• Title/Summary/Keyword: 디지털 자동화

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Sustainable Urban Regeneration and Smart Water Management (지속가능한 도시재생과 스마트 물 관리)

  • Lee, Yoo Kyung;Lee, Seung Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.86-86
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 한국의 도시재생과 스마트 물 관리의 정책 분석을 위하여 도시재생과 스마트 물 관리의 등장 배경, 주요 현안 및 연계성을 모색하고 도시재생방안으로서 스마트 물 관리체계의 가능성을 검토하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 1950년대의 도시재건(Urban Reconstruction)과 1970~80년대의 도시재개발(Urban Renewal, Urban Redevelopment) 등의 정비 사업은 물리적 환경정비에 초점을 맞추었다. 그러나 1990년대 환경문제가 세계적 이슈로 등장하면서 교외지역 난개발 문제에 대한 대응책이 필요하게 되었고 도시의 물리 환경적, 산업 경제적, 사회 문화적 측면을 부흥시키는 도시재생 접근법이 출현하였다. 한국 정부는 2017년부터 시작한 '도시재생 뉴딜사업'의 일환으로 스마트 기술을 적용한 도시재생사업을 통해 스마트도시 선도국가 도약과 세계적 흐름에 부합하는 도시성장을 기대하고 있다. 1980년대 초 등장한 스마트 기술은 2000년대 들어와 스마트 도시, 스마트 인프라, 스마트 그리드 등의 분야로 확대, 진보하였다. 물 분야의 스마트 기술은 2009년 스마트워터그리드 이니셔티브(Smart Water Grid Initiative)의 발족과 함께 IBM, CISCO, Intel 등의 IT 기반 물 관리 워킹그룹 형성, Suez, Veolia, Siemens 등 수처리 기업의 스마트워터그리드 분야 진출 모색과 함께 발전하기 시작하였다. 이후 2012년 유엔 스마트 물 관리 포커스 그룹(ITU-T SG 5)의 스마트 물 관리 표준화 연구가 착수되었고 한국은 국토교통부 건설교통기술 연구 개발사업 중 하나로 스마트 물 관리 장기 연구 사업을 시작하였다. 스마트 물 관리는 수자원 및 상하수도 관리의 효율성 제고를 위하여 스마트 미터, 센서, 디지털지도제작 등 ICT를 이용한 차세대 물 관리시스템이라고 정의할 수 있다. 구체적인 대상 분야를 고려한다면 하천수, 우수, 지하수, 하폐수처리수, 해수담수 등 다양한 수자원의 관리, 물의 생산과 수송, 사용한 물의 처리 및 재이용 등 물 관리 전 분야를 포함한다. 그러나 스마트 물 관리의 용어와 개념을 처음으로 도입한 미국 등 선진국과 관련기업들은 스마트 물 관리를 '스마트 워터 미터, 센서, 첨단 모델링, 수문 지도제작, 스마트 관개농업, 자동화 로봇 등 다양한 기술을 통합적으로 운영하는 지능적인 수자원 관리를 위한 정보네트워크'로 정의한다. 일찍이 도시재생으로의 패러다임 전환을 실시한 영국 및 일본과 달리 한국의 도시재생은 개념, 구성요소, 범위, 사업방식 등의 여러 가지 측면에서 아직 형성단계에 있다. 또한 한국의 스마트 물 관리 논의는 개념정립 측면에서 심층적 논의가 거의 부재하였다. 기존의 논의들은 수자원 혹은 상하수도서비스 분야에서의 연구결과와 기술개발성과를 기계적으로 적용하고 확대하는 측면만을 부각시켰다. 그러나 이와 같은 스마트 물 관리에 대한 논의는 정보통신기술과 물 관리 서비스를 단편적으로 연결하고 적용범위를 제한할 수도 있다는 점에서 한계성이 있다. 본 연구는 국내외 문헌검토를 바탕으로 한국의 도시재생과 스마트 물 관리의 정책을 분석하고 지금까지 별개로 간주된 두 개념의 장점을 융합하여 향후 지속가능한 도시개발 사업으로서의 가능성을 검토하고자 한다.

