• 제목/요약/키워드: 노인 정신건강

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Relationship between Oral Health Behavior and Happiness Index in Elderly People (노인의 구강보건행태와 행복지수와의 관련성)

  • Lee, Hyun-Ok;Park, Ji-Young
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.415-423
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    • 2016
  • This study examined the relationship between oral health behaviors and in senior citizens to determine how to improve their happiness index. The subjects in this study were 260 senior citizens aged 65 years or older, who resided in North Jeolla Province. A survey was conducted from June 17 to 30, 2016. The happiness index of elderly people who brushed their teeth more often and had dental checkups on a regular basis was significantly higher (p<0.05). Evaluation of subfactors associated with quality of life related to oral health showed significant differences in functional disturbances according to gender, age, the presence or absence of a spouse, and the use or nonuse of dentifrice (p<0.05). Physical pain significantly varied with the presence or absence of a spouse, educational level, monthly mean allowance, and regular dental checkups (p<0.05); significant differences were found in psychological discomfort according to gender, tooth brushing frequency, and regular dental checkups (p<0.05). There were significant differences in declining physical capacity according to gender, age, educational level, and monthly mean allowance (p<0.05); waning mental capacity significantly differed with age, living alone or with another person, the presence or absence of a spouse, and regular dental checkups (p<0.05). The factors that influenced the happiness index in senior citizens were age, living alone or with another person, educational level, monthly mean allowance and the Oral Health Impact Profile score (p<0.05). The study showed that measures are needed to improve the quality of life and happiness index in elderly people, including the development of oral health programs for this population.

A Study on the Effect of Elderly Dementia Caregiver's Stress to their Suicidal Ideation -Mediating Effect of Self-efficacy- (치매노인 보호자의 부양스트레스가 자살샘각에 미치는 영향 -자기효능감의 매개효과-)

  • Jeong, Hwa-Cheol
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.167-182
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of care-giving stress of dementia elderly on the caregiver's suicidal ideation. In addition, mediating effect of self-efficacy was examined. In order to accomplish these purposes, a total of 336 who are caregivers of dementia elderly using self-report questionnaires. In this study, 325 elderly patients were used for final analysis. Date were analyzed by frequency and descriptive analysis, regression model analysis with SPSS 22.0. The analysis result of dementia elderly caregiver's symptoms showed that prevalence of suicidal ideation were 32.6%. Regression analysis was conducted under the control of dementia elderly's disease period, ratings, general characteristics and age, sex, educational background, occupation status, health status, living standard level of caregivers who were the subject of the survey. As a result, it was confirmed that the care giving stress had a statistically significant effect on suicidal ideation. Also, the self-efficacy of caregivers was found to partial mediate the relationship between care-giving stress and suicidal ideation(***p<.001). Based on this result, I suggested the various policies and the necessity of social welfare intervention to restore the mental health of caregivers of the elderly with dementia.

Domestic Research Trends of The Dementia Prevention Programs for The Elderly (노인 대상 치매예방프로그램 국내 연구동향)

  • Yang, Su-Kyung;Ko, Bo-Suk;Park, Jung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.131-143
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the research trend of the dementia prevention program in the elderly. Between 2000 and 2018, the Korean Research Information Service (Riss), Google Scholar Search, DBpia, Korea Academy of Science Information (Dissemination Prevention), Dementia Prevention Program, Dementia, The purpose of this study was to investigate the dementia prevention program for the elderly. Based on the analysis criteria and methods of the 404 papers, 36 papers were finally selected. The results of this study are as follows: First, as a result of analysis of the basic structure of the research data and program implementation structure, And, when applied quantitative research method, 25 cases showed a much higher tendency. As a result of analyzing trends of the implementation structure of dementia prevention program for the elderly, 11 were the most in the nursing home (elderly welfare hospital), and the proportion of elderly women was higher than that of male elderly. 65 years of age or older. Second, as a result of analyzing the type of intervention program for dementia prevention program, Third, the Korean version of the MMSE-K tool, which measures cognitive function, is the most frequently used dementia prevention program measurement tool and the result of analysis of effectiveness, Significant improvement in cognitive function. The results of this study suggest that the prevention of dementia for the elderly should be avoided from a fragmentary program and improve the cognitive function, mental behavior and lifestyle of the elderly, improve the healthy aging and quality of life, Suggesting that a program is required.

