• Title/Summary/Keyword: 대진

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Reflection on the Thinking System of Buddhist Philosophy and Daesoon Philosophy (불교철학과 대순사상의 사유체계에 대한 일고찰 - 우주관·인간관·이상사회관을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Duck-Jin
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.20
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    • pp.223-272
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    • 2009
  • Both Daesoon philosophy and Buddhist philosophy have strong aspirations for establishing a world comprised of human-beings. In other words, Daesoon philosophy and Buddhist philosophy put human-beings in the place of 'subject character(主語的 人格)' instead of 'predicate character(述語的 人格).' This is because a human is the master rather than a guest of the universe and the world. In this regard, it is safe to say that both Daesoon philosophy and Buddhist philosophy have a common goal of reaching 'an infinitely open life managed by a human-being, the master.' Daesoon philosophy and Buddhist philosophy also share the idea that everything in the universe is an organistic world that is closely connected, like a network. In this aspect, the two philosophies consider the whole world rather than the individual, and seek ways for people to live together actively while expanding the scope of community to the world. Even if 'the morality of living together (相生)' and 'the realization of mercy(同體大悲)' are completely different languages on the surface, it is not difficult to understand the homogeneity inherent in such expressions. Daesoon philosophy and Buddhist philosophy show endless reliability towards all humans and are declarative and reasonable, but both herald human beings as eligible to become the main characters of the future world and lead to the birth of independent human beings while inducing them to the highest position in the universe by liberating humans from the limitations they find. 'Heaven on Earth' as stated in Daesoon philosophy refers to an ideal society where humans and God harmonize, and God and humans complement each other. Also, the world will achieve political stability and equality, realizing an economically prosperous world. Furthermore, social justice will be realized and cultural and religious conflicts resolved. As humans acknowledge there is a way to live together in a universal nature, the environmental issue no longer becomes the top priority for human beings and a world where the morals of human beings reach the highest level will be established. From the original Buddhist perspective, King Jeonrhyun, the proxy of Buddha, realizes the ideal of Buddhism in the mundane world. The world controlled by King Jeonrhyun can be described as having liberty, equality, peace, justice, prosperity, morality, order, legality, democracy, welfare, etc. Therefore, the ideal Buddhist world is materially prosperous, physically healthy and socially just, as well as a world where moral maturity and mental freedom are achieved.

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구천응원뇌성보화천존(九天應元雷聲普化天尊) 신앙 연구

