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A Study on Singapore Startup Ecosystem using Regional Transformation of Isenberg(2010) (싱가포르 창업생태계 연구: Isenberg(2010) 프레임워크의 지역적 변용을 통한 질적 연구를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Soyeon;Cho, Minhyung;Rhee, Mooweon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.47-65
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    • 2020
  • With the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in sight, innovative business models utilizing new technologies are emerging, and startups are enjoying an abundance of opportunities based on the agility to respond to disruptive innovations and the opening to new technologies. However, what is most important in creating a sustainable start-up ecosystem is not the start-up itself, but the process of research-start-investment-investment-the leap to listing and big business-in order to build a virtuous circle of startups that leads to re-investment. To this end, the environment created in the hub area where start-ups were conducted is important, and these material and non-material environmental factors are described as being inclusive by the word "entrepreneurial ecosystem." This study aims to provide implications for Korea's entrepreneurial ecosystem through the study of the interaction of the elements that make up the start-up ecosystem and the relationship of ecosystem participants in Singapore. Singapore has been consistently mentioned as the top two Asian countries in assessing the start-up environment and business environment. In this process, six elements of the entrepreneurial ecosystem presented by Isenberg(2010)-policies, finance, culture, support, human resources, and market-are the best frameworks for analyzing entrepreneurial ecosystems in terms of well encompassing prior studies related to entrepreneurial ecosystem elements, and a model of regional transformation is formed focusing on some elements to suit Singapore, the target area of study. By considering that Singapore's political nature would inevitably have a huge impact on finance, Smart Nation policy was having an impact on university education related to entrepreneurship, and that the entrepreneurial networks and global connectivity formed within Singapore's start-up infrastructure had a significant impact on Singapore's start-up's performance, researches needed to look more at the factors of policy, culture and market. In addition, qualitative research of participants in the entrepreneurial ecosystem was essential to understand the internal interaction of the elements of the start-up ecosystem, so the semi-structured survey was conducted by visiting the site. As such, this study examined the status of the local entrepreneurial ecosystem based on qualitative research focused on policies, culture and market elements of Singapore's start-up ecosystem, and intended to provide implications for regulations related to start-ups, the role of universities and start-up infrastructure through comparison with Korea. This could contribute not only to the future research of the start-up ecosystem, but also to the creation of a start-up infrastructure, boosting the start-up ecosystem, and the establishment of the orientation of the start-up education in universities.

A Comparison of Gases and Heavy Metals in Blood between Urban and Rural Teenager (도시(都市)와 농촌(農村) 약년자(若年者)의 혈액(血液)가스 및 중금속(重金屬) 함량(含量) 비교(比較))

  • Lee, Sang-Sook;Kim, Doo-Hie
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 1985
  • This paper is carried out to determine the venous blood gas components and heavy metals, such as lead, cadmium and copper, in blood between urban and rural teenager. The subjects were 34 in urban, Taegu city and 37 in rural, Euisung-Gun. But smokers were excluded. The specimens were sampled in May, 1985. The heavy metals were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (IL. 551) and carboxy-Hb, Met-Hb, Hb, $O_2\;and\;CO_2$, blood gas analyzer (IL. 1301) and CO-oximeter (IL. 282). In urban group, $PO_2\;and\;O_2-Hb$ were significantly lower than in rural (p<0.01, p<0.03, respectively), and ${HCO_3}^{-}\;and\;TCO_2$ were significantly higher than in rural (p<0.01, p<0.01, respectively). CO-Hb concentration was rather higher in the rural group than the urban (p<0.03), other Met-Hb was higher in urban group than in the rural (p<0.01). Lead and cadmium were also significantly higher in the urban group (p<0.03, p<0.02, respectively).