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Technical Development for Extraction of Discontinuities in Rock Mass Using LiDAR (LiDAR를 이용한 암반 불연속면 추출 기술의 개발 현황)

  • Lee, Hyeon-woo;Kim, Byung-ryeol;Choi, Sung-oong
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.10-24
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    • 2021
  • Rock mass classification for construction of underground facilities is essential to secure their stabilities. Therefore, the reliable values for rock mass classification from the precise information on rock discontinuities are most important factors, because rock mass discontinuities can affect exclusively on the physical and mechanical properties of rock mass. The conventional classification operation for rock mass has been usually performed by hand mapping. However, there have been many issues for its precision and reliability; for instance, in large-scale survey area for regional geological survey, or rock mass classification operation by non-professional engineers. For these reasons, automated rock mass classification using LiDAR becomes popular for obtaining the quick and precise information. But there are several suggested algorithms for analyzing the rock mass discontinuities from point cloud data by LiDAR scanning, and it is known that the different algorithm gives usually different solution. Also, it is not simple to obtain the exact same value to hand mapping. In this paper, several discontinuity extract algorithms have been explained, and their processes for extracting rock mass discontinuities have been simulated for real rock bench. The application process for several algorithms is anticipated to be a good reference for future researches on extracting rock mass discontinuities from digital point cloud data by laser scanner, such as LiDAR.

3D Simulation Study to Develop Automated System for Robotic Application in Food Sorting and Packaging Processes (식품계량 및 포장 공정 로봇 적용 자동화 시스템 개발을 위한 3D 시뮬레이션 연구)

  • Seunghoon Baek;Seung Eel Oh;Ki Hyun Kwon;Tae Hyoung Kim
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.230-238
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    • 2023
  • Small and medium-sized food manufacturing enterprises are largely reliant on manual labor, from inputting raw materials to palletizing the final product. Recently, there has been a trend toward smartness and digitization through the implementation of robotics and sensor data technology. In this study, we examined the effectiveness of improvement through 3D simulation on two repetitive work processes within a food manufacturing company. These processes involve workers whose speed cannot match the capacity of the applied equipment. Two manual processes were selected: the weighing and packing process performed by workers after skewer assembly, and the manual batch process of counting randomly delivered frozen foods, packing (both internal and external), and palletizing. The production volume, utilization rate, and number of workers were chosen as verification indicators. As a result of the simulation for improving the 3D process, production increased by 13.5% and 56.8% compared to the existing process, respectively. This was particularly evident in the process of applying palletizing robots. In both processes, as the utilization rate and number of input workers decreased, robots could replace tasks with high worker fatigue, thereby reducing work overload. This study demonstrates the potential to visually compare the process flow improvement using 3D simulations and confirms the possibility of pre-validation for improvement.

Creation of Crack BIM in Bridge Deck and Development of BIM-FEM Interoperability Algorithm (교량 바닥판의 균열 BIM 생성 및 BIM-FEM 상호 연계 알고리즘 개발)

  • Yang, Dahyeon;Lee, Min-Jin;An, Hyojoon;Jung, Hyun-Jin;Lee, Jong-Han
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.689-693
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    • 2023
  • Domestic bridges with a service life of more than 30 years are expected to account for approximately 54% of all bridges within the next 10 years. As bridges rapidly deteriorate, it is necessary to establish an appropriate maintenance plan. Recent domestic and international research have focused on the integration of BIM to digitize bridge maintenance information and then enhance accessibility and usability of the information. Accordingly, this study developed a BIM-FEM interoperability algorithm for bridge decks to convert maintenance information into data and efficiently manage the history of maintenance. After creating an initial crack BIM based on an exterior damage map, bridge specification and damage information were linked to a numerical analysis that performs damage analysis considering damage scenarios and design loads. The spread of cracks obtained from the analysis results were updated into the BIM. Based on the damage spread information on the BIM, an automated technology was also developed to assess both the current and future condition ratings of the bridge deck. This approach can enable an efficient maintenance of the deck using the history data from bridge inspection and diagnosis as well as future information on cracks and defects. The expected early detection and prevention would ultimately improve the lifespan and safety of bridges.