  • 리웬구어
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.21
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    • pp.29-97
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    • 2013
  • 뇌법은 도교의 중요한 법술로서 당송(唐宋)이래 매우 흥했는데, 북송의 임영소 등이 신소파(神霄派)를 개창한 이후에 도교 법문을 대표하는 영역이 되었다. 그로부터 각종의 뇌법이 천하에 성행하였고, 도교에는 새로운 뇌신들이 거듭 나타나게 되었다. 그 대표적인 것이 뇌법신앙의 구진천존(九宸天尊)인데, 이 아홉 천존들은 도교의 최고신인 삼청성조(三清聖祖)의 통치 하에 있는 것으로 간주되었다. 『옥추보경』은 북송 때 탄생하였는데 이 경전이 세상에 널리 발간되어 구천응원뇌성보화천존에 대한 신앙이 형성된 것은 남송 시기 백옥섬(白玉蟾) 이후이다. 『옥추보경』은 구천응원뇌성보화천존의 법문(法門)을 선양하기 위한 방책으로 천존의 성호를 부를 것을 권장한다. 법문을 염송하는 것은 매우 쉽고도 간단하여 누구나 할 수 있었으므로 사회적으로 크게 확대되었다. 특히 『봉신연의』와 『서유기』와 같은 문예소설에 뇌성보화천존이 등장함으로 해서, 민중들은 뇌성보화천존을 더욱 널리 숭배하게 되었다. 현재도 중국의 민간에서 이 신격에 대한 신앙은 매우 보편적이다. 구천응원뇌성보화천존은 옥청진왕(玉清真王)의 화신(化身)이다. 뇌성보화천존은 시방에 그 형체를 나타내고, 중생들을 고뇌로부터 구제하고 이끈다. 36천을 주재할 권능이 있으며, 자비로운 모습으로 모든 겁에 응한다. 또 뇌성보화천존의 주변에는 뇌공(雷公), 우사(雨師), 풍백(風伯)을 비롯한 십대원사(十大元帥)와 등백온원사(鄧伯溫元帥), 신한신원사(辛漢臣元帥) 등의 신장들이 보인다. 이러한 신장들은 양송(兩宋) 시대에 출현하였으며 대다수가 뇌부의 제신들이다. 뇌성보화천존 신앙을 구현하기 위한 재초 의식에는 천지 제신(諸神)이 강림하기를 청하는 뇌정사과(雷霆謝過)와 죄를 뉘우치고 복을 비는 참의(懺儀) 또는 참회문식(懺悔文式) 등이 있다. 이런 법식들은 매우 전문적인 것이고, 일반인들에게는 법문을 염송하는 간편한 방법인 십자천경법(十字天經法)이 널리 퍼졌다. 즉 늘 경건한 마음으로 천존의 성호를 오랫동안 염송하게 되면 공덕원만(功德圓滿)의 경지에 도달할 수 있다는 것이다. 『옥추보경』은 민중의 세계에 깊은 영향을 끼치고 광범위하게 알려져 그 주해나 주석본만도 이십여 종에 이르렀고 송원 이래의 핵심적인 도교 문헌의 하나로 자리매김하였다. 『옥추보경』은 일본과 한국 등지에도 급속히 전파되었다. 한국에는 고려시대에 신소뇌법(神霄雷法)이 전해졌는데, 특히 고려 예종 13년(1118년) 7월에 중국 도교 의학이 고려에 전승되었을 때의 도교 의학이 『옥추보경』을 위주로 한 치료법이었다. 그리고 그 흔적은 조선의 허준이 주편한 『동의보감』에서도 찾아볼 수 있다. 조선의 민간에서는 많은 사람들이 『옥추보경』을 송독하였고 거기에 수록된 부록(符籙)을 운용하였으며 이로써 병을 몰아내고 잡귀를 물리쳐 생명을 지키기를 바랐다. 현대 한국에서는 구천응원뇌성보화천존강성상제에 대한 신앙이 크게 성행하고 있으니, 그 종단이 바로 대순진리회이다. 대순진리회는 증산 성사께서 인세에 강림하시기 전에 구천대원조화주신이며, 화천 후 구천응원뇌성보화천존상제의 위에 임하였다고 신앙한다. 즉 증산이 천존상제의 화신이라 믿는 것이다. 이것과는 좀 다르지만, 인간이 신의 화신이 되는 신성한 변화를 뇌법에서는 '변신(變神)'이라고 부른다. 변신은 내련(內煉)을 행할 때나 시법(施法)시에 도인들이 필히 진입해야 할 특이한 정신 상태로서, 자아의 존재를 망각하고 신진(神真)으로 변화하여 인신합일(人神合一)을 이루는 것을 의미한다. 이러한 변신은 대순진리회의 수도 목적인 도통과도 한편으로는 유사한 면이 있다고 생각된다. 대순진리회가 목적하는 지상신선실현이 의미하는 것은, 사람이 도를 깨닫는 노력을 통해 신의 경지에 도달하는 것이 아니라 인간의 본질과 천성을 회복하여 이에 상응하는 신과 합일하는 것이라는 점에서 뇌법의 변신과 유사한 점이 있다고 할 것이며 이에 대해서는 추후 연구과제로 남겨둔다.

Toward An Integrative Pluralism of Religions: Embodying Yijing, Whitehead, and Cobb

