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Development of Youtube Literacy Checklist for Digital Natives (디지털 네이티브 세대를 위한 유튜브 리터러시 체크리스트 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Hyungjin Lukas;Jung, Hyojung;Kwon, Boram
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.273-284
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    • 2022
  • YouTube usage continues to increase, and the age group who spends the most time on YouTube is surveyed in the teens. It is practically impossible to prevent children and young people from being exposed to harmful content, so nurturing the ability to choose and use YouTube content in a healthy way can be a fundamental solution. Therefore, in this study, we tried to identify what YouTube literacy is for the digital native generation, and to prepare standards to be considered in common. The purpose of this study is to refine the definition of YouTube literacy competency and to develop a checklist that can be used when guiding and guiding children and adolescents to use the YouTube platform. To this end, a conceptual definition and checklist were developed by conducting prior research and overseas case analysis, and validity was secured through expert and educator reviews. The finally developed checklist includes 4 categories, 10 areas, and 23 criteria: media access, critical understanding, media participation, and ethical use.

A Study on the Strategy of Securing the Archival Budget through Qualitative Research Method (기록전문직의 기록관리 사업예산 확보 전략 연구)

  • Suh, Hwayul;Yim, Jinhee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.55-81
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to explore a budget-securing strategy to enable archival professionals in public institutions to continuously secure the budget for records management projects. This study is an analysis of the results of in-depth interviews with 14 archival professionals who have worked for public institutions and secured budgets for records management projects. As a result of the analysis, 4 upper categories and 10 categories are extracted as factors influencing budget securement. The top four categories are the job environment of archival professionals, umbrella organization and organizational culture, business and budget characteristics, and system and social environment. As the budget-securing strategy for archival professionals, a total of 3 categories and 13 strategic codes are derived. The three categories are utilizing individual-centered competencies, establishing organization-centered relationships, and finding external environment-centered triggers. This study emphasized the perspective of archival professionals and suggested implications such as the role of archival professionals and the direction of improvement in securing budgets.

The Effects of Bicultural Acceptance Attitude on Life Satisfaction of Multicultural Adolescents : Serial Multiple Mediating Effects of Social Competence and Self-Esteem (다문화 청소년의 이중문화 수용태도가 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향 : 사회적 역량과 자아존중감의 연속다중매개효과)

  • Park, Dong-Jin;Kim, Song-Mi;Park, Kyung A
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.803-812
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    • 2022
  • This study tried to examine the effect of multicultural adolescents' bicultural acceptance attitude on their life satisfaction and the serial multiple mediating effect of social competence and self-esteem in the relationship between them. To this purpose, we analyzed adolescents data from the first year(2019) of the 'Multicultural Adolescent Panel Study'(2nd group). As a result of the study, first, bicultural acceptance attitude had a significant positive effect on life satisfaction. Second, social competence mediated the effect of bicultural acceptance attitude on life satisfaction. Third, self-esteem mediated the effect of bicultural acceptance attitude on life satisfaction. Fourth, social competence and self-esteem were successively multi-mediated bicultural acceptance attitude on life satisfaction. Based on the results of this study, the implications of the results of this study were discussed along with measures to support the healthy growth and development of multicultural adolescents.

Influence of COVID-19-related Nursing Experience on Job Stress of Nurses (COVID-19 관련 업무 경험이 간호사의 직무 스트레스에 주는 영향)

  • Kim, Yeon Hee;Joo, Hyun Sil;Lee, Jeong Eon;Lee, Mi Sun
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study aimed to compare and analyze the job stress of nurses with and without in COVID-19-related work. Methods: A structured self-reported questionnaire survey was conducted to assess job stress. The extent of job stress was compared between nurses with COVID-19 (COVID-19 group) and those without such experience (non-COVID-19 group). Multiple regression analysis was performed to identify the factors influencing job stress. Results: Job stress was higher in the COVID-19 group compared to the non-COVID-19 group (t=2.54, p=.12). In sub-categorical comparison, stress driven by a taxing work environment, relationship conflict, and work schedule was higher in the COVID-19 group than the non-COVID-19 group. Multiple regression analysis revealed the job stress was higher among nurses with COVID-19-related work experience than that of non-experienced nurses. The factors affecting job stress of nurses with COVID-19-related work experience included emergency room work, providing nursing assistant for COVID-patients, and caring for these patients. Conclusion: Since COVID-19-related work experience is a major factor that affects nurses' job stress, it is imperative to provide various support measures for nursing assistants such as providing a break from working in an environment with high risk of infection, adjusting work schedules, resolving conflicts between personnel, and securing support.

