• Title/Summary/Keyword: 등가보요소

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Fundamental Natural Frequency Analysis of Stepped Cantilever Beams by Equivalent Beam Transformation Technique (계단형 외팔보의 등가보 변환에 의한 기본고유진동수 해석)

  • Moon, Sang-Pil;Hong, Soon-Jo
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.401-410
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    • 2008
  • The natural frequency of a beam plays an important role in not only vibration analysis but also understanding its dynamic characteristics. It is complicated to analyse the natural frequency of a stepped beam with discontinuously varying section. Approximate analysis methods such as Rayleigh-Ritz method, FEM, etc. are frequently used for the vibration analysis of stepped beams. In such a case, accuracy of these methods depends upon the number of partitioned elements, the number of the iterations in calculation and the assumed mode shape. This study presents an approximate analysis method for the fundamental natural frequency analysis of stepped cantilever beam, using equivalent beam transformation technique. Validity and usefulness are verified by comparing the proposed method with FEM for several example problems.

Static and Free Vibration Analyses of Hybrid Girders by the Equivalent Beam Theory (등가보 이론을 이용한 복합 거더의 정적 및 자유진동 해석)

  • Choi, In-Sik;Ye, In-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.600-606
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    • 2007
  • 3D finite element analyses of a corrugated steel web girder and a steel truss web girder are conducted to investigate the static and dynamic behaviour of the hybrid girders. And the analyses results are compared with those by the equivalent beam theory. The equivalent theory is a theory that all section properties of a truss structure are replaced by section properties of a beam including a shear coefficient. When applying the equivalent beam theory, the shear coefficient of the corrugated steel web girder is estimated as the area ratio of flange section to web section and that of the steel truss web girder is calculated by the equation proposed by Abdel. Static deflections and natural frequencies by 3D finite element analyses and those by the equivalent beam theory are in good agreement.

Finite Element Eigen Analysis of Undamped Beam Structure with Composite Sections (복합단면을 갖는 비 감쇠 보 구조물의 유한요소 고유치 해석)

  • Park, Keun-Man;Cho, Jin-Rae;Jung, Weui-Bong;Bae, Soo-Ryong
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.691-697
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    • 2007
  • Numerical eigen analysis of beam-like structure can be easily and effectively done by various conventional beam theory-based methods. However, in case of the structures composed of composite-sectioned beams, the application of conventional numerical methods requires one to derive both equivalent material and geometry properties. In the present paper, these equivalent properties are derived by the transformed section method and the test FEM program is coded. The numerical accuracy of the proposed method is verified through the comparison with the ANSYS 3-D model.

Eigenvalue Analysis of Symmetrically Stepped Beams by Equivalent Beam Transformation (대칭단헝 단순보의 등가보 변환에 의한 고유치 해석)

  • Jung Jae-Chul;Moon Sang-Pil
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.19 no.1 s.71
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2006
  • The natural frequency of a beam plays a critical role in the dynamic analysis of beams. Especially it is a complicated and difficult task to analyse the natural frequency of a stepped beam with an irregularly varying section. The lumped mass methods, multi-degree of freedom analyses, are mainly used for the analysis of this kind of stepped beams. The accuracy of these methods are determined by the number of the partitions of elements, the number of the iterations in calculation, and the accuracy of assumed mode shapes. This study presents a method of transformation from symmetrically stepped beams to an equivalent beam and a method of the eigenvalue analysis. Appropriateness and utility of this method are demonstrated by comparing examples from other literatures and various models.

Partial Layerwise-to-ESL Coupling Elements for Multiple Model Analysis (다중모델 해석을 위한 부분층별-등가단층 결합요소)

  • Shin, Young-Sik;Woo, Kwang-Sung;Ahn, Jae-Seok
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.267-275
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents the p-convergent coupling element on the basis of the ESSE(equivalent single layer shell element) and the PLLE(partial-linear layerwise element) to analyze laminated composite plates. The ESSE is formulated by the degenerated shell theory, on the other hand, the assumption of the PLLE is piecewise linear variation of the in-plane displacement and a constant value of lateral displacement across the thickness. The proposed finite element model is based on p-convergence approach. The integrals of Legendre polynomials and Gauss-Lobatto technique are chosen to interpolate displacement fields and to implement numerical quadrature, respectively. This study has been focused on the verification of p-convergent element. For this purpose, various finite element multiple models associated with the combination of ESSE and PLLE elements are tested to show numerical stability. The simple examples such as a cantilever beam subjected vertical load and a plate with tension are adopted to evaluate the performance of proposed element.

Application of Equivalent Beam Element for Practical Vibration Analysis of Stadium Structure (스타디움 구조물의 실용적인 진동해석을 위한 등가보요소의 적용)

  • Kim, Gee-Cheol
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.8 no.5 s.39
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 2004
  • In general, stadium structure with long span has low inherent natural frequency. In the stadium structure, structural behavior similar to resonance can be occurred easily by spectator rhythmical movements of which exciting period is small comparatively. It is required to investigate the safety and the serviceability of stadium structure. Therefore, there exists a necessity for accurate vibration analysis. Accurate analysis of stadium structure subjected to dynamic load is required for economical construction and safe design of stadium structure. Stadium structure should be modeled by refined mesh for accurate vibration analysis. As the mesh of stadium structure is refined, the number of divided elements increases in numerical analysis. The number of node is increased and numerous computer memories or computational time are required. So it is very difficult to analyze refine model of stadium structures by using the commercial programs. It is possible to efficient vibration analysis of stadium structure by finite element modeling method using equivalent beam element proposed in this paper, because the number of nodes is decreased remarkably.