  • Cheng, Chung-ying
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.17
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    • pp.239-279
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    • 2004
  • 이 글에서 나는 세 단계의 다른 종교이해 방식을 구분하여 세 가지 형태의 종교다원주의 정의하고 그 특징을 설명하고 있다. 그 첫째는 차별적 다원주의인데, 현존하는 혹은 앞으로 그 모습을 드러낼 종교들 사이의 차별성을 그대로 인정하는 형태이다. 둘째는 상보적 다원주의로써 현존하는 또는 앞으로 출현할 종교들은 각각의 종교적 실천과 그 믿음이 그 내용상 상호보충적인 성격을 지니고 있다고 보는 것이다. 셋째는 통합적 다원주의이다. 이 관점은 모든 종교를 인류와 인간의 세계이해의 전체론적 발전 과정의 필수적 부분들로 보는 것이다. 이 가운데 통합적 형태의 다원주의가 가장 중요하다. 왜냐하면 이 관점은 각각의 다른 종교들에게 그것 고유의 이질적 역사적 관점에 의한 하나의 토대를 제공하기 때문이다. 이 관점은 또한 각기 다른 종교들의 차이점들을 창조적 전체와 연관시켜보는 개방적이고 창조적인 통찰력을제공함으로써 그 종교들이 인간의 앎과 실천에 가장 중요한 비젼과 관련하여 각각이 궁극적으로 적절한 위상을 성취할 수 있도록 하며, 상호간에 배우고 더욱 발전할 수 있는 존재로 서로 이해되고 격려하도록 하는 기능을 수행한다. 이와 같은 종교적 통찰력의 면에서 나는 상호보충적인 다원주의 이론을 발전시킨 존 콥과 데이비드 그리핀의 업적에 심심한 고마움을 전한다. 그러나 동시에 각 종교의 독특성은 유지하면서도 상대주의는 피하기 위해서는 어떻게 이 상호보충적인 다원주의가 화이트헤드의 창조성 철학의 관점에 의해 부분의 개성을 유지하면서도 전체를 감싸 아우르는 통합적 다원주의로 반드시 한 걸음 더 나아가야 하는지를 강조 설명하고 있다. 이 글의 후반부에서는, 나는 또한 통합적 다원주의 관점의 종교적 진리와 믿음의 고양이 중요함을 이해하기 위하여 서로 연관된 네 가지 주제를 논한다: (1) 지역적으로 상대적인 인류의 필요에 동시에 응하고자 하는 동서의 세계종교의 목표에 부응하기 위해서는 화이트헤드적 사유의 틀과 역경의 철학이 보여주는 사유의 틀이 어떻게 통합되어야 하는가 (2) 어떻게 상대주의의 내적 논리에 의해 제기된 논쟁점들이 세계종교 안에서 동시에 극복되고 고려되어 종교가 계속 발전하는데 도움을 줄 수 있는지 (3) 어떻게 인류가 창조성의 또는 창조자로써의 신의실존-우주론적 견해의 풍부함으로 인도 되는 신적 개별화의 근본 은유적 존재로 역할을 해왔는지 (4) 유가와 도가의 통합적 조화의 역사적 모범에 기초해 볼 때, 기독교와 불교 이 두 세계종교의 통합적 조화가 가능한지, 그리고 왜 이 두 종교가 세계의 종교들이 서로 다른 종교적 믿음과 행위의 통합적 조화의 상태로 나아가는 미래의 변화를 이루는데 유효한 종교가 되는지.

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Development of Miroku belief in the cult of Mount Fuji of early modern Japan (ミロクの世と女性-近世日本の富士信仰における弥勒信仰の展開)

