• Title/Summary/Keyword: 도로 지도 생성

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Analysis of Ground Subsidence Influencing Factors Using Underground Facility Property Information (지하매설물 속성정보를 활용한 지반함몰 영향인자 분석)

  • Jaemo Kang;Sungyeol Lee;Jinyoung Kim;Myeongsik Kong
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.5-11
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    • 2024
  • Ground subsidence mainly occurs in urban areas with high population density, so it is necessary to clearly identify the cause of occurrence and prepare in advance. The main cause of ground subsidence is reported to be the creation of cavities in the ground due to damage to underground pipes, but the property information and influencing factors of underground pipes to predict and prepare for ground subsidence are not properly established. Therefore, in this study, factors showing a significant correlation with the occurrence of ground subsidence were selected among the underground facility property information and a regression equation was proposed through logistic regression analysis. For this purpose, data on underground structures and ground subsidence history information in the target area were collected, and the target area was divided into girds of 100m x 100m in size using QGIS. The underground facility attribute information and ground subsidence history information contained within the gird were extracted. Then, preprocessing was performed to construct a dataset and correlation analysis was performed. As a result, factors excluding the year of sewer pipes and communication pipes and the average depth of communication pipes, heat pipes, and gas pipes were found to have a significant correlation with ground subsidence. In addition, a regression equation for whether ground subsidence occurred in the target area is proposed through logistic regression analysis.

A Study on the Applicability of the Crack Measurement Digital Data Graphics Program for Field Investigations of Buildings Adjacent to Construction Sites (건설 현장 인접 건물의 현장 조사를 위한 균열 측정 디지털 데이터 그래픽 프로그램 적용 가능성에 관한 연구)

  • Ui-In Jung;Bong-Joo Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 2024
  • Through the development of construction technology, various construction projects such as redevelopment projects, undergrounding of roads, expansion of subways, and metro railways are being carried out. However, this has led to an increase in the number of construction projects in existing urban centers and neighborhoods, resulting in an increase in the number of damages and disputes between neighboring buildings and residents, as well as an increase in safety accidents due to the aging of existing buildings. In this study, digital data was applied to a graphics program to objectify the progress of cracks by comparing the creation of cracks and the increase in length and width through photographic images and presenting the degree of cracks numerically. Through the application of the program, the error caused by the subjective judgment of crack change, which was mentioned as a shortcoming of the existing field survey, was solved. It is expected that the program can be used universally in the building diagnosis process by improving its reliability if supplemented and improved in the process of use. As a follow-up study, it is necessary to apply the extraction algorithm of the digital graphic data program to calculate the length and width of the crack by itself without human intervention in the preprocessing work and to check the overall change of the building.

Methodology for Generating UAV's Effective Flight Area that Satisfies the Required Spatial Resolution (요구 공간해상도를 만족하는 무인기의 유효 비행 영역 생성 방법)

  • Ji Won Woo;Yang Gon Kim;Jung Woo An;Sang Yun Park;Gyeong Rae Nam
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.400-407
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    • 2024
  • The role of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in modern warfare is increasingly significant, making their capacity for autonomous missions essential. Accordingly, autonomous target detection/identification based on captured images is crucial, yet the effectiveness of AI models depends on image sharpness. Therefore, this study describes how to determine the field of view (FOV) of the camera and the flight position of the UAV considering the required spatial resolution. Firstly, the calculation of the size of the acquisition area is discussed in relation to the relative position of the UAV and the FOV of the camera. Through this, this paper first calculates the area that can satisfy the spatial resolution and then calculates the relative position of the UAV and the FOV of the camera that can satisfy it. Furthermore, this paper propose a method for calculating the effective range of the UAV's position that can satisfy the required spatial resolution, centred on the coordinate to be photographed. This is then processed into a tabular format, which can be used for mission planning.

