hyungjoon;Ryou, Kukhyun;Lee, Hojin
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to understand the deposition characteristics of debris flow and to analyze the reduction effect of debris flow damage by installing a berm. Flume experiments were performed in consideration of various channel slope and volumetric sediment concontration. In order to analyze the reduction effect of debris flow damage by installing a berm, the cases of not installing a berm and the cases of installing a berm were compared. In this study, the runout distance, total travel distance, and mobility ratio were analyzed among the deposition characteristics of debris flow. First, the deposition characteristics of debris flow according to the change of the channel slope were analyzed, and the deposition characteristics of debris flow due to the change of volumetric sediment concentration were analyzed. In addition, the change rate of debris flow deposition characteristics when a berm was installed was calculated based on the case when a berm was not installed. As a result of the experiments, it was confirmed that the channel slope and volumetric sediment concentration had a significant effect on the deposition characteristics of debris flow. In addition, when a berm is installed on the slope, the runout distance and mobility ratio of debris flow are greatly decreased, and the total travel distance is increased. This means that installing a berm delays the movement of debris flow and reduces the potential mobility of debris flow. The results of this study will provide useful information for understanding the deposition characteristics of debris flow. Furthermore, it is expected to help in the design of a berm.

ROC Analysis of Topographic Factors in Flood Vulnerable Area considering Surface Runoff Characteristics (지표 유출 특성을 고려한 홍수취약지역 지형학적 인자의 ROC 분석)

  • Lee, Jae Yeong;Kim, Ji-Sung
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.327-335
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    • 2020
  • The method of selecting an existing flood hazard area via a numerical model requires considerable time and effort. In this regard, this study proposes a method for selecting flood vulnerable areas through topographic analysis based on a surface runoff mechanism to reduce the time and effort required. Flood vulnerable areas based on runoff mechanisms refer to those areas that are advantageous in terms of the flow accumulation characteristics of rainfall-runoff water at the surface, and they generally include lowlands, mild slopes, and rivers. For the analysis, a digital topographic map of the target area (Seoul) was employed. In addition, in the topographic analysis, eight topographic factors were considered, namely, the elevation, slope, profile and plan curvature, topographic wetness index (TWI), stream power index, and the distances from rivers and manholes. Moreover, receiver operating characteristic analysis was conducted between the topographic factors and actual inundation trace data. The results revealed that four topographic factors, namely, elevation, slope, TWI, and distance from manholes, explained the flooded area well. Thus, when a flood vulnerable area is selected, the prioritization method for various factors as proposed in this study can simplify the topographical analytical factors that contribute to flooding.

Improving Usage of the Korea Meteorological Administration's Digital Forecasts in Agriculture: I. Correction for Local Temperature under the Inversion Condition (기상청 동네예보의 영농활용도 증진을 위한 방안: I. 기온역전조건의 국지기온 보정)

  • Kim, Soo-Ock;Kim, Dae-Jun;Kim, Jin-Hee;Yun, Jin I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.76-84
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    • 2013
  • An adequate downscaling of the official forecasts of Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) is a prerequisite to improving the value and utility of agrometeorological information in rural areas, where complex terrain and small farms constitute major features of the landscape. In this study, we suggest a simple correction scheme for scaling down the KMA temperature forecasts from mesoscale (5 km by 5 km) to the local scale (30 m by 30 m) across a rural catchment, especially under temperature inversion conditions. The study area is a rural catchment of $50km^2$ area with complex terrain and located on a southern slope of Mountain Jiri National Park. Temperature forecasts for 0600 LST on 62 days with temperature inversion were selected from the fall 2011-spring 2012 KMA data archive. A geospatial correction scheme which can simulate both cold air drainage and the so-called 'thermal belt' was used to derive the site-specific temperature deviation across the study area at a 30 m by 30 m resolution from the original 5 km by 5 km forecast grids. The observed temperature data at 12 validation sites within the study area showed a substantial reduction in forecast error: from ${\pm}2^{\circ}C$ to ${\pm}1^{\circ}C$ in the mean error range and from $1.9^{\circ}C$ to $1.6^{\circ}C$ in the root mean square error. Improvement was most remarkable at low lying locations showing frequent cold pooling events. Temperature prediction error was less than $2^{\circ}C$ for more than 80% of the observed inversion cases and less than $1^{\circ}C$ for half of the cases. Temperature forecasts corrected by this scheme may accelerate implementation of the freeze and frost early warning service for major fruits growing regions in Korea.