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Crop Characteristics of Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Germplasms for Optimizing the Selection of Resources (우수자원 선발을 위한 고구마 유전자원의 주요 특성 평가)

  • Park, Won;Lee, Hyeong-Un;Goh, San;Lee, Im Been;Nam, Sang-Sik;Chung, Mi Nam;Yu, Gyeong-Dan;Hwang, Eom-Ji;Lee, Seungyong;Park, Jin Cheon;Paul, Narayan Chandra;Han, Seon-Kyeong
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    • v.64 no.4
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    • pp.441-451
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to investigate the crop characteristics of 181 sweetpotato germplasms collected from Korea and overseas. The longest shoot vine length was observed in IT232211 (354.8 cm) and the shortest shoot vine length was observed in IT232185 (32 cm). The maximum numbers of shoot branches and nodes were produced by IT232091 (23.0) and IT232174 (67.8), respectively. Differences in Rapid Visco Analyser profiles were observed for pasting parameters such peak, trough, final, breakdown, and setback viscosities; and pasting temperature. The peak and breakdown viscosities were highest in IT232050 and IT232010, at 338.3 and 207.2 Rapid Visco Unit (RVU), respectively. The trough viscosity was lowest in IT232019 at 103.8 RVU. IT232101 had the highest final viscosity (284.6 RVU), and IT232192 had the highest setback viscosity (81.7 RVU). IT232197 had the highest pasting temperature at 86.8℃, and that of IT232134 was lowest at 72.7℃. To evaluate functional substance content, we analyzed 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and total polyphenol content. The highest frequency proportion of starch was in the 10%-15% range (50.8% of the plants), followed by the 5%-10% range (38.1% of the germplasms). Sugar content ranged from 13.5 to 33.3% (23.2% on average); the highest frequency proportion of sugar was in the 20%-25% range (56.9% of the germplasms), followed by the 25%-30% range (25.4% of the germplasms). The highest frequency proportion of water was in the 70%-80% range (52.5% of the germplasms), followed by the 60%-70% range (44.2% of the germplasms). Our results provide basic data for the selection of useful resources and for the development of new sweetpotato varieties.

Selection of Supplemental Light Source for Greenhouse Cultivation of Pepper during Low Radiation Period through Growth and Economic Analysis (생육 및 경제성 분석을 통한 약광기 고추의 온실재배를 위한 적정 보광 광원 선정)

  • Hwang, Hee Sung;Lee, Kwang Hui;Jeong, Hyeon Woo;Hwang, Seung Jae
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.204-211
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    • 2022
  • To produce a high quality crop, light is an essential environmental factor in greenhouse cultivation. In the winter season, solar radiation is weak than other season. Therefore, using supplemental light during a low radiation period can increase the crop growth and yield. This study was conducted to select the economical supplemental light source for greenhouse cultivation in pepper during the low radiation period. The green pepper (Capsicum annuum 'Super Cheongyang') was transplanted on 5 September 2019. Supplemental lighting treatment was conducted from 1 January 2020 to 31 March 2020. RB LED (red and blue LED, red:blue = 7:3), W LED (white LED, R:G:B = 5:3:2), and HPS (high-pressure sodium lamp) were used as the supplemental light source. Non-treatment was used as the control. The plant height, SPAD, and number of nodes of pepper plants have no significant differences by supplemental light sources. However, the number of ramifications plants was the greatest in RB LED light source. Moreover, supplemental lighting increased photosynthesis of the pepper plant, and especially, the RB LED had the highest photosynthesis rate during supplemental lighting period. Also, the yield of pepper increased in the supplemental lighting treatment than in the control, and the RB LED had the greatest yield than other light sources. The electricity consumption was the highest in W LED and the lowest in HPS light. Through the economic analysis, the RB LED had high economic efficiency. In conclusion, these results suggest that using RB LED for supplemental light source during low radiation in pepper greenhouse increase the yield and economic feasibility.