Research on the direction of laws improvement integrated maps of underground space for systematic management (지하공간통합지도의 체계적인 관리를 위한 제도 개선 방향 연구)

  • Jisong RYU;Yonggu JANG;Donghyun PARK
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2023
  • The integrated underground space map is a three-dimensional map that integrates 16 types, including 7 types of underground facilities, 6 types of underground structures, and 3 types of ground. In order to systematically construct, manage, and utilize the integrated underground space map, it was institutionalized as the "Special Act on Underground Safety Management," and the "Underground Space Integrated Map Production Work Regulations" was prepared as detailed work regulations. However, there is a lack of institutional mechanisms to develop new technologies such as the completed book submission system for submitting change information and automation technology for updating the integrated underground spatial map and to expand the usability of the integrated underground spatial map. Accordingly, this study examined the current status of the integrated underground space map and attempted to suggest a direction for improving the current system through a revision plan and detailed operation management regulations (draft) of the Special Act on Underground Safety Management.

Enhancing Project Integration and Interoperability of GIS and BIM Based on IFC (IFC 기반 GIS와 BIM 프로젝트 통합관리 및 상호 운용성 강화)

  • Kim, Tae-Hee;Kim, Tae-Hyun;Lee, Yong-Chang
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.89-102
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    • 2024
  • The recent advancements in Smart City and Digital Twin technologies have highlighted the critical role of integrating GIS and BIM in urban planning and construction projects. This integration ensures the consistency and accuracy of information, facilitating smooth information exchange. However, achieving interoperability requires standardization and effective project integration management strategies. This study proposes interoperability solutions for the integration of GIS and BIM for managing various projects. The research involves an in-depth analysis of the IFC schema and data structures based on the latest IFC4 version and proposes methods to ensure the consistency of reference point coordinates and coordinate systems. The study was conducted by setting the EPSG:5186 coordinate system, used by the National Geographic Information Institute's digital topographic map, and applying virtual shift origin coordinates. Through BIMvision, the results of the shape and error check coordinates' movement in the BIM model were reviewed, confirming that the error check coordinates moved consistently with the reference point coordinates. Additionally, it was verified that even when the coordinate system was changed to EPSG:5179 used by Naver Map and road name addresses, or EPSG:5181 used by Kakao Map, the BIM model's shape and coordinates remained consistently unchanged. Notably, by inputting the EPSG code information into the IFC file, the potential for coordinate system interoperability between projects was confirmed. Therefore, this study presents an integrated and systematic management approach for information sharing, automation processes, enhanced collaboration, and sustainable development of GIS and BIM. This is expected to improve compatibility across various software platforms, enhancing information consistency and efficiency across multiple projects.

A Case of Developing Performance Evaluation Model for Korean Defense Informatization (국방정보화 수준평가 모델 개발 사례)

  • Gyoo Gun Lim;Dae Chul Lee;Hyuk Jin Kwon;Sung Rim Cho
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.23-45
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    • 2017
  • The ROK military is making a great effort and investment in establishing network-centric warfare, a future battlefield concept, as a major step in the establishment of a basic plan for military innovation. In the military organization level, an advanced process is introduced to shorten the command control time of the military and the business process is improved to shorten the decision time. In the information system dimension, an efficient resource management is achieved by establishing an automated command control system and a resource management information system by using the battle management information system. However, despite these efforts, we must evaluate the present level of informatization in an objective manner and assess the current progress toward the future goal of the military by using objective indicators. In promoting informatization, we must systematically identify the correct areas of improvement and identify policy directions to supplement in the future. Therefore, by analyzing preliminary research, workshops, and expert discussions on the major informatization level evaluation models at home and abroad, this study develops an evaluation model and several indicators that systematically reflect the characteristics of military organizations. The developed informatization level evaluation model is verified by conducting a feasibility test for the troops of the operation class or higher. We expect that this model will be able to objectively diagnose the level of informatization of the ROK military by putting budget and resources into the right place at the right time and to rapidly improve the vulnerability of the information sector.

