Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
In recent years, changes in the university libraries environment have led to increased emphases on improving or restructuring the organizational structures of university libraries. Technology, trends toward access over ownership, user focus, and restructuring in higher education are some of the major factors contributing to these changes. The users' new information retrieving behavior are emerged from the developments in information technology with new media and from the competitive research environments, and thus this trend has led to the gradual increase of collection arrangement by subjects rather than by forms, particularly from 1995 in Korean universities' libraries. Users especially in university libraries who are frequently seeking information on the specific subject, are going to find a room accoinmodating all forms of information on the subject, that is, one-stop information service. As a result, subject division structure have adopted as a new organizational structure in Korea. Our survey shows 34 out of 73 university libraries in Korea is taking this structure of which collections are arranged by subjects, while the rest of them are operating with a traditional organizational structure by forms focusing on keeping of collection management. In the future, university libraries with traditional organizational structure will be moving towards the subject division structure which is a recommended one by this study.
최근 사회의 다변화, 고령화 및 소비자의 다양한 욕구 증대 등으로 인하여 세분화된 소비계층을 겨냥한 다양한 신제품들이 출시, 판매되고 있는 반면, 일반 백색시유를 제외하고는 제품의 라이프사이클이 크게 줄어드는 경향을 보이고 있다. 건강기능식품 시대의 도래와 함께 첨단 기능성 소재들이 속속 등장하고 있으며, 유가공업계도 이들 소재를 응용한 연구개발과 공정개선을 통한 신제품 출시에 박차를 가하고 있다. 그러나 음용유 시장에서 절대적인 비중을 차지하고 있는 시유부문은 저출산율과 수입개방 등의 악재로 인하여 점차적인 감소 추세에 접어들고 있다. 따라서 국내 유가공업체는 원유소비 증대와 유제품 경쟁력을 확보하기 위해 유제품의 다양화, 고급화를 위한 기술개발 및 유제품의 적극적인 홍보 등의 전략이 필수적이다. 이를 위해서는 종래 단순가공에 의한 유제품 생산에서 탈피하여 새로운 공정 개발, 신물질 탐색 등으로 생산비 절감, 수율 증대, 다양한 형태의 유제품 개발, 그리고 기능성 소재의 탐색 등 건강 지향적 기능성 식품 개발에 노력을 해야 할 것이며 국공립 및 사립대학교 및 정부 출연기관과 일반 유업체의 공동과제 실시 확대로 기능성 식품에 대한인식제고가 필요할 것이다. 또한, TV 매체를 통한 홍보, 우유의 교과서 반영, 자조금 활성화 등으로 어릴 때부터 우유 먹는 습관을 형성하여 시유 소비기반 확대를 도모해야 할 것임과 아울러 교육당국과 협력하여 학생과 영양교사를 대상으로 한 우유에 대한 체계적인 교육프로그램 실시 및 중 ·고등학교 급식화대 추진 등 관련 기관과의 협력체계 구축을 통한 낙농진흥활동을 전개하여야 한다.유아의 창의성수준을 더 높게 평가하였다. 그러나 아버지와 교사간 평가의 상관은 유의하지 않았는데 이는 아버지의 평가수준이 매우 객관적인 것은 아님을 시사한다. 셋째, 창의적인 유아와 일반 유아 아버지 양육태도에서는 유의한 차이를 보였는데 특히 애정-적대요인과 자율-통제요인에서 창의적인 유아와 일반 유아간의 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 유아의 창의성과 아버지 양육태도간의 상관관계분석결과 애정적 양육태도와 유창성, 독창성간의 상관이 유의하였다. 집단별 분석시 창의적인 유아를 둔 아버지의 양육태도와 유아의 창의성간에는 상관이 없는 것으로 나타났고, 일반 유아의 아버지 양육태도와 유아의 창의성간의 상관에서는 아버지 양육태도의 성취-비성취 요인에서와 창의성제목의 추상성요인에서 상관이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 창의성이 높은 아동의 아버지의 양육태도는 일반 유아의 아버지와 보다 더 애정적이며 자율성이 높지만 창의성이 높은 아동의 집단내에서 창의성에 특별한 영향을 더 미치는 아버지의 양육방식은 발견되지 않았다. 반면 일반 유아의 경우 아버지의 성취지향성이 낮을 때 자녀의 창의성을 향상시킬 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이상에서 자녀의 창의성을 향상시키는 중요한 양육차원은 애정성이나 비성취지향성으로 나타나고 있어 정서적인 측면의 지원인 것으로 밝혀졌다.징에서 나타나는 AD-SR맥락의 반성적 탐구가 자주 나타났다. 반성적 탐구 척도 두 그룹을 비교 했을 때 CON 상호작용의 특징이 낮게 나타나는 N그룹이 양적으로 그리고 내용적으로 더 의미 있는 반성적 탐구를 했다용을 지원하는 홈페이지를 만들어 자료 제공 사이트에 대한 메타
The purpose of this study is to verify the status of current digital comics research trends and the characteristics in Korea. For this purpose, 87 articles and dissertations published between 19900 to 2012 were analysed by a meta-analysis methods. Digital comics platforms, topics, methods were examined to understand the landscape of the digital comics in Korean context. The main results of this study are as follow. First of all, the number of researches on the digital comics has been in the rise, and the various academic journals have published articles to understand the digital comics on the basis of their own academic background. Despite of the short history of digital comics researches, the range of research subjects has been broaden, and more integrated approaches have been taken from the various research fields. The content of articles, however, was skewed to a certain platform, topic and the method such as the website based comics, the text analysis, and the qualitative methodology. Thus, the more systematic and integrated approaches are needed to understand the digital comics issues and to build up the digital comics studies.
