• 제목/요약/키워드: 라틴아메리카

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한국과 라틴 아메리카에서의 여성의 신체 이미지 묘사가 광고 효과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Effect of the Portrayal of Body Image of Women in Advertisement in Korea and Latin America)

  • 프란시쓰카 파스 공고라 아스태태;김보연
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제16권7호
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    • pp.369-379
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 다양한 사회 문화적 배경을 가진 광고 속에서 지속적으로 묘사하는 완벽한 신체를 가진 여성의 초상이 끊임없이 갈등을 일으킨다는 점에서 시작한다. 이는 라틴 아메리카와 한국을 비교하고 분석하는 새로운 방식으로 접근하였다. 획일적인 미의 기준이 아닌 있는 그대로의 모습을 긍정하는 '보디 포지티브'운동이 압도적인 이슈로 떠오르고 있다. 도브, 빅토리아 시크릿, 아이다의 모델과 같은 영향력 있는 브랜드들의 사례를 분석하여 '보디 포지티브'가 가지는 거대한 움직임의 효과를 테스트하고 기존의 인식을 제고하는 것에 연구의 목적이 있다. 한국과 라틴 아메리카의 30대 남녀를 대상으로 심층인터뷰를 진행하는 방식으로 연구를 진행하였다.

기획_제17차 국제에이즈회의 - 칵테일 치료에서 칵테일 예방으로

  • 유은주
    • 레드리본
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    • 통권81호
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    • pp.16-20
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    • 2008
  • 지난 8월 멕시코시티에서는 제 17차 국제에이즈회의가 개최되었다. 라틴아메리카 지역에서 최초로 열린 이번 행사에는 전 세계에서 약 25,000여 명의 에이즈 관련 학자, 단체, 기업, 감염인들이 참가하여 역대 최다를 기록을 수립했다. 본 행사는 멕시코 정부, 국제에이즈협회(IAS), UNAIDS, WHO와 같은 국제 기구 및 전 세계 감염인 연대, 지역사회 관계자, 종교관계자들이 합동으로 주관하여 개최한 행사로 에이즈와 관련한 생의학, 사회과학, 보건학, 인권 등의 각 분야별로 열띤 학술발표와 토론 경험의 교류가 이루어졌다.

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라틴아메리카 국제중재의 최근 발전경향과 특징 (Recent Trends and Characteristics of International Arbitration in Latin American Countries)

  • 조희문
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.97-119
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    • 2008
  • The reluctance of Latin American countries to practice international arbitration is not a new topic in international law. This reluctance historically based on Calvo Doctrine provoked not only the absence of Latin American countries from the major international commercial arbitration conventions, but obsolete national arbitration legislation. Recently, however, these countries have undertaken major steps showing that the region is no longer reluctant to practice international commercial arbitration. Most Latin American countries have ratified the 1958 Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards ("New York Convention"), the 1965 Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes ("Washington Convention") and the 1975 Inter-American Convention on International Commercial Arbitration ("Panama Convention"). The majority of Latin American countries have also modified and adapted their national legislation on arbitration to the UNCITRAL model law. Even judiciary has been following this pro-arbitration. This article will focus on some of these factors provoking the acceptance of international commercial arbitration in Latin America to trace the common trends and characteristics in an attempt to understand better how international arbitration set on its place firmly. For this purpose we selected five countries, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Venezuela, to analyse legislations and jurisprudence. Latin America is ready to challenge any obstacles to promote arbitration as alternative methods of judicial resolution. There is an ever-increasing number of international arbitration in Latin America. Both practitioners and judiciary have shown desires to promote the resolution of disputes by arbitration and used the legal instruments to ensure that process interpreting and applying legislations for pro-arbitration. Even there remains Calvo Doctrine's culture in Latin America still now, it should be certain this culture will disappear from the conduct of international arbitration.