Consumption Values of Fast Food according to Health Consciousness in American Consumers (미국 소비자의 건강관심도에 따른 패스트푸드 소비가치 차이에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kiwon;Lee, Youngmi
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.309-320
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    • 2022
  • Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the consumption values of fast foods among American consumers and compare the consumption values according to the levels of health consciousness. Methods: An online survey using a self-administered questionnaire was conducted on 351 American consumers. Based on the median health consciousness score (3.83 out of 5 points), the subjects were classified into the low health-conscious group (Low group) and the high health-conscious group (High group). Factor analysis was used to extract factors for the five consumption values (functional, social, emotional, conditional, and epistemic values). The differences in the consumption values between the two groups were analyzed. Results: A total of 14 factors were extracted for the five consumption values and 9 factors among them (convenience, healthiness, and taste in functional values; health-conscious people, young, busy, obese people, low class, and budget restricted people in social values; guilt in emotional values; accidental situations in conditional values) showed significant differences between the two groups. The Low group had a higher perception of the factor of healthiness (P < 0.001) than the High group. The High group had a relatively higher perception of the factors of convenience (P < 0.001), taste (P < 0.001), and guilt (P < 0.001). In addition, the High group perceived the social values of fast foods more negatively. The High group consumed fast foods less frequently than the Low group and perceived their health status and healthiness of eating habits more positively. Conclusions: The results reveal that the health consciousness level significantly influences consumption value perceptions about fast foods in American consumers. Policymakers and marketers can develop effective strategies based on the results of this study.

Designing of standard sizing system for hygienic masks (의약외품 마스크의 표준 치수 규격 개발)

  • Oh, Seol Young;Suh, Dong Ae
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.495-512
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to design a new sizing system for hygienic masks to protect against COVID-19-related respiratory disorders. The product sizes were collected from 70 commercially available hygienic masks, and 18 head measurements were obtained from the three-dimensional (3D) scan data of 2,048 men and women aged 20 to 69 years from the 6th Size Korea Survey. The statistical analysis was performed using the IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 28.0 program. The "bitragion-subnasale arc" and "menton-sellion length" were chosen as the key body dimensions for the hygienic mask sizing system. The linear regressions with 18 3D head measurements were analyzed, and it was determined that the key body dimensions were useful for statistically predicting other 3D head measurements related to hygienic masks. A new sizing system was proposed for two types of masks, "masks with a tight fit" and "masks with a loose fit," taking into account the existing Korean Industrial Standards (KS) and the shortcomings of the sizes of hygienic masks on the market. The sizing system for tight-fitting masks consisted of the key body dimensions, with their sizes indicated by a pair of numbers. The sizing system for loose-fitting masks consisted solely of the bitragion-subnasale arc, with their sizes denoted by letters such as S, M, and L (denoting small, medium, and large, respectively). Future studies should consider this mask sizing system for different age groups, such as children and adolescents.

Measuring the Economic Value of a Self Archiving and Journal Repository System for Open Access (오픈액세스를 위한 리포지터리 시스템에 대한 수요 분석과 경제적 가치 측정)

  • Kwon, Nahyun;Pyo, Soon Hee
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.179-203
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    • 2022
  • This study purposed to measure the economic value of repository services of the National Open Access Platform (AccessON), namely Self Archiving and Journal Repository. The value of Self Archiving was measured by applying time-saving value and the value of Journal Repositories by applying market analogy. Based on existing statistics, in-depth interviews with service beneficiaries and stakeholders, and a survey administered to 1,313 researchers, the value of Self Archiving was estimated to be 145 million won and an additional 12 million won with the OA legalization. The value of Journal Repositories was estimated to be 31.2 billion won. The total value of the repository services was 31.35 billion won over the 8-year business period. This result presented an estimated economic value of a national OA repository from the key beneficiaries' perspectives.

