• Title/Summary/Keyword: 대조도 척도

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The Comparison of Low Intensity Eccentric Exercise and Dynamic Stretching on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (저강도 원심성 운동과 동적 스트레칭이 지연성 근육통에 미치는 효과 비교)

  • Lee, Su-Young;Kim, Ji-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.4676-4685
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    • 2012
  • We investigated to compare the effects of a low intensity eccentric exercise and dynamic stretching on symptoms of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). The eighteen women who had not participated in a regular exercise programme for the lower extremities in the previous five months were randomly assigned to one of three experimental groups: control group, a low intensity eccentric exercise group and dynamic stretching group. We measured the joint range of motion (ROM), maximal voluntary isometric exercise (MVIC), muscle soreness rating scale and ultrasound image measurement before eccentric exercise inducing DOMS, and 24, 48, and 72 hours after an eccentric exercise inducing DOMS. The exercise programme in a low intensity eccentric exercise group and dynamic stretching group were respectively performed 3 times a week for 4 weeks before eccentric exercise inducing DOMS. There was significantly different between the groups in muscle soreness rating scale and MVIC (p<.05). However, there was not significantly different between groups in ultrasound image measurement and ROM (p<.05). These results suggest that a low intensity eccentric exercise group and dynamic stretching group effectively reduced muscle soreness rating scale out of the symptoms of DOMS. A low intensity eccentric exercise group may be an effective improvement than dynamic stretching group in muscle soreness rating scale.

Clinical Characteristics of Korean Male Patients with Eating Disorders (남성 섭식장애 환자의 섭식장애 병리의 특징)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo;Im, Su Geun;Hwang, Boin;Kim, Youl-Ri
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.185-192
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : The aims of present study was to investigate clinical characteristics of male patients with eating disorders. Methods : The present study included 32 male patients with eating disorders and 75 female patients with eating disorders, recruited from an eating disorders specialized clinic in a university hospital, Seoul, Korea. We compared clinical characteristics of eating disorders and comorbid conditions of depression and anxiety between men and women with eating disorders. Correlations between eating disorders psychopathology in men with eating disorders and their weight suppression(WS) were investigated. Results : There was no difference in age at presentation, age of onset, illness duration, and body mass index at presentation between genders. Male patients with eating disorders had higher rates of premorbid overweight or obesity than female patients with eating disorders had. WS in the male patients was associated with the severity of their eating disorders. Conclusions : The present study provides grounds for improved understanding for clinical features of eating disorders in males.

Effect of Body Image and Eating Attitude on Depressive Mood and Suicide Ideation in Female Adolescents (여자 청소년의 신체이미지와 식사태도가 우울감과 자살사고에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, Man-Kyu;Ha, Jee-Hyun;Park, Doo-Heum;Ryu, Seung-Ho;Oh, Jung-Hyeon;Yu, Jae-Hak
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.40-47
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    • 2010
  • Objectives:Body image is closely related to self-esteem and weight-control related behaviors. In particular, relationship between two factors would be stronger in female adolescents. False recognition on body image and weight can be a risk factor of eating disorder, depression, and suicidal ideation. This study aimed to examine the effects of body image and eating disorders on developing depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation in female adolescents. Methods:Two hundred thirty nine students of a Girls' Commercial High School in Seoul were recruited. Eating Attitude Test for Korean Adolescents, Self-Esteem Scales, Impulsiveness Scale, Beck's Depression Inventory and Beck's Suicidal Ideation Scale were used to measure eating attitude and severity of psychiatric symptoms. Results:Among 239 subjects, the estimated risk group of eating disorders was 10%(n=24). They experienced more depressive symptoms than the control group. The bigger discrepancy in current and ideal body mass index was significantly related with higher depressive mood, suicidal idea, abnormal eating habits and lower self-esteem. Discrepancy between current and idea BMI was the most meaningful predictive factor about depression and suicidal thoughts by linear regression analysis. Conclusion:In spite of normal weight range of enrolled subjects, they experienced significant depressive mood, suicide thoughts and lower self-esteem associated with the discrepancy of their own subjective body image and current body mass index. Hence educational approach regarding normal body image and healthy weight control is needed for their mental health and preventing eating disorder.

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A study on the effect prefrontal lobe neurofeedback traing on kids about master ability (전전두엽 뉴로피드백 훈련이 유아들의 습득도에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Bak, Ki-Ja
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2011.05b
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    • pp.881-883
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    • 2011
  • 이 연구는 뉴로피드백 훈련을 통하여 유아들의 습득도에 미치는 영향을 개인이 지닌 뇌신경 생리학적 지표인 뇌파 측정을 이용하여 연구 하여 보았다. 대상자는 2010년 3월에서 2010년11월까지 S시 W 유치원 원아 52명(실험군 26명, 대조군 26명)을 기준으로 선정한 자료이다. 훈련 전과 후의 뇌기능 변화는 시계열 선형 분석을 통하여 비교하였으며 연구 검증 결과, 뉴로피드백 훈련을 적용한 원아들 에서 뇌기능과 습득도 척도에서 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 이 결과는 전전두엽 뉴로피드백 훈련이 유아들의 뇌기능의 발달과 습득도에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다고 본다.

