• Title/Summary/Keyword: 돼지 조직

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상어 연골조직에서 추출한 젤라틴의 건조 방법에 따른 물리 화학적 특성

  • 곽기석;박순형;이주항;윤영수;박덕천;지청일;김상호;김선봉
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Fisheries Technology Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.172-173
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    • 2001
  • 젤라틴은 일반적으로 콜라겐의 가수 분해로 생성되어지는 단백질로서 대부분 동물의 결합 조직이나 피부, 배에 존재한다. 젤라틴은 젤리, 제빵 및 제과, 유화제 및 chewing gum base 등과 같은 식품용은 물론이고, 의약용, 사진용, 미생물 배양용 등으로도 사용되어 지고 있다. 젤라틴은 대부분 돼지나 소와 같은 육상 동물에서 얻어지고 있으나 최근 들어 광우병과 구제역과 같은 안전상의 문제가 대두되는 시점에서 그들의 대체 원료가 필요로 하게 되었고 이들을 대신하기 위해 어류에서 추출한 젤라틴에 많은 관심을 보이고 있다. (중략)

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People Inside - 송석찬 회장(2021 한국국제축산박람회 조직위원장(사)한국축산환경시설기계협회장)

  • Jang, Seong-Yeong
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    • v.53 no.6
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    • pp.108-111
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    • 2021
  • 오는 9월 8(수)~10(금)일은 3일간 2021 한국국제축산박람회(KISTOCK 2021)가 대구 EXCO전시장에서 개최된다. 아프리카돼지열병(ASF), 코로나-19 등 질병 확산으로 두 차례 연기되면서 4년 만에 개최되는 만큼 박람회 추진위원회는 안전·방역·위생을 기본으로 국내 축산업 발전과 성장을 위해 불철주야 준비하고 있다. 2021 한국국제축산박람회 조직위원장을 맡은 (사)한국축산환경시설기계협회 송석찬 회장을 만나 이번 박람회 분위기를 들어보았다.

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Comparative Histological Study on the Parafollicular Cells of Mammals (각종 포유동물 갑상선내의 소포방세포에 관한 비교조직학적 연구)

  • 고정식;박상윤
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.89-108
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    • 1980
  • Comparative studies on the parafollicular cells of the some mammalian species from five different orders were carried out; i.e., man from Primates, cattle, pig, and black goat from Artiodactyla, dog from Carnivora, rabbit from Lagomorpha, rat, mouse, and squirrel from Rodentia. For this study, various special techniques for the parafollicular cells, including Grimelius' silver impregnation method (Sawicki and Bajko, 1974), Singh's argentaffin method (Singh, 1964), HCl-toluidine blue stain (Sawicki, 1971), and HCl-lead hematoxylin stain (Solcia et al., 1969), were applied. Authors obtained the following results: 1. Number of parafollicular cells in the same area of thyroid tissues are significantly different from species to species. Number of cells were largest in dog and less cells were found in the following orders; rat, squirrel, mouse, rabbit, cattle, pig, black goat and finally the smallest number in man. 2. Distribution of parafollicular cells within thyroid gland are significantly different from portion to portion in case of cattle, rabbit, squirrel and mouse, but it is not significant in dog, man, pig, black goat and rat (see Table 1-1 and 1-2). 3. In dog, clustered parafollicular cells are located usually in the interfollicular space, and groups of parafollicular cells are located in the para-and/or inter-follicular positions in rabbit. But in the other animals parafollicular cells are found solitarily in the intra-and/or para-follicular positions. 4. The shape of parafollicular cells shows oval to round contour in dog, but it is polymorphic, for example, spindle, conical, oval, round or elongated with cytoplasmic processes, in the other animals. 5. Size of parafollicular cells is larger in cattle, dog and pig, smaller in rat, mouse and squirrel, and medium-size in rabbit, man and black goat. 6. Parafollicular cells of pig, cattle, dog and squirrel are observed to contain densely packed granules, whereas those of mouse, rat and man contain relatively scanty granules. 7. Parafollicular cells of all the mammals show more or less positive reaction to Grimelius' argyrophile silver impregnation method, HCl-toluidine blue stain and HCl-lead hematoxylin stain, whereas they show negative reaction to argentaffin method (see Table 2). 8. Considering the above finding, it is concluded that there are species differences in the distribution, location and shape of parafollicular cells, and infer that preferable staining method should be selected for reliable detection of parafollicular cells, beacuse staining methods applied on the cells in this study show variable reactions according to species.