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A Study on the Level of Air Pollution and Noise in Pusan Area (부산의 지역별 대기오염과 소음정도에 관한 조사연구)

  • Cho, G.I.;Moon, D.H.;Lee, J.T.;Sin, H.R.;Kim, Y.W.;Park, H.J.;Pae, K.T.;Lee, C.U.
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.23 no.4 s.32
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    • pp.391-403
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    • 1990
  • In order to assess the degree of atmospheric pollution and noise and to contribute the health improvement of residents in Pusan, the author measured the levels of CO, $SO_2,\;NO_2$, TSP, HCHO and noise in 8 areas (industrial, residential and park areas) from January to March in 1990. The results were as follows : 1. Sasang industrial area was significantly higher($2.85{\pm}0.84ppm$) in the average concentration of CO than other areas. However, there no areas to affect the human body in terms of CO concentration. 2. In general, industrial area was significantly higher ($0.134{\pm}0.084ppm$) in the average concentration of $SO_2$ than other areas, and it was the lowest ($0.009{\pm}0.005ppm$) in the Namchon-dong area. 3. Industrial ($0.033{\pm}0.009ppm$) and residential area ($0.029{\pm}0.004ppm$) were significantly higher in the average concentration of $NO_2$ than Park area ($0.009{\pm}0.001ppm$). However, there were no areas to affect the human body in terms of $NO_2$ concentration. 4. Sasang industrial area was the highest ($580.4{\pm}415.26{\mu}g/m^3$) at the average concentration of TSP and Hae-Un Dae area was the lowest ($97.22{\pm}37.86{\mu}g/m^3$). But TSP concentration showed the level to affect the human body in most areas. 5. Industrial area was significantly higher ($2.25{\pm}1.15ppb$) in the average concentration of HCHO than residential ($1.13{\pm}0.25ppb$) and park area ($1.33{\pm}0.20ppb$). 6. Industrial area was significantly higher ($77.28{\pm}6.92dB(A)$) in the level of noise than residential ($65.77{\pm}3.76dB(A)$) and park area ($64.65{\pm}5.25dB(A)$). In comparison with regional Standard Noise Level, howeverm the average noise level of residential and park area was higher than that of the Standard. In general, the level of pollution of industrial complex areas was relatively higher than those of residential and park areas. Among the industrial areas, sasang area was worst in most items. Both $SO_2$ and TSP showed the level to affect the human body in most of studied areas. It is necessary to install a new Air Quality Standard for HCHO to screen our environmental pollution.

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Measurement of Net Photosynthetic Rates in Intertidal flats of Ganghwa-gun and Incheon North Harbor using Oxygen Microsensors (산소 미세전극을 이용한 강화군과 인천 북항 조간대 갯벌의 순광합성률 측정)

  • Hwang, Chung-Yeon;Cho, Byung-Cheol
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2005
  • To find out temporal variations of net photosynthetic rate (NPR) of intertidal flats, we measured oxygen microprofiles in sediments with oxygen microsensors 4 times from December 2003 to June 2004. The study areas were the intertidial flats in Janghwa-ri and Dongmak-ri, located on the southwestern and the southern parts of Ganghwa-gun, respectively, and in Incheon North Harbor where the content of organic matter was relatively high. During the investigation, oxygen penetration depths in the tidal flats of Janghwa-ri and Dongmak-ri were high in December (mean values of 4.0-4.1 mm). Thereafter, the oxygen penetration depths declined to mean values of 2.2-2.8 mm and 1.6-1.8 mm in the two tidal flats. Interestingly, the oxygen penetration depths in the Incheon North Harbor tidal flat showed a lower range $(0.8{\pm}0.3\;mm;\;mean{\pm}1SD)$ over the period. The maximum NPR in the Dongmak-ri tidal flat was found in March $(11.1{\pm}2.8\;mmol\;O_2\;m^{-2}\;h^{-1})$, and those In Janghwa-ri $(6.1{\pm}4.1\;mmol\;O_2\;m^{-2}\;h^{-1})$ and Incheon North Harbor $(6.4{\pm}1.4\;mmol\;O_2\;m^{-2}\;h^{-1})$ were observed in May. During the period when NPR was most active, the highest oxygen concentration was found at 0.1-0.5 mm depth below the surface sediment, and was on average 1.8-3.2 times higher than the air-saturated oxygen concentration in the overlying seawater. Although we took into account of low in situ light intensity $(400{\mu}Einst\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1})$ during the investigation in June, NPR in the 3 study areas decreased significantly to less than $0.2\;mmol\;O_2\;m^{-2}\;h^{-1})$. Thus, temporal variations of NPR were somewhat different among the tidal flats. Generally, benthic primary producers inhabiting in the uppermost 0.5 mm of the sediment showed a peak photosynthetic activity in the study areas in spring. This is the first domestic report on photosynthetic rates of benthic microflora in the tidal flats with oxygen microsensors, and the use of the microsensor can be widely applied to measurements of benthic primary production of a tidal flat and the oxygen consumption rate of surficial sediments.

