• Title/Summary/Keyword: 노동투자수준

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The Development of a research model for Global Design (글로벌 디자인을 위한 연구 모델 구축)

  • 양종열;이유리;이건표
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Design Studies Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.112-113
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    • 2000
  • 시장의 글로벌화(globalization)는 오늘날 기업들이 직면한 가장 큰 도전이다$^1$). 국가경계의 급속한 붕괴, 지역간 통합(유럽 연합 [EU], 북미 자유 무역 협정, 동남 아시아 연합 등), 제조 기술의 표준화, 글로벌 투자와 글로벌 제품전략, 세계 여행의 확대, 교육과 지적 수준의 급속한 증가, 개발도상 국가들의 도시화, 국가간의 정보(월드 와이드 웹), 노동, 자본 및 테크놀로지의 자유로운 유통, 소비자 욕구와 구매력의 증가, 텔레커뮤니케이션 테크놀러지의 진보, 그리고 글로벌 미디어의 출현등은 각 국의 개별시장을 하나의 글로벌 시장으로 통합시키는 경향을 가속화시키고 있다.(중략)

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An Empirical Analysis of the Railroad R&D Stock (철도 R&D Stock에 대한 실증적 분석)

  • Park, Man-Soo;Moon, Dae-Seop;Lee, Hi-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.528-534
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    • 2010
  • In the new growth theory, R&D stock is the third factor of production excluding a labor and capital. In this point, a R&D stock is located in a capital which is accumulated by money like existing capital and this is a knowledge capital. The effort for escalating this knowledge capital is R&D investment and R&D stock is an accumulation of this. A contribution degree of the economic growth and a return of R&D investments are analyzed by an estimation of relation R&D stock and a total factor of productivity. This study analyzed R&D stock of railroad R&D investments and compared R&D stock with a technical level. So, a technical level is proportionally escalated following escalation of R&D stock. and compared railroad industry weight on the GDP with a railroad R&D stock weight on whole industries R&D stock. According to a relatively small railroad R&D stock weight against the railroad industry weight, a continuous railroad R&D investment is needed.

The Job Creation Effect of Government R&D Expenditures in Korean Manufacturing Sector (정부연구개발투자의 제조업 고용창출효과에 관한 실증분석)

  • Ha, Tae Jeong;Moon, Sunung
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2013
  • The objectives of this paper are to analyze the effect of government R&D expenditure on employment in the Korean manufacturing sector in which employment is rapidly declining. According to the results of our empirical analysis, government R&D expenditure decreases the level of employment in Korean manufacturing sector in short term period, but it has positive effect on employment by compensation effect in the middle and long term period. Second, the effect of private R&D expenditure on job creation is three times larger than that of government R&D expenditure. Third, costs of labor and capital has negative effect on employment. This study is believed to help understanding the relation between R&D expenditure and employment, and providing policy implications of how to plan and manage government R&D expenditure as a tool of job creation.

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Determinants of the Share of Labor Income among Primary Firms and Subcontractors (원·하청기업의 노동소득분배율 결정요인)

  • Moon, Young-Man;Kim, Jong-Ho
    • 사회경제평론
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.239-270
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    • 2018
  • This study empirically analyzed the labor income share of primary and subcontractors. The results are as follows. First, panel regression analysis showed that the variables of transaction concentration, outsourcing cost, capital intensity, and market share had a significant negative effect, while union organization rate and R & D investment had positive effects. In particular, the R & D variable had a negative effect on the share of labor income in the year of investment (t), but had a positive impact on the long-term (t-1, t-2). Second, the share of labor income during the last 11 years (2006~2016) was higher in subcontractors with lower wage levels. This analysis implies that the wage inequality between the primary and subcontracting enterprises can not be eliminated without improving the solvency of subcontractors.

An Panel Estimation on Change of Productivity for Korean Information and Technology Industry (한국 정보통신산업의 생산성 변화에 대한 패널추정)

  • Choi, Bong-Ho;Kim, Sang-Choon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.388-395
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to estimate change of productivity of information and technology industry and to induce policy implications. The method of analysis is panel data analysis based on 11 Korean information and technology industry cross-section and 8 years time series. The result of estimate shows that producitivity of labor and capital and information and technology industry is positive, total factor productivity of information and technology industry is also positive. but total factor productivity decreased after 2008. In addition, the productivity of labor was increased, but the productivity of capital input was decreased. It means that the productivity of Korean information and technology industry was not improved despite increasing of labor and capital investment.

The Effects of Education and Training on Labor Productivity of the Leading Firms in Busan (교육훈련투자가 생산성에 미치는 효과분석: 부산시 선도기업을 중심으로)

  • Ha, Bong-Chan;Choi, Hong-Bong
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.697-709
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of education and training on labor productivity of the leading firms in Busan during the period of 1999~2000. In order to control for firm heterogeneity and the endogeneity problem of education and training, we employed fixed effects model and 2SLS. Our empirical results showed that firms expenditures per capita on education and training were positively correlated with their labor productivity. We also tested whether the effects of education and training on labor productivity vary with firm size or across industries. It is shown that, while firm size makes no statistical differences, the effect of education and training on labor productivity is smaller in service industry than in manufacturing one. From heterogeneous effect of education and training across industries, we could infer that policies to support various education and training programs in service industry are needed to be reinforced to improve the competitiveness of service industry.

