• Title/Summary/Keyword: 도시 열저감

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Open Space Spacial Pattern Analysis from the Perspective of Urban Heat Mitigation (도시 열저감 관점에서의 오픈스페이스 토지이용 공간패턴분석)

  • Sangjun Kang
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.155-163
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    • 2024
  • The purpose is to explore the meaning of the open space land use space pattern from the perspective of urban heat reduction using the land-use scenario. The employed methods are as follows: (1) to calculate the cooling capacity Index for each of five land use scenarios, using the InVEST Urban Cooling Model, (2) to calculate open space entropy & morphological spatial pattern for each land use scenario, using the Guidos Spatial Pattern Toolbox, and (3) to perform a Spearman rank correlation analysis between the InVEST and Guidos results. It is found that the rank correlation is moderate between the cooling capacity Index and the open space area ratio (rho=0.50). However, other relations are low. It is observed that only the total amount of open space is likely to have a meaning from the perspective of urban heat reduction, and that other open space location spatial patterns may not have much meaning from the perspective of urban thermal environment management.

Urban Heat Mitigation Effect Analysis based on the Land Use Location Distribution by Using an Ecosystem Service Valuation Model (생태계 서비스 가치평가 모형을 이용한 토지이용 위치분배에 따른 도시 열저감 효과분석)

  • Sangjun, Kang
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.369-377
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to explore whether open spaces with land use characteristics of forest green areas can have different influence on the urban heat reduction depending on the location distribution, through the case of Gangneung-si downtown area. As a research method, the InVest Urban Cooling Model, which is a thermal phenomenon analysis model, is employed based on the most recent data available in 2018. In order to focus on the effect of location distribution of open space in the city, the downtown area is set as the observation area, not the entire city. The analysis of the land use location distribution scenarios shows that large-scale forests or clustered forests are more effective in reducing atmospheric heat in the region than several small-scale forests.

Flux Profile Method for Evaluating the thermal Efficiency of Green roof (Flux Profile Method를 적용한 옥상녹화의 열효율 성능 평가)

  • Kwon, You Jeong;Seo, YongWon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.320-320
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    • 2022
  • 기후변화와 도시화로 인한 영향으로 도시의 폭우, 폭염을 비롯한 현상이 빈번하게 발생하고 있다. 특히 시가화 지역의 높은 불투수율은 도시홍수를 야기한다. 이러한 현상을 완화하기 위해 도시지역에서는 그린인프라와 저영향개발이 도입되고 있다. 그 중 지속가능한 발전을 위한 필수요소로 자리매김한 옥상녹화는 도시에 위치한 건물의 상층부와 내부의 온도를 낮춤으로써 에너지절감효과와 강우 시 빗물을 저류함으로써 우수유출 저감효과, 그리고 도시 공간 내 녹지도입으로 인한 이산화탄소 배출 저감 효과 등을 기대할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 열섬현상완화와 유출 저감의 방안 중 하나인 옥상녹화(Green roof)의 효과를 정량적으로 평가하기 위해 콘크리트로 이루어진 동일한 제원의 실험동을 구축하고, 실험동 내외부의 온도, 습도, 강우, 풍속, 일사량 등의 기상자료를 측정할 수 있는 센서를 설치하였다. 각 실험동에서 측정된 기상요소를 Flux Profile Method를 적용하여 공간 내에 있는 열에너지의 총량인 순복사열을 구성하는 현열속, 잠열속, 토양열속(H, LE, G)을 산정하였다. 또한 에너지 평형에 따라 산정된 각 실험동의 열속과 지표면 복사량 관측자료을 정량적으로 비교하여 옥상녹화의 적용성을 평가하였다. 2021년 7월 21일부터 2021년 7월 28일 까지 모니터링한 결과 옥상녹화의 열 효율은 일반 콘크리트 지붕에 비해 실내온도가 최대 6.83℃ 낮게 나타나며 이는 여름철 건물 내부의 온도조절에 필요한 에너지 저감효과를 볼 수 있다. Flux Profile Method를 적용한 결과 옥상녹화의 전체 열속 중 현열속 28.5% 잠열속 70.7%, 토양열속 0.5% 의 복사량 분포를 보였고, 일반 콘크리트 지붕은 현열속 45.3%, 잠열속 38.6%, 토양열속 16.2% 으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 방법은 옥상녹화의 정량적 평가를 가능하게 함으로서 향후 기후변화 대응방안 및 전략 수립 시 옥상녹화의 온도저감효과 분석에 적극 활용할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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A Study on Mitigation Plan of Urban Heat Island Phenomenon Using Landsat Time Series Imagery - Focusing on Cheongna International City - (시계열 Landsat 위성영상을 활용한 도시 열섬 현상 완화 방안에 관한 연구 - 청라 국제도시를 중심으로 -)

