• Title/Summary/Keyword: 농촌의료

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A Study on Health Seeking Behavior - Focused on Shopping-Around Phenomenon in Banwol-Eup Residents (일부(一部) 지역사회(地域社會) 주민(住民)의 의료(醫療) 행태(行態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 반월읍(半月邑) 주민(住民)의 Shopping-around 현상(現象)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Choi, Young-Teak;Lee, Eun-Il;Kim, Hyo-Joong
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.44-54
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    • 1986
  • This study was aimed at investigating the health seeking behaviors of patients; For the purpose of analyzing the research theme we classified the study into two phase. First, the types of patients' health seeking behavior were categorized into a scheme according to what medical care resources were utilized in patients' coping process. Second, from patients' first visits to third visits to medical resources, we analyzed variations of factors which noted as crucial elements in constituting the patients' sickness career. To grasp the generalized characteristics from complicated empirical data, we limited the scope of our analysis to third stage of health seeking. A total of 121 persons who had beer suffering from chronic diseases more than 3 months was sampled among the residents of Banwol-Eup, the target Area of Korea University Health Project. The findings are as follows ; 1) In the course of visiting medical care resources, 34 different types of health seeking Behavior were found. From this result we inferred the idea that patients in Banwol-Eup had not any stable norms to cope with their pains. Clinics, hospital, pharmacy, Herb-doctors', folkways (self-treatment) were accessed by patients in orders. But more than half of patients who had utilized clinics or hospitals from their first to third visits, changed medical care resources to others, for example herb doctors or folkways, which had fundamentally different treatment models. Upon these two facts, the diversified types and capricious patterns in the health seeking behavior of Banwol patients, we observed a typical Shopping-Around phenomenon. 2) Factors which influenced patients' to their sickness career were changed along the courses of health seeking, from first to third visits as follows ; $\cdot$ Perceived seriousness of diseases were tended to decrease. $\cdot$ Professional medical personnel tended to be influencial in the patients' sickness career, (5.0%, 25.0% and 65.7%). The influence of the primary interaction groups such as parents, friends, neighbours, tended to decrease ; (90.9%, 71.2% and 30.0%). $\cdot$ The subjective reasons why to choose such a medical care resource were related to economic affordability and disease-itself as main motives. Credibility of health resources tended to increase 14.9%, 24.0% and 31.4 sequently. $\cdot$ Geographic accessibility factors did not change significantly. Most of patients had utilized health resources in Banwol and Anyang area. 3) Cultural inclination in the shopping-around phenomenon has shown difference among age groups. The age group' over 50 years' preferred traditional health resources to modern health resources. 4) Consistency of health seeking behavior on the shopping around phenomenon has shown difference according to the degrees of patients' economic affordability and those of psychological satisfaction toward modern health services. However, there were some restrictions in this thesis ; a) the study was limited to the 3rd health seeking career so it did not allow us to collect more informations after that, b) the study was not able to carry out causal analysis on patients health behavior determinated by explanatory model of health resources, and c) the study was not able to take into consideration of factors connected with social structural circumstances. Despite of restrictions described above, we are sure that this thesis would promote health providers' understanding toward patients' inclinations, through which they could provide efficient and accurate medical service.

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The Role of Applied Nutritionist (영양과 지역사회 개발 - 2. 영양지도원(營養指導員)의 역할(役割) -)