Application of Geo-Segment Anything Model (SAM) Scheme to Water Body Segmentation: An Experiment Study Using CAS500-1 Images (수체 추출을 위한 Geo-SAM 기법의 응용: 국토위성영상 적용 실험)

  • Hayoung Lee;Kwangseob Kim;Kiwon Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.343-350
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    • 2024
  • Since the release of Meta's Segment Anything Model (SAM), a large-scale vision transformer generation model with rapid image segmentation capabilities, several studies have been conducted to apply this technology in various fields. In this study, we aimed to investigate the applicability of SAM for water bodies detection and extraction using the QGIS Geo-SAM plugin, which enables the use of SAM with satellite imagery. The experimental data consisted of Compact Advanced Satellite 500 (CAS500)-1 images. The results obtained by applying SAM to these data were compared with manually digitized water objects, Open Street Map (OSM), and water body data from the National Geographic Information Institute (NGII)-based hydrological digital map. The mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) calculated for all features extracted using SAM and these three-comparison data were 0.7490, 0.5905, and 0.4921, respectively. For features commonly appeared or extracted in all datasets, the results were 0.9189, 0.8779, and 0.7715, respectively. Based on analysis of the spatial consistency between SAM results and other comparison data, SAM showed limitations in detecting small-scale or poorly defined streams but provided meaningful segmentation results for water body classification.

A Thermal Time-Driven Dormancy Index as a Complementary Criterion for Grape Vine Freeze Risk Evaluation (포도 동해위험 판정기준으로서 온도시간 기반의 휴면심도 이용)

  • Kwon, Eun-Young;Jung, Jea-Eun;Chung, U-Ran;Lee, Seung-Jong;Song, Gi-Cheol;Choi, Dong-Geun;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2006
  • Regardless of the recent observed warmer winters in Korea, more freeze injuries and associated economic losses are reported in fruit industry than ever before. Existing freeze-frost forecasting systems employ only daily minimum temperature for judging the potential damage on dormant flowering buds but cannot accommodate potential biological responses such as short-term acclimation of plants to severe weather episodes as well as annual variation in climate. We introduce 'dormancy depth', in addition to daily minimum temperature, as a complementary criterion for judging the potential damage of freezing temperatures on dormant flowering buds of grape vines. Dormancy depth can be estimated by a phonology model driven by daily maximum and minimum temperature and is expected to make a reasonable proxy for physiological tolerance of buds to low temperature. Dormancy depth at a selected site was estimated for a climatological normal year by this model, and we found a close similarity in time course change pattern between the estimated dormancy depth and the known cold tolerance of fruit trees. Inter-annual and spatial variation in dormancy depth were identified by this method, showing the feasibility of using dormancy depth as a proxy indicator for tolerance to low temperature during the winter season. The model was applied to 10 vineyards which were recently damaged by a cold spell, and a temperature-dormancy depth-freeze injury relationship was formulated into an exponential-saturation model which can be used for judging freeze risk under a given set of temperature and dormancy depth. Based on this model and the expected lowest temperature with a 10-year recurrence interval, a freeze risk probability map was produced for Hwaseong County, Korea. The results seemed to explain why the vineyards in the warmer part of Hwaseong County have been hit by more freeBe damage than those in the cooler part of the county. A dormancy depth-minimum temperature dual engine freeze warning system was designed for vineyards in major production counties in Korea by combining the site-specific dormancy depth and minimum temperature forecasts with the freeze risk model. In this system, daily accumulation of thermal time since last fall leads to the dormancy state (depth) for today. The regional minimum temperature forecast for tomorrow by the Korea Meteorological Administration is converted to the site specific forecast at a 30m resolution. These data are input to the freeze risk model and the percent damage probability is calculated for each grid cell and mapped for the entire county. Similar approaches may be used to develop freeze warning systems for other deciduous fruit trees.

Spatial Distribution Patterns and Prediction of Hotspot Area for Endangered Herpetofauna Species in Korea (국내 멸종위기양서·파충류의 공간적 분포형태와 주요 분포지역 예측에 대한 연구)

  • Do, Min Seock;Lee, Jin-Won;Jang, Hoan-Jin;Kim, Dae-In;Park, Jinwoo;Yoo, Jeong-Chil
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.381-396
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    • 2017
  • Understanding species distribution plays an important role in conservation as well as evolutionary biology. In this study, we applied a species distribution model to predict hotspot areas and habitat characteristics for endangered herpetofauna species in South Korea: the Korean Crevice Salamander (Karsenia koreana), Suweon-tree frog (Hyla suweonensis), Gold-spotted pond frog (Pelophylax chosenicus), Narrow-mouthed toad (Kaloula borealis), Korean ratsnake (Elaphe schrenckii), Mongolian racerunner (Eremias argus), Reeve's turtle (Mauremys reevesii) and Soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis). The Kori salamander (Hynobius yangi) and Black-headed snake (Sibynophis chinensis) were excluded from the analysis due to insufficient sample size. The results showed that the altitude was the most important environmental variable for their distribution, and the altitude at which these species were distributed correlated with the climate of that region. The predicted distribution area derived from the species distribution modelling adequately reflected the observation site used in this study as well as those reported in preceding studies. The average AUC value of the eigh species was relatively high ($0.845{\pm}0.08$), while the average omission rate value was relatively low ($0.087{\pm}0.01$). Therefore, the species overlaying model created for the endangered species is considered successful. When merging the distribution models, it was shown that five species shared their habitats in the coastal areas of Gyeonggi-do and Chungcheongnam-do, which are the western regions of the Korean Peninsula. Therefore, we suggest that protection should be a high priority in these area, and our overall results may serve as essential and fundamental data for the conservation of endangered amphibian and reptiles in Korea.