  • 宮崎ふみ子
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.17
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    • pp.173-196
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    • 2004
  • Miroku belief observed in Japanese folklore and popular religions is originated from the faith in a bodhisattva called Miroku (Maitreya) who, depending on Buddhist account, is supposed to appear in this world to save all mankind. This faith, together with the millenarianism inherent in it, was disseminated into many areas of East and Southeast Asia. It developed in various ways, being associated with the religious tradition of each area where it was accepted. In Japanese folklore and popular religions the aspiration for the "World of Miroku", the ideal world expected to be realized in the future, has been its most notable feature. This paper examines the notion of the "World of Miroku" developed in the cult of Mount Fuji in early modern Japan. In particular this paper focuses on the "World of Miroku" appearing in the teachings of Fuji-ko and Fujido, which were the organizations of lay believers. Through the examination this paper made the following facts clear. (1) The notion of the "World of Miroku" developed by Fuji-ko and Fujido had its bases in Miroku belief of Japanese folklore. (2) However the notion of the "World of Miroku" in the teachings of Fuji-ko and Fujido was quite different from that of the folklore. While the "World of Miroku" appearing in the folklore is characterized by good harvest and abundant gold and silver, Fuji-ko and Fujido leaders thought that all people, including the emperor and the shogun, would earnestly carry out their house business, do their best to promote the happiness of the others, and pray for the salvation of all mankind in the "World of Miroku". (3) The notion about the changes of the world, which was particular to Fuji-ko and Fujido, accounts for such development in the concept of the "World of Miroku". According to the notion the current world was recognized as the second stage, between the original world in the past and the "World of Miroku" in the future, in the history of human beings. This idea helped the leaders of Fuji-ko and Fujido to develop the theories of world renewal, in which the wrong doings of the rulers and poor morality of the people were to be corrected in the "World of Miroku". (4) One of the most important features of the "World of Miroku" was the equality between men and women according to the teachings of Fujido. Both Fuji-ko and Fujido had opposed to the prevailing view of women, in which women were regarded as being sinful and polluted. Fujido further tried to improve the status of women in their families and the society. (5) In accordance with such an innovatory view, Fujido challenged the custom of excluding women from sacred places, Mount Fuji in particular. Through clarifying these facts this paper shows that Miroku belief could function as a basis for developing the ideas concerning the world renewal in early modern Jap

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Research Trends and Problems on Cultivation Practice of Daesoonjinrihoe (대순진리회 수행 연구의 경향과 과제)

  • Cha, Seon-keun
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.24_1
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    • pp.315-349
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    • 2014
  • This paper was carried out to bring the researches on Cultivation Practice of Daesoonjinrihoe which have been at a standstill after analyzing the directions of studies on Cultivation Practice and diagnosing its problems, in addition to that, the paper was also conducted in a way of discussing the research directions in the future. This work enables scholars who have interests in Daesoon Thoughts to easily comprehend over the length and breadth of Cultivation Practice of Daesoonjinrihoe as well as help them understand what level of researches regarding Cultivation Practice has been demanded. Furthermore, this paper will be a step-stone for scholars to ponder how and on what perspective they approach a wide variety of studies on Daesoon Thoughts. The problems reflected on the previous researches on Cultivation Practice are summarized as follows: first, except a few researches in general, problem recognition, research target, style, method, and content are not diverged from the frame defined by Jang Byeong-Gil, who set it up in Daesoon Religion and Thought (Daesoon Jonggyo Sasang) in 1989. Proliferating overlapped researches without developing problem awareness is of great concern. And such researching climate has gradually set in. Secondly, there are numerous researches intending to reveal the researcher's forceful attitude implying faith. Thirdly, most of the previous researches neglect to focus on defining the range of researches. Fourthly, when defining concepts, more thorough insight is needed. Lastly, the researches on analysing symbols and attempting signification analysis are relatively few, only to find many errors. To solve these problems, this paper suggests to develop theories which back up Cultivation Practice by researching on the fields of theory of mind-nature(心性), theory of mind-qi(心氣), theory of pain, Religious Ethics, viewpoint of God/gods, and psychology. Secondly, all the symbols and meanings of elements shown in Cultivation Practice need analyzing more elaborately sophisticatedly and more in-depth. In order to fulfil this goal, by adapting the recent trends of historical studies, it is essential to attempt to engraft Cultivation Practice of Daesoonjinrihoe on cultural phenomena, to analyze thick layers of meanings beneath its surface, to interpret differently, utilizing various perspectives such as focusing on the gender problems, and to extract true meanings out of Cultivation Practice by analyzing everyday events which can occur in real cultivation practices. Thirdly, the terms and concepts regarding Cultivation Practice base the principle themselves. Fourthly, by utilizing methodology of comparative studies on religions, the comparative researches on cultivation practice of different religious traditions are also needed. Lastly, the history of aspects on Cultivation Practice such as transition of mantras, processes which have been conducted through proprieties of prayer and training should be collected and classified. In this context, this work is very important since it helps understand the aspects of transition of originality and characteristics in Cultivation Practice of Daesoonjinrihoe according to passage of time.