  • Chun, Sung-Kyu
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.4-8
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    • 1976
  • 영양지도원(營養指導員)은 자신(自身)이 알고 있는 기술(技術)을 다른 사람에게 전달(傳達)하여 그 사람으로 하여금 지도원(指導員)이 원하는 방향(方向)으로 행동(行動)을 하도록 해야 한다. 따라서 다른 사람을 지도(指導)하려면은 우선 지도원 자신(指導員自身)의 우수한 자질(資質)"이 필요(必要) 하며 이를 위(爲)하여 기술자(技術者)로서의 연마(硏磨)와 겸(兼)하여 인간(人間)의 지도자(指導者)로서의 수양(修養)을 쌓아야 한다. 그리하여 영양개선(營養改善) 의 선도적(先導的) 점화자(點火者)로 "뒤에서 계속 미는" 지원자(支援者)로서의 역할(役割)을 수행(遂行)하여야 한다. (1) 현직능별(現職能別) 영양지도원(營養指導員)의 범위(範圍)를 보건소(保健所)의 보건지도원(保健指導員), 농촌지도소(農村指導所)의 생활지도요원(生活指導要員), 군면(郡面)의 행정지도요원(行政指導要員), 농협(農協)의 부여지도요원(婦女指導要員), 의료계(醫療界)의 의사(醫師), 간호원(看護員), 조산원(助産員), 학교(學校) 교육기관(敎育機關)의 교사(敎師), 영양사(營養士), 영리회사(營利會社)의 사원(社員) 등을 들 수 있다. (2) 지도대상(指導對象)과 그 장소(場所)는 공장(工場), 학교(學校), 훈련장(訓練場), 병원(病院), 복지시설(福祉施設)과 공동취사(共同炊事) 재해시등(災害時等)의 집단급식장(集團給食場)과 이를 이용(利用)하는 對象者(대상자) 도시(都市) 농촌(農村)의 일반가정(一般家庭)의 주민(住民), 그리고 교실(敎室)에서 학교교과목(學校敎科目)을 통(通)한 학생(學生)의 학습(學習) 새마을운동(運動) 공보시설(公報施設)을 통(通)하여 대중(大衆)에게 "지도(指導)를 지도원(指導員)이" 전개(展開)할 수 있다. (3) 지도방법(指導方法)은 일반적(一般的) 학교교육과정(學校敎育過程)의 교육방법(敎育方法)을 적용(適用)하되 교외교육(校外敎育)이라는 점(點)을 잊어서는 안된다. 현실적(現實的)으로 이론(理論)과 경험(經驗)을 병행활용(倂行活用)하며 영양학(營養學)의 연구결과(硏究結果)가 반드시 또 는 곧 가정생활(家庭生活) 개인생활(個人生活)에 적응(適應)되는 것이 아니며, 행동화(行動化)되지 않는 지식(知識)과 기술(技術)은 무용(無用)하게 되므로 "다고 말 할 수 있다. 따라서 영양개선(營養改善)을 지도(指導)하는 지도원(指導員)은 받아들이는 가정(家庭)이나 개인(個人)의 입장(立場)에서 여러 가지 여건을 파악 최대공약수(最大公約數)의 가능치(可能値)를 알아내서 지도(指導)해야 된다. (4) 영양지도(營養指導)는 기술(技術)이 ,포함(包含)되어 있기 때문에 기술(技術)의 전달과정(傳達過程)을 분석(分析)해야 되고 (5) 지도원(指導員) 자신의 무장(武裝)을 위(爲)하여 자신(自身)의 기술지도(技術指導) 방법(方法), 인간지도자(人間指導者)로서의 능력향상(能力向上)을 독서(讀書), 교육(敎育), 훈련(訓練) 을 통(通)하여 배워 기술자(技術者)로서 인간지도자(人間指導者)로서 전달자(傳達者)로 서의 교양(敎養)을 가져야 한다. (6) 지도원(指導員)의 활동성과(活動成果)는 지도원(指導員) 자신의 열의(熱意)와 받아들이는 사람의 열의(熱意)에 의(依)하여 좌우(左右)된다. 즉(卽) 지도원(指導員)의 열의(熱意)${\times}$피지도자(被指導者)의 열의(熱意)=지도성과(指導成果) $[L{\times}P=f(L{\cdot}P)]$로 나타난다. 결론적(結論的)으로 지도원(指導員)은 영양개선(營養改善)의 전문적(專門的) 각 요소(各要素)를 깊이 알고 이것을 다시 종합(綜合)하고 체계화(體系化)할 줄 알며 직능별(職能別) 각 지도원(各指導員)과의 상호(相互) 협조(協助)로 서로 보완(補完)하고 새마을 운동(運動)과 그 직장(職場) 또는 환경(環境)여건에 결부(結付)되고 현실적(現實的)으로 행동화(行動化)할 수 있는 단계적(的) 장단기계획(長短期計劃)과 평가방법(評價方法)을 숙지(熟知)하여 또 지도방법(指導方法)에 필요(必要)한 교재(敎材)를 충실(充實)히 준비하여 자신(自身)의 실력(實力)을 충분(充分)히 발휘할 수 있도록 하여 자기 열의(熱意)를 다하고" 영양개선(營養改善)의 선도적(先導的) 점화자(點火者)로서 "계속 뒤에서 미는" 지원자(支援者)로서 사명(使命)을 다할 때 그 역할(役割)을 다하는 것이다.