Effects of Cooking Method and Temperature on the Lipid Oxidation of Electron-Beam Irradiated Hanwoo Steak. (가열방법 및 온도가 전자선 조사한 한우 steak의 지질산화에 미치는 영향)

  • Park T. S.;Shin T. S.;Lee J. I.;Park G. B.
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.15 no.5 s.72
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    • pp.840-846
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effect of electron beam irradiation and cooking temperature on physico-chemical characteristics and lipid oxidation of beef. A total of six beef carcasses ($280\∼300 kg$) that were quality grade $1^{+}$(marbling score No.7, meat color No.4, maturity No.1, texture No.1) was purchased at the commercial slaughter house. The carcasses were transported and washed using high pressure water, and pasteulized with $ 50\% $ ethyl alcohol in the laboratory. After the carcasses were deboned and trimmed, loin and round were taken out to make steak (1.5cm thickness) or ground beef respectively. Samples were wrap or vacuum packaged and irradiated with 0, 3, 4.5, 6 and 7.5 kGy using electron-beam accelerator at Samsung Heavy Industries Ltd. Co. (in Taejun). Irradiated samples were cooked with different methods(electronic pan and gas oven) and temperatures ($ 60^{\circ}C, 70^{\circ}C and 80^{\circ}C$) and used to measure fatty acid composition, TBARS, cholesterol oxide products and panel test scores. The content of saturated fatty acids increased by increasing heating temperature in oven boiling steak (OBS) and pan boiling steak (PBS), and there was no difference by electron-beam irradiation. Both irradiated and non-irradiated treatment were high as the heating temperature increased in TBARS by heating temperature in PBS (p < 0.05) and the amount of Malonaldehyde (MA), standard of fat deterioration, was increased in OBS (p < 0.05). Non-irradiated and 3, 6 kGy treatment produced about 2 fold amount of MA at $ 60^{\circ}C $ compared with $ 80^{\circ}C $. In comparison with PBS, OBS produced much amount of MA and a bit different from non-irradiated treatment but did not show no tendency. As irradiation levels and heating temperature increased, the amount of cholesterol oxides products was increased and also pan-heating method, direct heating method, significantly increased the degree of oxidation compared with oven-heating method, indirect heating method (p < 0.05).

A Study on Mobile Antenna System Design with Tri-band Operation for Broadband Satellite Communications and DBS Reception (광대역 위성 통신/방송용 삼중 대역 이동형 안테나 시스템 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Eom Soon-Young;Jung Young-Bae;Son Seong-Ho;Yun Jae-Seung;Jeon Soon-Ick
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.17 no.5 s.108
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    • pp.461-475
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, it is described about the tri-band mobile antenna system design to provide broadband multimedia and direct broadcasting services using goo-stationary Koreasat 3, simultaneously operated in Ka/K/Ku band. The radiating part of the antenna system with a fan beam characteristic in the elevation plane is composed of the quasi-offset dual shaped reflector and the tri-band feeder. The tri-band feeder is also composed of the Ka/K dual band feeder with the protruding dielectric rod, the circular polarizer, the ortho-mode transducer and the circular-polarized Ku band feed array. Especially, the Ka/K dual band circular polarizer was realized firstly using the comb-type structure. For fast satellite-tracking on the movement, the Ku band feed array has the structure of the $2{\times}2$ active phased array which can make electrical beams. And, the circular-polarized characteristic in the feed array was improved by $90^{\circ}$ rotating arrangement of four radiating elements polarized circularly by a $90^{\circ}$ hybrid coupler, respectively. Four beam forming channels to make electrical beams at Ku band are divided into the main beam channel and the tracking beam channel in the output, and noise temperature characteristics of each channel were analyzed on the basis of the contributions of internal sub_units. From the fabricated antenna system, the output power at $P_{1dBc}$ of Ka_Tx channel was measured more than 34.1 dBm and the measured noise figures of K/Ku_Rx channels were less than 2.4 dB and 1.5 dB, respectively, over the operating band. The radiation patterns with co- and cross-polarization in the tri-band were measured using a near-field measurement in the anechoic chamber. Especially, Ku radiation patterns were measured after correcting each initial phase of active channels with partial radiation patterns obtained from the independent excitation of each channel. The antenna gains measured in Ka/K/Ku band of the antenna system were more than 39.6 dBi, 37.5 dBi, 29.6 dBi, respectively. And, the antenna system showed good system performances such as Ka_Tx EIRP more than 43.7 dBW and K/Ku_Rx G/T more than 13.2 dB/K and 7.12 dB/K, respectively.