Weed Occurrence in Apple Orchard in Korea (우리나라 사과원(園)의 잡초식생(雜草植生)에 관(關)한 분석(分析))

  • Jung, J.S.;Lee, J.S.;Choi, C.D.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 1997
  • The survey of weed population in apple orchard was conducted to investigate basic information on weed flora and its ecology at 27 locations in 1996. The weed species observed include 7 species of grasses, 60 species of broadleaves and 2 species of sedges, and the ratio of annual weed vs perennial weed was 64 : 36. Major dominant weed species by frequence were Chenopodium album, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Digitaria sanguinalis, Rorippa islandica, Alopecurus aequalis and Erigeron canadensis. While, on the basis of dry weight, the most dominant weeds were C. album followed by E. canadensis, A. aequalis, R islandica and R indica. The dominant weed species in middle-north Kyeongbuk region were C. bursa-pastoris, C. album, R indica and R islandica, were E. canadensis, Persicaria hydropiper, A. aequalis and Arenaria serpylliforia in Chungbuk region and were A. aequalis, E. canadenris and R islandica in Honam region.

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Effect of Nitrogen Application on the Yield and Quality of Hop(Humulus lupus L.) (질소(窒素) 시용량(施用量)이 호프(Humulus lupulus L.)의 수량(收量) 및 품질(品質)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lee, Yong-Hwan;Cho, Byong-Ok;Huh, Beom-Lyang;Ho, Que-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 1992
  • A field experiment was conducted to find out the effect level of nitrogen fertilization on the yield and quality of hop (Hallertau variety) emphasis given to ${\alpha}$-acid content. Nitrogen was applied by the rates of 0, 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36kg per 10a. Results were summarized as follows. 1. Stages of cone-hair developing and coneripening were delayed with increment of nitrogen applied. Number of nodes and length of vine increased with nitrogen applid by up to 24kg N/10a. 2. Yield was the highest in the 24kg N/10a plot and cone weight had high significant correlations with yield without regard to the years of growth. No.of flower per side blanch and weight of 100 cones had a significant correlation with yield in the four-year old and five-year old Hop plants. 3. Nutrient content in Hop plants was in the order of CaO, total nitrogen, $K_2O$, MgO and $P_2O_5$. Content of total nitrogen, CaO and MgO was high in leaves while that of $P_2O_5$ and $K_2O$ was high in cone. Nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium increased with increment of nitrogen fetilized while potassium and calcium decreased. 4. As for the distribution of nutrients in cone developing stage $SiO_2$ content was higher in lower part than in the upper part while $P_2O_5$ contetn was higher in upper part than in lower part of the plant. And content of nitrogen and potassium was higher in middle height than in upper and lower part. 5. The optimum levels of nitrogen application were 19.3kg for 2 years, 24.3kg for 3-year, 27.9kg for 4 years and 31.8kg/10a for 5-year old Hop, respectively. 6. Nitrogen uptake in cone showed a positive correlation with the content of ${\alpha}$-acid and ${\beta}$-acid in cone.

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Plant regeneration and soil acclimatization through photoautotrophic culture from leaf explant of a rare species in Sedum tosaense Makino (희귀수종인 주걱비름(Sedum tosaense Makino)의 잎절편으로부터 기내 식물체 재분화 및 광독립배양을 통한 토양순화)

  • Ko, Myoung-Suk;Bae, Kee Hwa;Song, Gwanpil;So, In Sup
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2013
  • The aim of this study was to establish plant regeneration from leaf explants of Sedum tosaense Makino, which is globally rare and endangered species. The leaf explants of S. tosaense were cultured on the MS medium supplemented with different concentration of BA and NAA for callus induction. Callus induction was showed the highest (100%) on MS medium containing $2.0mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ BA and $1.0mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ NAA. The highest number of shoots were regenerated when callus were cultured on MS medium containing $2.0mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ BA and $1.0mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ NAA for 5 weeks. The axillary bud were cultured on the MS media supplemented with combination of BA and NAA for in vitro propagation. The highest number of adventitious shoot (7.9 per explants) formed at $1.0mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ NAA and $2.0mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ BA. For rooting, MS medium supplemented with or without $2.0g{\cdot}L^{-1}$ activated charcoal was tested. The optimal results were observed using MS medium supplemented with $2.0g{\cdot}L^{-1}$ activated charcoal, on which 85.7 (No. of root), 4.6 cm (length of root). 1,200 ppm $CO_2$ and 350 ppm $CO_2$ were supplied for make certain the effects of $CO_2$ on pre-acclimatization by photoautotrophic culture. 1,200 ppm $CO_2$ treatment was established higher than 350 ppm $CO_2$ treatment. Soil acclimatization of in vitro plantlets was the best in mixture soil consisted of peat moss and perlite with 100% survival rate and they showed the maximum growth.