Automation of Online to Offline Stores: Extremely Small Depth-Yolov8 and Feature-Based Product Recognition (Online to Offline 상점의 자동화 : 초소형 깊이의 Yolov8과 특징점 기반의 상품 인식)

  • Jongwook Si;Daemin Kim;Sungyoung Kim
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2024
  • The rapid advancement of digital technology and the COVID-19 pandemic have significantly accelerated the growth of online commerce, highlighting the need for support mechanisms that enable small business owners to effectively respond to these market changes. In response, this paper presents a foundational technology leveraging the Online to Offline (O2O) strategy to automatically capture products displayed on retail shelves and utilize these images to create virtual stores. The essence of this research lies in precisely identifying and recognizing the location and names of displayed products, for which a single-class-targeted, lightweight model based on YOLOv8, named ESD-YOLOv8, is proposed. The detected products are identified by their names through feature-point-based technology, equipped with the capability to swiftly update the system by simply adding photos of new products. Through experiments, product name recognition demonstrated an accuracy of 74.0%, and position detection achieved a performance with an F2-Score of 92.8% using only 0.3M parameters. These results confirm that the proposed method possesses high performance and optimized efficiency.

Investigating the Effects of Training Image Dataset's Size and Specificity on Visual Scene Understanding AI in Construction (건설현장 컴퓨터비전 AI 성능에 대한 학습 이미지 데이터셋 크기 및 특화성의 영향 분석)

  • Jinwoo Kim;Seokho Chi
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2024
  • Visual scene understanding AI, a pivotal factor for digital transformation and robotic automation in construction, has primarily been researched under the hypothesis that the more training images, the higher the model performance. Alternatively, one can hypothesize that prioritizing activity-specific training images tailored to each construction phase would be more critical than merely enlarging the size of the dataset. This approach is particularly vital in dynamic construction environments where visual characteristics undergo significant changes across the construction phases, from earthmoving, foundation, and superstructure to finishing activities. In this background, we investigate the effects of a training image dataset's size and specificity on visual scene understanding AI in construction. We build an all-in-one, universal training image dataset as well as an activity-specific dataset, varying the number of training images. We then train vision-based worker detection models using each dataset and assess their performance in activity-specific, dynamic test environments. We analyze the optimal performance achieved in each test environment and how the model's performance varies depending on the dataset's size over the entire test phase. Our findings will help scientifically validate the dual hypotheses and lay a solid foundation for building and updating a training image dataset when developing a visual scene understanding AI model in dynamic construction sites.

A Study on the Development Direction of Medical Image Information System Using Big Data and AI (빅데이터와 AI를 활용한 의료영상 정보 시스템 발전 방향에 대한 연구)

  • Yoo, Se Jong;Han, Seong Soo;Jeon, Mi-Hyang;Han, Man Seok
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.317-322
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    • 2022
  • The rapid development of information technology is also bringing about many changes in the medical environment. In particular, it is leading the rapid change of medical image information systems using big data and artificial intelligence (AI). The prescription delivery system (OCS), which consists of an electronic medical record (EMR) and a medical image storage and transmission system (PACS), has rapidly changed the medical environment from analog to digital. When combined with multiple solutions, PACS represents a new direction for advancement in security, interoperability, efficiency and automation. Among them, the combination with artificial intelligence (AI) using big data that can improve the quality of images is actively progressing. In particular, AI PACS, a system that can assist in reading medical images using deep learning technology, was developed in cooperation with universities and industries and is being used in hospitals. As such, in line with the rapid changes in the medical image information system in the medical environment, structural changes in the medical market and changes in medical policies to cope with them are also necessary. On the other hand, medical image information is based on a digital medical image transmission device (DICOM) format method, and is divided into a tomographic volume image, a volume image, and a cross-sectional image, a two-dimensional image, according to a generation method. In addition, recently, many medical institutions are rushing to introduce the next-generation integrated medical information system by promoting smart hospital services. The next-generation integrated medical information system is built as a solution that integrates EMR, electronic consent, big data, AI, precision medicine, and interworking with external institutions. It aims to realize research. Korea's medical image information system is at a world-class level thanks to advanced IT technology and government policies. In particular, the PACS solution is the only field exporting medical information technology to the world. In this study, along with the analysis of the medical image information system using big data, the current trend was grasped based on the historical background of the introduction of the medical image information system in Korea, and the future development direction was predicted. In the future, based on DICOM big data accumulated over 20 years, we plan to conduct research that can increase the image read rate by using AI and deep learning algorithms.