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Pressure Pain Threshold and the Resting EMG Activity in Patients with Craniomandibular Disorders Before and After Conservative Therapy (보존적 치료에 따른 두개하악장애환자의 압력통각역치와 휴식시 근전도의 변화)

  • Kyung-A Cho;Myung-Yun Ko
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.125-135
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    • 1994
  • 저자는 두 개하악장애환자의 보존적 치료에 따른 압력통각역치오 휴식시 근전도의 변화를 평가하기 위하여 여성 환자 21명을 대상으로 치료전후에 각각 동통의 정도를 유추척도로 나타내었고 편이개구량을 측정하였으며 교근과 전측두근의 압력통각역치와 휴식시 근전도를 조사하였다. 두 개하악장애의 병력이나 증상이 없는 21명의 정상 여학생을 대조군으로 교근과 전측두근의 압력통각역치와 휴식시 근전도를 측정하여 환자군과 비교한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 보존적 치교이후 동통과 최대편이개구량은 개선되었다. 2. 보존적 치료이후 압력통각역치는 증가하였고 휴식시 근전도는 감소하였다. 3. 압력통각역치나 휴식시 근전도의 좌우차이는 없었다. 4. 압력통각역치와 휴식시 근전도사이에는 약한 음의 상관관계가 있었다.

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Dough Properties and Bread Qualities of Wheat Flour Supplemented with Rice Bran (미강 첨가에 따른 밀가루 반죽물성 및 제빵적성)

  • Chang, Kyung-Hi;Byun, Gwang-In;Park, Sang-Ha;Kang, Woo-Won
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.209-213
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    • 2008
  • We examined the dough properties, baking qualities, and sensory aspects of commercial hard wheat flour (Q1) that was supplemented with up to 30% rice bran flour. The loaf volumes of bread with 20% and 30% rice bran were 83% and 65% respectively, of the control (wheat flour only). However, a 5% and 10% supplement of rice bran increased loaf volume by 5.2% and 0.7% respectively, over the control. After storage of loaves for three days, bread crumbs from loaves with 5% rice bran were significantly softer than those with 10% 20% and 30% rice bran. The hardness of dough increased with the proportion of rice bran, but springiness and cohesiveness were inversely related to hardness. Addition of rice bran increased loaf pH. Rice bran decreased lightness, but significantly increased redness and yellowness in a concentration dependent manner. Sensory investigation indicated that bread with 5% rice bran was not significantly different from the control. However, more panel members preferred the appearance and flavor of bread with 5% rice bran.

Randomized Controlled Trial of East-West Collaborate Medical Treatment on Female Chronic Shoulder Pain Patients (여성 만성견비통 환자에 대한 동서 협진 치료의 무작위 대조군 연구)

  • Nam, Dong-Woo;Choi, Yang-Sik;Kim, Haeng-Beom;Kim, Jong-In;Lim, Sabina;Kim, Keon-Sik;Lee, Doo-Ik;Lee, Jae-Dong;Lee, Yun-Ho;Choi, Do-Young
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.113-122
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    • 2007
  • 목적 : 만성 견비통 환자에 대한 침 치료와 신경 차단술 병행 치료의 효과를 검증하고자 함. 방법 : 만성 견비통 환자 60명을 대상으로 동서병행치료군(EW group, n=20), 한방 침치료군(E group, n=20), 무처치 대조군(C group, n=20)으로 무작위 배정한 후 연구를 시작했다. 동서병행치료군은 먼저 견갑상 신경차단술, 견봉하 주사 및 압통점 국소 마취제를 맞은 후 5분간 휴식을 취한 후 견우($LI_{15}$), 견요($TE_{14}$), 견정(肩井)($GB_{21}$) 및 동씨침의 견중혈(肩中穴)과 신관혈(腎關穴)에 침치료를 주 2회 4주간 받았다. 한방 침치료군은 주 2회, 4주간 견우($LI_{15}$), 견요($TE_{14}$), 견정(肩井)($GB_{21}$) 및 동씨침의 견중혈(肩中穴)과 신관혈(腎關穴)에 침치료를 받았으며, 무처치 대조군은 4주간 특별한 처치를 받지 않았다. 모든 환자들은 일상생활에서 자가 운동을 실시하도록 지시 받았다. 치료 시작전과 치료 4주 후 Constant Shoulder Assessment(CSA), Shoulder Pain and Disability Index(SPADI), 및 환자의 주관적 통증 평가를 Visual Analogue Scale(VAS) 로 측정하여 모인 데이터 통계를 분석하였다. 결과 : 동서병행치료군 및 한방 침치료군 모두 CSA, SPADI 및 VAS 상에서 유의한 (p<0.05) 호전을 보였다, 동서병행치료군의 CSA, SPADI, VAS는 무처치 대조군과 비교하여 유의한 우의를 나타냈으며, 한방 침 치료군과 비교하여 VAS 에서 유의한 차이를 나타냈다. 결론 : 침치료와 신경차단술 병행 치료방법은 만성 견비통을 유의하게 호전시켰다. 무처치 대조군과의 차이는 3개의 측정 도구 모두에서 유의한 차이가 있었으며, 침치료만 받은 환자들과도 주관적 통증 척도에서 유의한 차이를 보였다.