An Establishment of the Optimum Sowing Time for a Machine Harvest of Perilla for Seed (종실용 들깨의 기계수확에 적합한 최적 파종시기 설정)

  • Kwak, Kang Su;Han, Won Young;Ryu, Jong Soo;Bae, Jin Woo;Park, Jin Ki;Baek, In Youl
    • Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.370-375
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    • 2018
  • In order to promote the mechanized cultivation of perilla for seed, which has been increasing in cultivation area and production recently as demand increases according to the health-functional effects, we carried out this experiment to determine the optimum sowing time of perilla to minimize the seed loss at harvest and increase the yield. We used two different types of perilla varieties, 'Sodam(small-branch)' and 'Deulsaem(multi-branch)', and the sowing time was June 15, June 30, July 15 and August 1. As the sowing time is late, days of growth from sowing to flowering were shortened, and they were shortened from 14, 26 and 31~32 days on June 30, July 15 and August 1 as compared with June 15, respectively. And, the stem length and culm diameter were shortened or tapered and the number of nodes tended to decrease. The number of effective branch was 82%, 61% and 56% on June 30, July 15 and August 1 as compared with June 15, respectively. Accordingly, it seems to make against in securing the yield from July 15. And, the lowest cluster height was generally shorter as the sowing time is late, and the height was below 15cm on July 15 and August 1. It seems that this may work against the machine harvest. There was a high degree of significance between the sowing time and the yield. Although, the total yield was not statistically significant among June 15, June 30 and July 15, the ratio of shattering seed at harvest was in order of July 15, August 1(30.3%)> June 15(15.3%)> June 30(13.5%). Therefore, the net yield except for shattered seed was higher in order of June 30${\geq}$ June 15> July 15> August 1. This tendency was characteristic regardless of variety and sowing method. And, the protein content in perilla seed increased as the sowing time was delayed, and the content was the highest on August 1. The content of crude fat was relatively high on June 15 and July 15 in 'Sodam', and June 30 and July 15 in 'Deulsaem', respectively. And, the content of linolenic acid was found to be the highest on August 1. As a result, the optimal sowing time for machine harvest of perilla for seed is about June 30. At this time, it is determined that the sowing time is the most suitable to be advantageous in increasing the yield of perilla seed, while minimizing the seed loss due to the shattering at harvest.

Effect of Planting Density on Growth and Yield Components of the Sweet Sorghum Cultivar, 'Chorong' (재식밀도가 '초롱' 단수수의 생육 및 수량구성요소에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Young Min;Han, Hyun-Ah;Shin, So-Hee;Heo, Byong Soo;Choi, Kyu-Hwan;Kwon, Suk-Ju
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    • v.64 no.1
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    • pp.40-47
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of planting density on plant growth, yield, and quality in the sweet sorghum cultivar 'Chorong' (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). Plants were cultivated at densities of 16.7, 11.1, 8.3, 6.7, and $5.6plants{\cdot}m^{-2}$. Factors related to yield and yield components were analyzed using correlation and multivariate analyses. There was no significant difference among plant densities in stem length from 20 to 110 days after sowing. But the stem diameter was thin, and a decrease in number of tillers occurred more rapidly as planting density increased. At harvest, juice and sugar yield were higher at densities of 16.7 (42.9, $4.16Mg{\cdot}ha^{-1}$, respectively) and 11.1 (37.1, $3.73Mg{\cdot}ha^{-1}$) $plants{\cdot}m^{-2}$ than at 8.3 (30.5, $2.96Mg{\cdot}ha^{-1}$), 6.7 (26.6, $2.41Mg{\cdot}ha^{-1}$), and 5.6 (24.7, $2.22Mg{\cdot}ha^{-1}$) $plants{\cdot}m^{-2}$. The soluble solids and total sugar contents were not different among treatments, but relatively high values were observed at the density of 11.1 and $8.3plants{\cdot}m^{-2}$. As plant density was increased from 5.6 to $11.1plants{\cdot}m^{-2}$, the lodging index (1 = no, 9 = lodging) increased rapidly from 2.00 to 6.33. To determine the optimal planting density, the number of typhoons and topographical characteristics should be considered. Correlation and principal components analyses revealed that plant density exhibited a positive relationship with fresh stem yield ($r=0.62^{**}$), dry stem yield ($r=0.58^{**}$), juice ($r=0.63^{**}$), and sugar yield ($r=0.66^{**}$), but a negative with stem diameter ($r=-0.65^{**}$). The yield factors were not statistically related to stem height, diameter, and number of nodes.