Distribution Characteristics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons(PAHs) in Riverine Waters of Ulsan Coast, Korea (울산연안 하천에서 다환방향족탄화수소 분포특성)

  • You, Young-Seok;Lee, Jeong-Hoon;Park, Jeong-Chae;Kim, Dong-Myung;Cho, Hyeon-Seo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.398-405
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    • 2012
  • PAHs(Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) in coastal area and estuary adjacent to urban area and industrial activities region are mainly introduced into marine environment via atmosphere and river. This study which is evaluated the distribution characteristics of PAHs discharge from rivers and sewage disposal water which flowing into Ulsan bay, and were carried out in Jun of dry season and in Auguest of wet season, 2008. The water samples from eight main rivers and Youngyeon WWTP(Wastewater Treatment Plant) flowed into Ulsan bay were taken for analysis of dissolved PAHs. The range and mean values of dissolved PAHs concentrations showed 10.30 to 87.88 ng/L, its mean 36.94 ng/L in dry season and 10.30 to 69.57 ng/L, its mean 24.37 ng/L in wet season. The distribution of dissolved PAHs showd the high concentrations in the Gungcheoncheon which is flowed from urban and industrial area. The ranges and means values of the loading fluxes were estimated with 0.04 to 8.27 g/day, its mean 2.05 g/day in dry season, and 0.03 to 4.77 g/day, its mean 1.61 g/day, in wet season. The loading flux showed the highest value in Taewha river due to the high flow rate and the urban activity. The composition patterns of dissolved PAHs compound showed most of the trend occupying low molecuar weight PAHs than high molecular weight PAHs. These results were due to physical and chemical characteristics of PAHs compound, and were similar to those of other studies. The concentrations of dissolved PAHs in this study are lower than those of other studies, and the level of PAHs pollution appeared to be not serious in reverine waters of Ulsan coast.

Estimation of Near Surface Air Temperature Using MODIS Land Surface Temperature Data and Geostatistics (MODIS 지표면 온도 자료와 지구통계기법을 이용한 지상 기온 추정)

