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The Effect of the Chang in Forest Environment on physico-chemical Properhes of Soil Located in Seoul Royal Tomb (서울 왕릉지역의 산림환경변화가 토양 이.화학성에 미치는 영향)

  • Nam, Yi;Yee, Sun;Bae, Sang-Won
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.32-37
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    • 2005
  • The soil properties of the royal tombs (managed by cultural properties administration) located in Seoul and suburban Gyonggi area were investigated to see the influence of the change in soil environment on the royal tomb s이I. To compare the soil chemical properties of four royal tombs soil of Changdeokgung, Jongmyo, Seooneung, and Dongguneung, pH, organic content, available phosphate, extractable calcium, extractable potassium, extractable magnesium, cation exchange capacity, degree of base saturation, and total nitrogen content were measured. The concentrations of Cd, Pb, and Cu measured as the degree of heavy metal contamination can be an indication of atmospheric pollution in the soil environment. To estimate the degree of soil compaction, soil hardness, pore space, porosity, bulk density, and soil atmosphere were analyzed. Through these studies, following conclusions were made: 1. The soil hardness and pore space which can be used as indexes of soil compaction, were worse in the soil of Seooneung than in those of Changdeokgung and Dongguneury. These phenomena seem to be the result of increase in visitors in Seooneung and Dongguneung better and soil management in Changdeokgung and Dongguneung. When three different regions of forest area, prohibited area, and soil compaction area in Seooneung soil were compared, the degree of compaction in the forest area was less than compaction area, indicating the need for the employment of soil resting period in the compaction area. 2. The pH measurements of all four royal tombs soil were higher in top soil than sub soil. The higher soil pH values in Jongmyo and Seooneung seem to result from the application of soil conditioner. In the case of Seooneung, the values for soil pH and organic content were higher in the forest area than those in compaction area. It is thought that active soil management was employed in the forest area through application of organic matters and soil conditioners. 3. The heavy metal contents from soil of Changdeokgung and Jongmyo were higher than that from soil of Dongguneung. Since Changdeokgung and Jongmyo are located inside Seoul, it is thought that the high level of heavy metal concentrations in these royal tomb soil is the result of accumulation of pollutants from the city.

Adaptive Response to ionizing Radiation Induced by Low Doses of Gamma Rays in Human Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines (인체임파양세포에서 저선량의 감마선에 의해서 유도되는 적응 반응)

  • Seong, Jin-Sil;Suh, Chang-Ok;Kim, Gwi-Eon
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1994
  • When cells are exposed to low doses of a mutagenic or clastogenic agents. they often become less sensitive to the effects of a higher dose administered subsequently. Such adaptive responses were first described in Escherichia coli and mammalian cells to low doses of an alkylating agent. Since most of the studies have been carried out with human lymphocytes, it is urgently necessary to study this effect in different cellular systems. Its relation with inherent cellular radiosensitivity and underlying mechanism also remain to be answered. In this study, adaptive response by 1 cGy of gamma rays was investigated in three human lymphoblastoid cell lines which were derived from ataxia telangiectasia homozygote, ataxia telangiectasia heterozygote, and normal individual. Experiments were carried out by delivering 1 cGy followed by 50 cGy of gamma radiation and chromatid breaks were scored as an endpoint. The results indicate that prior exposure to 1 cGy of gamma rays reduces the number of chromatid breaks induced by subsequent higher dose (50 cGy), The expression of this adaptive response was similar among three cell lines despite of their different radiosensitivity. When 3-aminobenzamide, an inhibitor of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase, was added after 50 cGy, adaptive responses were abolished in all the tested cell lines. Therefore it is suggested that the adaptive response can be observed in human lymphoblastoid cell lines, which was first documented through this study. The expression of adaptive response was similar among the cell lines regardless of their radiosensitivity. The elimination of the adaptive response by 3-aminobenzamide is consistent with the proposal that this adaptive response is the result of the induction of a certain chromosomal repair mechanism.

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Effects of Forage Cropping System and Cattle Slurry Application on Productivity of Rice and Forage Crops and Nutrient Movement in Paddy Land (녹비작물의 경작형태와 우분액비시용이 벼와 사료작물의 생산성 및 양분이동에 미치는 영향)

