• Title/Summary/Keyword: 돼지감자

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Ethanol Fermentation Characteristics of K. marxianus on Jerusalem Artichoke tuber Extract (효모 K. marxianus에 의한 돼지감자 착즙에 대한 에탄올 발효 특성)

  • 김진한;허병기배천순김현성
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.75-80
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    • 1990
  • The investigations of specific growth rate, specific alcohol production rate, cell yield, alcohol yield of K. marxianus LG were performed according to the sugar concentrations, 50, 80, 110, 190, and 250g/l of extracted solution of Jerusalem Artichoke. The functipnal relationship between specific growth rate, specific alcohol production rate, and alcohol concentrations were devoted study to. In case of low concentration of alcohol, the fuctions were linear relationships. But in the region of high concentration of alcohol, they expressed the exponential relationships. The growth rate of K. marxianus was prohibited at higher than 50g/l of alcohol concentrations regardless of concentration of residual sugar. Cell and alcohol yield showed the maximum values around 25g/l of alcohol concentraton without being related to initial sugar concentrations.

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Immobilization and properties of Streptomyces sp. S56 endoinulase (Streptomyces sp. S56 endoinulase의 고정화 및 성질)

  • Kim, Su-Il;Chang, Ho-Jin
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.410-414
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    • 1992
  • Endoinulase from Streptomyces sp. S56 was immobilized by adsorption on DEAE-cellulose in 0.01 M citrate-sodium phosphate buffer, pH 6.0 and the properties of immobilized and free enzymes were investigated. The immobilized enzyme preparation, having 40 inulase activity units per dried matrix, revealed the maximal activity at $pH\;4.5{\sim}5.5$ and $55{\sim}60^{\circ}C$ and were most stable at pH 6 and 45^{\circ}C$. The immobilization caused a drop in optimum pH and affinity toward inulin, a slight increase in optimum temperature, an important increase in thermal stability and maximum reaction velocity. The immobilized endoinulase hydrolyzed the tuber extract of jerusalem artichoke and inulin, mainly into fructose and inulobise, degrading 63 and 78% of the total sugar respectively, within 48 hrs in batch reactor.

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Development and characterization of thickeners using natural materials (자연재료를 이용한 증점소재 개발 및 특성연구)

  • Jin, Ha-Kyung;Kim, Bum-Keun;Han, Jung-Ah
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.229-234
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    • 2017
  • For elderly individuals with swallowing difficulties, texture-modified food containing thickeners is needed. The plant materials freeze-dried yam, lotus root, and artichoke were evaluated for their potential use as thickeners and compared to a commercial thickener (corresponding to 0.5, 1, or 2 bag viscosity, respectively). Yam powder showed a high peak viscosity, corresponding to that of rice starch. Although artichoke showed no pasting viscosity, it may be useful as a thickener when combined with xanthan gum. The certain amount of yam, lotus root, and artichoke powders added to commercial soup showed similar viscosities as the addition of 0.5 or 1 bag commercial thickener at $60^{\circ}C$. However, sufficient viscosity corresponding to that of 2 bags of commercial thickener was not achieved by using the plant material itself. Sensory tests by elderly subjects revealed that the soup with yam powder was preferred compared to soup made with other materials.

Comparision of Preparation Methods for Water Soluble Vitamin Analysis in Foods by Reversed-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (역상 고속 액체 크로마토그래피에 의한 식품 중 수용성 비타민 분석을 위한 전처리법의 비교)