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Effect of Health Promotion and Characteristics of Elderly used Day Care Service in Community Health Practitioner's Post (보건진료소의 주간보호실 이용노인의 특성과 건강증진 정도)

  • Jeong, In-Suk;Cho, Yoo-Hyang;Park, Yoon-Chang
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2002
  • This study was taken to provide data for the approaches of day care service for the elderly in community health practitioner's post through the study on the utilization rate, characteristics and health promotion that the elderly used the day care services. Data collection used three records that case management in take sheet, dementia check list and ADL record during the one year, from June 21, 2001 to June 30, 2002. During the one year, the elderly used day care services were 119 persons that 26.9% of the total elderly population, 1.5 time per used the elderly, and female elderly(88.9%) more used than male elderly. 39.5%of the elderly user have chronic diseases that was arthritis and hypertension and etc. 41.2% of the elderly users have dementia state that score was $17.39{\pm}7.17$(handicapped elderly), $18.43{\pm}7.36$(healthy elderly), but statistically not significant PADL score was $2.18{\pm}0.55$(handicapped elderly), $2.78{\pm}0.30$(healthy elderly), IADL score was $1.78{\pm}0.51$(handicapped elderly), $2.47{\pm}0.60$(healthy elderly) that were statistically significant. One year later, PADL and IADL of the elderly users were improved that statistically significant(p=0.01). The elderly users were wanted rehabilitation service(22.2%), talking service(20.6%), bath service(12.7%), food service(9.5%) of day care services in CHP's post. We are recommended that day care service for the elderly in CHP's post was very useful and contributed to promote ADL functions.

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The Utilization Pattern of a Rural Health Subcenter among Suburban Farmhouse Members (일 도시근교 농가구원의 보건지소 이용양상)

  • Sohn, Seok-Joon;Kwon, Sun-Seok;Kim, Sang-Won;Byun, Ju-Nam;Nam, Hae-Sung;Son, Myung-Ho
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 1999
  • In order to estimate the utilization pattern of a rural health subcenter, and to identify the recognition for it among the farmhouse members in a suburban area, a questionnaire survey was carried out for objects of 696 population. The results observed were as follows: The annual utilization rate of rural health subcenter for a basic health service unit was 25.0 per 100 persons, and annual mean visiting times was 0.22 times. And the most frequent disease by annual health subcenter utilization illness was musculoskeletal disease(30.6%), and the next was respiratory disease(14.1%), gastrointestinal disease(13.9%) by order. Favorite reason for community health subcenter utilization were near distance from living place(49.6%), lower disease severity(18.9%) and lower medical cost(18.1%) by order. But disfavoring reasons for it were absence of specialist(20.2%), non effective treatment(19.2%) and insufficient equipment(14.7%) by order. And insufficient items about community health subcenter utilization were restriction of treatment limit(40.7%), lower reliance(22.5%) and difficulty in traffic(13.4%) by order. The results of logistic regression analysis suggested that statistically significant factors in health subcenter utilization was educational level. The desirable works for the health subcenter in a suburban area were disease control of elderly and disease preventing service. These results suggested that to increase the utilization of rural health subcenter in a suburban area and to promote the accessibility of rural residents to primary health care, there must be considered public relation about health subcenter, improvement of medical quality and change of priority about health subcenter's works.

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Regional Differentials in Mortality in Korea, 1990-2000 (사망력 수준의 시ㆍ군별 편차 및 그 변화 추이, 1990∼2000)

  • 김두섭;박효준
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-30
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    • 2003
  • This paper attempts to explore the effects of ecological and socioeconomic factors on the level of mortality and the changing trends of such effects during the period of 1990∼2000. For this purpose the population census data and micro-data from the vital statistics for years 1990, 1995 and 2000 were used. As indicators of mortality, the crude death rate(CDR), the standardized death rate(SDR) and the longevity rate were calculated for 170 'Si' s and 'Gun's. Using GIS, this paper first presents the mortality and longevity maps for years 1990, 1995 and 2000. Then ANOVA and regression analyses are carried out in an effort to generalize the effects of ecological and socioeconomic factors on the CDR, the SDR and the longevity rate. When the mortality and longevity maps are examined, three indices of mortality are found to be markedly high in the southwest coastal regions of Cholla-Nam-Do. By contrast, Seoul and Pusan metropolitan areas show substantially low level of mortality and longevity in these indices. It is also found that the regional differentials in the SDR and the longevity rate show a trend of becoming smaller after 1990. The research, however, does not find any linear relationship between the SDR and the longevity rate. The causal mechanisms of the two indices are found to be different. The results of the ANOVA and the regression analysis reveal that the locational factors of both mountainous and farming regions tend to increase the CDR and SDR while both coastal and farming regions disclose a tendency of increasing the longevity rate. The level of statistical significance of these analytical results is found to be weaker when socioeconomic factors such as education, income, marital status, availability of medical care, and sanitary conditions of the region are taken into account. The regional differentials in the mortality level seem to have a clear relationship not only with the socioeconomic factors but also with the age structure influenced by the age selectivity of migration during the past 40 years.