  • Yook, Wan-Bang;Choi, Ki-Choon;Lee, Kyeong-Bo;Kang, Yo-Sep;Yoon, Chang
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of green manure crops and cattle slurry application on rice productivity and nutrient movement in paddy land. Cropping systems used in this study were consisted of five designs, such as mono-cropping rice applied with standard fertilizer (MRS), double-cropping whole crop barley following rice applied with cattle slurry (DWBRC), double-cropping whole crop rye following rice applied with cattle slurry (DWRRC), mono-cropping rice applied with following milk vetch (MRMV) and mono-cropping rice applied with following hairy vetch (MRHV). The field experiments were conducted on the clay loam at Backsanmyun, Kimje, Chunlabukdo province in Korea for three years (May 2006 to Apr. 2009). This study was arranged in completely randomized design with three replicates. Culm and panicle length of rice were higher in MRS than other treatments. Ripened grain ratio was higher in MRS than other treatments. Yield of Grain showed high in MRS, DWBRC and DWRRC than MRMV and MRHV. The yield of dry matter (DM) of whole crop barley in DWBRC increased significantly as compared with that of rye in DWRRC. The pH, and contents of T-N, P2O5 and organic matter (OM) and exchangeable cation (Ca, Na, Mg and K) in soil samples collected at the end of the experiment were remarkably higher than those at the beginning of the experiment. The concentrations of NO3-N, NH4-N and PO4 in discharge water in DWBRC and DWRRC were higher than MRS.

Environmental factors Associated with Disease Development of Garlic White Rot Caused by Two Species of Sclerotium (온도와 토양습도가 마늘 흑색썩음균핵병 발생에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim Yong-Ki;Kwon Mi-Kyung;Shim Hong-Sik;Kim Tack-Soo;Yeh Wan-Hae;Cho Weon-Dae;Choi In-Hu;Lee Seong-Chan;Ko Sug-Ju;Lee Yong-Hwan;Lee Chan-Jung
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.128-134
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to elucidate effect of environmental factors on the development of white rot. In order to identify the causal agents causing white rot of Allium crops, we compared DNA profiles of a representative isolate, Sclerotium cepivorum, introduced from foreign country with Korean isolates using UP-PCR. As a result, Sclerotium isolates forming round-shaped sclerotia were identified as Sclerotium cepivorum pertaining in UP-PCR b group and Sclerotium isolates farming anamorphic-shaped sclerotia presumed to be a novel species of Sclerotium based on DNA profiles of UP-PCR. There was a big difference in DNA band pattern between two species of Sclerotium isolated in Korea. Electron micrographs of scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope showed morphological differences in sclerotial surface structure and rind layers between two species of Sclerotium. There were more wrinkles and pore spaces on sclerotial surface of Sclerotium sp. forming anamorphic-shaped sclerotia than that of Sclerotium cepivorum forming round-shaped sclerotia. Both of two white rot pathogens grew well at the temperature range of 1025C with optimal temperature of 20C. Sclerotia of the two pathogens were well formed at 20C and well germinated at the temperature range of 2024C, Effect of pre-incubation of sclerotia on destruction of sclerotial dormancy of two pathogens was evaluated through storing sclerotia under different temperature condition. The sclerotia of the two pathogens showed an increased capacity to germinate on potato dextroise agar when the sclerotia were incubated for 7 days at 10C after pre-treatment at 35C for 7 days. At that time, germination rate of Sclerotium sp. and 5. cepivorum was 100%and70%, respectively. Flooding period and treatment temperature had an effect on sclerotial survival rate of the two pathogens. As flooding period and treatment temperature increased, sclerotial germination rate of the two pathogens decreased. It was confirmed that soil humidity played an important role on development of white rot. It was the highest disease incidence of garlic white rot when garlic were sown at potted soils infested with the two pathogens and adjusted soil humidity to 15% (field moisture capacity, about -300 mb). As soil humidity increase or decrease based on 15% of soil humidity, disease incidence decreased move and more.

Diagnosis and management of the early defoliation of Korean flowering cherry in Gurye (구례 왕벚나무 가로수의 조기낙엽 진단 및 친환경적 관리 방법)

  • Han, Areum;Jin, Seon-deok;Jeong, Gilsang;Won, Ho-yeon;Lee, Young-sang;Son, Se Hwan;Choi, Sunghoon;Kang, Hyejin;Lee, ll Hwan;Han, Ah Reum
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.682-689
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    • 2019
  • The Korean flowering cherry is a popular tree. However, the trees have started to defoliate early, including those in Gurye. Thus, it is necessary to identify the causes of the early defoliation and how to manage them. Therefore, the purpose of this study was threefold: 1) to investigate the early defoliation of flowering cherry trees, 2) to identify the differences in growth and flowering of the trees in response to treatment, and 3) to suggest an optimal treatment for the trees. The experiment was conducted in Gurye at a site 3km long with 102 flowering cherry trees along a street. There were three treatments: control, an environmentally friendly insecticide and a disinfectant(treatment 1), and an environmentally friendly insecticide, a disinfectant, and irrigation (treatment 2). The trees in Gurye were compared to trees on Jeju Island. The defoliation rates of the flowering cherry in Gurye were significantly higher than those on Jeju Island at each measurement time. Within Gurye, the defoliation rate was significantly higher in the trees of the control than in the two treatments and only the trees in the control from Gurye had shot-hole disease. Post-treatment, twigs collected from the control during April showed significantly poorer growth, lower numbers of flowering buds per twig, and lower numbers of foliar buds. The trees given treatment 1 showed significantly greater growth, number of total buds, flowering buds per twig, and density of buds than the trees given treatment 2. After analyzing the correlations, it was established that early defoliation led to poorer growth, affecting the flowering of the trees.