A Research in Applying Big Data and Artificial Intelligence on Defense Metadata using Multi Repository Meta-Data Management (MRMM) (국방 빅데이터/인공지능 활성화를 위한 다중메타데이터 저장소 관리시스템(MRMM) 기술 연구)

  • Shin, Philip Wootaek;Lee, Jinhee;Kim, Jeongwoo;Shin, Dongsun;Lee, Youngsang;Hwang, Seung Ho
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.169-178
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    • 2020
  • The reductions of troops/human resources, and improvement in combat power have made Korean Department of Defense actively adapt 4th Industrial Revolution technology (Artificial Intelligence, Big Data). The defense information system has been developed in various ways according to the task and the uniqueness of each military. In order to take full advantage of the 4th Industrial Revolution technology, it is necessary to improve the closed defense datamanagement system.However, the establishment and usage of data standards in all information systems for the utilization of defense big data and artificial intelligence has limitations due to security issues, business characteristics of each military, anddifficulty in standardizing large-scale systems. Based on the interworking requirements of each system, data sharing is limited through direct linkage through interoperability agreement between systems. In order to implement smart defense using the 4th Industrial Revolution technology, it is urgent to prepare a system that can share defense data and make good use of it. To technically support the defense, it is critical to develop Multi Repository Meta-Data Management (MRMM) that supports systematic standard management of defense data that manages enterprise standard and standard mapping for each system and promotes data interoperability through linkage between standards which obeys the Defense Interoperability Management Development Guidelines. We introduced MRMM, and implemented by using vocabulary similarity using machine learning and statistical approach. Based on MRMM, We expect to simplify the standardization integration of all military databases using artificial intelligence and bigdata. This will lead to huge reduction of defense budget while increasing combat power for implementing smart defense.

A Non-Calibrated 2x Interleaved 10b 120MS/s Pipeline SAR ADC with Minimized Channel Offset Mismatch (보정기법 없이 채널 간 오프셋 부정합을 최소화한 2x Interleaved 10비트 120MS/s 파이프라인 SAR ADC)

  • Cho, Young-Sae;Shim, Hyun-Sun;Lee, Seung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.52 no.9
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2015
  • This work proposes a 2-channel time-interleaved (T-I) 10b 120MS/s pipeline SAR ADC minimizing offset mismatch between channels without any calibration scheme. The proposed ADC employs a 2-channel SAR and T-I topology based on a 2-step pipeline ADC with 4b and 7b in the first and second stage for high conversion rate and low power consumption. Analog circuits such as comparator and residue amplifier are shared between channels to minimize power consumption, chip area, and offset mismatch which limits the ADC linearity in the conventional T-I architecture, without any calibration scheme. The TSPC D flip-flop with a short propagation delay and a small number of transistors is used in the SAR logic instead of the conventional static D flip-flop to achieve high-speed SAR operation as well as low power consumption and chip area. Three separate reference voltage drivers for 4b SAR, 7b SAR circuits and a single residue amplifier prevent undesirable disturbance among the reference voltages due to each different switching operation and minimize gain mismatch between channels. High-frequency clocks with a controllable duty cycle are generated on chip to eliminate the need of external complicated high-frequency clocks for SAR operation. The prototype ADC in a 45nm CMOS technology demonstrates a measured DNL and INL within 0.69LSB and 0.77LSB, with a maximum SNDR and SFDR of 50.9dB and 59.7dB at 120MS/s, respectively. The proposed ADC occupies an active die area of 0.36mm2 and consumes 8.8mW at a 1.1V supply voltage.