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Comparison of Carcass and Pork Physical Characteristics by Market Weight and Gender of Berkshire (버크셔의 출하체중과 성별에 따른 도체 및 돈육의 물리적 특성 비교)

  • 이제룡;주영국;신원주;조규제;이진우;이정일;이중동;도창희
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.108-114
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    • 2004
  • In a trial involving 72 pigs, the effects of market weight and gender on the carcass and pork quality characteristics were investigated. A total of 72 pigs were divided into 3 groups(95-104, 105-110 or 111-120kg), market weight was assigned to 2 gender group (gilt or boar). The carcass characteristics (carcass weight, backfat thickness or grades) were determined on those carcass, longissimus muscle was removed from each left side at 5th to 13th rib and meat qualities were evaluated. The carcass weight and backfat thickness of pigs slaughtered at 111-120kg were increases than the other weights. The carcass grade of pigs slaughtered at 105-110kg had higher then at pigs slaughtered 94-104kg. Compared with boars, gilts carcass had higher in carcass weight and backfat fat. The pH$\_$u/, drip loss and cooking loss tended to similar for market weight and gender, meat of boars had higher shear force values than gilts (p<0.05). The meat color tended to similar for market weight and gender. The total myoglobin content of gilts slaughtered at 95-104kg and boars slaughtered at 111-120kg had higher than the other weight and gender. The meat of gilts had higher springiness and brittleness than boars (p<0.05). These results imply that the carcass characteristics (carcass weight and backfat thickness) could be affected by market weight and gender, meat of gilts was improved the shear force values and texture properties when compared to boars.


  • 한국축산물위생처리협회
    • 한국축산물위생처리협회지
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    • no.60
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    • pp.1-2
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    • 2003
  • 축산물가공처리법령중 개정령안에 대한 의견제출 내용 - 농림부, 축산국 조직개편안 마련 - 돼지고기 안전성홍보 대대적 전개 - 줄잇는 생우수입-'애끓는' 한우농가 - 김영진 농림장관 '수입생우 검역 시설-현재 수준으로 유지'

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Measurement of Surface Strain on Soft Biological Tissues Using Irregular Grid Pattern (불규칙적인 격자망을 이용한 생체 연조직의 곡면변형률 측정)

  • Lee, Jun Sik;Kim, Ki Hong;Kim, Hyung Jong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.37 no.8
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    • pp.1051-1057
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    • 2013
  • In this study, an automatic surface-strain measurement system called "ASIAS-bio" has been developed. This system can be used even in cases in which it is very difficult to apply a regular grid pattern necessary for measuring surface-strain, such as curved or uneven surfaces; surfaces damaged by corrosion or contamination; or soft materials such as rubber, foam, and biological tissues. This system works independently of the measurement conditions including the material and its surface condition, grid pattern and size, grid marking method, and degree of deformation. A comparison between the strain distributions of the sheet metal parts measured by using this system and those obtained by a commercial system showed that this system was sufficiently reliable. In addition, the deformation of the swine joint capsule and human knee skin was measured by using this system to demonstrate its usefulness.

Preparation and Characterization of Tissue Engineered Scaffold Using Porcine Small Intestinal Submucosa and Hyaluronic Acid (돼지의 소장점막하 조직과 히알루론산을 이용한 조직공학적 담체의 제조 및 특성분석)

  • Lim, Ji-Ye;Kim, Soon-Hee;Kang, Gil-Son;Rhee, John M.
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.415-420
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    • 2008
  • The porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS) without immunorejection responses and hyalunonic acid (HA) can be used as biomaterials. In this study, we tried to design and characterize novel sponge. SIS- HA sponge was prepared by freeze-drying after addition 1wt% HA solution into fabricated SIS sponge. Sponge was crosslinked with 1-ethyl-(3-3-dimethyl aminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) solution with 100mM concentration for 24 hrs and lyophilized. SIS-HA sponge was characterized by scanning electron microscopy and fourier transform infrared spectrometer. And water absorption ability of sponge was evaluated. We seeded NIH/3T3 cells in SIS-HA sponge and cellular attachment was assayed by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazole-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltertazolium-bromide (MTT) test. We demonstrated presence of HA in SIS-HA sponge from C-O functional group observed by the FT-IR analysis. Moreover, we confirmed low cytotoxicity and high cell viability of the SIS-HA sponges. Therefore, we could expect that SIS- HA scaffolds are applicable for the tissue regeneration.