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Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Dongchimi Added with Soybean-Curd Whey (두부순물 첨가 동치미의 이화학적.관능적 특성)

  • 김미리;김민정;백종연
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.1068-1075
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    • 2001
  • Effect of soybean-curd whey on the dongchimi fermentation was investigated by measuring physicochemical and sensory characteristics during fermentation at 1$0^{\circ}C$. Dongchimi was prepared with various levels (0, 2, 5, and 10%) of soybean-curd whey. During fermentation, whereas salt concentrations of dongchimi liquid (1.1 ~ 2.0%) were similar among treatments, greater decrease in pH, but greater increase of total acidity, reducing sugar content, number of lactic acid bacteria and turbidity were observed in dongchimi with soybean-curd whey than those of control from the 2nd to the 9th day of fermentation. But at the 16th day of fermentation, acidity, turbidity and number of lactic acid bacteria of dongchimi with soybean-curd whey were similar to those of control. Reducing sugar content of soybean-curd whey addition groups maintained higher than that of control. The Hunter color L value decreased gradually and that of dongchimi with soybean-curd whey was lower than that of control. b value of control increased, but soybean-curd whey addition groups decreased during fermentation. Hardness and fracturability, determined by texture analyser, were higher in soybean-curd whey addition groups than control. Sensory evaluation showed that the scores of turbidity, sweet taste, savory taste, hardness and over-all preference were significantly higher in soybean-curd whey addition groups than control (p<0.05) ; the highest with 5% soybean-curd whey addition followed by 2% addition. dongchimi with 5% soybean-curd whey addition was the most preferable one with the score of 6.5.

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Effects of the Application of Lower Extremities Exercise and Elastic Compression Stockings on Edema and Pain of Lower Extremities in Nurses (하지운동과 탄력압력스타킹 적용이 일종합병원 간호사의 하지부종과 하지통증에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Young-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.8037-8045
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of the application of elastic compression stockings and lower extremities exercise on edema and pain of lower extremities in hospital nurses. The participants were 30 hospital nurses working at a general hospital. The participants were categorized into three groups such as, 10 for an experimental group of the application of the elastic compression stocking, 10 for another experimental group of the application of Lower extremities exercise and 10 for a control group. Edema of the lower extremities were measured in terms of the girths of ankles and calves. And pain of the lower extremities were measured in terms of the score by NRS(Numerical Rating Scale). The data were analyzed with Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, ${\chi}^2$-test and ANOVA to identify the participants' characteristics, SPSS Win 21.0 program was used for analysing. There are significant differences in lower extremity edema among the experimental group of lower extremities exercise, experimental group of elastic compression stocking and control group was supported(Rt Calf F=0.645, p=.000, Lt Calf F=21.941, p=.000). There are significant differences in lower extremity pain the experimental group of lower extremities exercise, experimental group of elastic compression stocking and control group was supported(Rt: F==7.320, p=.000 Lt: F=10.623, p=.000). In conclusion, in has been appeared that the lower extremities exercise and wearing elastic compression stocking have effedted in relieving low extremity edema and pain scale for nurses.

The Influence of Make Up Program on the Self-esteem and Anxiety Status of the Elderly Female Dementia Patients (외모가꾸기 프로그램이 여성치매노인의 자아존중감과 불안에 미치는 효과)

  • Kong, Eun Suk;Kim, Eun Ju
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.815-830
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    • 2010
  • This study is a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest study to determine the effects of a make up program on the self-esteem and anxiety of the elderly female dementia patients. This research was done between April 13th and May 1st, 2009. The subjects were 41 dementia patients in an elderly hospital in Honam Area. Twenty dementia patients in the experimental group got the make up measures during the two week experimental period and twenty one dementia patients in the contrast group didn't get any measure during the two week period. Make up measures were given to the experimental group 10 times for the two week period. This study used the self-esteemscale which was developed by Rosenberg(1965) and was translated and modified by Jeon Pyung Je(1974) into Korean. The anxiety status scale which this study used was developed by Spielberger(1970) and was translated and modified by Kim Jeong Taek(1991) into Korean. Collected data were analyzed with SPSS Win 12.0. T-test and multivariate analysis were done to test the hypothesis. This study also used a method of observation. The results of this study are following. After the two week make up measures, the experimental group had more self esteem and less anxiety status than the contrast group. The differences were statistically significant. The result of the observation also supported the research hypothesis. Based on this result, we suggest the make up program as an appropriate and useful nursing care intervention program for female dementia patients.