An Analysis on the Use of Hospitalization for the Elderly aged 65 or older in Yeongbuk, Gangwon-do (강원도 영북권역 65세 이상 노인인구 입원이용 분석)

  • Lee, Si-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Health Care and Life Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2021
  • This study analyzed all medical institutions located in the Yeongbuk area of Gangwon Province by dividing the use of medical institutions by "including nursing hospitals" and "excluding nursing hospitals" from 2003 to 2017. As a result, high blood pressure, dementia, musculoskeletal diseases, small-scale mechanical diseases, and other diseases were accounted for in the use of hospitalization for the elderly (including nursing hospitals) in the Yeongbuk region. In the case of hospitalization use of the elderly population (excluding nursing hospitals), blood and circulation machine diseases, digestive and urinary system diseases, mental diseases, and other diseases, including high blood pressure, were shown in the order. Therefore, the treatment and health care of the elderly are very important, and the expansion of public health organizations is necessary to establish governance with local medical institutions, organizations, universities, etc. Based on this, health projects should be carried out at a preventive level to maintain a healthy life for senior citizens in Yeongbuk, Gangwon-do.

A Convergence study of Water intake on relationship between Xerostomia, Halitosis, Oral microorganisms in the Elderly (노인의 수분섭취정도와 구강건조증, 구취, 구강미생물과의 관계에 대한 융합적 연구 (지역사회 거주 노인중심으로))

  • Joung, Hye-young;Choi, Yeonim;Choe, Hye-jeong;Jung, In-hoo
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.309-316
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    • 2019
  • The study was conducted to identify the relationship between the degree of water intake and xerostomia, halitosis, and oral microorganisms in 50 elderly living in the community and to utilize them as basic data for the development of a water intake enhancing program. The relationship between the general characteristics of the subjects and the variables was found to be statistically significant in both S. mutans and P. intermedia. There were statistically significant differences in P. intermedia among three groups with different water intakes. Based on the results of this study, it is necessary to study the improvement of oral health after development and application of water intake enhancing program.

The effect of the home environment on the relationship among walking limitation, disability and depression of older people (주택환경이 노년기 보행기능제한, 장애 및 우울의 관계에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Koo, Bon Mi;Lim, Yenjung;Chai, Choul Gyun
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.543-563
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    • 2020
  • As people age and their physical functions are declined, they stay longer in the home, thus being more affected by the home environment. Many studies have shown the association between the home environment and health. However, little is known about the effect of the home environment on disability and depression of older people with functional limitation. This study, therefore, aimed to examine the moderating effect of the home environment on the pathway between walking limitation and instrumental activity of daily living(IADL) disability, and the relationship between IADL disability and depression. We performed logistic regression and multiple linear regression analyses with data on 3,027 participants from the 2018 Seoul Aging Survey. As results, first, older people who lived home with poor conditions showed a higher risk of walking limitation(OR=1.487, 95% CI: 1.250 - 1.770), IADL disability(OR=1.594, 95% CI: 1.303 - 1.949), and depression(OR=1.943, 95% CI: 1.553 - 2.430). Second, the home environment moderated the relationship between walking limitation and IADL disability. Older people with walking limitation who lived in poor housing condition experienced more IADL disability than others. Third, after controlling for walking limitation, the home environment had significant moderating effect on the relationship between IADL disability and depression. Elderly with IADL disability living in poor home experienced higher risk of depression. Based on these results, the study suggests the necessity of home modification intervention targeting functional limitation of older adults as strategy for preventing disability and depression, and enabling aging in place.

The Effect of Settlement Inclusivity on Older People's Mental Health (정주환경 포용성이 고령층의 정신건강에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Sae Rom;Park, In Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.3-23
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to conceptualize the settlement inclusivity for overcoming social exclusion and the decline in quality of life of older people and to examine its effects on their mental health. The concept of the settlement inclusivity for older people focuses on the immediate environment around the place where they live. We proposed two domains for the conceptual framework; social domain that provides opportunities for community cohesion; spatial domain that provides security of residential area and access to basic services within walking distance. The social domain was represented by participation and interdependence, while the spatial domain by security and accessibility in the settlement inclusivity. Zero-inflated negative binomial regression model was constructed with 2017 National Survey of Older Koreans data to analyze the factors influencing depressive symptoms of older adults. The empirical results demonstrate that increased level of neighborhood network and social participation is associated with a decrease in the number of depressive symptoms. In addition, higher satisfaction in neighborhood environment and good accessibility to public transport/stores are associated with fewer depressive symptoms. Finally, housing condition and home ownership have a moderating effect on the relationship between social network/participation and depressive symptoms level, whereas they have no direct effects on depressive symptoms. This study demonstrates multi-dimensionally and mutually significant associations between settlement inclusivity and depressive symptoms for older people providing implications for urban planning and policies to improve mental well-being of older population.