Development of Internet Information Push-Delivery System Design of Smoking Cessation for Health Promotion (지역주민의 건강증진을 위한 인터넷 금연 강화 프로그램 개발)

  • Kim, Young-Bok;Shin, Jun-Ho;Kim, Shin-Woel
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.287-301
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    • 2004
  • Objectives: The development of internet programs for smoking cessation was motivated to quit smoking in the large group of smokers. This personalized program consisted of tailored message to consider the smokers characteristics, and contain the informations on the outcomes of smoking cessation and the skills to be used in the quit attempts. The purpose of this study was to develop the internet management program and information push-delivery system for smoking cessation to encourage the personal intention to quit smoking. Methods: We conducted in 3 steps as developing push service to encourage intention of smoking cessation, analyzing problems of smoking cessation program through the pilot test and suggesting improvements by implication stages. Results: This program is delivered for 30 days. if the participants do not fail to quit smoking. The contents consisted of 13 stages which were divided on starting period. practical period, maintenance period and success period. And push service afforded the tailored message to participants using their e-mail. According to the evaluation of pilot test, the problems of internet information push-delivery service for smoking cessation were the over-tasks per visiting time, recording style of participants, difficulty of terms and sentences, lack of visual effects, absence of follow-up module and unsuitable link with main homepage. Improvements were divided on 3 stages by implication period. The first stage included the immediate improvements as improving link with homepage, modifying menu of smoking information and upload file of notice part. The second stage included the short term improvements as alleviating condition of withdrawal, coordinating start stage of retrial, modifying errors of information push-delivery service and addition of educational materials. The third stage included the long term improvements as development of follow-up module, cost-effectiveness evaluation, reducing contents quantity, introduction of checking style, compensation of graphics effect and review for SMS utilization. Conclusions: This program contribute to improving smoking cessation rate. Therefore this program should be tested in a community to evaluate the effectiveness. To promote the effectiveness, this program should be developed the contents and the strategies for various targets, and established the follow-up system for ex-smokers.

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Evaluation on the Accuracy of Vaccination Card for National Immunization Program in a 2005 Population-Based Survey in Nonsan, Korea (일개 도농복합시 영유아 예방접종 수첩의 정확도 평가)

  • Lee, Moo-Sik;Kim, Jee-Hee;Kim, Kwang-Hwan;Hong, Jee-Young;Lee, Jin-Yong;Kim, Keon-Yeop
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.113-119
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    • 2011
  • The aims of this study were to survey, evaluate the accuracy of personal immunization record of vaccination card, and to establish the applicability of personal immunization record for presuming population based immunization rate and evaluation method. In 2005, a population-based survey of 12-35 months old children was carried out in Nonsan, Korea. We conducted household survey and provider check using questionnaire and checklist to obtain data on immunization status for children. Total 11 vaccinations were checked in vaccination card such as BCG, hepatitis b, polio, chickenpox vaccine. For estimating accuracy of immunization status and dates of immunization, we estimated correspondence rate between data from personal vaccination card and data from medical records and immunization registry data. Accuracy of the child's vaccination card by type of National Immunization Program vaccine in whole medical institutions were from 41.8% to 83.2%. Accuracy for the date of vaccination of vaccination card in National Immunization Programme vaccine were from 55.3% to 89.7%. In spite of this study limitations, this study verified the validity of vaccination record of vaccination card substantially, but suggests more efforts to reassure the validity of vaccination card.

Up-to-date or Complete Immunization Coverage and Their Related Factors (영유아의 예방접종 및 그 관련요인)