  • Shin, HyuSeok;Chang, Eunmi;Hong, Sungwook
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2014
  • Near surface air temperature data which are one of the essential factors in hydrology, meteorology and climatology, have drawn a substantial amount of attention from various academic domains and societies. Meteorological observations, however, have high spatio-temporal constraints with the limits in the number and distribution over the earth surface. To overcome such limits, many studies have sought to estimate the near surface air temperature from satellite image data at a regional or continental scale with simple regression methods. Alternatively, we applied various Kriging methods such as ordinary Kriging, universal Kriging, Cokriging, Regression Kriging in search of an optimal estimation method based on near surface air temperature data observed from automatic weather stations (AWS) in South Korea throughout 2010 (365 days) and MODIS land surface temperature (LST) data (MOD11A1, 365 images). Due to high spatial heterogeneity, auxiliary data have been also analyzed such as land cover, DEM (digital elevation model) to consider factors that can affect near surface air temperature. Prior to the main estimation, we calculated root mean square error (RMSE) of temperature differences from the 365-days LST and AWS data by season and landcover. The results show that the coefficient of variation (CV) of RMSE by season is 0.86, but the equivalent value of CV by landcover is 0.00746. Seasonal differences between LST and AWS data were greater than that those by landcover. Seasonal RMSE was the lowest in winter (3.72). The results from a linear regression analysis for examining the relationship among AWS, LST, and auxiliary data show that the coefficient of determination was the highest in winter (0.818) but the lowest in summer (0.078), thereby indicating a significant level of seasonal variation. Based on these results, we utilized a variety of Kriging techniques to estimate the surface temperature. The results of cross-validation in each Kriging model show that the measure of model accuracy was 1.71, 1.71, 1.848, and 1.630 for universal Kriging, ordinary Kriging, cokriging, and regression Kriging, respectively. The estimates from regression Kriging thus proved to be the most accurate among the Kriging methods compared.

Study of Utilization of Dental High School and according to the Pain Experienced Dental Fear (고등학생의 치과이용실태와 통증 경험에 따른 치과공포에 대한 연구)

  • Jun, Bo-Hye;Choi, Young-Suk
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to study of utilization of dental high school and according to the pain experienced dental fear and anxiety. This survey was conducted on 370 high school students in Suwon from November 21 to 23, 2011. A total of 352 questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The collected data was analyzed using the statistical package SPSS 15.0 using frequency, mean and standard deviation analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Duncan's test correlation analysis and Stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results state that students feel fear and anxiety were feeling anesthetic needle ($3.19{\pm}1.43$), seeing anesthetic needle ($3.14{\pm}1.44$). We found that students feel more rear and anxiety from caries treatment than scaling. It influence that having dental fear with past dental pain experienced during dental treatment and also hearing dental treatment of pain from their family and friends. We found out that there are some influencing factors on dental fear and anxiety, gender, oral health condition, smoking, pain experienced during dental treatment. We need to care dental fear and anxiety continuously and have prevention program. We have to try understanding students have dental fear and anxiety. So it's better they have good experience visiting dental clinic. We should develop the system and specially treat well while they have dental treatment with anesthesia and some sharp instruments.

Part-time Employment in Japan and Taiwan (일본과 대만의 시간제 고용에 관한 연구)

  • 이혜경;장혜경
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.79-112
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    • 2000
  • This study was focused on the contrasting pattern of part-time employment between Japan and Taiwan where the environments are similar in terms of expanding service industries and increasing flexibility of labor. In Japan, the expansion of part-time employment and its feminization have occurred, whereas they have not at all in Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to examine the reasons behind this phenomena, and to explore what relations they might have with the supply of women\`s labor in each country. Data analysis showed the following results. First, when the phenomena of part-time employment in Japan and Taiwan are summarized as \`active\` and \`inactive\` models, the difference could be explained by a structure-oriented approach rather than an individual-oriented approach. In other words, the difference between the two countries is mainly because of the structural characteristics of the labor market. a combination of capitalism and patriarchy, and an effect of state welfare and family policies rather than a \`voluntaristic choice\` due tn household work and child rearing. In light of this. the labor market segmentation and flexibility of labor theory in particular provided a useful frame for explanation. Second, with regard to the supply of women\`s labor, the difference between Japan and Taiwan could be found in the structure of the labor market and in family response strategies. The large corporation-oriented and strictly divided labor market structure in Japan activated part-time employment and its feminization, whereas, the small family-oriented businesses and less divided labor market in Taiwan supported the continuity of full-time employment of married women. There was also a room for informal employment in Taiwan which made part-time employment unnecessary. This study showed that even within similar environments of expanding service industry and pursuing flexibility of labor different measures and adaptations were possible. The case of Taiwan in particular, showed the significance of an informal labor market which was a part of industrialization process and a strategy of producing various products through a subcontracting network.