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라틴아메리카 일부 지역에서 사용되는 양보 접속사구 todavía que의 특성 (The Concessive Conjunctive Phrase todavía que in Some Areas of Latin America)

  • 곽재용
    • 비교문화연구
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    • 제46권
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    • pp.143-171
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 라틴아메리카의 일부 지역인 안데스와 리버플레이트 지역에서 양보접속사구로 기능하는 [todavía que]에 대한 형태-통사적 그리고 의미적 특성을 연구하고자 한다. Real Academia $Espa{\tilde{n}}ola$(2009)에 따르면 부사 todavía는 초점과 관련된 다양한 맥락에서 사용되며 특히 안데스와 리버플레이트 지역에서는 [todavía que]가 양보구문을 형성하며 첨가적 해석을 갖는다고 한다. 케추아어의 접미사 '-raq'과 아이마라어의 접미사 '-raki '는 스페인어의 부사 todavía와 동일한 의미를 갖는다. 그러나 이 두 원주민 언어에서는 상기의 접미사가 첨가 초점사의 기능을 수행하지만 스페인어에서는 첨가 초점사로 쓰이는 접미사는 없으므로 이러한 범주적 불일치로 인해 [todavía que]구조에서는 todavía가 부사의 형태로 접속사 que와 함께 첨가 초점사로 사용된다. 본 연구는 이러한 형태-통사적 그리고 의미적 특성은 두 원주민어들과 스페인어의 언어접촉 현상에서 비롯된 것으로 주장한다. 또한 이러한 주장에 기초하여 스페인어의 부사 todavía가 어원적으로 전칭양화사와 관련되는 사실과 척도와 관련된 자질을 내포하는 특성에 기인하여 [todavía que]는 척도 첨가의 의미를 갖는 양보의 접속사로 기능한다고 주장하고자 한다.

라틴아메리카 독립 시기와 여성의 역할 (La época de la independencia de América latina y los roles de las mujeres)

  • 이성훈
    • 비교문화연구
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    • 제34권
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    • pp.285-306
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    • 2014
  • La historia sobre la ${\acute{e}}poca$ de la independencia y la $formac{\acute{o}}n$ de las naciones latinoamericanas enfatiza sobre todo los roles de los hombres y $espor\acute{a}dicamente$ de las mujeres. Se han considerado directrices las acciones de algunos criollos de esa epoca como $Sim{\acute{o}}n$ Bolivar y San Martín. La historiografía masculina-$c{\acute{e}}ntrica$ $est{\acute{a}}$ ignorando y marginando las luchas y los sacrificios de las mujeres que participaron en la independencia y la $formac{\acute{o}}n$ de las naciones. Por tanto, es preciso realizar una crítica a los procesos que han mantenido la tendencia machista, uno de ellos es porque no se han desatendido concepciones y cosmovisiones sobre el $g{\acute{e}}nero$. En fin, esta tendencia es porque no se ha superado la herencia colonial de manera crítica. En este contexto, este artículo intenta investigar los cambios sobre los puntos de vista y la manera de ver a las mujeres y sus actividades durante la ${\acute{e}}poca$ de la independencia. Puesto que las mujeres han sido consideradas como objetos que ocupan un espacio secundario en $comparaci{\acute{o}}n$ a los roles de los criollos. Este estudio pretende configurar nuevos puntos de vista para reestructurar nuestro enfoque tradicional sobre la independencia y las formaciones de las naciones latinoamericanas para poner en evidencia los roles de las mujeres en la historia.

확대 서평-로넌 지음 "세계과학문명사 I.II"를 읽고

  • 송상용
    • 출판저널
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    • 통권232호
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    • pp.29-29
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    • 1998
  • 이 책은 우선 고대과학을 중동.라틴 아메리카.그리스.중국.인도로 나눈 다음 고대부터 20세기까지의 과학을 개관하고 있다. 서술방식은 과학자의 전기 또는 분야 중심으로 되어 있다. 그러나 많은 자료를 나열했을 뿐 해석은 별로 없고 일관된 흐름을 잡지 못했다.