Comparison of hematologic and biochemical values in htPA transgenic pigs (사람 조직 플라스미노겐 활성인자 생산용 형질전환 돼지에서의 혈액학적 성상 비교)

  • Park, Mi-Ryung;Hwang, In-Sul;Lee, Seunghoon;Lee, Hwi-Cheul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.395-400
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    • 2020
  • Pigs have been used widely in biomedical research owing to their physiologic and anatomic similarities to humans. Analysis of the hematologic and biochemical values in pigs is an important basis for biomedical research and veterinary clinical diagnosis, but research on transgenic pigs has been sparse. This study was conducted to obtain basic data on transgenic pigs and to describe and compare the reference values for hematologic and biochemical parameters in human tissue plasminogen activator (htPA) transgenic pigs vs normal pigs. Blood samples were obtained from 7 normal LY (Landrace-Yorkshire crossbred) pigs and 8 transgenic pigs and 16 hematologic and 15 serum biochemical parameters were tested. Among the hematologic parameters tested, significant differences were observed in the red blood cells (RBC), mean red blood cell hemoglobin (MCH), and lymphocytes (LYM), between the non-transgenic and transgenic pigs. Among the biochemical parameters tested, the blood urea nitrogen (BUN), total protein (TP), cholesterol (CHOL), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), creatinine (CREA), gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), globin (GOB), and amylase (AMYL) showed significant differences between the two groups. Thus, the values determined in this study can be used as basic reference values for transgenic pigs and will contribute to their use in biomedical research.

Extracts of Korean Medicinal Plant Extracts Alter Lipogenesis of Pig Adipose Tissue and Differentiation of Pig Preadipocytes In vitro (한국 약용식물 추출물이 In vitro 돼지 지방조직의 지방합성과 지방전구세포의 분화에 영향을 미친다)

  • Choi, Young-Suk;Choi, Kang-Duk;Kim, Sung-Do;Phillip, Owens;Chung, Chung-Soo
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.383-388
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    • 2010
  • Identification of natural compounds that can prevent the development of obesity in vivo is time consuming and expensive. We have used in vitro systems derived from pig adipose tissue to screen simple aqueous or ethanolic extracts of Korean medicinal herbs (KMH) for their anti-adipogenic potential. A total of 183 extracts were tested for their actions in lipogenesis of pig adipose tissue and differentiation of pig preadipocytes. Ethanol extracts were prepared from 72 and aqueous extracts were prepared from 111 medicinal herbs. Both an ethanolic and an aqueous extract were prepared from 65 of these. Thirteen extracts substantially altered rates of lipogenesis in vitro. The effects of KMH on lipogenesis of pig adipose tissue are as follows. Elevens reduced lipogenesis to rates that were more than 40% lower than control and four of these reduced rates of lipogenesis by more than 70%. The most potent anti-lipogenic extracts were those obtained in ethanol from Iridaceae and from Sophora flavescens AIT as well as both the aqueous and ethanolic extracts from Lysimachia vulgaris L. Two extracts, those prepared in water from Caesalpiniae lignum and from Phellodendri cortex, were found to promote rates of lipogenesis in vitro. The effects of KMH on differentiation of pig preadoipocytes are as follows. Twentyeight extracts altered the rates of differentiation of cultured porcine preadipocytes. Sixteen increased and twelve reduced the rates of differentiation of preadipocytes. Extracts prepared in ethanol from Moutan radicis cortex and from Ostericum koreanum and those prepared in water from Angelicae gigantis radix, from Inula henenium L and from Magnolia flos doubled the rate of differentiation of cultured porcine preadipocytes. Ten extracts reduced the in vitro rate of differentiation of porcine preadipocytes by more than 35%. These were the ethanolic extracts from Glycyrrizae radix, Nepetae spica and from Polygala myrtifolia and the aqueous extracts from Amaranthaceae, Asparagus cochinchinesis, Atractylodis rhizoma alba, Citrus junos TANAKA, Cyperus rotundus, Epimedium grandiflorum and from Moutan radicis cortex. Only the ethanolic extract from Polygala myrtifolia was able to both reduce lipogenesis in adipose tissue slices and retard differentiation of cultured preadipocytes. The results of our study will provide meaningful information to identify medicinal herbs which would reduce fat deposition in livestocks and humans.