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Distribution and Sources of Pb in Southern East/Japan Sea Sediments using Pb isotopes (동해 남부 해역 퇴적물에서 Pb동위원소를 이용한 Pb의 기원 추적 연구)

  • Choi Man Sik;Cheong Chang-Sik;Han Jeong Hee;Park Kye-Hun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.39 no.1 s.176
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2006
  • In order to identify the Pb pollution and its sources in continental shelf and slope areas, Pb concentration and Pb isotope ratios ($^{207}Pb/^{206}Pb\;and\;^{208}Pb/^{206}Pb$) were determined far 6 box corer sediments collected from the southern East/japan Sea. Pb concentration, and $^{207}Pb/^{206}Pb\;and\;^{208}Pb/^{206}Pb$ ratios were constant at around $25\pm5 ppm$ and 0.842 and 2.092 from 1700 to 1930 year, respectively and increased steadily up to $40\pm5 ppm$ and 0.867 and 2.123 at the beginning of 1990s', respectively. The increase of concentration and isotope ratios in the labile fraction (leached by 2M HC1+0.5M $HNO_3$) explains their increase in bulk sediments, while Pb concentration and isotope ratios in the residual fraction were nearly constant during 300yrs. Temporal variation of Pb isotope ratios was explained by simple two end-members mixing of geo-genic and anthropogenic sources because isotope ratios and the inverse of Pb concentration showed the good linear relationships. Using Pb isotope ratios, we can constrain two Pb sources in the study area. The one is atmospheric particulates, compared with mean values of isotope ratios in atmospheric particulates collected at Jeju and Oki ;stands, based on the history of Pb emmission in Korea and China, and judged by oceanographic processes capable of homogenizing many sources. The other is local sources related to iron mills, refineries of Pb ore and of petroleum located at the coast of the study area. Isotope ratios of anthropogenic Pb can be estimated using two end-members mixing equation and were $0.879\pm0.005\;and\;2.144\pm0.008$ before 1950s' while they increased up to $0.900\pm0.008\;and\;2.162\pm0.011$ after 1980s', respectively.

Evaluation of Hydrogeologic Seal Capacity of Mudstone in the Yeongil Group, Pohang Basin, Korea: Focusing on Mercury Intrusion Capillary Pressure Analysis (포항분지 영일층군 이암층의 수리지질학적 차폐능 평가: 수은 모세관 압입 시험의 결과 분석을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Seon-Ok;Wang, Sookyun;Lee, Minhee
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2020
  • Geological CO2 sequestration is a global warming response technology to limit atmospheric emissions by injecting CO2 captured on a large scale into deep geological formations. The presented results concern mineralogical and hydrogeological investigations (FE-SEM, XRD, XRF, and MICP) of mudstone samples from drilling cores of the Pohang basin, which is the research area for the first demonstration-scale CO2 storage project in Korea. They aim to identify the mineral properties of the mudstone constituting the caprock and to quantitatively evaluate the hydrogeologic sealing capacity that directly affects the stability and reliability of geological CO2 storage. Mineralogical analysis showed that the mudstone samples are mainly composed of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase and a small amount of pyrite, calcite, clay minerals, etc. Mercury intrusion capillary pressure analysis also showed that the samples generally had uniform particle configurations and pore distribution and there was no distinct correlation between the estimated porosity and air permeability. The allowable CO2 column heights based on the estimated pore-entry pressures and breakthrough pressures were found to be significantly higher than the thickness of the targeting CO2 injection layer. These results showed that the mudstone layers in the Yeongil group, Pohang basin, Korea have sufficient sealing capacity to suppress the leakage of CO2 injected during the demonstration-scale CO2 storage project. It should be noticed, however, that the applicability of results and analyses in this study is limited by the lack of available samples. For rigorous assessment of the sealing efficiency for geological CO2 storage operations, significant efforts on collection and multi-aspect evaluation for core samples over entire caprock formations should be accompanied.