A Study on the World Citizenship Values of Daesoon Thoughts in the Era of the Plural Society (다원주의 시대에서 대순사상의 세계시민성 가치연구)

  • Kim, Yong-hwan
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.23
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    • pp.345-383
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    • 2014
  • This article intends to examine the value of the world citizenship in the perspective from the root meaning that is stressed as the behavior style of Daesoon thoughts in relation with 'desirable attitude of life in education of morality. Traditional root meaning of Daesoon thoughts turned out to be proper moral behavior principle such as Yin Yang harmonious virtue, God Humane keeping unity, and conviviality with regrets settlement. Such three principles of Daesoon Thoughts show the characteristic of global code such as respect of life, solidarity unity, and tolerant trust. To revise the phenomenon of duality, and to realize the human awakening in radically changing reality, we need to cultivate world citizenship based on the root meaning of Daesoon thoughts. Daesoon thoughts covering the East and the West, especially the key features of religion, can cultivate the world view of citizenship in the era of plural society based on folk beliefs toward Gucheon Sangje faith as the essence of the multiplism. The world citizenship of human society is necessary to unite the world in the unified construction cooperative spirits. All beings need to be away from antagonistic confrontation with the practice of mutual conviviality. The diameter of acquired joining world citizenship can have the opportunity to realize of Gucheon Sangje's Heaven and earth construction. The root meaning of Daesoon thoughts can contribute to moral practicality with world citizenship by practice of heavenly truth and human truth. First, cultivating heavenly truth by means of insight can develope the profound world citizenship. Secondly, the solidarity of the public and private can cultivate public citizenship. Thirdly, in the crisis of the mankind, this awakening conviviality can be foundation for world citizenship of public communication. Fourthly, the spirit that would not deceive ownself can be contributed to cultivating the world citizenship by means of the process of internalizing Daesoon thoughts. Nowadays in the plural society demanding world citizenship, the public citizenship can deepen the spirit of respect of life, solidarity unity, and tolerant trust in the process of world citizenship cultivation. In the future, the world citizenship can be deepen the alternative of practice in the continuous cultivation of world citizenship. In this process, we can form the culture of coexistence which can contribute to human society as well as korean society by developing the value of living together happiness through the guide of this phonesis.

A Study on the Meaning of Mugeuk(無極) and Taegeuk(太極) in Daesoon Thoughts (대순사상에서의 무극(無極)과 태극(太極) 그리고 대순(大巡)의 의미 고찰)

  • Park, Jae-hyun
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.22
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    • pp.433-469
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    • 2014
  • Identifying the ontological characteristics of "ultimate reality" is highly important in a specific religion or thought because it is believed to contain the logic that explain the wholistic phenomenon in the entire universe. The "ultimate reality" is called "Lee(理)", "Dao(道)", "Taegeuk; the Great Ultimate(太極)", "Mugeuk; NonUltimate(無極)", "Gong(空)", "Haven", "SangJe(上帝)", "God" in many different religions or thoughts. Taegeuk(太極), Mugeuk(無極) and Daesoon(大巡) are believed to contain the logic that explain the wholistic phenomenon in the entire universe in Daesoon Thoughts which we can see in the GooCheon SangJe(九天上帝)'s saying that "Even if the logic is so high, it comes from the surface of Taegeuk and Mugeuk and cannot be separated from every phenomenon in our life(理雖高出於太極无極之表 不離乎日用事物之間)" and Doju(道主) Cho, Jeong San's saying that "The reasion that Dao is called Dao is that it is settled to be Mugeuk and moved to be Taegeuk(道之謂道也者定而无極 動而太極)" and Dojeon(都典) Park Wu-dang's saying that "Daesoon(大巡) is circle(圓), circle is Mugeuk(無極), Mugeuk is Taegeuk(太極)". Mugeuk contains the logic of transcendence and Taegeuk contains the logic of immanance. And Nae-confucianism admit the Ultimate Reality or logic have both characteries of Mugeuk and Taegeuk and don't admit that Taegeuk comes from Mugeuk. Therefore, Mugeuk and Taegeuk are in complementary relations. These Nae-confucianism's idea about Mugeuk and Taegeuk corresponds with Deasoon Thought. Daesoon Thoughts also admit that Ultimate Reality, GooCheon SangJe can be understood with both Mugeuk and Taegeuk. That is, GooCheon SangJe, the Suprime God is transcendent from this world(Mugeuk) and also manage the whole universe using the logic of Taegeuk(太極). Daesoon(大巡) unite Mugeuk and Taegeuk using the concept of circulation. The logic of Mugeuk and Taegeuk is both two as well as one, and one as well as two. It is not dualism nor monism. It is non-dualism and super-dualism. These logic of coexistence is the core of Mugeuk and Taegeuk. And this logic is reflexed in Daesoon Thoughts' core proposition that "Daesoon(大巡) is circle (圓), circle is Mugeuk(無極), Mugeuk is Taegeuk(太極)".