Well-Aging: the Yeoheon Jang Hyun Kwang's meditation on the old age (웰에이징 : 노년의 삶에 대한 여헌 장현광의 성찰)

  • Kim, Kyungho
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.49
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    • pp.109-136
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    • 2012
  • 'Old man' or 'old age' was not the parts of academic discipline in the Joseon era but Yeoheon put it in the philosophical 'problematization' of the learning of the Confucianism. He was argued that the old man or old age is not merely biological decline but it has the goal to achieve. The completion of self is the meaning and end of the life throughout the subjective realization and procedure of attaining the goal step by step. Well-aged old man is affirming the getting old and making the positive changing of old life time in his one sake. This essay is showing the Yeoheon's thought of old aging as the self-realizing well-ageing. Next, it is argued that the predicament of old age or old man is not just social welfare or biological aspects but it is serious philosophical problems. If it was just social or biological aspects then it is just a social phenomenon to approach the view of scientists. However, this is not only life and death and flux of time and relativities but also it is problematizing the self-identification subjectivities. Obviously, it is the significant that the old and or old age is fundamentally philosophical subject rather than social or biological materials. In the third chapter, we are dealing with the views of the life and death of Yeoheon. He was insisted that quite interesting opinion that is the all the lives in the universe include himself is 'a wayfarer'. It looks like a time traveler in the universe; we are just one who stays in a body for awhile. When we follow him, we are living in this universe in a time (disposable) but the same theorem is applying to the whole universe as well myriad creatures. Therefore, man has a job to do as an entity of the universe. Yeoheon was called it is the business as a job and we have to do the Dao till you end. The fourth, Yeoheon was suggested that the old man has his work and business. There are two kind of works for an old man, the former is self control as an old age that is call the old man's job and the latter is staying with the Dao that is called the old man's business. According to Yeoheon, man has charged to realize the law of the universe that means we are the moral entity; therefore we are business to complete ourselves. Old age is decline of physical activities rather than vigorous, therefore, we have to follow our body and self-affirmation of declination is the Dao. The final, Yeoheon was advised that the old man better saved in the current of the Dao, because the physical function is declining but the shining Dao is within the mind in the body. It is motivation of the self-dignity of old man and one who recognizes the work to do even in the old body that he will be the significant among all the society not a lonely old man anymore. Old aging is biological twilight but the considerable real size expertise and self-affirmation is the Dao of old age. We are meditating nowadays in Yeoheon's philosophical context on old man or old aging. By him, the old age is man of dignity as long as he realizes in his Dao through the business and self-affirmation.

Weed Occurrence in Upland Crop Fields of Korea (최근(最近) 한국(韓國)의 전작지(田作地) 잡초발생(雜草發生) 분포(分布)에 관(關하)여)