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Estimation of Environmental Performance in 29 Chinese Provinces - Focused on Integrated Pollution Intensity - (중국 29개 성의 환경성과 평가 - 통합오염원 단위를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Kwang-Uk;Piao, Huilan-Lan;Kang, Sang-Mok
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.71-91
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this paper is to estimate the environmental performance of 29 Chinese provinces by adopting the advanced measurements, integrated pollution intensity index, IPI, which can be computed using Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) techniques. This index has the advantage of accounting for multiple resources used, good outputs produced and pollutants emitted simultaneously. The result obtained using the methodology shows the obvious evidence that provinces located around eastern area of China take relatively low levels and these phenomenons have been clearly observed throughout the sample period 1998~2007. The estimated index can be interpreted that the environmental burden in China has been steadily decreased as economic growth. This paper also tries to figure out the relationship among IPI, income levels, economic structures, the level of environmental regulations and FDI inflow. The estimated relationship between IPI and income per capita predicts improving environmental performance with increasing income levels. This explains the improvement in IPI which is simultaneously observed with income increases. According to the 'pollution haven hypothesis', many researches have been concerned the possibility that a large amount of foreign capital has been invested in China to avoid the strict environmental standards in advanced countries. However, the estimated coefficients in all model specifications take negative sign with IPI and highly statistical significant. This is a indication that there are positive impacts of foreign investments on IPI by adopting clean and high technologies from advanced countries.

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Stereotypes and Inequality: A 'Signaling' Theory of Identity Choice (고정관념과 불평등: 정체성 선택에 관한 신호이론)

  • Kim, Young Chul;Loury, Glenn C.
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2012
  • We develop an identity choice model within the context of a stereotyping-cum-signaling framework. The model allows us to explore implications of the fact that, when individuals can choose identity, then the distribution of abilities within distinct identity groups becomes endogenous. This is significant because, when identity is exogenous and if the ability distributions within groups are the same, then inequality of group reputations in equilibrium can only arise if there is a positive feedback between group reputation and individual human capital investment activities (Arrow, 1973; Coate and Loury, 1993). Here we show that when group membership is endogenous then the logic of individuals' identity choices leads there to be a positive selection of higher ability individuals into the group with a better reputation. This happens because those for whom human-capital-investment is less costly are also those who stand to gain more from joining the favored group. As a result, ability distributions within distinct groups can endogenously diverge, reinforcing incentive-feedbacks. We develop the theoretical framework that can examine the positive selection and the endogenous group formation. The model implies that inequality deriving from stereotyping of endogenously constructed social groups is at least as great as the inequality that can emerge between exogenously given groups.

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Comparing the Locational Advantage for Developing Overseas Industrial Park (해외산업단지 조성을 위한 국가별 산업입지 비교우위에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, In-Seok;Seong, Jang-Hwan;Jeong, Yeun-Woo
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.225-234
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    • 2013
  • The indices to choose the object countries for developing overseas industrial park were developed and applied in this paper. The results are showing as follows. First, the Korean enterprises are branched out into total 128 countries as of the first quarter of 2010, and the 13 asian countries including China, Vietnam, Japan, and Hongkong shows the majority of precedence 20 countries among the reported during 1980-2010. Second, the 3 steps of selecting the principal region to branch out, establishing assessment indices and criteria, and choosing strategical target counties were developed to choose the countries for developing overseas industrial park. The 38 of 128 countries were selected where the GDP per capita is lower than Korea, and the local reports of incorporation during 2007-2010 are more than 10 times. Then, the 10 countries were excluded where the minimum wages during 2008-2009 are similar to Korean ($815/month). Consequently, the 28 countries including China, Vietnam, and Cambodia etc. were selected as the major target regions. Third, the indices to choose countries for developing overseas industrial park are classified into 5 categories-investment condition, labor market flexibility, potential market demand, population, changing rate of the reported number of manufacturing industry, and detailed indices for each category were selected, then the weight were given with the consideration of importance. Finally, Indonesia, Mongolia, and Uzbekistan were selected as the strategical target counties where acquire the high score in labor market flexibility and investment condition, relatively undeveloped, and friendly to Korea.

Academic Transfer, Self-Selection, and Returns to Education (대학편입, 자기선택, 교육투자 수익률에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Jin-tae;Kim, Sung-min
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.37-62
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    • 2019
  • We investigate the type of self-selection arising in college transfer in Korea, and then estimate the returns to additional college education gained through transfers from junior colleges to four-year colleges or universities. In this paper, we show that academic transfer is consistent with a positive selection hypothesis, in a sense that students with characteristics correlated positively to productivity are more likely to transfer to four-year colleges from junior colleges. These empirical results also meet an underlying dispersion condition. In addition, we find that the transferred would make a statistically significant return to additional college education.

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