A Comparative Study on Mental Health between Elderly Living Alone and Elderly Couples - Focus on Gender and Demographic Characteristics - (부부가구와 1인가구 노인의 정신건강 비교 - 성별 및 인구사회학적 특성을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Bo-Young;Kwon, Ho-Jang;Ha, Mi-Na;Burm, Eun-Ae
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.195-205
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study is to compare the difference in status between elderly individuals with and without a spouse. Methods: The study is based on the Fifth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(KNHAENS), between 2010 and 2012. Subjects were over the age of 65 years who participated in the survey. Chi-square test and logistic regression of complex sampling design of the KNHAENS and used the survey analysis method by SPSS (version 18). Results: Sleep time of female elders living alone was the shortest which was 2.59 times that of male elders living with a spouse. Stress awareness of female elders living with a spouse was the highest, which was 3.21 times that of male elders living with a spouse. Depression was the highest in female elders living alone, which was 2.26 times that of male elders living with a spouse. Suicidal idea was the strongest in female elders living alone, which was 2.87 times that of male elders living alone. Conclusion: Female elders living alone were weakest in regards to socio-economical aspect with the highest rate of poverty, low educational status, and unemployment. The mental health status of females was worse than that of males. In particular, the mental health status of females living alone was the worst.

The Effect of Leisure Activities on Depression in Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (조손가정 내 조부모의 여가활동이 우울감에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Yoon-Jung
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.299-313
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    • 2014
  • Recently, an interest on parenting stress and depression of grandparents raising grandchildren is rising according to the increase of working couple and divorce. Discussing around developmental task of elderly, one of the influencing factors on increase of grandparents' parenting stress and depression is leisure restriction. However, this factor has received far less rigorous analysis. Thus, the purpose of this article is to offer an analysis of the effect of leisure activities on depression in grandparents raising grandchildren. The data was collected from 172 grandparents raising their grandchildren in 2011 national survey results on the elderly life conditions. Their analyses were composed of descriptive statistic and multiple regression analysis. The study generated several findings. First, grandparents participated in activities for exercise and religion at a high rate and their mean score of depression was 7.1 of 15 what suggests middle level of depression. second, multiple regression analysis showed that the factor of exercise, travel experience, leisure activities satisfaction and other special leisure activities were statistically significant predictors of depression. Implication for social welfare services and programs to improve the mental health of grandparents raising their grandchildren to have positive self-awareness and attitude about life in their position and living condition for help prevent depression were discussed.

The Effects of Self-Efficacy and Social Support on the Quality of Life of the Elderly with Depression (자기효능감과 사회적 지원이 우울증 노인의 삶의 질에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Sun-Kyung
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.629-643
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is, by using the demographic variables, to identify self-efficacy, social support, and quality of life of the elderly with depression and to assess the impacts of these factors upon their quality of life. By analyzing the factors which have an impact upon the life quality of the elderly with depression, this study aims to provide important information which help understand them, and to find out what kind of care is necessary for their happy and satisfactory life. The study took purposive sampling and survey of 215 people among the elderly with depression who were under care of the outpatient clinics, day hospitals, and mental health clinics located in Seoul and Kyunggi Province, Korea. This study was conducted from November 10th to 20th, 2008 and the data were collected using the questionnaires of self-efficacy, social support, and quality of life scales. Using a SPSS/WIN 15.0 program, the analysis of the data showed the following results. First, among the demographic characteristics, the elderly with depression who were male, had spouse, higher education, no public assistance, shorter period of depression, and were healthy turned out to have higher self-efficacy. In terms of social support, the participants who had higher education, no public assistance, and were healthy turned out to have more social support. Further, in terms of quality of life, the variables of spouse, public assistance, period of depression, and health condition were statistically significant. Second, as a result of hierarchical regression, it appeared that the elderly with depression, who had higher self-efficacy, more social support, spouse, good health, no public assistance, and shorter period of depression, turned out to have higher quality of life. Based on the study findings, the implications of social work practice, policy, and future research were discussed.