• Title/Summary/Keyword: 데이타 변환

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Similarity Computation between Music Motifs Using Cosine Measure (Cosine Measure를 이용한 음악 동기간 유사도 계산)

  • Lim, Sang-Hyuk;Ku, Kyong-I;Kim, Yoo-Sung
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2003.05c
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    • pp.1603-1606
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    • 2003
  • 음악에서 동기는 독립성을 지니는 최소 단위이며, 저작권 검사의 단위로 이용된다 따라서, 한 음악에서 약간의 변화를 가지고 반복되는 주제선율을 추출하거나, 다른 음악간의 유사도를 측정하는데 유사도 계산은 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 비교되는 동기의 선율정보를 음 길이와 음높이가 함께 고려되는 시계열 데이타로 변환하고, cosine measure를 이용하여 동기간의 유사도를 계산한다. 시계열 데이타에서 유사도 계산으로 사용되는 유클리드 거리함수 대신 cosine measure를 이용한 경우, 공간상의 거리 합대신 변화 방향이 반영됨으로써 비교되는 동기간의 유사도를 정확하게 계산한다. 본 논문에서 제안된 동기간의 유사도 계산은 내용 기반 음악 검색에서 색인으로 사용되는 주제선율을 추출하거나, 다른 음악의 동기간의 유사성을 비교하는데 이용될 수 있다.

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Exchange of Product Data among Manufacturing Systems using STEP (STEP 을 이용한 생산 시스템의 제품 데이타 교환)

  • Ko, K.W.;Yoo, S.B.;Suh, H.W.
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.75-95
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    • 1995
  • ISO (International Standard Organization)에서는 산업전반에 걸친 다양한 제품의 설계, 해석, 생산, 그리고 관리에 필요한 모든 제품정보를 정의하는 STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product model data) 표준을 1983년부터 추진하고 있으나, 이를 지원하는 상용 프로그램들은 아직 초기 단계에 있어 이들을 활용하여 시스템 통합을 구현 할 수 없다. 본 연구에서는 현재 STEP에서 부분적으로 정의되어 있는 현상, 형상 특징, 공차, 프로세스, 그리고 제품 관리 정보 등을 통합하여, CAD, CAPP, 그리고 MRP 시스템 간에 정보를 교환하는 프로토타입을 개발하였다. EXPRESS로 표현된 통합 정보 모델은 STEP의 공통자원에 새로운 엔티티와 속성을 추가하여 구성하였고, IGES 파일 변환기, STEP 파일 에디터, 그리고 데이타베이스 인터페이스를 통하여 통합 정보를 저장하고 교환한다.

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XML Query Processing Using XML Materialized Views in a Wrapper (랩퍼 상에서의 XML 실체뷰를 이용한 XQL 질의 처리)

  • 문찬호;강현철
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.28-30
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    • 2001
  • 웹 문서 표준으로 제안된 XML의 등장으로 XML 문서들은 점차 웹 데이타에서 많은 비중을 차지하고 있으며 웹 상에서의 통합 서비스를 지원하는 미디에이터/랩퍼 시스템에서 중요한 웹 자원으로 할용될 수 있다. 다수의 XML 문서를 저장하고 있는 XML 저장소 내에 XML 실체뷰가 있다고 가정할 때, 미디에이터/랩퍼 시스템은 XML 문서 검색의 성능 향상을 위해서 이들 실체뷰를 이용하여 질의를 처리할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는, 기존의 실체뷰를 이용한 질의 처리 유형 세가지 중에서 질의 결과 일부를 실체뷰로부터 얻고 나머지 결과를 하부 XML 문서들포부터 얻는 유형에 대하여 연구한다. 즉, 주어진 XQL 질의와 관련 실체뷰에 대하여, 실체뷰에 대한 XQL질의와 하부 데이타에 대한 XQL질의를 생성하는 질의 변환 알고리즘을 제시한다.

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XML based Real-Time Semantic Information Oriented Service System Design for Intelligent Business (지능적 비즈니스를 위한 XML 기반 실시간 의미정보지향 서비스 시스템 설계)

  • Hong, Seong-Yong;Jin, Hye-Jin
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.6-9
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    • 2007
  • 최근 e-비즈니스나 인터넷 쇼핑몰 사이트에서는 많은 양의 상품 이미지 정보와 컨텐츠를 취급하고 있으며, 이로 인하여 효과적인 실시간 의미정보 검색의 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 XML 기술과 퍼지기술을 이용하여 웹상의 상품 정보를 의미적으로 검색할 수 있는 시스템에 대해 기술한다. 본 논문에서 제시한 시스템은 상품 이미지 XML 문서를 이용하여 메타데이타를 추출하고, 추출된 메타데이타를 의미정보로 자동 변환하여 실시간 서비스할 수 있는 방법을 제안한다. 따라서, 인터넷 비즈니스를 좀 더 지능화 할 수 있는 시맨틱 웹 환경이나 Web2.0 을 구현하는데 기여할 수 있을 것이라 기대한다. 또한 사용자의 입장에서는 실시간 의미정보를 서비스 받을 수 있는 장점을 가지게 될 것이다.