  • Chang, Y.H.;Kim, C.S.;Youn, K.B.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.294-304
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    • 1990
  • For the survey of weed distribution in the cultivated upland of Korea, weed species were investigated at 2 field by crop of 2 myon per kun in 81 kun selected among the 139 kun of the whole country. 232 species in 46 families were observed, totally. From among the result, 165 species in 39 families the in winter crop field, 189 species in 41 families in the summer crop field were classified. 122 species in 34 families were emerged the from the upland crop field of the whole season. Further more, in the 10 dominant weed species which emerged from upland crop field, Alopecurus aequalis, Chenopodium album, slellaria media, Galium spurieum, Capsella bursa-pastoris and Rorippa islandica were dominated in the winter upland and paddy field, and that Erigeron canadensis, Cyperus amuricus, Equisetum arvense and Arenaria serpyllifolia were dominated in the winter upland field, additionally. Stellaria alsine, Bothriospermum tenellum, Trigonotis peduncularis and Polygonum arviculare were dominated in the winter cropping on drained paddy field, additionally. In the summer crop field, Digitaria sanguinalis, Portulaca oleracea, Acalypha australis, Echinochloa crus-galli, Setaria viridis, Persicaria hydropiper, Amaranthus lividus, commelina communis, Chenopodium album and Cyperecs amuricus were dominated.

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Studies on Neck Blast Infection of Rice Plant (벼 이삭목도열병(病)의 감염(感染)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Hong Gi;Park, Jong Seong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.206-241
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    • 1985
  • Attempts to search infection period, infection speed in the tissue of neck blast of rice plant, location of inoculum source and effects of several conditions about the leaf sheath of rice plants for neck blast incidence have been made. 1. The most infectious period for neck blast incidence was the booting stage just before heading date, and most of necks have been infected during the booting stage and on heading date. But $Indica{\times}Japonica$ hybrid varieties had shown always high possibility for infection after booting stage. 2. Incubation period for neck blast of rice plants under natural conditions had rather a long period ranging from 10 to 22 days. Under artificial inoculation condition incubation period in the young panicle was shorter than in the old panicle. Panicles that emerged from the sheath of flag leaf had long incubation period, with a low infection rate and they also shown slow infection speed in the tissue. 3. Considering the incubation period of neck blast of rice plant, we assumed that the most effective application periods of chemicals are 5-10 days for immediate effective chemicals and 10-15 days for slow effective chemicals before heading. 4. Infiltration of conidia into the leaf sheath of rice plant carried out by saturation effect with water through the suture of the upper three leaves. The number of conidia observed in the leaf sheath during the booting stage were higher than those in the leaf sheath during other stages. Ligule had protected to infiltrate of conidia into the leaf sheath. 5. When conidia were infiltrated into the leaf sheath, the highest number of attached conidia was observed on the panicle base and panicle axis with hairs and degenerated panicle, which seemed to promote the infection of neck blast. 6. The lowest spore concentration for neck blast incidence was variable with rice varietal groups. $Indica{\times}Japonica$ hybrid varieties were infected easily compared to the Japonica type varieties, especially. The number of spores for neck blast incidence in $Indica{\times}Japonica$ hybrid varieties was less than 100 and disease index was higher also in $Indica{\times}Japonica$ hybrid than in Japonica type varieties. 7. Nitrogen content and silicate content were related with blast incidence in necks of rice plants in the different growing stage changed during growing period. Nitrogen content increased from booting stage to heading date and then decreased gradually as time passes. Silicate content increased from booting stage after heading with time. Change of these content promoted to increase neck blast infection. 8. Conidia moved to rice plant by ascending and desending dispersal and then attached on the rice plant. Conidia transfered horizontally was found very negligible. So we presumed that infection rate of neck blast was very low after emergence of panicle base from the leaf sheath. Also ascending air current by temperature difference between upper and lower side of rice plant seemed to increase the liberation of spores. 9. Conidial number of the blast fungus collected just before and after heading date was closely related with neck blast incidence. Lesions on three leaves from the top were closely related with neck blast incidence, because they had high potential for conidia formation of rice blast fungus and they were direct inoculum sources for neck blast. 10. The condition inside the leaf sheath was very favorable for the incidence of neck blast and the neck blast incidence in the leaf sheath increased as the level of fertilizer applied increased. Therefore, the infection rate of neck blast on the all panicle parts such as panicle base, panicle branches, spikelets, nodes, and internodes inside the leaf sheath didn't show differences due to varietal resistance or fertilizers applied. 11. Except for others among dominant species of fungi in the leaf sheath, only Gerlachia oryzae appeared to promote incidence of neck blast. It was assumed that days for heading of varieties were related with neck blast incidence.

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