Documentaries are being recreated into a new genre and the Web Documentary is the typical case. Web Documentaries are the documentaries those comprise creators and users and they are the novel type of text that the interaction with users is absolute. In this research, two Web Documentaries and are analyzed for examining how Web utilizes its features as expressive media inducing users to experience reality. Web Documentaries have dual and spatial structure that allows user interaction and make users to face with various information and knowledge about reality by its encyclopedic characteristics. Also, Web Documentaries give the role of progressing documentary and expanding text to users and that is, they stimulate users' consciousness reminding that they are the ones who explore through reality. In this process, users of Web Documentaries get potentiality of critically examining the reality suggested by documentaries and grasping the meanings beneath it. These features make Web Documentaries special contrast to traditional documentaries not only with their way of pursuing the reality but also with their meanings. This makes the innovative position of Web Documentaries phenomenon clear, issuing the necessity of the discussion about Web Documentaries more strongly. Web Documentaries are not just new media technological phenomenon, and they have their significance as a fundamental challenge toward traditional documentaries.
Interests to cultural prototype as a material of cultural contents are getting more increasing nowadays. One of them is myth. The important thing when you are dealing with the myth as the material that how to convert prototype narratives. Today, digital culture is becoming one of the essential elements of mankind, that is a new sociocultural phenomenon and distinguishing differentiation from the past analogue era. In this regard, the combination of mythology and digital culture is effective strategies for transforming storytelling that can resonate with people who are not familiar with myths. puts the view both of this world and underworld, mythical characters, and various elements of the Grim Reaper into the story. And combines them with digital elements. sets the world that the transcendental soul exists as physically transferred data form. and reinterprets the traditional mythology world into the digitally operated world. Soul-Phone from this anime reflects the digital culture such as storage and transmission, and helps enjoying audiences accept the unfamiliar world of myth. And also It symbolically shows dystopian viewpoints through side effects can caused by digital technology development, such as the instrumentalization of human being, the risk of communication through digital media, and ego-loss caused by duplication, etc. In conclusion, forms a consensus with the audience through the transformation strategy of storytelling that converts the world of myth into the digital world. And it reflects the dystopian view and shows a differentiated world view from the narrative of myth.
Overlap what images are laid on top of each other performs various purposes of artistic expressions. Especially, overlap to describe motion has been placed on lots of art fields analysing and connecting each part of motion. This kind of overlap is called as 'Locomotive overlap' and it is defined as 'Technique for multiplication to arrange simultaneously motions of single object on one screen'. Locomotive overlap was started from fine art and photography, so this static kind of it is classified as 'Static locomotive overlap'. Afterwards, film and animation succeeded static locomotion overlap and realized real dynamic locomotive overlap with moving images, so this dynamic kind of it is classified as 'Dynamic locomotive overlap'. Most of all, by Norman McLaren accomplished its own artistic value and aesthetics in locomotive overlap has been placed in the center of the history of locomotive overlap, so to analyze this work and to research before and after it will confirm context and artistic achievements of locomotive overlap. Nowdays locomotive overlap is extending its technology and dimension more and more on the strength of development of digital technology. Some of works using digital technology show new possibilities of locomotive overlap by reinterpreting original media and concept of . Ultimately, this research for locomotive overlap focusing on the analysis of confirms artistic achievements of locomotive overlap and suggests to contemplate the meaning and new possibilities of it.
Recently, new teaching methods for communicating with teachers and students have been emerged according to the trends of decreasing the school-age population and the development of the mass media. We have applied teaching-learning model based on the flip learning to the college students in this work. As a result of the test for the customized flipped learning teaching-learning model in pre-class, the attendance rate of the major subject was 92.3% whereas that in liberal arts courses other than majors revealed 87.6%. This result for attendance rate shows that first year students in the radiology department have been actively participated in pre-class of the major subject than that of the liberal arts curriculum. From comparing the differences between the study group that was applied flipped learning in class and the non-applied group, the research group showed higher scores in knowledge, skills, and attitudes than the comparative group. In addition, more than 90% of the learners improved their responsibility, problem solving ability, creative thinking, cooperative ability, and communication ability through this learning program. From the test for the difference in the role of radiologists in the post class, the mean score was 4.40 for the group applied the teaching-learning model while that for non-applied group was 2.10. Hence, from such results, we see that this teaching-learning model is appropriate and needs to be extended to cultivate basic skills in radiology and relevant vocational education.