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'97 세계 석유수급 전망

  • 대한석유협회
    • 석유와에너지
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    • 4호통권194호
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    • pp.44-48
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    • 1997
  • 올해 들어 석유 공급이 증가함에 따라 지난해 원유가격을 상승시킨 수급구조의 건조세는 상당히 완화될 전망이다. 1996년의 세계 석유제품 수요는 예상보다 빠르게 그리고 OPEC이외의 생산국들의 공급보다 훨씬 빠르게 증가했다. 이것은 OPEC 석유에 대한 수요증가와 원유가격의 상승을 가져왔다. 지난해 말 ,세계 원유의 수출가격은 지난해 초보다 25%이상이나 상승했다. 그러나 1997년에 시장상황은 바뀔 것이다. 세계의 경제성장은 에너지와 석유에 대한 수요를 증가시키는 반면, 非OPEC의 석유공급은 더욱 증가할 것이다. 북해와 라틴아메리카의 생산증가는 非OPEC의 생산을 190만 b/d이상 증가시킬 것이다.1996년 생산이익으로부터 거둬들인 재정수입은 탐사와 생산에 추가투자를 가증하게 해 줄 것이다. 非OPEC의 공급증가는 OPEC석유에 대한 수요를 줄일 것이다. UN의 승인하에 1996년말에 재개된 이라크의 석유수출은 OPEC회원국들에게 가격하락을 막고 시장의 균형을 위하여 생산량을 감축하도록 요구할 것이다. 가격은 아마 북반구의 성수기의 높은 가격수준에서 수요저하로 인해 하락할 것이다. 한편 구소련의 석유생산과 소비는 안정적이었다. 국제 에너지기구(IEA)는 구소련의 수요는 올해 감소를 멈추고 1996년의 450만 b/d 수준에 머무를 것으로 보고 있다. IEA는 또한 구소련의 석유생산이 20만 b/d증가하여 한해 평균 720만 b/d로 예상하고 있다.

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21세기 한국 소설의 라틴아메리카 소설 경향 - 황석영, 임철우, 김연수, 박형서 소설을 중심으로 (A tendency of Korean contemporary fictions according to Latin American fictions - Focus on the novels of Seok-yeong HWANG, Cheol-woo IM, Yeon-soo KIM, Hyeong-seo PARK)

  • 함정임
    • 비교문화연구
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    • 제25권
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    • pp.313-336
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this thesis is to unfold Latin American trends overlapping with Korean contemporary novels as an interesting scene in the circle of Korea literature at the beginning of the 21st century. This study was conducted largely in two directions. One is examining how long novel A Guest of Seok-yeong HWANG, a representative realist writer in Korea, and another long novel One Hundred Years Motel (Baeknyeon Motel) of Cheol-woo IM, a writer who has expressed Korean shamanic flowering as his fictitious characteristic since the 1980s, meet and interact with the world of magic realism in long novel One Hundred Years of Solitude of G. G. Marquez born in Colombia, Latin America, and the other is discussing the fictional techniques of H. L. Borges overlapping with short stories in novel collections The Age of Twenty and Fictions of Midnight by, respectively, young writers Yeon-soo KIM and PARK Hyeong-seo who displayed a unique world of fictions in the 2000s. For these purposes, we developed the points of discussion from the viewpoint of 'the meeting of two essences' for Seok-yeong HWANG and Marquez, of 'the meeting of two 'hundred years'' for Cheol-woo IM and Marquez, of 'novel writing as the finding of the original' for Yeon-soo KIM and Borges, and of 'novel writing surrounding fictions' for Hyeong-seo PARK and Borges. Around 2000, the trend of Latin American novels emerged as a phenomenon in Korean novels. It was probably a natural consequence of contemporary writers' struggling with genres and post-genres, the overturn of the center and the periphery, and blurred boundaries. Seok-yeong HWANG, Cheol-woo IM, Yeon-soo KIM, and PARK Hyeong-seo borrowed the contents and techniques of Latin American novels, but further research is required on how continuously their works internalized the characteristic properties of Marquez-style, Borges-style or polyphonic Latin American novels and, by doing so, how much they expanded or determined their own line. This is why this study has been performed productively out of vital importance. In every age throughout history, there have been the phenomena of encountering and sympathizing, and overlapping and spreading with foreign novels. This study is meaningful in that it illuminated the aspects of Korean contemporary novels in the flow of world literature through tracing the origin and reality of the trend of Latin American novels emerging conspicuously through overlapping particularly with Korean novels published in the 2000s.