  • Kim, Hyung-Soo;Jang, Duck-Kyu;Woo, Dong-Kyun;Woo, Kang-Lyung
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2002
  • Owing to a need for simple extraction and purification for analysis of water soluble vitamins in food samples by RP-HPLC with UV-detector, the methods of bromelain and protease hydrolysis and $C_{18}$ Sep-Pak solid phase extraction were employed. The recoveries of standard water soluble vitamins by the bromelain and protease hydrolysis and $C_{18}$ Sep-Pak solid phase extraction were significantly high compared to AOAC methods in most of vitamins. The contents of pyridoxal determined with protest in the pork was similar, but in the bromelain hydrolysis and AOAC method, was high compared to the results of reference. The niacinamide, thiamin and riboflavin determined with bromelain and protease hydrolysis showed similar values to the results of references. In the potato, pyridoxamine was detected in the AOAC method, which was not detected in the bromelain and protease hydrolysis methods. Pyridoxal contents in the protease hydrolysis and AOAC methods were very similar to the results of references. The recoveries of fortified standard vitamins in food samples were significantly high and accurate compared to those of AOAC methods. The extraction and purification with $C_{18}$ Sep-Pak solid extractor might be considered superior method for the determination of water soluble vitamins in food samples.

Characteristics of Sunroot (Helianthus tuberosus) Fermentation with boundary condition (발효조건에 따른 돼지감자의 발효시스템)

  • Chung, Sung Won;Woo, Ji Hee;Choi, Won Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.411-417
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    • 2017
  • In this study, Sunroot was used as material in the fermentation process. Sunroot are widely distributed in Korea, The main component is composed of inulin. Fermented vinegar stimulates digestion in the body, as well as to relieve stress is a cause of increasing the neurotransmitter-Serotonin of the body. Therefore, we conducted fermentation studies using sunroot. This research conducted seven days, and the pH and brix value analysis was done every 12 hours during fermentation process. The experimental results show that the fermentation product under blender treatment is better than cutting treatment and without cutting treatment. Initial brix 25% is the best treatment for fermentation because produce fermentation product with a good taste and aroma than other treatment.

Effects of Jerusalem Artichoke and Chicory on Lipid Metabolism in Rats (돼지감자 및 치커리 섭취가 흰쥐의 지질대사에 미치는 영향)

  • 이정선
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 1998
  • This study was carried out to determine the effects of Jerusalem artichoke (JA) powder , JA extract and chicory extract on lipid metabolism in SD rats. The experimental groups were divided into 4 groups ; control, JA powder JA extract and chicory extract. The animals were fed ad libitum each of the experimental diets for 3 weeks. After 3 weeks, the wet weights of cecum were significantly increased in rats fed JA powder and chicory extract. Cecal contents were slightly increased in all experimental groups. Serum HDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol/total cholesterol ratio and atherogenic index were significantly increased in the chicory extract group. Serum triglyceride, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels were not different among the diet groups. Although the feeding of chicory extract significantly lowered total lipid of liver, there was no difference in levels of triglyceride and total cholesterol. The content of fecal lipiid and cholesterol were significantly higher in the Ja extract and chicory extract group than other groups. Fecal bile acid was significantly increased in the chicory extract group. These results indicate that chicory extract is an effective regimen for improvement of lipid metabolism in SD rats.

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Screenig and Indentification of Wild Strains for the Production of High Concentration of Alcohol from Jerusalem artichoke Tubers (돼지감자를 이용한 고농도 알코올발효 균주의 탐색)

  • Hong, Yeun;Choi, Eon-Ho
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.707-712
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    • 1994
  • Yeast screening for effective production of alcohol from Jerusalem artichoke tubers as an alternative energy source was performed. Inulin assimilative strains with high alcohol tolera- nce were isolated from wild sources and cultured in the liquid media of Jerusalem artichoke powder varying its concentraion from 15 to 30%. As a result, four strains of 2,445 isolates showing the inulin assimilation were selected as alcohol fermentative and alcohol tolerant yeasts. These strains were assignated to be Kluyveromyces marxianus F043 and Kluyveromyces sp. F173, E040, and F334, respectively, by their cultural and physiological characteristics. The F043 strain produced ethanol of 98.1 g/l in the 25% Jerusalem artichoke medium for 3 days.