The Effects of Learner Activity-centered Science Class on Elementary Students' Attitude towards Science, Academic Achievement, and Concept Sustainability (학습자 활동 중심 과학 수업이 초등학생의 과학에 대한 태도, 학업성취도 및 개념 지속성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, HyungUk;Jeong, SoJean;Lee, Hyonyong
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.106-119
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    • 2018
  • The purposes of this study were to develop a learner activity-centered science class program, apply it to the fourth-grade elementary students, and analyze its effects on their attitude towards science, academic achievement, and concept sustainability. To this end, the content of the fourth-grade elementary subject related to 'volcanoes and earthquakes' was reorganized through 12 periods, and the class was divided into two groups. Then, general science class was applied to the comparative group, and the learner activity-centered science class program including writing, making, and expressing was applied to the experimental group. In order to compare the two groups regarding attitude towards science, academic achievement, and concept sustainability before and after the application, mind map data was collected and analyzed based on mind map grading criteria. As a result of the post-test, the two groups showed statistically significant differences in all the sub-factors of attitude towards science, that is, recognition, ability, value, and interest sustainability, especially in interest sustainability. As for academic achievement, as a result of the post-achievement test, the experimental group had higher average scores than the comparative group, and it also showed improved scores compared to the pre-achievement test results. In addition, as a result of the post-achievement test, both the two groups showed statistically significant results. In the concept sustainability test after the post-achievement test, the experimental group had higher average scores than the comparative group in the areas of center circle, branches, and expression, which were the evaluation criteria for the mind map analysis, and the two groups showed statistically significant differences in the areas of center circle and expression, except for branches. In conclusion, learner activity-centered science class turned out to be effective on students' attitude towards science, academic achievement, and concept sustainability. If the learner activity-centered science class program is actively introduced and used in actual educational sites, it is expected to contribute to improving related classes.

Effects of Donor Cells and Estrus Synchronization on the Production of Cloned Korean Native Goat (공핵 세포 및 발정 동기화가 복제 재래 산양 생산에 미치는 영향)

  • Park H.S.;Kim T.S.;Jung S.Y.;Park J.K.;Lee J.S.;Jung J.Y.
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this study was to examine the effect of donor cell types, the source of recipient oocytes and estrous synchronization on pregnancy and delivery rates of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos in Korean native goats. Recipient oocytes were surgically collected after superovulation. Ear cells and fetal fibroblasts were collected and cultured in serum-starvation condition (TCM-199 + 0.5% FBS) for cell confluence. The zonae pellucidae of in vivo- and in vitro-matured oocytes were partially drilled using a laser system. Single somatic cell was transferred into the enucleated oocyte. The reconstructed oocytes were electrically fused with 0.3 M mannitol. After the fusion, embryos were activated by Ionomycin+6-DMAP. NT embryos were cultured in mSOF medium supplemented with 0.8% BSA at 39C in an atmosphere of 5% CO2, 5% O2, 90% N2 for 12 to 20 hr. One hundred and two SCNT embryos were transferred into 20 recipients and pregnancy rate at days 30 was 20.0%. Of them, one developed to term and delivered 1 kid. Ear cells showed significantly higher fusion (63.8 vs. 26.5%) and pregnancy rates (20.0 vs. 0.0%) than those of fetal fibroblast (p<0.05). The recipients synchronized by CIDR showed significantly lower pregnancy rates compared to that of recipient in natural estrus (0.025.0 vs. 100%) (p<0.05). Cloned kid was born from the recipient in natural estrus. For the synchronization of estrus between recipient and donor, there was no difference between treatments (±0 vs. +12 hr) in pregnancy rate. The first healthy cloned kid (Jinsoonny) was produced by transfer of SCNT embryos derived from in vivo oocytes and ear cells into a recipient goat whose estrus was synchronized with the donor. These results imply that donor cells for nuclear transfer may affect the success rate, and the estrus synchronization between donor and recipient animals can also be important.