Analysis of Surface Image Velocity Field without Ground Control Points using Drone Navigation Information (드론의 비행정보를 이용한 지상표정점 없는 표면유속장 분석)

  • Yu, Kwonkyu;Lee, Junhyeong
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.154-162
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    • 2022
  • In this study, a technique for estimating water surface velocity fields in the Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system using the GPS information of a propagating drone but not ground control points is developed. First, we determine the image direction in which the upper side of an image is directed based on the navigation information of the drone. Subsequently, we assign the start and end frames of the video used and determine the analysis range. Using these two frames, we segment the measurement cross-section into a few subsections at regular intervals. At these subsections, we analyze 30 frame images to create spatio-temporal volumes for calculating the velocity fields. The results of the developed method (propagating drone surface image velocimetry) are compared with those of the existing method (hovering drone surface image velocimetry), and relatively good agreement is indicated between both in terms of the velocity fields.

Usefulness of 3D Rotational Angiography for Cerebral Vascular Diameter Measurement (뇌혈관 직경측정을 위한 3차원 회전 혈관조영술의 유용성)

  • Seung-Gi, Kim;Sang-Hyun, Kim
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2023
  • When measuring cerebrovascular with 3D rotational angiography, the accuracy was verified by comparing the actual size and measurement size, respectively. It is intended to help select therapeutic materials and instruments during cerebrovascular intervention by comparing the average error rates for measured values in the 3DRA and CTA methods by examining with protocols such as brain CTA, which are always performed in emergency situations. The mean error rate between the groups of measurers was ±3.655% for radiation technologist and ±3.331% for university students, and the mean error rate of the student group was within tolerance (±10%), and the independent sample T-test result t =0.879, p=0.394 (p>0.05) showed no statistically difference between the two. In addition, the average error rate measured by both groups by 3DRA was measured below ±5% within the tolerance error rate (±10%), and most of CTA was measured within the tolerance range (±10%), but showed an average error rate of up to 5.65%, and the independent sample T-test result was statistically more accurate than 3DRA. Both the 3DRA method and the brain CTA method for measuring cerebrovascular size could be accurately measured within tolerance, but it would be better to measure cerebrovascular blood vessels using a more accurate 3DRA method during cerebrovascular intervention.

Analysis of suppressed thermal conductivity using multiple nanoparticle layers (다중층 나노구조체를 통한 열차단 특성 제어)

  • Tae Ho Noh;Ee Le Shim
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.233-242
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    • 2023
  • In recent years, energy-management studies in buildings have proven useful for energy savings. Typically, during heating and cooling, the energy from a given building is lost through its windows. Generally, to block the entry of ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) rays, thin films of deposited metals or metal oxides are used, and the blocking of UV and IR rays by these thin films depends on the materials deposited on them. Therefore, by controlling the thicknesses and densities of the thin films, improving the transmittance of visible light and the blocking of heat rays such as UV and IR may be possible. Such improvements can be realized not only by changing the two-dimensional thin films but also by altering the zero-dimensional (0-D) nanostructures deposited on the films. In this study, 0-D nanoparticles were synthesized using a sol -gel procedure. The synthesized nanoparticles were deposited as deep coatings on polymer and glass substrates. Through spectral analysis in the UV-visible (vis) region, thin-film layers of deposited zinc oxide nanoparticles blocked >95 % of UV rays. For high transmittance in the visible-light region and low transmittance in the IR and UV regions, hybrid multiple layers of silica nanoparticles, zinc oxide particles, and fluorine-doped tin oxide nanoparticles were formed on glass and polymer substrates. Spectrophotometry in the UV-vis-near-IR regions revealed that the substrates prevented heat loss well. The glass and polymer substrates achieved transmittance values of 80 % in the visible-light region, 50 % to 60 % in the IR region, and 90 % in the UV region.