2000년 이후 패션 디자인에 나타난 라틴 아메리카 문화 (The Latin American Culture in Fashion Designs in 2000's)

  • 최호정
    • 복식
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    • 제57권4호
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    • pp.159-172
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    • 2007
  • For the study on the Latin American culture reflected in fashion designs since 2000, the applications of Latin American culture shown in the four major collections from 2000 S/S to 2005 F/W (110 pieces) and some African designers' collections (157 pieces) have been analyzed and compared in three categories - forms, patterns and accessories. First, in the formal application of traditional clothes, the traditional elements of Indio culture are utilized in both the four major collections (76.8%) and the Latin American designers' collection (77.1%). Quechquemitl, the traditional Indio clothes are utilized in various forms in the four major collections, while the Latin American designers adopt various forms of traditional clothes, such as quechquemitl, camisa and pollera. Second, in the textile design, the patterns from Indio's traditional textile design are utilized in both the four major collections (68.7%) and the Latin American designers's collections (5.6%). The remarkable difference between the Latin American designers and the western designers is that the former like to mix the simple and primitive Indio culture with the colorful Iberian culture, and to utilize various patterns of feather, which is an important symbol in the traditional culture, expressing tradition in the modern touch. On the other hand, the western designers change the primitive and handcraft feel of Indio patterns into colorful ones, or mix the colorful Spanish-style flower patterns with primitive and passionate feel. Third, simple and handcraft feel of Indio accessories are utilized in modern fashion in both the four major collections and the Latin American designers' collections. The most remarkable difference between the two group of designers' collections is that various feather patterns are used in Latin American designers' collection, while the accessories reminding of relics of Maya and Inca are widely used in the four major collections.

라틴아메리카의 독립과 이베로-아프로-아메리카 공동체의 역할 (Independence of Latin America and the Role of Afro-Ibero America: Mainly with Cimarron's Resistance and Comuneros Revolution)

  • 차경미
    • 비교문화연구
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    • 제31권
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    • pp.155-175
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    • 2013
  • Meantime there has been a tendency to keep silent about the role of Afro-Ibero America Diaspora which contributed to the spirit of independence and the realization of country foundation ideology in the official history of Latin America. In some countries, although the collective resistance of Afro-Ibero America Diaspora, which intended to establish a liberal and equal society resisting against slavery and colonization system, was the foundation of independence and the establishment of a new country, their contribution has been difficult to leave an official trace in Caucasian criollo-centered history system. Along with the development of Hcienda in 17th Century, black slaves' collective resistance was developed mainly with el Virreinato de la Nueva Granada, the center of the Independence movement of Brazil and South America. The black people who escaped resisting against slavery formed communities and developed organized activities through various politics and social activities. However, such communities were mostly dispersed or destroyed by the colonial power, and the collective resistance of Afro-Ibero America Diaspora lost life. On the other side, in case of Colombia, a community of escaped black slaves which was formed in the early 17th Century is solely remaining in Latin America, moreover, Afro-Ibero America Diaspora's struggle for liberty and equality became the foundation for Comuneros revolution and Independence movement in the late 18th Century. Comuneros revolution which occurred in 1781 awoke self-awareness of liberty and equality, and became an ideological base for independence movement based on revolutional republicanism and philosophy of enlightenment. It is considered that South America's independence movement lead by $Sim{\acute{o}}n$ Boívar was a history that could not have started without historical base of Afro-Ibero America Diaspora's resistance against colonization system. Therefore, this study intends to discuss the role and achievement of Afro-Ibero America Diaspora in the process of independence of Latin America mainly with Colombia, which is the center of Independence movement of South America. Through this process, this study intends to revaluate historical contribution of Afro-Ibero America which has been relatively neglected meanwhile in the process of independence and the establishment of country.