Nonlinear FE Analysis of RC Shear Walls (철근콘크리트 전단벽의 비선형 유한요소해석)

  • 곽효경;김도연
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.293-308
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    • 1999
  • 이 논문에서는 패널, 깊은 보 그리고 전단벽과 같이 평면응력상태하에 있는 철근콘크리트 구조물의 비선형 유한요소해석에 있어서의 직교이방성 콘크리트 구성 모델의 적용성을 보여준다. 등가의 일축 변형을 개념을 토대로 콘크리트의 구성 관계가 주변형률 축과 일치하고 하중이력에 따라 회전하는 직교하는 축에 대해 제시된다. 제안된 모델은 이축 압축응력상태와 인장-압축 응력상태에서 각각 압축강도의 증가와 인장 저항력의 감소효과를 보여주는 이축 파괴영역의 정의를 포함한다. 인장균열이 발생한 후, 콘크리트의 압축강도의 감소효과가 제시되고, 인장강화효과로 알려진 철근에 의해 지지되는 콘크리트의 인장응력이 고려된다. 평균응력과 평균변형률 개념을 사용하여 힘의 평형, 적합조건 그리고 철근과 철근을 둘러싼 콘크리트 사이의 부착응력-슬림 관계를 토대로 인장강화효과를 모사하기 위한 모델이 제안된다. 유한요소 모델에 의한 예측은 유용한 실험자료와의 비교에 의해 입증된다. 이 논문에서는 해석결과와 이상화한 전단 패널실험으로부터 얻어진 실험값의 비교연구가 수행되고, 제안된 모델의 타당성을 보여주기 위해 서로 다른 응력상태하의 전단 패널 보와 벽체의 힘-변위 관계를 평가하였다.

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Dynamic Response Analysis of Stiffened Plates Subjected to Moving Loads (이동하중을 받는 보강판의 동응답해석)

  • 정정훈;정태영
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 1992.10a
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    • pp.124-129
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    • 1992
  • 이동 집중력 및 집중질량에 의한 이동하중을 받는 직사각형 보강판에 대하 여 보강재효과집중 모델링방법에 의거하여 보강판을 등방성 박판 및 보강재 효과를 반영한 등가보요소로 이루어진 판-보 조합체로 유한요소 모델링하고 Newmark의 직접 시간적분법을 이용한 동응답 해석방법을 정식화하였다. 일 련의 수치계산 예를 통하여 본 연구에서 제시한 방법이 이동하중을 받는 보 강판의 동응답 해석문제에 효과적으로 적용될 수 있음을 확인하였다. 아울러 parametric study를 통하여 이동하중이 작용하는 보강판의 동응답특성은 이 동하중의 질량효과를 고려하는 경우와 고려하지 않는 경우 매우 달라지며, 이동하중에 의한 동적응답은 이동속도가 증가할수록 정하중에 의한 응답보 다 증폭되어 나타나고 증폭비율이 질량효과를 고려할 경우 훨씬 더 커짐을 확인하였다.

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Stress Analysis of the Corner Part of Ship Structures Using the New Equivalent Curved Beam Theory (신(新) 등가(等價) 곡선(曲線)보 이론(理論)에 의한 선체(船體) Corner부(部)의 응력(應力) 해석(解析))

  • Chang-Doo Jang;Seung-Soo Na
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.193-201
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    • 1992
  • A new equivalent curved beam theory is developed for the analysis of the corner part of ship structures, in which effects of distributed loads and asymmetricity with two or three connected parts are considered. Equivalent loads are obtained from equilibrium conditions between the distributed loads and the member forces and moments at the ends of curved beam. And an equivalent curved beam for the asymmetric structure is obtained by superposing the equivalent symmetric parts which have equivalent stiffness. From the sample calculation, it is found that the results of the new equivalent curved beam theory are well agreed with those of finite element method using membrane elements with little computing time and sufficient accuracy.

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p-Version Finite Element Analysis of Elasto-Plastic Cracked Plates Including Strain Hardening Effects (변형률 경화효과를 고려한 탄소성 균열판의 p-Version 유한요소해석)

  • 우광성;홍종현;윤영필
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.537-549
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    • 1999
  • 선형탄성 파괴해석은 균열을 갖는 변형률 경화재료의 파괴거동을 예측하는데 불충분하기 때문에 최근에는 균열 선단 부에서 대규모 소성 역을 갖는 균열 체에 적용할 수 있는 많은 파괴역학개념이 제안되고 있다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 대규모항복 조건하의 연성파괴를 보이는 평판을 정확하게 해석할 수 있는 새로운 유한요소모델을 제시하고자 한다. 균열 선단 부의 응력 장을 정의하는데 가장 지배적인 파괴매개변수인 J-적분 값과 소성 역의 크기 및 형상을 J-적분법과 등가영역적분법을 통해 파괴거동을 설명할 수 있도록 증분소성이론에 기초를 둔 p-version 유한요소해석이 채택되었다. 제안된 유한요소모델에 의한 수치해석결과는 이론 해와 h-version 유한요소해석과 비교되었다.

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