A Study on the Archetypes of Historical Edification of Daesoonjinrihoe (대순진리회 교화의 역사적 전형(典型)에 관한 연구)

  • Back, Kyung-un
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.22
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    • pp.471-507
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    • 2014
  • Edification in Daesoonjinrihoe is not only a phenomenon that occurs following the differences of religious experience or spiritual development among the community members, which enables the members to share teaching and learning experiences with one another, but also an issue determined as one of the major activities of the religious order and a plan for achieving the purpose of the religious order-Podeokchenha(Wordly Propagation), Gujechansaeng (Salvation of all mankind) and Jisangcheonguk Geonseol(Building of earthly paradise). The purpose of this article is to clarify its concept and provide an example of edification, through considering the historical model for edification to help the cultivators with their work of edification. The archetype of edification of Daesoonjinrihoe was formed and gradually developed in phases by Sangje, Kang Jeungsan, the Supreme God(姜甑山, 1871-1909), Doju, Jo Jeongsan(趙鼎山, 1895-1958) and Dojeon, Park Wudang(朴牛堂, 1917-1995), by the three of whom the Religious Authority was succeeded. Sangje descended to the human world and preached to people to live by the rule of Haewon Sangsaeng(Resolution of grievances for the mutual beneficences of all life) and set an example of abolishing the old customs, living in mutual beneficences and having respect for human being. Doju, in revering the last will of Sangje, established the religious order by setting its creed, rituals and activities, which formed most contents of the archetype of edification. Dojeon set up a religious faith system by firmly establishing the Religious Authority and performed the True Law in accordance with Sangje's program of heaven to educate the cultivators to achieve the goal of self-cultivation following the last will of Doju. Through this, a perfect method to reach the state of Dotong(The Truly Unified State of Dao) is fulfilled. In this way, the archetype of edification was formed in the process of succession of Religious Authority. In conclusion, edification in Daesoonjinrihoe contributes to a 'systematic conveyance and understanding' through the historical archetype of edification, and it can be described as a concept that becomes a model to put into practice the 'True Law' of teachings given by two Sangjes for Dotong. Therefore, edification of Daesoonjinrihoe is drawing attention of its development as an important activity that realizes the ultimate value of the religious order because it solves the problems of immorality(absence of Dao), disorder and disregard of human value generated from the other side of this material civilization, with the truth of Haewon Sangsaeng, and has a function of rebuilding and leading the individuals and the society to the Truly Unified State of Dao through performing of the True Law.

The development of the theory of yin and yang in the ancient East Asian culture (东亚古代文化中的阴阳理论之嬗变)

