• Title/Summary/Keyword: 디자인적 사고

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A study on the process of thinking of development of text model (디자인 학습의 프로세스적 접근을 위한 TEXT 모형 개발에 관한 연구-사고과정을 중심으로-)

  • 이은주;류성현
    • Archives of design research
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    • no.16
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    • pp.113-122
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    • 1996
  • ilesi gn is on process. j)esign is not a result, but a process, It requires organizatiun ui design process to ubtain the most efiectivc design. The urganizatiun of design process means to understand the inner ur outer problems. to cr-eate r-esonable process, and to hale ability of problem soiving, In this paper, we suggest lhal student need to understand the importance oi 'discovering \ulcornerrOCeflB'. not 'd iscovered process'. _\ nd we also SUi(\{est text model of instructor with respeCl to the basic concept of creative ability and den]opmcnt of imagination ahality.

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A Case Study on the Christian Worldview Education Program through Maker Education Based Design Thinking at Christian University (기독 대학의 디자인사고 기반 메이커교육을 통한 기독교 세계관 교육 프로그램 운영 사례 연구)

  • Seongah Lee;Hyeajin Yoon
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.73
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    • pp.117-137
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    • 2023
  • This is a case study of an extra-curricular program that designed and implemented maker education based on design thinking to foster a Christian worldview. The program was designed at K university in the course of 10 sessions as following stages; tinkering, providing a special lecture for motivation, finding issues, empathizing, making, sharing and reflecting. A total of 15 students in 5 teams participated in the program, progressed through each stage in the process of solving the problems they found around them so that their neighbors and the creative world could become better. As a result of operating this program, the participants became concerned about their neighbors and community and reflected on the change of perspective of the world from a Christian worldview. As a suggestion for follow-up research and projects, to develop a model of maker education based on design thinking for cultivating a Christian view of the world is proposed in order to support to easy design and management of the program even if there is a lack of professional related knowledge and experience. In addition, it is needed to develop a manual and guide book including a facilitator's role and an assessment tool like a rubric that can give feedback on the performance of the program and make improvement.

A Study on mapping Software engineering with Design thinking mechanism (디자인 씽킹 메카니즘과 소프트웨어공학 접목에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Chae Yun;Kim, Janghwan;Park, Bokyung;Jang, Woo sung;Son, Hyun Seung;Kim, R. Young Chul
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2020.05a
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    • pp.349-351
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    • 2020
  • 4차 산업혁명시대가 도래함으로써 수많은 영역에 다양한 소프트웨어(SW)가 필요할 것이며, 특히 비전공자 및 기초 전공자들의 창의적 사고 기반 SW에 대한 이해가 요구된다. 하지만 문제는 창의적 사고 기반의 SW에 대한 정의 및 아이디어가 부족하다. 우리는 교육 영역에서의 창의적 사고 방법 및 주요 쟁점들을 비전공자들에게 강의한 경험이 있지만 실질적으로 창의적 사고기법을 통해서 소프트웨어로 구현하는 것에 큰 어려움을 겪고 있다. 따라서 이러한 점을 개선하는 창의적 사고 기법과 소프트웨어 공학기법을 접목인 디자인 씽킹 메카니즘과 소프트웨어공학 접목을 제안한다.

A Propensity of Formative Presentation by Line Drawing (라인드로잉에 의한 디자인 조형의 표현성향)

  • 우흥룡
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 1998
  • During design thinking and developing, its idea into the real world, and we are under pattern recognition and gestalt principles of perceptual organization. Generally originality is a part of creativity which consists an integral factor of the designing. This is a study on the measure system for an ability of originality in design. It is reorganized that the OTLD(Originality Test of Line Drawing) is a measuring system for personal originality. In order to catch the development the thoughts, we presented 10 picture planes as stimuli (each picture plane contained 3-18 dots), recorded the tape displaying eye-mark trajectories and outputting the trajectories with EMR(Eye Mark Recorder), then found the process of visual sensation and perception. From the results of this study, we examined the relationships between connections and complexity of the objects on the picture plane, which could be transformed into some objective measuring parameters. We would suggest this OLTD as a measurement system for an ability of originality in design fields, but we couldn't find any reliability and validity for fine art fields.