Patterns of Cash Payments for Care : Cross-National Comparative Study (장기요양 현금급여 정책의 국가간 비교 연구)

  • Seok, Jae-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.273-302
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    • 2006
  • The introduction of cash payments for care is a distinct trend that characterizes changes in care policies since the 1990s. Recently, many developed countries have newly introduced or extended cash payments for care that allow care users to be able to plan themselves for their cares instead of receiving direct care services from the state. Cash payments for care can be said to be one of the alternative policies by which user choices are extended, and it becomes possible to establish demand-cantered care delivery systems more economically and effectively, hence addressing the issue of the financial limitations and rigid systems that are common in modern welfare states, which make it difficult to response to various needs. However, the design and administration of cash for care vary across different countries. Such variations of cash for care policies influence on the combination of consumerism (based on liberal market values intrinsic in the care market) and citizenship based on social solidarity. Those variations eventually produce impacts on the balance of responsibilities and the roles of families, the state and market regarding care in other words, balancing of welfare pluralism. This paper has attempted to find general meanings and particularity of cash for care polices in modem welfare states by means of looking at the characteristics of cash for care policies of four different countries (Netherlands, France, Germany and Italy) and their impacts on their care market. If the four countries are ranked by the degree that they emphasize citizenship in light with social rights, the Netherlands, France, Germany and Italy could be placed in due order. From an economic point of view and in terms of cost containment, those countries will be placed in an inverse order, It is apparent that in the course of planting cash for care policies in the existing social systems involving different socio-cultural conditions and labour markets, sometimes more emphasis is placed on the citizenship of care users, family carers and care providers than on cost containment issue, and sometimes vice versa. Behind this lies the process of different social valuation on what care is about; who can better deliver care; who should be responsible for care; how responsibilities should be shared and so on.

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A Study on the Interdependencies of Payment and Settlement Systems in Korea (우리나라 지급결제시스템의 상호의존성에 관한 연구)

  • Yi, Junesuh;Kang, KyeongHoon
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.171-216
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    • 2010
  • With the payment and settlement systems becoming more and more complex and interconnected, the issue of their interdependency rises as an important academic issue as well as a policy topic. This study examines causes, forms, and risk management of interdependencies of payment and settlement systems in Korea, and presents their current situation. By way of simulations using BOF-PSS2 developed by the Bank of Finland, we quantify the effects of an operational disruption on the payment and settlement systems so as to figure out the degree of interdependency. As a result, the secondary round effect reaches up to ₩13.6 trillion a day, which amounts to 7.8% of the daily settlement value. Furthermore, if we also consider the amount of direct operational disruption, the volume of operational disruption occupies 22.3% of total value of the daily settlement, evidencing that the interdependencies of the payment and settlement systems in Korea is enormously widespread. The secondary round effects are found to be more severe with security companies rather than with banks, and to be more depended upon when it is perceived rather than it actually happens. In case that we expand the liquidity to include cash holdings and deposits as assets, the secondary round effect dramatically decreases in all types of financial institutions while foreign banks account for more share of all the secondary round effects increases. Based on these results, we suggest various policy tasks and directions to improve the risk management of settlement systems: expansion of off-setting settlements, introduction of a new settlement system for securities transactions, rapid provision of liquidity to financial institutions, more effective monitoring on participant institutions, and intensified information sharing and cooperation among the systems.

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Effects of Capillary Rise Interruption Layer on Salt Accumulation and Kentucky Bluegrass (Poapratensis L.) Growth in Sand Growing Media Established Over the Reclaimed Saline Soil (임해 간척지에서 모래상토 층에 모세관수 차단 층의 도입이 염류 집적과 켄터키블루그래스 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Rahayu, Rahayu;Yang, Geun-Mo;Choi, Joon-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Turfgrass Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2011.02a
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    • pp.5-8
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    • 2011
  • This research was conducted to determine the effect of capillary rise interruption layer on the sand based growing media when growing Kentucky bluegrass under soil reclamation and saline water irrigation. Rootzone profile consists of three layers as top soil of 30 cm, 20 cm of capillary interruption layer and 10 cm of reclaimed paddy soil. Rootzone profile was packed in column pots. The top soil was a mixture of sand dredged up from Lake Bhunam Tae Ahn, Korea and peat at the ratio of 95:5 by volume. Bottom part of column was covered with plastic net and the pots were soaked into 5 cm depth saline water reservoir with salinity 35dsm1. Kentucky bluegrass was installed by sod and irrigated using 2dSm1 saline water(5.7mm day1)in 3days interval. The results showed that the largest accumulation of salt in the spring with ECe of 5.4dSm1 and SAR34.0 in rootzone with out capillary rise interruption layer and ECe of 4.6dSm1 and SAR8.24 at rootzone using gravel as capillary rise interruption layer material. Kentucky bluegrass grown in growing media with gravel as capillary rise interruption layer resulted in the average visual quality rate of 8.1and clipping dry weight of 24.8gm2, while Kentucky bluegrass grown in the growing media with out capillary rise interruption layer showed the visual quality rate of 7.9 and clipping dry weight of 34g.m2. Capillary rise interruption layer of gravel and coarses and enhanced the visual quality by 4.1and 4.0%, root length by 50 and 38%, and root dryweight by 35and 17% of Kentucky bluegrass, and reduced the accumulation of Na by 16% and 25%, ECe by 7% and 13% in the rootzone.

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