The purpose of this study is verifying whether convergence does its role as a transfer medium in dance expression or not, finding the effect of convergence characteristics and confirming whether it would bring change and new creation in performance art or not. This study suggests that studies on convergence in dance are required in accordance with the trend of time. This study believes that convergence is a modern art expression method, which can maximize the artistic expression in dance work and it will play an important role in the advance of dance works. There are ongoing studies on convergence art genre by many creators; however, still academic study this matter is not sufficient. Therefore, it is believed that more studies on convergence genre from the viewpoint of human studies are required. Accordingly, this study took Blush, the dance art works of Wim Vandekeybus, as the subject of study because convergence is clearly visible in these works. It is possible to draw convergence from these works because the works attempt new creation and utilize image by accommodating other genre art in dance art. The convergence in these works maximizes the originality of choreography and expands the time and space of stage through various effects. In other words, it is possible to see that Wim Vandekeybus is doing new attempts in his dance works by experimental elements, which escaped from simple movement, and convergence appears in the works.
At these information age when the importance of news is of particular emphasis, the field of image-production for the news are being made rapid progressive by high-tech like multi-media, multi-channel digital system. Even experts who have engaged in the work of broadcasting in th field for a long time are perplexed with rapid development in Broadcasting equipments and expression techniques. The field of TV is characterized by the speed of change and the desire of viewers for new and interesting video images. The image expression system applying image line has ever existed as one of conventional image expression methods. Obsolete and old image expressions are paling into significance for viewers who want to access more information in a short time. but The change of image expression systems due to the progressive stream of time has forced existing imaginary to be changed constantly to accommodate the changing interests and expectations of the viewers. Therefore, in this treatise, we need a broad interpretation about the direction of this imaginary line for TV news image in that existing systems of image producing haven’t also been changed and adapted to the stream of time. In these days, image is defined as not only video, but also audio. also We need to reduce the confusion concerning the imaginary line and contribute to a correct understanding images of TV news for not only customers but also producer by extending and applying the concept of imaginary line to image producing.
The researcher's objective is to analyze a case study from the teaching profession course entitled "Instructional Methods and Educational Technology: IMET," in which the instructional method 'Music Technology-Based Learning: MTBL' has been implemented. In addition to the analysis and the completion of the associated 16-week coursework, the researcher conducted an open-ended survey, and conducted and analyzed in-depth interviews, with participants in the case study. Using MTBL in IMET has elicited mostly favorable responses from participants such as "interesting" and "fun." They also mentioned "active learning participation." There were also negative responses to MTBL, citing "the lack of interconnection between MTBL and other teaching profession courses," "the difficulty of hybrid and convergence classes," and "the need for additional time and attention in an individual study." The analysis of this case study indicates that the use of MTBL in teaching profession courses somewhat enhances the understanding of the general concept of integrating technology into education, although some difficulties remain. The analysis of more case studies is required in order to establish more effective training courses, in which learning is not limited to the theoretical aspects of education. Using MTBL as an integrated part of the educational method would help to foster more creative and professional teachers.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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ID의 비밀번호 관리소홀, 부정사용에 의하여 발생하는 모든 결과에 대한 책임은 회원에게 있습니다.
③ 회원은 당 사이트 및 제 3자의 지적 재산권을 침해해서는 안 됩니다.
제 4 장 서비스의 이용
제 12 조 (서비스 이용 시간)
① 서비스 이용은 당 사이트의 업무상 또는 기술상 특별한 지장이 없는 한 연중무휴, 1일 24시간 운영을
원칙으로 합니다. 단, 당 사이트는 시스템 정기점검, 증설 및 교체를 위해 당 사이트가 정한 날이나 시간에
서비스를 일시 중단할 수 있으며, 예정되어 있는 작업으로 인한 서비스 일시중단은 당 사이트 홈페이지를
통해 사전에 공지합니다.
② 당 사이트는 서비스를 특정범위로 분할하여 각 범위별로 이용가능시간을 별도로 지정할 수 있습니다. 다만
이 경우 그 내용을 공지합니다.
제 13 조 (홈페이지 저작권)
① NDSL에서 제공하는 모든 저작물의 저작권은 원저작자에게 있으며, KISTI는 복제/배포/전송권을 확보하고
② NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 상업적 및 기타 영리목적으로 복제/배포/전송할 경우 사전에 KISTI의 허락을
받아야 합니다.
③ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 보도, 비평, 교육, 연구 등을 위하여 정당한 범위 안에서 공정한 관행에
합치되게 인용할 수 있습니다.
④ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 무단 복제, 전송, 배포 기타 저작권법에 위반되는 방법으로 이용할 경우
저작권법 제136조에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
제 14 조 (유료서비스)
① 당 사이트 및 협력기관이 정한 유료서비스(원문복사 등)는 별도로 정해진 바에 따르며, 변경사항은 시행 전에
당 사이트 홈페이지를 통하여 회원에게 공지합니다.
② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
제 5 장 계약 해지 및 이용 제한
제 15 조 (계약 해지)
회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.