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A Study on the Process of Refining Ideas for Social Problem Solving Based on Design Thinking in Digital Convergence Era (디지털 융합시대의 디자인 사고 기반 사회문제 해결 아이디어 구체화 프로세스에 관한 연구)

  • Back, Seung-cheol;Jo, Sung-hye;Kim, Nam-hee;Noh, Kyoo-Sung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.155-163
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    • 2017
  • South Korea has experienced various social problems during rapid economic development, and now attempts to address them through social economy and advanced technologies. This approach, however, requires comprehensive research on not only phenomenal issues but also their fundamental causes and regional/cultural contexts as Design Thinking Process does. This study aims to draw implications for applying Design Thinking Process into the entire process of solving social problems, from field research, idea refinement, and solution design. Limitations of Design Thinking-based social problem solving are also drawn through comparative analysis on various cases. In conclusion, the process of refining ideas and developing product/service can be utilized by social enterprises, ventures, NGOs, etc. as a guideline in addressing social problems.

A Study for Structure of Meaning in Emotional Design (감성디자인의 의미전달 구조에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Man-Yong;Choi, Koung-Jae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.91-94
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    • 2007
  • 현대의 디자인에서 가장 주목할 특징은 Convergence, 즉 융합적 사고 전개이며 그 외적형식이 감성디자인이다. 즉 감성의 지표인 니즈를 통하여 디지인 기획단계에서부터 최종 소비까지 사용자의 감성을 고려한 총체적 메카니즘을 말한다. 따라서 감성디자인은 감성에 대한 연구가 필수적이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 감성에 대한 기존의 연구에서, 감성은 직관적이지만 모호한 것이었다. 그러나 학제간의 연구성과에 힘입어 감성은 이성의 상반적 개념으로 지각, 쾌감과 감정을 외연으로 갖으면서 인간지성을 매개하는 심의의 능력인 것이다. 이때 감성은 니즈의 통계학적 분석에 의한 평균값이 아니라 기호해석의 구조적 강제성에 의하여 보편성을 획득하게 되어 실천적 행위로써 디자인 프로세스를 거쳐 다시 감성의 출발지인 소비자에로 이행하는 순환적 고리를 형성하게 된다. 이것인 감성디자인의 의미전달의 구조이다.

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A Study on the Improvement Direction of the School Zone - Focusing on policy and design cases in Korea and Sweden - (국내 어린이보호구역 개선 방향 연구 - 스웨덴의 정책 및 디자인 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Young-Jun;Choi, Ju-Hee;Hong, Mi-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.116-124
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    • 2022
  • After the death of Min-sik Kim in Asan, South Chungcheong Province in September 2019, awareness of the school zone has been increasing, and the traffic law is being revised continuously. However, despite these efforts, the number of traffic accidents among children has not decreased significantly. This indicates the need for a new direction considering the behavioral characteristics of children and the traffic environment. Therefore, this study identified the current status and problems of school zones through case analysis of school zones in Korea. In addition, we analyzed the Vision Zero policy, the concept of Home Zone, and engineering-oriented road design cases and operation methods in Sweden, an advanced country in traffic safety. In addition, the cases of the two countries were compared and organized focusing on the basic principles of disaster prevention design. The purpose of this study is to suggest the direction of design and policy to improve school zone problems in Korea. Through this, it is expected that the results of this study will be used as data for future research development for the reduction of school zone fatalities in Korea.

Concept and characteristics of safety information design that reflects human characteristics (인적 특성을 반영한 안전 정보디자인의 개념과 특징)

  • Dasol Kim;Sicheon You
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2024
  • In design studies, there has been extensive prior research on accident and disaster prevention, but it mainly focuses on visualization methods to improve visibility. Most accidents and disasters are caused by human factors. However, there is little design research that considers human characteristics that manifest in dangerous situations. This study aims to identify the concepts and characteristics of safety information design that reflects human traits. It examines the concepts of risk and safety from a social science perspective and looks into human visual information processing from a cognitive neuroscience perspective. Additionally, it explores the relationship between human information processing and accident rates in dangerous situations from a psychological perspective. Based on these analyses, the study distinguishes between conventional information design and safety information design, ultimately identifying the features of safety information design that incorporates human traits. The key findings are as follows: First, information should be presented considering the human tendency to suspend rational judgment in dangerous situations. Second, appropriately dispersing or concentrating attention according to the level of risk can serve as an opportunity to minimize harm. Third, it was found that sensory and perceptual characteristics should be given top priority in the field of risk and safety information design. Through these findings, the study concludes that a design approach that reflects human traits in safety information design can ultimately be a key indicator for improving safety levels.