  • 刘萍
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.18
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    • pp.101-122
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    • 2004
  • When people discuss the continental cultural elements in the ancient East Asian culture, people always attach great importance to the two major cultures of Confucianism and Taoism, but offer little explanation to the significant influence of the theory of yin and yang, the important philosophical base of the two major cultures. The theory of yin and yang, existing as the theoretical source at a profounder level, possesses philosophical connotations that are always embedded into the mainstream of thought, religions and customs, displaying its unique glamour in its unique way. Its influence is more than that, however. It has exerted far-reaching influence on and is of significant importance to the development of the ancient culture of East Asia. This article aims at exploring this field of study. After the erudite scholar of The Five Classics made a voyage to the east in the early sixth century, The Book of Changes, the most important Chinese ancient classic expounding the theory of yin and yang, started to circulate among the Japanese court, via Baiji in the Korea Peninsula. As a result, the theory of yin and yang found its way to Japan. Examining the spreading channels, we learn that the theory's dissemination was largely related to the activities of Buddhist monks. Shoutoku Prince, regent of Japan at the time, was himself an enthusiastic supporter of Buddhism and was excelled in the study of The Book of Changes and the theory of yin and yang. In the Twelve Ranks System and Seventeen-article Constitution promulgated by Shoutoku Prince, the influence of the theory of yin and yang and of the theory of the five elements can be visibly discerned. This obviously proves the sublime status of the Chinese theory of yin and yang in Japan, thanks to the victory of the political clique that adored Buddhism. In the shaping course of ancient Japanese culture, the theory of yin and yang served as an important philosophical source of its development. Mythology based on Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, two earliest Japanese books that exist today, record mythological stories about the emergence of the Japanese nation. The notion about the birth of heaven and earth and the forming of Japanese Shinto, expressed in the mythological stories, not only tell us the source and historical progress of the Japanese nation but also the nation's world outlook in the transition from barbarian period to civilized period, as well as the basis for its philosophical thinking. All these were marked with profound influence of the Chinese theory of yin and yang. The theory of yin and yang, as one of the ancient Chinese academic thoughts, was accepted asa political belief when it first spread to Japan. The emergence and establishment of both the Mikado system and the centralized regime in ancient Japan drew largely on the theory of yin and yang and adopted it as an important philosophical basis to deify and aggrandize the "imperial power" so as to protect the authority of the imperial ruling and consolidate the established regime. Following the continuous strengthening and expansion of the centralized state power, the theory of yin and yang was further employed, and gradually "hidden" in Japanese culture with the passage of time, finally becoming the edge tool of ancient Japanese Mikados in exercising political power and controlling the country.

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Consider the Meaning of Sincerity(誠), Reverence(敬) and Faith(信) (성경신(誠敬信)의 의미 고찰 - 종도 차경석(車京石)의 행적(行蹟)과 성경신 변화 과정을 통한 고찰 -)

  • Yu, Byeong-mu
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.22
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    • pp.345-385
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    • 2014
  • The object of this thesis is to consider the meaning of sincerity(誠), reverence(敬) and faith(信) through Cha gyungseok's historical record. Cha gyungseok(車京石, 1880-1936) is a key disciple of Kang Jeungsan Sangjenim(姜甑山, 1871~1909) to whom Cha kyungseok has begun to follow since 1907, completing his wandering around Yeonghak-gye(英學契), Iljin-hoe(一進會) and Cheondo-gyo(天道敎) after the loss of his father[Cha Jikoo(車致九), 1851-1894] in Tonghak peasants revolution. To examine the meaning of sincerity, reverence and faith as cardinal points in Daesoonjinrihoe(大巡眞理會) creed, this research has taken note of Cha kyungseok's sincerity, reverence and faith who is said to be thought of himself as a head of Reconstruction Work for the Tonghak spitit's resolution of grievances, despite the Sangjenim's intention of using him for different usage due to his sincerity, reverence and faith. Especially, emphasis was given to the illumination of Cha gyungseok's change of sincerity, reverence and faith through closely reviewing his life prior to the encounter with Sangjenim, the process of following Sangjenim and his whereabouts after the ascension of Sangjenim. In addition, through Jeonkyeong(典經), this research also examines Cha kyeong seok's sincerity, reverence and faith along with his ambition contained in that sincerity, reverence and faith. Up to his ascension, Sangjenim has never saved his advice on Cha gyungseok's ambition. Leaving Sangjenim's advice behind, Cha gyungseok moves on to become a head of the Reconstruction Work for the Tonghak spitit's resolution of grievances without deserting the dream of being the Son of Heaven. Although, he showed his prowess as a religious sect leader called Bocheon-gyo boasting its 6 million believers and as a provisional emperor of the country named Sikuk, he ends his life as a head for the Resolution of grievances of kings, princes, generals and premiers due to the change of faith on Sangjenim and interruption of Japanese Imperial Government, without accomplishing his dream. The feature of past disciples suggests the direction of cultivation for our cultivators. Through Cha gyungseok's sincerity, reverence and faith, we could look back upon the meaning of sincerity, reverence and faith and conclude that a real sincerity, reverence and faith is the heart-mind trying to participate in Reconstruction Work of Heaven and Earth with a pure mind, contrary to the one coming out of greed.