  • BAEK, Seon-Uk;KIM, Dong-Hyun;KIM, Hung-Soo;GU, Bon-Yup;CHOUNG, Yun-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2022
  • Areas developed through land reclamation projects have huge economic advantages in terms of supplying lands that can be used for farmlands, urban areas and etc., however have relatively small areas of grasslands and densely located buildings compared to inland cities. Hence, an urban heat island is occurring in these areas due to this characteristic, and in particular, the urban heat island in Cheongna International City is getting serious. In this study, the urban heat island in Cheongna International City was evaluated and analyzed by classified into the three periods after the reclamation project: farmland(2001-2008), development(2009-2013) and artificial grassland(2014-2020). The land cover map and Landsat time-series imagery were utilized for measuring the differences of the land surface temperatures between the urbanized areas and the grassland/forest areas in Cheongna International City. The statistical results showed that the differences in the land surface temperature between these areas were calculated to be at most 0℃ during the period of farmland, at most 3.60℃ during the period of development, and at most 2.51℃ during the period of grassland. This study proved that the urban heat island phenomenon increased when the urbanized areas increased, and the urban heat island phenomenon decreased when the artificial grassland areas increased in Cheongna International City where the reclamation project was carried out. The statistical results derived through this research can be used as the reference data for identifying the urban heat island problem in urban planning and establishing the reduction plan.

Characteristics of Thermal Variations with the Different Land Covers in an Urban Area (도시 지역에서 토지 피복에 따른 열 변이 특성)

  • Park, Sung-Ae;Kong, Hak-Yang;Kim, Seung-Hyun;Park, Sungmin;Shin, Young-Kyu
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to analyze the effect of the different land covers of an urban park (Hyowon park) in downtown Suwon on the urban thermal variations during a hot summer. The effect of the air temperature reduction in the urban park was 4.4%-4.5% for the downtown residence (Maetan-dong). This value was about 0.8% lower than that of the outskirts residence (Sanggwanggyo-dong). The daily mean temperature, daily maximum temperature, summer day and heat wave frequency were measured under the different land covers (cement-block, grass, pine-grass, shading area and mixed forest) showed these values generally decreased under natural land cover types. Daily minimum temperature and tropical night frequency didn't seem to correlate with the land cover types. Means of thermal comfort indices (wet bulb globe temperature, heat index and discomfort index) in the shading area, mixed forest and the pine-grass types were lower than those of cement block and grass types. However the levels of those indices were equal to 'very high' or 'caution' levels in the afternoon (13:00-15:00). In the morning (06:00-08:00), thermal comfort indices of the urban park didn't correlate with land cover types. Therefore, to reduce heat stress and to improve the thermal comfort in urban parks, an increase in the area of natural land cover such as grass, forest and open spaces is required.

Vulnerability Assessment to Urban Thermal Environment for Spatial Planning - A Case Study of Seoul, Korea - (공간계획 활용을 위한 도시 열환경 취약성 평가 연구 - 서울시를 사례로 -)

  • Eum, Jeong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.109-120
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to assess vulnerability in urban thermal environments of Seoul by using indicators frequently used in previous studies as well as effective indicators for spatial planning like urban and environmental planning. For this purpose, fifteen indicators that influence urban thermal environments such as heat waves, urban heat island effects, and urban micro-climates were identified based on literature reviews. Indicators for presenting urban structure and spatial properties were included; for example, building volume as 'exposure to climate', buildings completed before 1980 as 'sensitivity', and green space areas as 'adaptive capacity'. Among them, twelve indicators were applied to assess vulnerability in urban thermal environments of Seoul by using a GIS spatial analysis combined with fuzzy logic. The results show that the Gangnam area is identified as more vulnerable to a heat environment as compared to the Gangbuk area. In the Gangnam area, Seocho-gu, Gangnam-gu, Dongjak-gu, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Gangseo-gu were relatively high in vulnerability, while Dongdaemun-gu, Gangbuk-gu, Gwangjin-gu, Jungrang-gu were relatively high in the Gangbuk area. Gwanak-gu, Dobong-gu, Eunpyeong-gu, and Nowon-gu, which include forested areas, have low vulnerability in the sectors of 'exposure to climate' and 'sensitivity' due to the impact of Gwanaksan and Bukhansan. However, some areas with high vulnerability like Seocho-gu and Gangnam-gu may have lower vulnerability if the indicator 'status of air conditioning' from the sector of 'adaptive capacity' is used. This study could support the establishment of a practicable thermal environment policy and spatial planning to reduce heat-related risks in the field of urban and environmental planning.