  • Lee, Moo-Sik;Kim, Eun-Young;Kim, Keon-Yeop;Lee, Jin-Yong;Jang, Min-Young;Hong, Jee-Young
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.233-245
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: Understanding the predictor of immunization status in childhood is critical issue to improve National Immunization Program (NIP). The aims of this study were to verify the status of up-to-date or complete immunization coverage and to investigate its related factors. Methods: As of 2005, according to local residence registry data, there were 2,188 children who aged 12 to 35 months in Nonsan city, Korea. We conducted household survey for aged 12 to 35 months children, using questionnaires to obtain data on the status of immunization such as BCG, DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis), Polio, and MMR (mump, measles, rubella). Finally 1,472 participated in the survey. The operating definitions used in this study were following; "Complete immunization rate" refers to the rate of children who received all immunization within recommended age intervals fully "on-time"; "The 4:3:1 series" means status of receiving the fourth diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (4 DTP), the third Polio (3 Polio), and the first measles-mumps-rubella (1 MMR) doses. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to determine factors affecting complete vaccination coverage of children. Results: Immunization rates of vaccine based on the vaccination card were from 92.7% to 96.4% except 4th DTaP (79.3%). Complete immunization rate of Korea NIP was 74.0% and that of the 4:3:1 series was 77.1%. A parent as primary caregiver (OR 0.59, 95% CI 0.39-0.87 at 19-35 months of children's age) and first-born children (OR 1.79, 95% CI 1.05-3.03 at 24-35 months of children's age) were significantly related to complete immunization coverage of Korea NIP. And a parent as primary care giver (OR 0.58, 95% CI 0.38-0.88 at 19-35 months of children's age) and first-born children (OR 1.94, 95% CI 1.21-3.14 at 19-35 months, OR 2.23, 95% CI 1.27-3.91 at 24-35 months of children's age) were significantly related to complete immunization rate of 4:3:1 series. Conclusions: Government should take actions to increase complete immunization rate. In particular, intervention on the secondary caregiver and non-first-born children should be needed.

Impact of Awareness and Educational Experiences on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in the Ability to Execute of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation among Korean Adults (한국 성인에서 심폐소생술에 대한 인지, 교육경험이 그 시행능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jae-Kwang;Kim, Jeongwoo;Kim, Kunil;Kim, Keunhyung;Kim, Dongphil;Kim, Yuri;Moon, Seonggeun;Min, Byungju;Yu, Hwayoung;Lee, Chealim;Jeong, Wonyoung;Han, Changhun;Huh, Inho;Park, Jung Hee;Lee, Moo-Sik
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.234-249
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    • 2018
  • This study was performed to identify the impact of awareness and educational experiences on cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the ability to execute of cardiopulmonary resuscitation among Korean adults. This study used original data of 2014 Community Health Data Survey. 228,712 participants in this survey were resident in South Korea who is aged 19 or older on July 2014. Participants in this survey were sampled an average of 900 residents(target error ${\pm}3percent$) per community health center of Korea. Data were analyzed by using R 3.1.3 employing chi-squared test, fisher's exact analysis, and logistic regression analysis. Ability to execute CPR was significantly higher in males(3.34 time), higher the education level (1.61 times), the white color occupation (1.14 times), the higher the income level (1.07 times), the higher the education level (0.91 times), non-hypertensive patients (1.12 times), non-diabetic patients (1.16 times), non-dyslipidemic patients (0.86 times), non-stroke patients (0.30 times), CPR education experience group (3.25 times), CPR experience group with manikin-based training (4.30 times), higher subjective health status (1.08 times, 1.16 times) respectively. This study identified that awareness, educational experience, and mannequin-based learning experience of CPR impacted on the ability to execute CPR. Responding to education-related factors could contribute to reducing the rate of out-of-hospital acute cardiac arrest by improving the ability to execute CPR of the general public.

Factors Affecting Self-efficacy of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation(CPR) in Adults (일반 성인들의 심폐소생술 자기효능감에 미치는 영향 요인)

  • Jeon, So Youn
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.124-137
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was factors affecting self-efficacy of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in adults. Therefore, the provide basic data for strategy development to improve the performance rate of bystander CPR. Methods: The data were collected from 164,165 adults of the 2016 Korean Community Health Survey. The survey method was 1:1 interview with households, and the survey period was from August 16, 2016 to October 31, 2016. The survey variables were as follows: self-efficacy of CPR, awareness of CPR, training experience of CPR, demographic characteristics, medical characteristics, health promoting behaviors, and safety practices. Results: The rate of self-efficacy of CPR in adults was 60.6%. Factors affecting self-efficacy of CPR were age, sex, residence, education level, occupation, marital status, any CPR training, CPR training within the last 2 years, CPR training with manikin within the last 2 years, emergency room visit within the last 1 year, physical activity status, drive a bicycle, seat belts on rear seat, seat belts when riding a bus were statistically significant. Conclusions: In conclusion, in order to improve the self-efficacy of CPR in adults, the recent experience rate of CPR education, the practice rate of health promotion behavior, and the practice rate of safety behavior should be improved. The government should expand the provision of education programs to improve the self-efficacy of CPR and actively prepare national-level public advertisements strategies.