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Effects of Diet Food Containing Jerusalem Artichoke's Inulin, Lotus Leaf, and Herb on Weight and Body Fat of Obesity University Students (돼지감자의 이놀린, 연잎, 허브의 다이어트제제가 비만인의 체중 및 체성분에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Eun-Hye;Kang, Sang-Mo
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to assess the effects of diet food containing Jerusalem artichoke's inulin, lotus leaf, and herb on weight and body fat. Participants in this study were selected based on the following criteria: BMI over $25kg/m^2$, body fat percentage higher than 25%, abdominal obesity level of 0.85 measured by body composition measurement unit (ZEUS 9.9 PLUS, Korea) total 24 female and male university students over 20 of age were assigned to two different groups: control group and diet group and the study was carried out for 30 days. When we measured what the tester's body weight and height, we used an automatic measure machin which is called IMI-1000 from Immanuel company and when we measured what the hip and wist circumference, we used a tape measure. When we measured body mss index (BMI), body Int, body mass, lean mass, waist/hip ratio (WHB), obesity index, we used a ZEUS9.9 PLUS-Korea which is based on bioelectrical impedance analysis, The food intake was checked by means of diet record method to be input into CAN program in order to analyze nutrient intake. Our findings indicated that the diet group, as compared to the control group, lost weight of approximately 2.5 kg and showed statistically significant difference. In addition the level of body Int, muscle, abdominal obesity, obesity, waist and bottom measurement all showed significant decrease after study period. However, there was no big difference in body fat percentage because both body fat level and muscle level dropped together, Putting all these together, diet food in this study containing Jerusalem artichoke's inulin, lotus leaf powder, and herbs powder including nettle, eucalyptus was found to be effective in significant reduction of weight and body fat and obesity-related body indicators. Also, it is considered that this diet food has potential to prevent and improve effectively obesity from abnormal fat accumulation.

Effects of a Combined Diet of Jerusalem Artichoke's Inulin, Lotus Leaf and Herb Extracts in Obesity-induced White Rat with Fat Diet (돼지감자의 이눌린, 연잎, 허브의 병합식이가 고지방식이로 유도된 비만흰쥐에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Eun-Hye;Lee, Ye-Jin;Choi, Ok-Byung;Kang, Sang-Mo
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.295-303
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    • 2007
  • A preliminary diet experiment utilizing Jerusalem artichoke's inulin, lotus leaf powder, nettle powder and eucalyptus powder extract indicated that combining all four elements gave the most effective result. Therefore, a study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of combined diet for weight loss. In this study, Sprague-Dawley, male white rats about 200 g in weight was fed with high fat diet for 8 weeks in order to induce obesity followed by 4 week administration of combined diet to look into the effect of the diet. After a total of 12 weeks of feeding, factors relevant to weight, blood, and lipid metabolism by liver in the body were researched and histologic change was examined with optical microscope. In terms of weight change, both high fat diet group and regular diet group gained weight from high fat diet for 8 weeks compared to normal group. Then, for another 4 weeks, while normal group and high fat diet group kept gaining weight, combined diet group which was provided with high fat diet for 8 weeks, lost weight to the normal group level after 3 week administration of diet. However, after the 4th week of administration, the group weighted significantly less than the normal group and the efficiency of diet also significantly dropped. In the biochemical analysis of blood, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose, GOT, GPT, ${\gamma}-GTP$ and creatine showed significant increase in high fat diet group and there was no significant difference between diet group and normal group except for GPT, ${\gamma}-GTP$ and creatine. In the biochemical analysis of liver, there was significant increase in LDL-cholesterol, triglyceride of high fat diet group compared to normal group, while there was no significant difference in term of total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol. Compared to normal group, diet group had higher HDL-cholesterol, while total cholesterol dropped significantly. There was no significant difference in terms of LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride. Besides, in high fat diet group, observation of histologic change in liver and change in ultrastructure showed volume increase of hepatic cell and severe fatty degeneration in hepatic cell around hepatic vein. However in diet group, like normal group, no pathological change was observed in terms of cytoplasm, nucleus and capillary in hepatocyte and the alignment of hepatocyte had regularity thanks to the administration of combined diet. Therefore, combined diet utilizing Jerusalem artichoke's inulin, lotus leaf powder, nettle powder and eucalyptus powder was proven to be an effective measure to prevent and improve obesity as a result of abnormal adipose deposition.