Application of Flux Profile Method for Evaluating the Temperature Decreasing Effects of Green roof (여름철 옥상녹화의 온도저감효과 평가를 위한 Flux Profile Method의 적용)

  • Kwon, You Jeong;Seo, YongWon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.94-94
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    • 2021
  • 현재 전 지구적으로 일어나고 있는 극단적 기후현상과 이로 인한 자연재해의 원인은 복합적이다. 기후변화로 인한 영향과 동시에 도시화 또한 하나의 원인으로 작용하고 있다. 이러한 영향을 완화하기 위한 방안으로 도시의 그린인프라와 저영향개발은 최근 지속가능한 발전을 위해 꼭 필요한 요소로 자리잡고 있다. 그린인프라 유형 중 하나인 옥상녹화는 많은 이점을 제공한다. 도시에 위치한 건물의 상층부, 내부 및 주변 온도을 낮춤으로써 얻을 수 있는 에너지절감 효과와 강우 시 상당량의 빗물을 저류함으로써 기대되는 우수유출 저감효과, 그리고 도시 공간 내 식물의 적극적인 도입으로 인한 이산화탄소 배출 저감 효과 등을 기대할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 도시지역의 열섬현상완화와 유출저감의 방안 중 하나인 옥상녹화(Green roof)의 효과를 정량적으로 평가하기 위해 콘크리트로 이루어진 동일한 제원의 실험동을 구축하고, 실험동 내외부의 연직방향 온도, 습도, 강우, 풍속, 일사량 등의 기상자료를 측정할 수 있는 센서를 설치하였다. 각 실험동에서 측정된 기상자료를 Flux Profile Method를 적용하여 무강우기간과 강우발생기간 동안의 연직 방향의 현열속, 잠열속, 토양열속(H, LE, G) 을 산정하였다. 에너지 평형에 따라 산정된 각 실험동의 열속과 지표면 복사량 관측자료을 정량적으로 비교하여 적용성을 평가하였다. 실험의 대조군인 일반 코팅재로 마감된 콘크리트 지붕의 무강우 기간 중 최대 현열속 693.82 W/m2 잠열속은 330.15 W/m2 으로 나타났으며, 실험군인 옥상녹화가 조성된 지붕의 최대 현열속 436.27 W/m2, 잠열속 949.20 W/m2 으로 나타났으며, 산정치와 관측치 시계열의 NSE는 0.81 으로 Flux Profile Method를 통해 산정된 열속의 정확도는 비교적 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 방법으로 옥상녹화의 정량적 평가가 가능해짐으로써 향후 기후변화 대응방안 및 전략 수립 시 옥상녹화의 온도저감효과 분석에 적극 활용할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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Evaluation of Particulate Matter's Traits and Reduction Effects in Urban Forest, Seoul (서울 청량리 교통섬과 홍릉숲의 미세먼지 특성과 저감효과 평가)

  • Kim, Pyung-Rae;Park, Chan-Ryul
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.569-575
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    • 2021
  • This study analyzed the effect of forests on reducing particulate matter by investigating the particulate matter concentration and influencing factors between urban forest and traffic forest. The concentrations of particulate matter in Hongreung Experimental Forest (urban forest) and a forest (traffic forest) formed at the intersection of Cheongryangri Station in Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul were measured with the light scattering method instrument from January to November 2018. During the study period, the average PM10 concentrations in the urban forest and the traffic forest were 12.5㎍/m3 and 15.7 ㎍/m3, respectively, and the average PM2.5 concentrations were 16.6㎍/m3and 6.9 ㎍/m3, respectively. Comparing the concentration by the urban atmospheric measurement network of the Ministry of Environment and the concentration in urban forests showed that the reduction rate of PM10 was 66.9±28.6% in urbanforest and 58.6±44.1% in traffic forest and that of PM2.5 was 71.3±23.0% and 64.9±31.3%. The difference in the reduction rate of particulate matter is likely related to the size and structure of the urban forest, and the wind velocity is considered the reduction factor.