Transforming an Entity - Relationship Model into an Object - Oriented Database Model Depending on the Role of Relationship (관계 역할에 따른 개체 - 관계 모델의 객체지향 데이타베이스 모델로 변환)

  • Kim, Sam-Nam;Lee, Hong-Ro;Ryu, Keun-Ho
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.7
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    • pp.1665-1680
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    • 1997
  • The Entity-Relationship (E-R) model is widely used not only to increase understanding between user and designer, but also to model the relationship of real world data appropriately when designing database system in many application areas. It should be then transformed into an Object-Oriented database model which gives good merits to represent and manipulate data efficiently. Therefore, a method of transforming an E-R model into an Object-Oriented database model should be studied, but without losing any semantics of concept for the E-R model. This paper not only deals with transformation rules taking as input the elements of E-R model and delivering the elements of an Object-Oriented database model, but also improves the concept of generalization and aggregation inheritance. The paper also presents a method of transformation of relationship depending on these rules. The proposed method that obtains Object-Oriented database schema from an E-R model with preserving the properties of the E-R model is shown with examples. The method presented is able to be used to the logical database design.

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The Design and Implementation of Automatic Converter of Maya Data And SEDRIS STF Data (Maya 데이터와 SEDRIS STF 데이타간의 자동변환기 설계 및 구현)

  • Yong Do, Her;Kwong-Hyung, Lee
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2004
  • The method of reusing the environmental data which is previously modelled in modeling and simulation is very important. So, we need an environmental data representation and interchange mechanism which satisfies the requirements of sharing. The SEDRIS STF(SEDRIS Transmittal Format) provides environmental data users and producers with a clearly defined interchange specification. In this paper, We design and implement an automatic converter which converts commercial data(Maya) format to standard interchange format and vice verse without losing semantic of information content using SEDRIS standard interchange format.

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Dseign of a Selectable Left and Right Handed Circular Polarizer (좌-우선회 원편파 상호 선택 변환 편파기 설계)

  • Yang, Doo-Yeong
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.254-262
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    • 1996
  • In this paper, we present a polarizer that consists of three step rotary detents which can selectively convert linear polarzation into circular polarization and vice versa. For the design of the polarizer, the transmission line theory is applied to design the wa- veguide mode transducer for the modes to be smothly converted in waveguides, and a dielectric plate is inserted in circular waveguide for the conversion of a polarized wave with the angle of an inserted dielectric plate. Also, we simulated to obtain the optimum values of the transmission and the reflection coefficient characteristics at input and output port, and proved the propriety of the theory from the knowledge of measuring the constructed polarizer with the designed data.

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A Study on Image Data Compression by using Hadamard Transform (Hadamard변환을 이용한 영상신호의 전송량 압축에 관한 연구)

  • 박주용;이문호;김동용;이광재
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.251-258
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    • 1986
  • There is much redundancy in image data such as TV signals and many techniques to redice it have been studied. In this paper, Hadamard transform is studied through computer simulation and experimental model. Each element of hadamard matrix is either +1 or -1, and the row vectors are orthogonal to another. Its hardware implementation is the simplest of the usual orthogonal transforms because addition and sulbraction are necessary to calculate transformed signals, while not only addition but multiplication are necessary in digital Fourier transform, etc. Linclon data (64$ imes$64) are simulated using 8th-order and 16th-order Hadamard transform, and 8th-order is implemented to hardware. Theoretical calculation and experimental result of 8th-order show that 2.0 bits/sample are required for good quality.

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An Improved Fast Fractal Image Decoding by recomposition of the Decoding Order (복원순서 재구성에 의한 개선된 고속 프랙탈 영상복원)

  • Jeong, Tae-Il;Moon, Kwang-Seok
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.84-93
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    • 2000
  • The conventional fractal decoding was implemented to IFS(iterated function system) for every range regions But a part of the range regions can be decoded without the iteration and there is a data dependence regions In order to decode $R{\times}R$ range blocks, It needs $2R{\times}2R$ domain blocks This decoding can be analyzed to the dependence graph The vertex of the graph represents the range blocks, and the vertex is classified into the vertex of the range and domain The edge indicates that the vertex is referred to the other vertices The in-degree and the out-degree are defined to the number of the edge that is entered and exited, respectively The proposed method is analyzed by a dependence graph to the fractal code, and the decoding order is recomposed by the information of the out-degree That is, If the out-degree of the vertex is zero, then this vertex can be used to the vertex with data dependence Thus, the proposed method can extend the data dependence regions by the recomposition of the decoding order As a result, the Iterated regions are minimized without loss of the image quality or PSNR(peak signal-to-noise ratio), Therefore, it can be a fast decoding by the reducing to the computational complexity for IFS in the fractal Image decoding.

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A Polyinstantiation Method for Spatial Objects with Several Aspatial Information and Different Security Levels (비공간 정보와 보안 등급을 갖는 공간 객체를 위한 다중인스턴스 기법)

  • 오영환;전영섭;조숙경;배해영
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.585-592
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    • 2003
  • In the spatial database systems, it is necessary to manage spatial objects that have two or more aspatial information with different security levels on the same layer. If we adapt the polyinstantiation concept of relational database system for these spatial objects, it is difficult to process the representation problem of spatial objects and to solve the security problem that is service denial and information flow by access of subject that has a different security level. To address these problems, we propose a polyinstantiation method for security management of spatial objects in this paper. The proposed method manages secure spatial database system efficiently by creating spatial objects according to user's security level through security-level-conversion-step and polyinstantiation-generation-step with multi-level security policy. Also, in case of user who has a different security level requires secure operations, we create polyinstance for spatial object to solve problems of service denial and information flow.